On December 10 2010 19:34 DeathNTaxes wrote: MC isnt winning because he is better, he is winning because his build is better. SC2 is too much about build orders.
This makes absolutely no sense, are these build orders executing themselves?
Of course not, but the build order is so simple that i, a 1500 diamond player, could use it and own any terran that 2 rax expos.
On December 10 2010 19:36 Desutroyah wrote: How do you deal with that force field build... It seems so imba O_O Jinro played so safe O_O
Cloak banshee or a pdd/banshee build kill 3gate mass sentry nex. Cloak banshee is a bit worse because a 2gate robo nexus with same sentry count gets an observer.
Overall, banshee/raven/marine rush and thor rush are great against it. No clue if you can choose the transition in time (not from 2rax, but from 1rax fact) if you see more than 3 sentries early.
On December 10 2010 19:28 Mr. Nefarious wrote: GSL3 = cheese. Thanks Blizzard for making early rushes the best thing possible. So entertaining watch. At this rate they should just revert the reaper and all games could be finished by the five minute mark. I really hope they take a long, hard look at the early game. This is absolute garbage.
There wasn't any cheese in these first 2 games (the closest thing to it was the proxy fact from Jinro).
The ignorance of this post disgusts me.
cheese = strategical play to get an advantage during the first 3-5 minutes (phase of the game where u should build up economy)
You just described every fucking game ever? Or do you not play strategically or want to gain an advantage in the first 3-5 minutes?
If you don't know what cheese is, don't pretend you do -_-' It has nothing to do with attacking in the first 5 minutes.
To appease the TL masses Blizzard need to implement a 20 min no rush rule, because apparently rallying 1 gate zealots towards your opponents base is a cheese, and a fast expansion build with an attack before 20 minutes is also a cheese.
Are you people high on something?
Hope the rest of the games are longer but please people, get a grip.