On April 12 2014 05:59 The_Templar wrote:On April 12 2014 05:55 The_Templar wrote:On April 12 2014 05:51 The_Templar wrote:WCS America Premier Ro8
Polt vs
Map: Heavy Rain Polt spawns in the top
Revival spawns in the bottom
Polt getting a gas after his barracks.
Revival going hatchery first -->gas/pool.
Polt building a reaper.
Revival scouts with his overlord.
Second reaper for Polt.
4 zerglings + queens for Revival.
Polt expands to the low ground.
Polt gets into the main base.
Third reaper on the way.
Polt kills two zerglings with his first reaper.
Zergling speed on the way for Revival.
Polt getting a third CC and a factory.
Third reaper kills a bunch of zerglings with the other two.
Polt kills the queen!
Polt backs off as zergling speed finishes.
Hellions for Polt.
Revival taking a third.
Polt building two more barracks.
Revival building a roach warren.
Polt 47 vs
Revival 50
Stim for Polt.
Reaper from Polt scouts the main of Revival.
Revival getting a baneling nest.
Polt doing some damage to the third base.
Lots of roach/ling for Revival.
Polt 62 vs
Revival 71
Polt building a bunch of bunkers after scanning all the tech.
Revival drones up.
Roaches moving out.
Revival getting a lair and 2 evolution chambers.
Polt 79 vs
Revival 83
Engineering bay on the way for Revival.
Polt getting medivacs.
Roaches kill a hellion.
+1/1 for Revival with melee.
+1/1 for Polt.
Polt patrolling and killing a few roaches with hellions.
Polt 97 vs
Revival 100
Polt supply-blocks revival.
Marines going for the third while the roaches are elsewhere.
Revival has no banelings yet.
Baneling speed is half done.