On December 30 2011 04:03 dani` wrote: Dark Templar drop seals the deal on Crevasse, White-Ra takes the series 4-0.
I think there was some chat in game 4 from Kas saying something along the lines of '4 games 4 all-ins' and White-Ra responding 'this is not an all-in' and Kas responding 'cool story :D' but I'm not sure ^^ I am not sure exactly about translation of White-ra's response (maybe someone can translate), but that was basically what they said. Which is funny considering White-ra did not do any complete all-ins in those games, at worst semi all-in in last game and timing attacks in game 2,3 and game 1 was base race 
EDIT: not to say White-ra did not play extremely risky, there were timing windows in all games I think where Kas could kill him or at least cause a lot of problems.
So, are the Money Talks continued in 2012  The poll is outdated and Duffs is having tech problems. Will there be any official statement from IMBAtv? Considering that today should be a stream up and we dont know anything, IMO there should be one.
On January 05 2012 20:04 SelfIgnition wrote:So, are the Money Talks continued in 2012  The poll is outdated and Duffs is having tech problems. Will there be any official statement from IMBAtv? Considering that today should be a stream up and we dont know anything, IMO there should be one.
Yea there will be a season 2 of Money Talks in 2012 we are actually working on it as we speak, we will make an announcement when everything is set for the event.
On December 23 2011 02:03 eYeball wrote: WhiteRa fuck yeah!!!
EDIT: Where can I watch last weeks VODS with WhiteRa and Feast?
on twitch.tv/imbalancedtv =) u just have to search a while cus it was some time ago,
Next KOTH go Stephano vs Mana it would be darn epic always amazing matchups with the young genuises from Europe
can't wait for us to start the event its gona be epic!
Some badass players coming in. Vote for your favorites to play.
Hells to the Yeah! I can't wait for this event. It's going to be sexual
Incontrol, just to see him get trashed by europeans
Russian Federation126 Posts
Beastyqt glglglg!
BlinG vs viOlet, now that's a match I want to see!
Incontrol should really appreciate his fans(which am sure he does), he always has a ton of support no matter what.
USA29055 Posts
I like to think I make it a pretty good point to thank my fans on a regular basis OO
go inc!!! excited to see what you can do with the training!
but I want all of them to compete
I love that picture of iNcontroL. So baller.
No snute yet
iNcontroL vote instead! Win iNc so I don't need to make that decision net week!
so its looking like a pvp so far REMEMBER! voting ends Wednesday night and the match will be Thursday! Still plenty of time for the outcome to change!