On July 11 2011 06:26 jmbthirteen wrote: They started on time yesterday. And people complained about the breaks. So they moved up the semi finals. Oh and they started on time today and just moved up the matches so there would be less down time because thats what the "community" wanted. And now people are still bitching.
And if the tournament is perfect people will bitch about brackets, or balance or whatever, they will always find something :p
On July 11 2011 06:30 henreiman wrote: LOL I got home from Day 2 yesterday super late and I slept in til now TT
I assume it's allowed...sorry if not...but can anyone give a quick recap of Sen v July and any of the funny quotes/happenings during or inbetween games?
Lindsey happened <3 Sen vs July was pretty intense Sen 3-1 July i believe g1: July wins with mass roach +1 timing attack g2: Sen defends g3: forget Sen wins g4: baneling + ling wars Sen wins g5: Intense base race sen wins
wow worst reason ever. its not even a free event. it cost $25 to get into.
"How DARE them inconvenience YOU during a free event for your entertainment. It's so selfish of them to bump up the start time so thousands of people won't be waiting around for hours. Fucking respecting their time, YOU are inconvenienced!!!111one
On July 11 2011 06:19 Tuk wrote: im happy for incontrol/gretorp casting its fair to them going on how much they've put into this and after all this time casting at this point they are pretty decent i dont see how people can call them bad
Exactly. I for one am thrilled that iNcontroL gets to cast these finals. He's put himself out there for this league where basically nothing has gone right, and most of the problems are beyond his control. Now he's retiring from it to pursue his playing career and all these people want to tell him he's not allowed to cast the finals just because Tastosis are in town? gtfo.
On July 11 2011 06:15 Reborn58 wrote: Why the fuck are the finals starting earlier than announced?
I planned my day to be there to watch then now I'm going to miss half of it at least. This is completely unprofessional and ridiculous.
User was temp banned for this post.
Wow, this got banned. The guy is really facing serious problems due to this, just put up a decent complaint, and got banned. Good job, TL admin.
Yep good job, whiners have place on TL, also check his posting record, its not great.
it's not whining
NASL had a schedule that the person planned around. NASL decides to change their schedule without giving people much time to adjust to the change , so the person should have the right to be mad/frustrated because he was expecting to be able to see all of the finals match based off of the old NASL schedule and now can't with the schedule change.
I've seen at least 300 comments asking for shorter breaks between matches and I guess they responded to the community. I'd be frustrated if I missed half the finals as well, but i'm not self-centred enough to complain that something that benefits thousands of people at the expense of maybe a few hundred is an unjust change.
Changing the schedule isn't the problem.
Changing it and not telling anyone is. They didn't mention at all that the 3rd place match would be early, and the only mention of the finals being early was Anna and then a tweet sent 5 minutes ago.
the real problem is with all the complaints that people have about nasl, is that they are purely because of what nasl decided to do
why have an hour between every match? why introduce players, then wait for players to setup, then show a half hour long intro video for each player, THEN start the game? why have the worst caster combination available at the venue cast the grand finals? (doesn't matter how good incontrol and gretorp are, any combination of day9 tasteless or artosis would be better)
most of the things people are complaining about, are the things nasl themselves chose to do and could easily change
On July 11 2011 06:30 henreiman wrote: LOL I got home from Day 2 yesterday super late and I slept in til now TT
I assume it's allowed...sorry if not...but can anyone give a quick recap of Sen v July and any of the funny quotes/happenings during or inbetween games?
Lindsey happened <3 Sen vs July was pretty intense Sen 3-1 July i believe g1: July wins with mass roach +1 timing attack g2: Sen defends g3: forget Sen wins g4: baneling + ling wars Sen wins g5: Intense base race sen wins