On November 08 2012 16:38 Belha wrote:
Let's see...
Infestor ball moving foward.
P army with Tempest:
a) Pull back (while shooting with the Tempest)
b) Stay and fight (and die)
c) Pull back
With tempest shooting speed, you can take at the most, 3 infestor or 3 bl (at most)
But eventually you have to engage. In a battle, Tempest suck, beacuse of the low dps. Z just have to move the ball, drops the infested rines as always, chain fungal to death, who cares the pathetic tempest dps (and a few corruptor will take them down efficiently anyways)? If the tempest use perfectly their range, the will die last, but they will die after the rest of the army got decimated (because infestor-blord not just win a battle, they rape).
Let's see...
Infestor ball moving foward.
P army with Tempest:
a) Pull back (while shooting with the Tempest)
b) Stay and fight (and die)
c) Pull back
With tempest shooting speed, you can take at the most, 3 infestor or 3 bl (at most)
But eventually you have to engage. In a battle, Tempest suck, beacuse of the low dps. Z just have to move the ball, drops the infested rines as always, chain fungal to death, who cares the pathetic tempest dps (and a few corruptor will take them down efficiently anyways)? If the tempest use perfectly their range, the will die last, but they will die after the rest of the army got decimated (because infestor-blord not just win a battle, they rape).
I imagine that things will get better if they overhaul Infestor design so that the Infestor/BL deathball isn't as invincible in all situations. Vortex might even get tweaked to remove the Archon toilet so that both players aren't forced to rely on the spell for the game's outcome.
Maybe tweaking Carriers to be able to switch targets within their massive Interceptor leash range might make them a more powerful but more micro-intensive siege unit.