[GSL] Code S Ro16 Day 2 - Page 132
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France29748 Posts
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United States1890 Posts
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844 Posts
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United States9561 Posts
I don't know if that's true. I'd have to check the VODs but at that point Anypro's force had shrunk a huge amount. | ||
Norway2066 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:07 TheTenthDoc wrote: He also lost because he sat his hydras in front of zealots taking maximum damage. ![]() That's just weak. It has nothing to do with balance either. But that small mismicro... came after really atrocious execution of the rush by anypro, and the game was already lost at that point in time. AnyPro did the rush really really bad, July defended really really well and had one small mismicro, which cost him a few units a few seconds before they would have otherwise died. Because of all the drones lost, AnyPro would have won anyway. There's no way to defend it when you scout it that late. That's just a metagame build. If he sacrificed the first overlord before the void ray comes out, he would have spotted it. But .... then he would probably be too early to definitively scout many other builds. One place July could have left a zergling on hold position is behind the nexus in range to see if it was canceled or not. Then he could have left another to spot the blind spot near anypro's base to see if he was leaving with his units. It might have given him enough time (might not too - that rush is sick). The third game, it was just a perfectly executed rush, and July chosing to hold with burrow roaches - which is the optimal choice if there's no robotics - but Anypro knew that when he was scouted, burrow would probably be made, so he made a robotics. If that robotics wasn't made, or was scouted making, it would have ended differently. Balance ... meh. Both rushes could theoretically be held, but they are very safe as in - there's not a lot zerg can do to punish the openings, and he is dependent on really really awesome scouting timings, whereas the protoss can just do the rush blind and have a very very high chance of succeeding. That's the nature of all ins though ... they are a good way for a player to beat someone they consider slightly better than themself. Which I think Anypro did in this matchup (he went for all in builds in all three games). | ||
Sweden992 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:15 namedplayer wrote: July didn't attack the pylon. that's all. He could have won that game. I think there were 4 pylons over there. One of which was above the 9 oclock base's ramp. Don't really think you want to fire on buildings when the opponent is standing in your expo. | ||
Finland5948 Posts
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United States2298 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:12 Itsmedudeman wrote: you think mass sentries and 2 cannons can hold off high economy roaches shows how much you know from just that Ok, how bout you get some common sense instead of making utterly idiotic responses? The guy I was responding to said, and I quote: 1. make drones 2. make roaches 3. kill everything he has because all he has are sentries and 2 cannons 4. win the game doesn't seem that hard to me Obviously the guy was referring to a roach all-in, given all of the whines about all ins in this thread. If its a "high economy roaches", why the fuck would a protoss have only sentries and 2 cannons? Youd have to be in goddamn balsa wood league to have only 2 cannons and sentries if its a 3 base roach push. dont even give me some BS, self-satisfied response "shows how much yo know from just that". my only remarks regarding game 3 were that, despite me being a zerg player, anypro deserved to win that game. so dont fucking talk to me like im whining about the last game here EDIT: Oh wait, it was you who said that original quote. That just makes this whole conversation even more ridiculous. So tell me. How bad are you that you think that any decent protoss would have only sentries and 2 cannons when the zerg has "high economy roaches"? "Showz how much u no frum just that" HERP DERP | ||
Australia155 Posts
On April 30 2011 17:56 pdd wrote: I don't think anypro knew about the 3rd expansion till he decided to push. I'm not sure though. Can't recall him scouting it. He might have sneaked a probe out or probably just assumed that there would have been an expansion by then. He saw July's drone heading toward the third when his second probe was scouting July's natural. Definitely seems like a razor-edge situation for Zerg. July scouted the 7-Gate as soon as could be reasonably expected (8:30 from memory) and produced not one drone after that point, plus got Roach speed/Burrow/Tunneling Claws. You can argue about the order he should have got these upgrades, but I doubt it would have mattered either way. Anypro just had too many units and too many FFs to deal with. You also can't reasonably expect July to sac his third and throw down spines at his natural. He'd lose too much income/production to keep up with anypro's two-base all-in. Infestors may have worked, but that's not something you can do on-the-fly for that attack. By the time you scout the 7-Gate its far too late to put down an Infestation Pit, plus the massive gas cost of the Pathogen Glands upgrade + Infestors means you don't have enough gas/minerals for the required Roaches + upgrades to deal with all those units. And with that many FFs, you can't go ling/Infestor as a response to it. In any case, I'm kinda stumped how he would deal with that timing. Hydras might have been good, but he'd need more gas and would subsequently have less mineral income. So yes, a razor-edge. | ||
