Ladies and gentlemen, it is page 143 and any patchzerg, balance related commentary and the usual bashing etc from this point on will be met with harsh moderation.
United Kingdom 38149 Posts
On December 01 2012 04:01 opterown wrote: Show nested quote + On December 01 2012 04:00 Asha` wrote: Why did Yoda have to lose to Polt. He has a much better shot of beating boring-toss =(
you're so mad
Only mildly annoyed. I really like Yoda =(
United States 23455 Posts
On December 01 2012 04:00 Asha` wrote: Why did Yoda have to lose to Polt. He has a much better shot of beating boring-toss =(
No he doesn't. Polt's beaten Creator the last two times they've faced. Polt's TvP is way better than Yoda's.
After 4x WB and 3x LB.Most likely winners: Leenock: 27.14% Creator: 23.69% HerO: 12.72% Symbol: 11.02% viOLet: 10.14% Polt: 7.02% TheStC: 3.15% Sleep: 2.21% Life: 0.82% TaeJa: 0.61% DongRaeGu: 0.43% Stephano: 0.16% Seed: 0.15% HyuN: 0.15% Bomber: 0.14% Squirtle: 0.14%details , data source , code + Show Spoiler [Life expectancies] + Leenock: 9.61 rounds (top 3) Creator: 9.35 rounds (top 4) Symbol: 8.88 rounds (top 4) HerO: 8.74 rounds (top 4) viOLet: 8.49 rounds (top 6) Polt: 8.00 rounds (top 6) Sleep: 7.58 rounds (top 6) TheStC: 7.50 rounds (top 6) Life: 5.83 rounds (top 12) TaeJa: 5.48 rounds (top 16) Scarlett: 4.83 rounds (top 16) YoDa: 4.74 rounds (top 16) San: 4.74 rounds (top 16) DongRaeGu: 4.71 rounds (top 16) Seed: 4.70 rounds (top 16) Bomber: 4.67 rounds (top 16) Crank: 4.55 rounds (top 16) Squirtle: 4.47 rounds (top 24) aLive: 4.46 rounds (top 24) xigua: 4.39 rounds (top 24) Ryung: 4.38 rounds (top 24) Snute: 4.38 rounds (top 24) HyuN: 4.24 rounds (top 24) Stephano: 4.22 rounds (top 24) Bogus: 4.11 rounds (top 24) Sniper: 4.10 rounds (top 24) MC: 3.78 rounds (top 24) BBoongBBoong: 3.68 rounds (top 24) Vortix: 3.56 rounds (top 24) HuK: 3.47 rounds (top 32) sculp: 3.35 rounds (top 32) Sea: 3.00 rounds (top 32) puCK: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ViBE: 2.00 rounds (top 40) goswser: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Naniwa: 2.00 rounds (top 40) MMA: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Shine: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ToD: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Heart: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Nerchio: 1.00 rounds (top 56) TubbyTheFat: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Byun: 1.00 rounds (top 56) CatZ: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Caliber: 1.00 rounds (top 56) HwangSin: 1.00 rounds (top 56) GanZi: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Golden: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Genius: 1.00 rounds (top 56) drewbie: 1.00 rounds (top 56) ByuL: 1.00 rounds (top 56) MaSsan: 1.00 rounds (top 56) luvsic: 1.00 rounds (top 56) LucifroN: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Sasquatch: 1.00 rounds (top 56) theognis: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Shuttle: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Glon: 0.00 rounds (top 72) sLivko: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Perfect: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Apocalypse: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Eifersuchtig: 0.00 rounds (top 72) TriMaster: 0.00 rounds (top 72) daisuki: 0.00 rounds (top 72) MajOr: 0.00 rounds (top 72)
