The LotV Zerg Help Me Thread - Page 44
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Canada393 Posts
On October 28 2016 14:23 ummcarter wrote: I have a horrible habit of always clicking the select all army button as zerg. I've unbounded it, but I still click on the actually on screen button with my mouse instead of hot-keying my army. I feel like I could learn better if I was able to completely remove the "select all army" option altogether. Is there any way to do this? And if not whats the best way to get the habit of hotkeying armies? I'm trying egg hot-keying but it's just not working for me too well :/ Force your mind to learn by policing the things you do wrong. If you use select all army, put your army back where it was and re-do it without the hotkey. If you click the select all army button on the screen, leave the game. Hot-keying eggs is not an easy skill to master, but just keep practising it. The important thing is you're practising it and not falling back into bad habits. | ||
Germany3634 Posts
Since I think the patch will hit soonish it might be worth it to go and focus a bit on that. | ||
United States564 Posts
In a standard ZvZ, for example. I 17 hatch and get two injects with my queens. If I don't make like 12 lings and morph a few banes with that initial round of larvae, I feel like there is no way to beat someone who does morph 12 lings and got a bane at 30. So how do pros do it? How do they get a 3rd hatch so early AND not get bane nest? Are they scouting for something? or is this just the meta at high level? (I'm only diamond 3 so sorry if this is a noob question... ) | ||
Canada393 Posts
On October 29 2016 05:20 SkylineSC wrote: I see a lot of high level zvz where people go really early third and roach warren without bane and only like 6 lings... I just don't get how people do this and not just get killed by someone going 15 lings and straight banes. In a standard ZvZ, for example. I 17 hatch and get two injects with my queens. If I don't make like 12 lings and morph a few banes with that initial round of larvae, I feel like there is no way to beat someone who does morph 12 lings and got a bane at 30. So how do pros do it? How do they get a 3rd hatch so early AND not get bane nest? Are they scouting for something? or is this just the meta at high level? (I'm only diamond 3 so sorry if this is a noob question... ) on maps with with small openings at the natural you can get away with an early roach warren because you can wall easily and place a queen in the choke if he all ins. You can use your lings to continually check if he is making drones/lings as well. If he makes lings you also make lings/roach if your roach warren is early enough and then you're way ahead in drones and have a big lead. Because of that it's pretty rare to all in on this map. For the third hatch, if they all in and you have a third hatch you can cancel it and still be ahead right? Larva can't be both drones and units so if they make 20 lings to cancel your third then you should have ~10 more drones. Big thumbs up right? :p On a wider map such as king sejong or gettysburg it can be a lot harder. You can put the roach warren one hex away from the hatchery to put your queen inside which helps but you still have to play safer there/more aggressive | ||
29 Posts
I have a weird question: What unit do I make to counter cyclones.? It will sound dumb, but I´m literally master league (master 3 only tho) and I got destroyed twice by a diamond terran on ladder because I literally faced cyclones for the first time. Everything seems to get caught by that annoying lock on mode. I make roaches- they are too slow, get caught lings-get rekt by blue flame hellions and hellbats hydras-same as lings mutas-rip vs liberators Now, I thought about maybe lurkers? they outrange cyclones The other thing would be to turtle and go into broods? but that can´t be the onyl answer right? usually the army I lose to is around 60 % cyclone, 30 % hellions, 5 % libs and 5% banshees. Again, thanks for helping in advance ![]() | ||
United States4894 Posts
you say mutas die to liberators, but you can transition to muta against this style before there are high numbers of liberators, and cyclones are very bad against mutas. so if he has like 2 liberators when you pop 8-10 mutas his entire army has to retreat while he makes turrets or keeps liberators at home which gives you a lot of time to progress your tech and economy. and especially against a diamond terran you have a fair chance of just jumping onto his liberators before he realizes you have muta and killing them/camping his starport you can't just try to get to lurkers or hive against this style, you have to make army and play against it properly. using ravagers is tough at first but once you get to high numbers of them you can pretty much constantly deny terran from doing proper cyclone/hellion micro at all just by making the area near your army unsafe with corrosive biles | ||