Norway2066 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:14 MrCon wrote: The main problem is that July doesn't build a blind roach warren after his pool, I feel that it is a necessity. So when he scouts anypro's build, he can just decide to go kill him. Roach warren is a very cheap building, it should be auto-constructed after pool imo. At least it gives you the option to be aggressive. With July's build, his only option was to take a 3rd and hope. Cross position without roach speed? That would have been scouted and held by cannons. | ||
United States7116 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:15 Torpedo.Vegas wrote: I think Slayers_Alicia is in prime position right now. Slayers_Alicia, Slayers_MMA, and Slayers_Ryung, a Protoss, Terran and Zerg respectively have a strong SC2 future I think. Should get used to seeing those names. Ryung is a Terran. | ||
Australia9933 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:08 Zealot Lord wrote: I honestly don't get it - this isn't a game just about who can macro better.. anypro expanded first, had an economic lead and a tech lead, why should he not take advantage of the timing he has before July's double expo pays off? What's he supposed to do? Just wait around and let July build up or something? I don't even like anypro, but it was the perfect response and the build order/timing wise was executed very well. Problem is that that seems to be the only way that anypro can get away with winning. Yes, clearly he won the series by playing better (in that sense) than July, but this guy is so one dimensional, it makes Rain look flexible. Also, he makes so many sloppy mistakes, it's ridiculous how he's managed to consistently stay in Code S (manner blocking his Nexus, attacking his own Zealot, a bunch of other clumsy errors). It's just sad that players haven't caught up with his style and exposed him. And this is not a condescension, if he improves and shows some dynamics in how he plays and actually shows some brilliant skill-whether it be in terms of micro/decision making, then yeah, I'll gladly stop being anti-him. But for the moment I've seen nothing from him to show that he's Top 8 Code S. | ||
Norway2066 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:18 azarat wrote: He saw July's drone heading toward the third when his second probe was scouting July's natural. Definitely seems like a razor-edge situation for Zerg. July scouted the 7-Gate as soon as could be reasonably expected (8:30 from memory) and produced not one drone after that point, plus got Roach speed/Burrow/Tunneling Claws. You can argue about the order he should have got these upgrades, but I doubt it would have mattered either way. Anypro just had too many units and too many FFs to deal with. You also can't reasonably expect July to sac his third and throw down spines at his natural. He'd lose too much income/production to keep up with anypro's two-base all-in. Infestors may have worked, but that's not something you can do on-the-fly for that attack. By the time you scout the 7-Gate its far too late to put down an Infestation Pit, plus the massive gas cost of the Pathogen Glands upgrade + Infestors means you don't have enough gas/minerals for the required Roaches + upgrades to deal with all those units. And with that many FFs, you can't go ling/Infestor as a response to it. In any case, I'm kinda stumped how he would deal with that timing. Hydras might have been good, but he'd need more gas and would subsequently have less mineral income. So yes, a razor-edge. Hydras with lings, and 2 spines at expansion, 2 in the choke leading to his natural. Hydras with a good spread which they can have in that choke and on the ramp, with a couple spines and slowlings (or speedlings), will hold those rushes with sick dps. Can't forcefield off the army because of the spine crawlers either. But that's an inferior response to burrow roaches - if there's no robo - which he didn't know about, and he had just seen the whole base. | ||
Canada3609 Posts
Not a balance whine, it just doesn't bode well for variety in future rounds. | ||
United States19229 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:18 Supamang wrote: Ok, how bout you get some common sense instead of making utterly idiotic responses? The guy I was responding to said, and I quote: Obviously the guy was referring to a roach all-in, given all of the whines about all ins in this thread. If its a "high economy roaches", why the fuck would a protoss have only sentries and 2 cannons? Youd have to be in goddamn balsa wood league to have only 2 cannons and sentries if its a 3 base roach push. dont even give me some BS, self-satisfied response "shows how much yo know from just that". my only remarks regarding game 3 were that, despite me being a zerg player, anypro deserved to win that game. so dont fucking talk to me like im whining about the last game here EDIT: Oh wait, it was you who said that original quote. That just makes this whole conversation even more ridiculous. So tell me. How bad are you that you think that any decent protoss would have only sentries and 2 cannons when the zerg has "high economy roaches"? "Showz how much u no frum just that" HERP DERP rofl jesus how dumb are you? that was the EXACT build anypro was doing and there is NO SINGLE WAY anypro can know it's coming because the build looks standard until the roaches are at your front door when you do forge fast expand into building sentries you will not have map control for the first 10 minutes and july can choose to rush whenever he wants, it's not like he has to build the roach warren quickly honestly, do you even know what a high economy roach rush is? | ||