+ Show Spoiler [Details] + Detailed placement probabilities Top 72 Top 56 Top 40 Top 32 Top 24 Top 16 Top 12 Top 8 Top 6 Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Win HyuN: 49.36% 15.46% 16.91% 8.13% 5.16% 2.21% 1.44% 0.65% 0.52% 0.15% BBoongBBoong: 65.36% 15.28% 10.87% 4.84% 2.43% 0.86% 0.22% 0.09% 0.04% Sea: 99.82% 0.18% Nerchio: 100.00% puCK: 100.00% Creator: 14.91% 9.04% 15.37% 10.19% 11.95% 14.86% 23.69% Shuttle: 100.00% DongRaeGu: 32.14% 25.69% 16.12% 10.31% 7.05% 3.34% 2.47% 1.29% 1.16% 0.43% TubbyTheFat: 100.00% Byun: 100.00% Squirtle: 45.14% 13.56% 16.81% 10.19% 7.43% 3.89% 1.57% 0.79% 0.48% 0.14% CatZ: 100.00% YoDa: 51.79% 31.69% 10.63% 3.27% 1.74% 0.61% 0.17% 0.08% 0.01% Sniper: 44.51% 31.29% 9.17% 7.74% 3.04% 2.21% 1.02% 0.54% 0.37% 0.11% Glon: 100.00% TheStC: 41.09% 17.83% 17.39% 8.44% 6.84% 5.25% 3.15% ViBE: 100.00% Vortix: 67.86% 18.01% 7.98% 3.61% 1.62% 0.55% 0.26% 0.07% 0.04% 0.00% Caliber: 100.00% Bomber: 24.11% 29.47% 23.49% 11.83% 5.34% 2.65% 1.65% 0.77% 0.54% 0.14% sLivko: 100.00% Life: 0.18% 24.63% 26.94% 21.63% 11.14% 6.15% 4.34% 2.20% 1.96% 0.82% Perfect: 100.00% HwangSin: 100.00% HuK: 68.95% 19.14% 9.02% 2.18% 0.48% 0.18% 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% Leenock: 11.31% 7.70% 15.48% 9.98% 12.67% 15.72% 27.14% Apocalypse: 100.00% GanZi: 100.00% goswser: 100.00% Ryung: 31.05% 29.07% 23.38% 9.42% 3.40% 2.23% 0.85% 0.33% 0.24% 0.04% Eifersuchtig: 100.00% Golden: 100.00% Genius: 100.00% Scarlett: 56.30% 22.25% 11.13% 6.01% 2.30% 1.23% 0.43% 0.29% 0.06% drewbie: 100.00% Naniwa: 100.00% TriMaster: 100.00% MC: 55.49% 27.51% 7.48% 5.66% 1.92% 1.18% 0.44% 0.18% 0.12% 0.01% daisuki: 100.00% MMA: 100.00% Shine: 100.00% sculp: 75.89% 16.06% 6.15% 1.44% 0.32% 0.10% 0.03% 0.00% Symbol: 15.15% 10.33% 23.18% 10.74% 14.86% 14.71% 11.02% ByuL: 100.00% Bogus: 54.86% 13.05% 14.62% 8.16% 5.24% 2.41% 0.91% 0.40% 0.28% 0.06% MaSsan: 100.00% luvsic: 100.00% LucifroN: 100.00% viOLet: 25.04% 11.74% 19.59% 8.92% 11.89% 12.68% 10.14% ToD: 100.00% Seed: 34.64% 19.25% 18.73% 11.04% 8.44% 4.31% 1.81% 0.94% 0.70% 0.15% Sasquatch: 100.00% Heart: 100.00% MajOr: 100.00% Stephano: 50.64% 15.07% 16.27% 8.02% 4.96% 2.27% 1.36% 0.71% 0.54% 0.16% theognis: 100.00% HerO: 21.59% 10.46% 19.11% 9.30% 12.64% 14.18% 12.72% TaeJa: 41.20% 19.27% 17.74% 8.04% 6.62% 3.15% 1.77% 1.60% 0.61% Polt: 32.49% 15.57% 17.81% 10.01% 8.95% 8.15% 7.02% Crank: 65.47% 21.30% 8.39% 3.41% 1.07% 0.24% 0.09% 0.02% 0.00% xigua: 73.38% 17.67% 6.07% 2.15% 0.58% 0.10% 0.03% 0.02% Sleep: 36.15% 18.22% 22.48% 7.39% 8.32% 5.22% 2.21% aLive: 69.47% 20.47% 6.39% 2.53% 0.73% 0.30% 0.07% 0.04% 0.00% Snute: 75.18% 15.64% 6.62% 1.74% 0.51% 0.21% 0.05% 0.03% 0.01% San: 54.47% 27.77% 11.08% 3.98% 1.47% 0.80% 0.27% 0.14% 0.01% Most likely to be eliminated by... HyuN: Stephano (49.36%) aLive (15.46%) DongRaeGu ( 8.39%) BBoongBBoong: Seed (65.36%) Crank (15.28%) Squirtle ( 5.17%) Sea: Life (99.82%) Snute ( 0.18%) Nerchio: Naniwa (100.00%) puCK: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Creator: Leenock (11.91%) Life ( 9.73%) HerO ( 8.92%) Shuttle: Nerchio (100.00%) DongRaeGu: Vortix (32.14%) Scarlett (25.69%) HyuN ( 6.51%) TubbyTheFat: Shine (100.00%) Byun: MMA (100.00%) Squirtle: Bogus (45.14%) xigua (13.56%) Seed ( 9.84%) CatZ: sculp (100.00%) YoDa: Ryung (39.89%) TaeJa (19.56%) HuK (11.90%) Sniper: MC (44.51%) TaeJa (31.29%) viOLet ( 4.28%) Glon: ViBE (100.00%) TheStC: DongRaeGu (12.51%) Creator ( 8.34%) Scarlett ( 8.19%) ViBE: Vortix (100.00%) Vortix: DongRaeGu (67.86%) Scarlett (18.01%) HyuN ( 3.11%) Caliber: ToD (100.00%) Bomber: San (29.47%) sculp (24.11%) Life (20.00%) sLivko: Vortix (100.00%) Life: Snute (24.63%) Bomber (14.89%) Polt (12.80%) Perfect: HwangSin (100.00%) HwangSin: Heart (100.00%) HuK: Ryung (68.95%) YoDa (19.14%) TaeJa ( 5.46%) Leenock: Creator (11.04%) HerO ( 9.57%) Symbol ( 8.65%) Apocalypse: GanZi (100.00%) GanZi: Stephano (100.00%) goswser: HuK (100.00%) Ryung: HuK (31.05%) YoDa (29.07%) TaeJa (14.52%) Eifersuchtig: Golden (100.00%) Golden: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Genius: Sea (100.00%) Scarlett: DongRaeGu (42.17%) Vortix (14.13%) Stephano ( 8.70%) drewbie: puCK (100.00%) Naniwa: Sea (100.00%) TriMaster: drewbie (100.00%) MC: Sniper (55.49%) TaeJa (27.51%) YoDa ( 3.46%) daisuki: MMA (100.00%) MMA: Squirtle (100.00%) Shine: sculp (100.00%) sculp: Bomber (75.89%) San (16.06%) Life ( 5.03%) Symbol: Leenock (14.71%) Creator (13.93%) HerO ( 7.62%) ByuL: Squirtle (100.00%) Bogus: Squirtle (54.86%) xigua (13.05%) Seed ( 8.24%) MaSsan: Sniper (100.00%) luvsic: ViBE (100.00%) LucifroN: Vortix (100.00%) viOLet: Leenock (13.26%) TaeJa (12.55%) Creator (12.17%) ToD: Sniper (100.00%) Seed: BBoongBBoo (34.64%) Crank (19.25%) Squirtle ( 9.33%) Sasquatch: HuK (100.00%) Heart: Stephano (100.00%) MajOr: Sasquatch (100.00%) Stephano: HyuN (50.64%) aLive (15.07%) DongRaeGu ( 7.95%) theognis: goswser (100.00%) HerO: Leenock (13.60%) Creator (13.07%) TaeJa (10.92%) TaeJa: Sniper (24.20%) MC (17.00%) viOLet ( 9.82%) Polt: Life (18.96%) Leenock ( 9.65%) Bomber ( 7.82%) Crank: Seed (46.12%) BBoongBBoo (19.35%) Squirtle ( 9.99%) xigua: Squirtle (41.29%) Bogus (32.09%) Seed ( 9.30%) Sleep: Seed (11.65%) Squirtle (10.10%) Leenock ( 8.94%) aLive: HyuN (35.18%) Stephano (34.29%) DongRaeGu ( 9.71%) Snute: Life (75.18%) Bomber ( 8.04%) San ( 6.79%) San: Bomber (46.42%) Life (23.21%) sculp ( 8.06%) Most likely to be sent to the losers' bracket by... HyuN: Creator (100.00%) BBoongBBoong: HyuN (100.00%) Sea: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Nerchio: puCK (100.00%) puCK: Creator (100.00%) Creator: Polt (37.72%) Leenock (24.26%) HerO ( 6.20%) Shuttle: Creator (100.00%) DongRaeGu: YoDa (100.00%) TubbyTheFat: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Byun: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Squirtle: YoDa (100.00%) CatZ: Squirtle (100.00%) YoDa: Polt (100.00%) Sniper: TheStC (100.00%) Glon: Sniper (100.00%) TheStC: Leenock (70.41%) Creator (13.59%) Polt ( 6.48%) ViBE: TheStC (100.00%) Vortix: Caliber (100.00%) Caliber: Bomber (100.00%) Bomber: TheStC (100.00%) sLivko: Bomber (100.00%) Life: Leenock (100.00%) Perfect: Life (100.00%) HwangSin: HuK (100.00%) HuK: Life (100.00%) Leenock: TheStC (29.93%) Creator (23.74%) Polt (10.23%) Apocalypse: Leenock (100.00%) GanZi: goswser (100.00%) goswser: Leenock (100.00%) Ryung: Scarlett (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Ryung (100.00%) Golden: Genius (100.00%) Genius: Ryung (100.00%) Scarlett: Sleep (100.00%) drewbie: Scarlett (100.00%) Naniwa: Scarlett (100.00%) TriMaster: Naniwa (100.00%) MC: Symbol (100.00%) daisuki: MC (100.00%) MMA: Shine (100.00%) Shine: MC (100.00%) sculp: Symbol (100.00%) Symbol: Sleep (35.66%) HerO (18.45%) viOLet (15.81%) ByuL: Symbol (100.00%) Bogus: viOLet (100.00%) MaSsan: Bogus (100.00%) luvsic: Bogus (100.00%) LucifroN: viOLet (100.00%) viOLet: HerO (52.79%) Symbol (15.53%) Leenock ( 8.32%) ToD: viOLet (100.00%) Seed: HerO (100.00%) Sasquatch: Seed (100.00%) Heart: Seed (100.00%) MajOr: Heart (100.00%) Stephano: HerO (100.00%) theognis: Stephano (100.00%) HerO: viOLet (47.65%) Symbol (16.38%) Leenock ( 9.53%) TaeJa: Creator (100.00%) Polt: Creator (62.91%) Leenock (17.65%) TheStC ( 4.93%) Crank: TheStC (100.00%) xigua: Leenock (100.00%) Sleep: Symbol (64.41%) HerO (12.60%) viOLet (11.12%) aLive: Symbol (100.00%) Snute: viOLet (100.00%) San: HerO (100.00%)
Australia 54784 Posts
sleep laying on that MMA and ryung BM
Sleep calling out mma and ryung, haha
Russian Federation 501 Posts
Alive must be happy to realise that he's gonna play the winner of Hyun vs Stephano LOL
United Kingdom 50293 Posts
I'm getting too aroused by sleep's voice o.O
Stephano blue zerg and Hyun red. The overlay is messed up
Sleep's voice makes me melt.
On December 01 2012 04:01 MrCon wrote: That aLive vs Symbol game 2 physically hurt me.
I feel you, the fact that Symbol got dropped 300 times yet kept refusing to put up a single sporecrawler had me baffled and annoyed.
Go Polt on the main stream! Gogo Frenchie on the 3rd, going to be tough here. Hyun going for some great aggression here.
Man Gom+IPL= some seriously crazy good production value. Probably been said before but I missed day 1.
4713 Posts
Polt's TvP is beastly, regardless of his form, his TvP was always stellar, he is definitely the better at that match up then Yoda.
Is this the best production of any SC2 tournament to date?
On December 01 2012 03:58 Topdoller wrote: Would love to see a mod on here and stop all this bitching about balance. Its getting way out of hand
that's what the report button is for. It draws their attention to the thread. Otherwise its like me sitting alone in the middle of the desert all alone, saying, "boy I wish person x was here." If they aren't here they can't see you saying you wish they were, and if they are, than your saying you wish they were was wasted. :D
On December 01 2012 04:03 Necro)Phagist( wrote: Man Gom+IPL= some seriously crazy good production value. Probably been said before but I missed day 1.
If you add DH downtime production and you would have the best production ever
Bogus vs Squirtle going on right now, damnit
Russian Federation 501 Posts
rooting for Sea, Goody on stimpack!!
On December 01 2012 04:03 Kasaraki wrote: Sleep's voice makes me melt.
More Sleep here:VIDEO
Too bad there is no Livestream with Lani this time! :D
Australia 54784 Posts
On December 01 2012 04:04 WindWolf wrote: Show nested quote + On December 01 2012 04:03 Necro)Phagist( wrote: Man Gom+IPL= some seriously crazy good production value. Probably been said before but I missed day 1.
If you add DH downtime production and you would have the best production ever
IPL downtime is pretty decent so far i guess