Israel681 Posts
On November 02 2016 10:10 Zidaneix142 wrote: Alright, thanks in advance folks. I have a weird question: What unit do I make to counter cyclones.? It will sound dumb, but I´m literally master league (master 3 only tho) and I got destroyed twice by a diamond terran on ladder because I literally faced cyclones for the first time. Everything seems to get caught by that annoying lock on mode. I make roaches- they are too slow, get caught lings-get rekt by blue flame hellions and hellbats hydras-same as lings mutas-rip vs liberators Now, I thought about maybe lurkers? they outrange cyclones The other thing would be to turtle and go into broods? but that can´t be the onyl answer right? usually the army I lose to is around 60 % cyclone, 30 % hellions, 5 % libs and 5% banshees. Again, thanks for helping in advance ![]() Roach, ravager, burrow. The burrow breaks his lock, which means he has to either keep constantly scanning to deny it or scan as response, either way you engage, do a quick burrow-unburrow and keep pushing into his army. Speed roaches on creep are fast enough to deal damage then pull back, just don't let him kite you. Obviously if you get a surround you insta-win the game, and if you want to get fancy and he's wasting a lot of scans you can try to get the surround with some burrowed or even burrow move roaches. If you sniff this out early then a quick spire on three base can actually shut this down completely and deny his third for very long. roach example: | ||
29 Posts
I´ll keep that in mind, makes me comfortable for future cyclone-opponents, knowing what to play. Kind regards ![]() | ||
United States44 Posts
On October 29 2016 05:20 SkylineSC wrote: I see a lot of high level zvz where people go really early third and roach warren without bane and only like 6 lings... I just don't get how people do this and not just get killed by someone going 15 lings and straight banes. In a standard ZvZ, for example. I 17 hatch and get two injects with my queens. If I don't make like 12 lings and morph a few banes with that initial round of larvae, I feel like there is no way to beat someone who does morph 12 lings and got a bane at 30. So how do pros do it? How do they get a 3rd hatch so early AND not get bane nest? Are they scouting for something? or is this just the meta at high level? (I'm only diamond 3 so sorry if this is a noob question... ) Here's PiG talking about that a little bit. I like the round or two of lings as I take the roach warren. I find that I can buy enough time to get roaches out if I have lings to harass or dance with depending on my opponent. The VoD showcases the strong counter attack that skipping baneling nest allows you. | ||
Switzerland1507 Posts
On October 29 2016 05:20 SkylineSC wrote: I see a lot of high level zvz where people go really early third and roach warren without bane and only like 6 lings... I just don't get how people do this and not just get killed by someone going 15 lings and straight banes. In a standard ZvZ, for example. I 17 hatch and get two injects with my queens. If I don't make like 12 lings and morph a few banes with that initial round of larvae, I feel like there is no way to beat someone who does morph 12 lings and got a bane at 30. So how do pros do it? How do they get a 3rd hatch so early AND not get bane nest? Are they scouting for something? or is this just the meta at high level? (I'm only diamond 3 so sorry if this is a noob question... ) If I scout no bane nest and have less than 7 drones at my natural I just go mass ling baneling and kill them. Skipping the Bane nest is incredibly greedy. | ||
Switzerland1507 Posts
On November 02 2016 10:10 Zidaneix142 wrote: Alright, thanks in advance folks. I have a weird question: What unit do I make to counter cyclones.? It will sound dumb, but I´m literally master league (master 3 only tho) and I got destroyed twice by a diamond terran on ladder because I literally faced cyclones for the first time. Everything seems to get caught by that annoying lock on mode. I make roaches- they are too slow, get caught lings-get rekt by blue flame hellions and hellbats hydras-same as lings mutas-rip vs liberators Now, I thought about maybe lurkers? they outrange cyclones The other thing would be to turtle and go into broods? but that can´t be the onyl answer right? usually the army I lose to is around 60 % cyclone, 30 % hellions, 5 % libs and 5% banshees. Again, thanks for helping in advance ![]() I made a video on dealing with Cyclone Hellbat (Tank) here: Basically pure Roach Ravager. If he also adds banshees you need to adjust and add a couple hydras / corruptors. NEVER go Mutalisk vs Cyclones. | ||
