On July 27 2012 20:12 MonDeW wrote: Imagine how many fans seed is going to lose if he 4-0's MC. He promised fun games.
The fact that people still buy this is fucking hilarious. They aren't there to produce "fun games". They want to win 60 k and the title of Code S champion.
there won't be a 60k in the future if they pull games like this. short term greed ftl
sorry but that's absolutely stupid it's up to the players to make the game fun and exciting? what about integrity of the competition and pride of the player
as a competitor your one and only focus is winning, ALWAYS play to win if the game isn't fun to watch, and the best players can't make that fun, then it is the designers fault
Good games from seed.. What did you expect? HE did nothing but cheese/allin whole season. Hes trash player who just coinflips every game. Sadly current meta is good for such nobrain allin builds
i think in that last game, seed purposely sent 2-3 zealots in to the mineral line to draw MC's forces back so that he could freely send up his blink stalkers in without the fear of MC having a defensive position set up properly at his natural.
Funny how the discussion is going on here everyone hating on seed for playing to win while mc is usually ALWAYS doing that and then the mc fanboys come up with YA MAN HE PLAYS 2 WIN U DONT UNDERSTAND seed reversing roles and all are hating trolol
On July 27 2012 20:18 dakalro wrote: I think MC shouldn't have tried to "blind" expand. It's the finals, you won't get nice games from your opponent. Pretty poor choice of strats, hopefully not based on Seed's "I wanna show good games" :D I get the feeling in this last game MC will 1 base and not be too aggressive letting Seed get away with an expand.
Seed forced the expand by stealing the gas. That leaves MC to due a half-baked late tech build, or expand (good luck 4gating without having banked chrono for it first). MC's expansion was thus predictable and Seed picked a great build for punishing it, because any immortals or blink would be delayed, MC would have less units, and DTs were not an option.
On July 27 2012 20:17 Stormiii wrote: Here comes to show what happens when other player prepares with team and other one with ladder.
That's a good point and I was just thinking that as well. I'm sure MC has some practice partners but I doubt they are willing to spend as much time helping him as the IM Protosses are with Seed.