On April 05 2010 22:02 iCCup.deL wrote:
Disconnecting obviously can only be tolerated to a point, but is it fair to DQ Catz in the finals for disconnecting when from what I hear he just regamed against other players?
I say you should stipulate how many d/cs a player is allowed in a single match before a forfeit win is awarded and not FF him in one match for a second offense when the first was in an entirely different match. Why should the current team get a free win when the previous didn't? Make a clear number of DC's allowed to regame but with leverage for discretion from the admins.
Sorry if this is incorrect but from what I read, he DC'd a couple times and was only punished in the finals which is unfair.
He had been disconnected quite often
It wasn't a DQ as much as get someone else to play for him if you read the full explanation.
The thing is drewbie had logged off, so they where down to a single player with stable internet and it was getting late. As I posted, if I allowed sheth to play again, 3/4 of their lives would have been taken by Sheth, which doesn't make sense in a team tournament. But yes time was a factor in the decision, which I think is reasonable considering it is a one day event and completing it in a reasonable time is important. Catz had already disconnected so many times giving him a regame was a risk of further delay.
obviously there was a tradeoff of finishing the tournament in an estimated reasonable time versus dealing with an unstable connection, also at the time Rise and I'm sure other players had to go to sleep shortly, and the already large delay from drops/dced just pushed the finals later for him.
Next week the tournament will start earlier to avoid these issues, but still dealing with disconnects is never easy, especially in a time constrained environment