HyuN's team owner has gone with HyuN's prize, and salary (over 23,000$)
So we are planning to support HyuN to play and cast!
We need your support!
Just watch world-class players's match and
and cheer for him! then save HyuN's smile 
Jan 3 12:00AM KST (Jan 2 07:00AM PDT 10:00AM EDT 4:00PM CET)
Myi.jjakji , Myi.StarDust , MC , AZUBU Symbol will play Ro4 bracket. (Ro4 bo3, Final Bo5)
here is match up !
HyuN, and Golden (sorry, we have terrible english)
Thank you for your interesting! see you! =)
Good initiative! Good luck.
Austria24417 Posts
I love you, Golden. I will help save Hyun.
Wow this seems like quite a sincere and appreciatively nice thing to do, even though it may not fully cover the owed money, I hope it encourages Hyun to stay as a pro gamer. What a Good Guy Golden!
Great gesture! I really like what you're doing for Esports (and especially Hyun). First the APM league and now this, good job Golden!
Australia54784 Posts
hi golden, i've added this to the calendar, let me know if the event is ok!
Wow, this is such a nice thing to do!! <3
I'l be there! :D
You're such a great person Golden, I'll be sure to watch so I can help support HyuN too
Will watch
Golden literally saving esports
awesome move by the players and Golden. i will tune in and support HyuN!
Golden, you're the best. ♥
is there some kind of tipjar for hyun? Would love to help him out after getting fucked over so badly EDIT: nvm im retarded its in the op lol
Really nice idea, #saveHyun
Wow, Golden seems like the nicest guy! Will watch!