On July 12 2013 20:06 Qwerty85 wrote: Damn I hate builds like 3 gate voidray or immortal busts. You can scout them and do everything possible but still fail miserably at defending it.
How boring would starcraft be if all you had to do is scout and do x and be fine? Execution is a major part of this game, and I would probably stop playing asap if it wouldn't matter at all.
It's caster's fault really, they are the ones who suggest that once you scout an all-in you should be able to defend it with ease.
I guess this is true in case of terran all-ins, since they all get nerfed to hell as soon as they are discovered and found effective (anyone remembers the 1-1-1? or the marauder-hellbat?)... but with P or Z it is a whole different story, pros die to a scouted build on regular basis.
He could have defended it. 2 or 3 bunkers next to each other, with those mines and possibly even a turret and/or scvs there to repair if you know Protoss has no second base is key. But his bunkers were too far from each other, couldn't attack at the same time and the mines went off rather random. One on the oracle, which is not the biggest threat in that allin so... yeah, he could have done a better job but I agree that some allins are strong even when scouted.
The turret would be most helpful, but placing bunkers close to each other? I can imagine you can them FF out all the scvs with 4 forcefields and take them down one by one. Then you ppl on TL could write "well, the bunkers should have been further apart"
Not being able to repair 3 bunkers that all fire at the same time is still better than 3 bunkers so far apart that only one can attack at a time :p! Also, wasn't too many sentries
On July 12 2013 20:22 NarutO wrote: I saw Last lead 3-0 over Rain and 3-0 over MC, just to lose both matches 3-4, everything is possible as long as you have a player standing. And guys, you just saw GENIUS take out 4 ST players and you believe its IMPOSSIBLE to come back when you just watched something that seems impossible?
It's not impossible. But Genius is going to slay this Avenge scrub