United States9561 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:17 aebriol wrote: That's just weak. It has nothing to do with balance either. But that small mismicro... came after really atrocious execution of the rush by anypro, and the game was already lost at that point in time. AnyPro did the rush really really bad, July defended really really well and had one small mismicro, which cost him a few units a few seconds before they would have otherwise died. Because of all the drones lost, AnyPro would have won anyway. There's no way to defend it when you scout it that late. That's just a metagame build. If he sacrificed the first overlord before the void ray comes out, he would have spotted it. But .... then he would probably be too early to definitively scout many other builds. One place July could have left a zergling on hold position is behind the nexus in range to see if it was canceled or not. Then he could have left another to spot the blind spot near anypro's base to see if he was leaving with his units. It might have given him enough time (might not too - that rush is sick). The third game, it was just a perfectly executed rush, and July chosing to hold with burrow roaches - which is the optimal choice if there's no robotics - but Anypro knew that when he was scouted, burrow would probably be made, so he made a robotics. If that robotics wasn't made, or was scouted making, it would have ended differently. Balance ... meh. Both rushes could theoretically be held, but they are very safe as in - there's not a lot zerg can do to punish the openings, and he is dependent on really really awesome scouting timings, whereas the protoss can just do the rush blind and have a very very high chance of succeeding. That's the nature of all ins though ... they are a good way for a player to beat someone they consider slightly better than themself. Which I think Anypro did in this matchup (he went for all in builds in all three games). Oh, I was more saying that July would have won the game if he had micro'd properly there (which he would have, I think). Could he have beaten a perfectly executed rush from the situation he was in? I'm not sure. Maybe if he had pulled both queens and more of his drones as well as pulled back all his lings (instead of going for the counter, at least I think he did that game maybe I'm mixing it up). | ||
United States707 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:21 pdd wrote: Problem is that that seems to be the only way that anypro can get away with winning. Yes, clearly he won the series by playing better (in that sense) than July, but this guy is so one dimensional, it makes Rain look flexible. It's just sad that players haven't caught up with his style and exposed him. i think the real problem is that people are putting to much faith into the players at the moment. I guess you could say the game isn't "figured out" enough at this point. I guarantee that any GSL player playing any other GSL player can take at least 2-3 games off them out of 10. I am positive though that players that are abusing all-ins though at the current moment will become distant memories in the not to far future with players like the code A top 8 rising up. | ||
nam nam
Sweden4672 Posts
On April 30 2011 17:53 HolyArrow wrote: I was going to say exactly that to support you, but you beat me to it. If a player beats another player in a series, the winner was the better player in that series. Overall, maybe not, but in that series, definitely. Otherwise, he wouldn't have won. Pretty obvious, though many people don't like admitting it. That's stupid. I'm not saying July is or isn't better than anypro but any sport/game that have an element of luck have the potential of the worse player winning. Just like in poker, an amateur can easily beat a pro, but in the long run the pro will get ahead. Similar in SC2 it's very much possible for a weaker player to beat a better, saying else wise is just ignorant. | ||
Ukraine1432 Posts
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Macedonia923 Posts
On April 30 2011 18:26 nam nam wrote: That's stupid. I'm not saying July is or isn't better than anypro but any sport/game that have an element of luck have the potential of the worse player winning. Just like in poker, an amateur can easily beat a pro, but in the long run the pro will get ahead. Similar in SC2 it's very much possible for a weaker player to beat a better, saying else wise is just ignorant. problem is poker is not decided in 3 deals, sc2 is ![]() | ||
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