United States4894 Posts
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Germany15868 Posts
On November 04 2016 23:54 brickrd wrote: ive definitely seen pro level games where they experimented with mass cyclone comps and got obliterated by muta yeah cyclones don't do well against mutas especially if you combine them with lings to trigger lock-ons. I guess it's more that it's hard to get out mutas without dying/taking big damage and for the cyclone player it's easy to switch to thor production or even liberators if he has starports. | ||
Italy460 Posts
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Switzerland1507 Posts
On November 08 2016 00:26 Aegwynn wrote: Railgan is right, whatever you do, never ever go for mutas or hydras~ | ||
Spain60 Posts
Diamond Zerg here! I have a lot of problems vs P because I don't know wich units make in an standard game. I like play macro games, I scout my opponent and I usually see his is going for an standad ground army (some immortals, stalkers, zealots and some centries) but I don't know what units I have to make to hold the mid game push. Roaches are deleted by imos, and lings by zealots, make mutas is like an all-in. Any tips? Thanks in advance | ||
11 Posts
On November 10 2016 21:36 Destruktor wrote: Hi guys! Diamond Zerg here! I have a lot of problems vs P because I don't know wich units make in an standard game. I like play macro games, I scout my opponent and I usually see his is going for an standad ground army (some immortals, stalkers, zealots and some centries) but I don't know what units I have to make to hold the mid game push. Roaches are deleted by imos, and lings by zealots, make mutas is like an all-in. Any tips? Thanks in advance ravager/ling/bane with bane drops into hive. | ||
2949 Posts
On November 10 2016 21:36 Destruktor wrote: Hi guys! Diamond Zerg here! I have a lot of problems vs P because I don't know wich units make in an standard game. I like play macro games, I scout my opponent and I usually see his is going for an standad ground army (some immortals, stalkers, zealots and some centries) but I don't know what units I have to make to hold the mid game push. Roaches are deleted by imos, and lings by zealots, make mutas is like an all-in. Any tips? Thanks in advance I'm in Diamond as well and Roach(/Ravager)/Hydra works quite well for me. Most Protoss in Diamond seem to go for some mid game push, which just get wrecked if you got some Hydras out. Afterwards I just transition into Lurkers and end the game. Dunno if this is going to work in higher leagues, but that's what I'm doing right now. I'm however completely lost against Terran Mech. Bio is no problem, because I normally manage to outmacro my opponents and defend everything they throw at me. Against Mech I always feel like I've got to attack. At the same time, every attempt to do any dmg just seems to fail miserably. And late game, the mech army just stomps me. Any general tips how to approach ZvT(mech)? I have no idea what units to build, or even what the general gameplan is... I'm just lucky that pretty much no one seems to play mech. But when they do, I lose 100%. + what's the savest ZvZ build out there? I'm pretty confident in my macro games, that's why I tend to play insanely save in all matchups. In ZvZ, however, I'm getting ran over early on way too often for my liking. So, I know how the matchup works after the early game phase, but the early game just throws me off quite often. | ||
47656 Posts
On November 12 2016 19:48 Swisslink wrote: I'm however completely lost against Terran Mech. Bio is no problem, because I normally manage to outmacro my opponents and defend everything they throw at me. Against Mech I always feel like I've got to attack. At the same time, every attempt to do any dmg just seems to fail miserably. And late game, the mech army just stomps me. Any general tips how to approach ZvT(mech)? I have no idea what units to build, or even what the general gameplan is... I'm just lucky that pretty much no one seems to play mech. But when they do, I lose 100%. roach/hydra/viper on the ladder, I personally don't enjoy that playstyle and aim to kill every mech player with a BL all-in (I rush greater spire with barely any units out (some roach/ling and safety hydra den just in case of some timing)) and then push out with broods and the ground army while on 4 bases. The scrub mech players in Diamond usually just die to this and flame me. On test map: mass hydra with vipers. Literally just mass hydralisks, don't make other units. | ||
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