On August 17 2011 22:02 publicownerdeluxe wrote: reading the last pages of this thread (day9 vs rotti/kelly flames/useless banter about the stream(read the thread if you want help)), made me realise that tl isnt the site i thought it would be when i registered, and the site people told me it would be. i wont log in anymore, sorry to the guys working hard here, you will still get my clicks, but i dont want to be a part of this community.
sigh,your loss,TL is still the best.
It's just the lr threads
It's the internet in general.
nop,hes right,TL back in the when I was just a lurker was so much better, should have joined back then...
Just lucky Idra dropped out. Then the lr really goes crazy
Oh come on guys, what do you want in LR threads?
"Oh, what a riveting manouver with the army of our dear Mr. Min Chul"?
People are allowed to talk about what they want really. Why is everything labeled as bad?
If the stream sucks, cant people complain about it in the LR thread? I'm sure someone at ESL is reading the thread looking for feedback, its an excellent place to recieve it.
Well for one live report thread is supposed to mean people explain what is going on in the game for people unable to watch. Not to go on endless rantings against casters and flame wars...
so this kind of looks like the last game, commentators say early poking/defense by kas looks really good then mc wins five minutes later using forcefields