On April 14 2014 07:49 The_Templar wrote:On April 14 2014 07:44 The_Templar wrote:On April 14 2014 07:42 The_Templar wrote:On April 14 2014 07:37 The_Templar wrote:WCS America Premier Grand Final
HyuN vs
Map: Yeonsu Hyun spawns in the top right
Oz spawns in the bottom left
Hyun getting a spawning pool at 14 supply.
Forge first from Oz.
Oz drops three pylons on the top of the ramp of Hyun.
Cannon from Oz.
Hyun pulled 8 workers to kill the pylons.
Hyun sneaks some zerglings past the wall.
Zerglings get into the natural of Oz. And kills the cannon.
Oz pulls probes and kills most of the zerglings.
Overlord was misrallied and dies.
Oz loses most of his high ground vision.
Oz sending a probe because the first one dies.
Oz walling off the main of Hyun.
Zerglings start attacking the wall and killing it.
Tons of zerglings from Hyun barely kill off the cannon.
Oz expanding.
Hyun re-taking his expansion.
Oz building his first gateway!
Hyun taking a third base.
Oz building a pylon at the third base of Hyun.
Oz builds two cannons at the third of Hyun.
Hyun has no idea.
Oz sacrifices a probe.
Hyun trying to kill a cannon with his queen.
Hyun taking a fourth base.
Oz even got a third cannon at Hyun's third.
Warpgate being researched.
+1 attack from Oz.
Oz getting two more gateways and a twilight council.
Hyun getting a roach warren.
HyuN 52 vs
Oz 57
Oz going up to 5 gateways.
Zergling speed on the way for Hyun.
Oz researching blink.
Hyun has creep spread across a third of the map.
Robotics facility on the way for Oz.
HyuN 75 vs
Oz 64
Lair is finished for Hyun, and Oz scouts it.
More sentries and zealots being warped in for Oz.
Hyun has 60 drones.
HyuN 112 vs
Oz 86
Oz moving out.
Oz placing proxy pylons.
Oz building a pylon next to the forward third of Hyun.
HyuN 145 vs
Oz 91
Oz goes for the third of Hyun.
Good FFs on all the roaches.
Zergling flank doesn't do much.
Mothership core dies.
+2 finishes.
HyuN 125 vs
Oz 91
Hyun gets on top of Oz's army.
Observer arrives for Oz.
Oz is pushed back but kills a lot.
Many of Oz's stalkers are on low HP.
HyuN 113 vs
Oz 89
Oz moves in again.
Hyun gets on top of the army.
Oz blinks into the main and Hyun kills the forward pylons.
Oz backs off.
Oz going for the creep tumors of Hyun.
Immortal for Oz.
Oz taking his third base.
Hyun getting more roaches and +2 ranged attack.
Hyun taking an unusual fourth base near the bottom right.
Oz snipes an overseer and backs off.
Hyun finally kills the cannon rush.
Burrow movement and burrow for Hyun.
Oz is on 4 immortals.
Hyun taking a 5th in the top left semi-island.
Oz moving forwards.
Hyun tries to backstab but then Oz threatens to backstab the counter-attack.
Hyun retreats and then aggressively engages.
Oz gets a good engagement in the center.
Oz moving forwards towards Hyun's third base.