On May 22 2011 13:04 DoomsVille wrote: How can people say it's lag issues for MC? I mean Ace doesn't seem to have any problems playing on NA. In fact the majority of the koreans are doing extremely well in NASL.
I think the bigger issue is MC is taking NASL too lightly. He probably doesn't prepare anything specific for the games or review anything about his opponents. I bet his cockiness is what is holding him back.
The problem with lag is it varies, sometimes its really bad and other time not as much, but there definitely at least 1 sec delay. Also koreans doing well does not equal no lag, it just means some koreans are doing well despite lag. The fact there is a big discrepency between koreans offline events and onlines one just proves this problem. Lag is unfortunate but ineviatable. MC shoudl have chosen a less micro intensive attack, but then again pvp is the most micro intensive of all the match ups.
It varies when the Korean loses, it was extremely laggy, when the Korean wins, the lag was fine.
Having lag doesn't mean its impossible to win
Not much point in pointing out the fact that MC's forcefields were a tad late (probably lag-oriented) in the initial engagement there in game 2 when he ended up winning anyway.
On May 22 2011 13:04 DoomsVille wrote: How can people say it's lag issues for MC? I mean Ace doesn't seem to have any problems playing on NA. In fact the majority of the koreans are doing extremely well in NASL.
I think the bigger issue is MC is taking NASL too lightly. He probably doesn't prepare anything specific for the games or review anything about his opponents. I bet his cockiness is what is holding him back.
The problem with lag is it varies, sometimes its really bad and other time not as much, but there definitely at least 1 sec delay. Also koreans doing well does not equal no lag, it just means some koreans are doing well despite lag. The fact there is a big discrepency between koreans offline events and onlines one just proves this problem. Lag is unfortunate but ineviatable. MC shoudl have chosen a less micro intensive attack, but then again pvp is the most micro intensive of all the match ups.
It varies when the Korean loses, it was extremely laggy, when the Korean wins, the lag was fine.
Sounds like someone has not forgiven kr's bw dominance and is currently hating on all the koreans now that the stage is bit more balanced, no point arguing with someone whos opinion is set in stone, i guess.
Everyone complaining about who's better, MC or Hasuobs.... There's a reason they play more than a best of 1. No one is perfect. MC is allowed to drop a game if he's outplayed. He has lost games before.
On May 22 2011 13:04 DoomsVille wrote: How can people say it's lag issues for MC? I mean Ace doesn't seem to have any problems playing on NA. In fact the majority of the koreans are doing extremely well in NASL.
I think the bigger issue is MC is taking NASL too lightly. He probably doesn't prepare anything specific for the games or review anything about his opponents. I bet his cockiness is what is holding him back.
The problem with lag is it varies, sometimes its really bad and other time not as much, but there definitely at least 1 sec delay. Also koreans doing well does not equal no lag, it just means some koreans are doing well despite lag. The fact there is a big discrepency between koreans offline events and onlines one just proves this problem. Lag is unfortunate but ineviatable. MC shoudl have chosen a less micro intensive attack, but then again pvp is the most micro intensive of all the match ups.
Do you know how long 1 sec is? Its way less than 1sec delay.
I can say for sure that there is nowhere near a full 1 second delay, noone who has ever played an online game that actually had 1 second of lag could ever argue that by looking at the games.
On May 22 2011 13:08 iNcontroL wrote: @daemonjr if it was the nasl fault don't you think the issue would be widespread? Do you think it makes sense that of some 20k you are the only one with a proble But somehow it is the nasl's fault?
He was just asking if anyone was having the same problem and trying to figure out why it's happening since he thought he was doing everything right. Do you have any suggestions or ideas to help him?
On May 22 2011 12:54 Figgy wrote: MC's micro is horrible, the korean lag is really showing here. Makes me sad.
Stop with the excuses, he was outplayed.
That was a completely micro oriented situation. No outplaying happened.
He out microed him, thus he outplayed him. MC choose the strategy, he only has himself to blame, not lag.
It's pvp, every strategy requires micro.
All I'm hearing is excuse after excuse.
If you are trying to say hasuobs is a better player than mc, then you are just wrong.
First game, yeah he was, second game, no, Third game remains to be seen.
But still the lag excuse gets old.
I don't understand this type of argument. Sure, you judge a player's performance in each game, but there's also a player history, which tells you who is better.
Overall, MC is the better player, by far, even if he loses. Messi had a terrible WC with argentina, doesn't make him stop being the best player in the world, even if some players had a better tournament.
On May 22 2011 13:13 Shellshock1122 wrote: Everyone complaining about who's better, MC or Hasuobs.... There's a reason they play more than a best of 1. No one is perfect. MC is allowed to drop a game if he's outplayed. He has lost games before.
Do not forget, MC lost 2-0 vs polt. Out of the top 3 progamers, MC is definitely the most inconsistent (even though mvp did drop to code a)
On May 22 2011 13:04 DoomsVille wrote: How can people say it's lag issues for MC? I mean Ace doesn't seem to have any problems playing on NA. In fact the majority of the koreans are doing extremely well in NASL.
I think the bigger issue is MC is taking NASL too lightly. He probably doesn't prepare anything specific for the games or review anything about his opponents. I bet his cockiness is what is holding him back.
The problem with lag is it varies, sometimes its really bad and other time not as much, but there definitely at least 1 sec delay. Also koreans doing well does not equal no lag, it just means some koreans are doing well despite lag. The fact there is a big discrepency between koreans offline events and onlines one just proves this problem. Lag is unfortunate but ineviatable. MC shoudl have chosen a less micro intensive attack, but then again pvp is the most micro intensive of all the match ups.
It varies when the Korean loses, it was extremely laggy, when the Korean wins, the lag was fine.
Sounds like someone has not forgiven kr's bw dominance and is currently hating on all the koreans now that the stage is bit more balanced, no point arguing with someone whos opinion is set in stone, i guess.
I actually haven't watch any BW,
I'm just sick of the Korean Bias, Korean wins, OMG THEY ARE SO AWESOME. Foreigner wins, OMG LAG IS TEH SUCK. We play the same damn game people.
On May 22 2011 12:47 daemonjr wrote: I am logged in 1080p high stream and payed, but still getting adds, anyone else having this problem?
never had that happen
Im gonna flip out. I mean I am watching 1080 and if I'm not mistaken the only way to get 1080 is to pay for the stream, SO WHY WOULD THEY HAVE ADDS enabled for this stream? Not to mention being logged in, man NASL just continues to be a failure for me. First 5 weeks lag issues, now that it seems to be running good I am getting blasted with adds.
oh no, you have to watch an ad instead of a timer countdown for 1 minute in between games.
yes oh no, I paid for the right not to have to sit through it.
I am watching it through the TeamLiquid Link, I have logged out and back of justin.tv, made sure that my browser remembers me, this happened to me last night as well so Im not sure whats going on.
I'd try to watch via JTV or right on nasl.tv. Those are my only ideas.
Do you use firefox? There's some mozilla.com extensions/add ons you can download from ( These are the featured ones/official ) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/featured That should help you with whatever issue you had before, just find the ones you need.