GOMtv.net Today is Day 2 of Ro32 and we have 4 great games prepared for our fans. Fruitdealer will try not to repeat his failure from Season 2 and will try to redeem himself against sCfOu. Also LiquidRet will try to become the first foreign player of Season 3 to advance into of Ro16.
Going to be some good matches this week for forigners. I do hope ret starts it off with a nice win today and then idra and jinro follows up tomorrow with their own wins.
Would be so nice to see idra and jinro duke it out in RO8
On November 29 2010 16:36 fishinguy wrote: scfOu 2-0 Fruitdealer
You heard it here first folks.
Not sure. TvZ is the true test of skill for a terran player, if a T is good vs Z he'll be good vs P and T. But we didn't saw scfou play vs Z yet, and his play was good but not great against Lyn. We'll see. JSL or Alive would eat Fruitdealer alive imo, but sc...I dunno. Answer in 1 hour ! 2 hours in fact :D
Browsing TL, noticed GSL is on tonight. Cool stuff. Click to see who's playing:
No seriously, this is going to be the longest 2 hours and 10 minutes of my life plus however long it takes for the first two matches to finish waiting for this to happen. I need more Ret in my life.