On October 20 2012 18:16 Grimmyman123 wrote:
Game 7
Map: Daybreak
MVP looks collected now, after appearing ignorant towards himself after the end of the previous match.
Life finishes up with his coach, and prepares for the final game.
MVP spawns Top right, and Life spawns bottom Left.
Life 10 pools, and MVP is walling off at the top of his ramp with his depot and barracks, and not a command center first.
MVP starts a command center, only to cancel it when he sees the Zerglings.
The zerglings cannot do any damage, as the wall off is complete and a marine is out.
Life goes to a normal game, dropping a hatch at his natural, and gets one gas.
MVP makes the command center in the safety of his main base, and gets a reactor and a factory, with a 2nd factory following right after.
Life starts speed and a queen, while MVP drops his command center in his main and secures it with marines.
Life has no clue about the 2nd factory or the starport, but MVP reveals 2 hellions at one then the other watchtower.
Life has seen the star port but still not the 2nd factory, while MVP keeps his hellions under wraps.
A Spire on the way for Life while the hellions start out across the map, which MVP has complete vision control off.
10 hellions greet 3 queens and a spine crawler and some zerglings at Life's Natural expansion.
Zerglings get absolutely roasted by the hellions where were attacking Lifes third, and then they move to the natural expansion, and breach the defenses at Life's natural, killing 15 drones.
Mutas are out on the map having cleaned up in the first wave of hellions, and move to MVP's natural.
The lings with the mutas are completely shut down, hellions killing the lings, and marines taking care of the mutas forcing their retreat, all behind a solid wall off.
Hellions scouting the map, with the creep spread about half way across the map in both attacks paths.
zerglings look to deny the 3rd of MVP, but a small force returns the favor while MVP drops his 3rd command center.
Mutas are denied at the same time at MVPS main by turrents.
Life tries to deny a few hellions from scouting the map, while Life takes his 4th and 5th bases in the same minute.
MVP takes his tower with thors and hellions, and takes his 4th nearest the tower, and starts taking down the rock wall mid map.
Life looks to attacks and does so with a ling infestor and muta army, and MVP counter attacks with Thors and hellions at Life's 5th, and he finishes it off.
the MVP counter force is taken down with lings and roaches, and MVP doesnt have much left at his Planetary fortress.
Life pushes to MVP's natural expansion, and breaks down the wall, but restreats when the tanks start shelling the roaches.
The roaches attack the planteary, and Life commits all of his forces, infested terrans and all, finally taking down the plantary fortress.
MVP drops 3 starports down, realising that broodlords are impending, having not yet scouted the greatier spire still morphing.
MVP retakes and is building the command center in place at the 4th.
Life sends a stream of lings to harrass MVP's 3rd, but it is denied, and the few tanks clean up the roaches.
MVP is making thors and vikings to deal with the broodlords attacking the tanks at MVP's 4th which is complete, and the thors and vikings take care of all issue, but corruptors slowly streaming in take care of the viklings.
2 thors on the ground do their best to kill the broodlords and are successful, but infestors and roaches arrive to take care of the thors with infested terrans.
Life takes all of his forces to MVP's natural with lings and infestors, sending lings to MVP's 3rd and 4th as well.
MVP is trying to hold on, with the planetary still up at the 4th, but is barely mining anywhere.
MVP refuses to give up, with hellions and thors and tanks at the top of the natural ramp behind the rocks, and MVP moves out his SCV's to support the tank and hellion, which immediately get fungaled.
MVP, finally GG's having held on for as long as he possibly could.
Game 7
Map: Daybreak
MVP looks collected now, after appearing ignorant towards himself after the end of the previous match.
Life finishes up with his coach, and prepares for the final game.
MVP spawns Top right, and Life spawns bottom Left.
Life 10 pools, and MVP is walling off at the top of his ramp with his depot and barracks, and not a command center first.
MVP starts a command center, only to cancel it when he sees the Zerglings.
The zerglings cannot do any damage, as the wall off is complete and a marine is out.
Life goes to a normal game, dropping a hatch at his natural, and gets one gas.
MVP makes the command center in the safety of his main base, and gets a reactor and a factory, with a 2nd factory following right after.
Life starts speed and a queen, while MVP drops his command center in his main and secures it with marines.
Life has no clue about the 2nd factory or the starport, but MVP reveals 2 hellions at one then the other watchtower.
Life has seen the star port but still not the 2nd factory, while MVP keeps his hellions under wraps.
A Spire on the way for Life while the hellions start out across the map, which MVP has complete vision control off.
10 hellions greet 3 queens and a spine crawler and some zerglings at Life's Natural expansion.
Zerglings get absolutely roasted by the hellions where were attacking Lifes third, and then they move to the natural expansion, and breach the defenses at Life's natural, killing 15 drones.
Mutas are out on the map having cleaned up in the first wave of hellions, and move to MVP's natural.
The lings with the mutas are completely shut down, hellions killing the lings, and marines taking care of the mutas forcing their retreat, all behind a solid wall off.
Hellions scouting the map, with the creep spread about half way across the map in both attacks paths.
zerglings look to deny the 3rd of MVP, but a small force returns the favor while MVP drops his 3rd command center.
Mutas are denied at the same time at MVPS main by turrents.
Life tries to deny a few hellions from scouting the map, while Life takes his 4th and 5th bases in the same minute.
MVP takes his tower with thors and hellions, and takes his 4th nearest the tower, and starts taking down the rock wall mid map.
Life looks to attacks and does so with a ling infestor and muta army, and MVP counter attacks with Thors and hellions at Life's 5th, and he finishes it off.
the MVP counter force is taken down with lings and roaches, and MVP doesnt have much left at his Planetary fortress.
Life pushes to MVP's natural expansion, and breaks down the wall, but restreats when the tanks start shelling the roaches.
The roaches attack the planteary, and Life commits all of his forces, infested terrans and all, finally taking down the plantary fortress.
MVP drops 3 starports down, realising that broodlords are impending, having not yet scouted the greatier spire still morphing.
MVP retakes and is building the command center in place at the 4th.
Life sends a stream of lings to harrass MVP's 3rd, but it is denied, and the few tanks clean up the roaches.
MVP is making thors and vikings to deal with the broodlords attacking the tanks at MVP's 4th which is complete, and the thors and vikings take care of all issue, but corruptors slowly streaming in take care of the viklings.
2 thors on the ground do their best to kill the broodlords and are successful, but infestors and roaches arrive to take care of the thors with infested terrans.
Life takes all of his forces to MVP's natural with lings and infestors, sending lings to MVP's 3rd and 4th as well.
MVP is trying to hold on, with the planetary still up at the 4th, but is barely mining anywhere.
MVP refuses to give up, with hellions and thors and tanks at the top of the natural ramp behind the rocks, and MVP moves out his SCV's to support the tank and hellion, which immediately get fungaled.
MVP, finally GG's having held on for as long as he possibly could.