This build got me 67% win rate in high diamond last season.. I've beat quite a few low masters with it. I spawn as random... But I often reveal what I am and always tell when asked. It works against everything they throw at you early game. 10p no prob, hatch first no prob, 3 hatch before pool please do 14/15 pool with gas has the best chance of coming out even or ahead for zerg. I see mostly 15 pools because I'm random.. and that's generally safe against everything.
This build is way outside the meta. It's not for everyone. But it IS a lot of fun. This build is user friendly when your natural can easily be walled, I don't recommend this on a variety of #dreampool maps. Xel'naga and Metalopolis will not be a fun time with this build. (I did just use it on xel'naga and won, but I don't recommend it) Large 4 player maps like deadwing is harder to pull off but still do-able.. mostly because of greedy play from zergs
ok, on to the build.
Step 1. Probe production non-stop 9- As random I always 9 pylon scout. Gotta check for them early pools. Pylon goes at your main ramp. 13/14- gateway depending on your preference, I like 14, If you scout 10p put it down earlier obviously. 16- second pylon at main ramp. Back up pylon in case 10pool comes and you scouted wrong starting position. 17- second gateway at your ramp. Leave only 1 zealot width to pass through. Walling is essential as this is a sentry-less build (omg you crazy) 20- take 1 gas and put 3 probes on it *keep an eye on pylon timings, don't want supply blocks as they ruin this build big time
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/atb4fHv.png)
Step 2. Chrono goes exclusively into probes until your first gateway finnishes. If timed correctly you will have a chrono for your first zealot. You're making 5 total zealots. Your 4th pylon goes at your natural ramp Once you que the 5th zealot stop probe production. As soon as it pops send them on their way to the zerg... and Build your natural nexus ___________________________________
ok at this point if you haven't faced a 10p your zerg opponent is confused. Common reactions: 1 or 2 spines at natural (sometimes Ive even seen 3?!?) a shit ton of lings and queens a rushed roach warren and 4 or 5 roaches or he is completely blind sided and you just win the game
Step 3. As your amazing zealots trudge to the zerg, I recommend building a 6th zealot if they have speed or there's way more lings than you thought. I often skip him though. Then drop a forge and cyber at your natural ramp make another pylon to tighten the wall and start 2nd gas you can start probes again
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QR4LVMB.png)
Step 4. Judgement call with zealots. if you see ample defense turn around and save zealots. If you can trade efficiently or deal damage just attack with them. Losing them is ok if they trade well.. you just dont want to have 25 lings or a bunch of roaches left over for a big counter attack. If they over commit to natural defense- jut walk by it and go into their main. queens are slow and spines take forever. IGNORE any early 3rd they may haven taken. If they built a 3rd they will likely take massive damage from zealots or die outright.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tn2YZ7k.png)
Step 5. Make a single cannon at your natural if you see no roaches.. make 2 if you see roaches the second the cyber is done make a stargate, start your msc and warp tech.. You can afford it all at once since you've been banking gas off 1 assimilator Send the msc to their 3rd spaning loc to check for 3rd as soon as it's done. Make a voidray ASAP and chrono it. The goal with the msc and voidray is to deny 3rd. If you saved zealots send them along too... it is usually easier to kill it with them. If no 3rd just sit at home and macro, you're ahead!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/AMyP6e4.png)
Step 6. Choices! You can drop a 3rd with your void defense, drop more gas and make collosus, or just add a ton of gates and all-in. Keep an eye out for muta! Surprise muta do well vs. this so try your best to scout for spire.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Pmk5OnS.png)
How do I lose? I lose to 2 base Hydra/ling. Usually a terrible build vs protoss but if they rush it fast enough and I'm too greedy I do die.
Have fun let me know if you try it out! I have some replays if you want to see it in action!
As a fellow member of team NEFN I can confirm that this build works.
It sounds dumb.
As hell.
But it works.
so...play a weird HuK build without sentries...
I'll try it out on ladder :3
On November 14 2014 02:43 Cricketer12 wrote: so...play a weird HuK build without sentries...
well it's more of a setup to whatever you want. standard protoss deathball you know...
your Country52797 Posts
This looks like every PvZ I play, except it apparently actually wins games. Must try this out some time...
What exactly distinguishes this from a 2gate opening into expand? This is a pretty common build.
Seems like a fun build but I personally don't think it's that viable. Of course, I could be wrong! I'm guessing you attack right around 6:00 mark with 5 zealots? I don't see how a 2 Hatch/Pool with some form of early gas into a slightly delayed 3rd(soO style) doesn't completely shut this down. Even 3 Hatch into pool seems fine, albeit with a bit of early micro if you push out with your first 2 zealots. From there you can either counter/deny your natrual right? Or power drone and still hit a pre 11:00 min timing with 12+ ranged hydra and 40+ speedling.
Replays and timings would be nice.
On November 14 2014 03:39 11B wrote:Seems like a fun build but I personally don't think it's that viable.  Of course, I could be wrong! I'm guessing you attack right around 6:00 mark with 5 zealots? I don't see how a 2 Hatch/Pool with some form of early gas into a slightly delayed 3rd(soO style) doesn't completely shut this down. Even 3 Hatch into pool seems fine, albeit with a bit of early micro if you push out with your first 2 zealots. From there you can either counter/deny your natrual right? Or power drone and still hit a pre 11:00 min timing with 12+ ranged hydra and 40+ speedling. Replays and timings would be nice.
Depends on your definition of "viable" of course. Could Life stop this with nothing but amazing queen/ling micro? Probably. Does it win ladder games against low Masters players? Definitely. I've seen this build in action - it sounds retarded. It looks retarded. It's out of the meta. It wins games. If you're a ladder hero trying to get some ez PvZ wins try it out.
On November 14 2014 03:21 Defenestrator wrote: What exactly distinguishes this from a 2gate opening into expand? This is a pretty common build. Is that really true? I've literally never seen a pro open 2gate. Also I am a zerg main with 1000+ ladder games and I can only recall 1-2 occasions where someone 2gated me. It was popular in BW but didn't seem to make it to SC2.
On November 14 2014 03:21 Defenestrator wrote: What exactly distinguishes this from a 2gate opening into expand? This is a pretty common build.
lol really? interesting... i have like 2K plus games as zerg and have never once seen 2 gate into expand proxy gates maybe.. but that is NOT and expand build
On November 14 2014 03:39 11B wrote:Seems like a fun build but I personally don't think it's that viable.  Of course, I could be wrong! I'm guessing you attack right around 6:00 mark with 5 zealots? I don't see how a 2 Hatch/Pool with some form of early gas into a slightly delayed 3rd(soO style) doesn't completely shut this down. Even 3 Hatch into pool seems fine, albeit with a bit of early micro if you push out with your first 2 zealots. From there you can either counter/deny your natrual right? Or power drone and still hit a pre 11:00 min timing with 12+ ranged hydra and 40+ speedling. Replays and timings would be nice.
thanks for the comment! I've seen all kinds of reactions to it when scouted. The goal isnt necessarily to have the zealots to kill them. it's to generate a reaction. If they over make units, losing larva that early is big for zerg. and f they under prepare they will take damage.
I just checked on sc2gears, the 5th zealot finishes around 3:24 so regardless of the distance to your opponents base it hits way before 6 mins. In fact i start the void around 5:40 not sure if sc2gears is real time or blizz time though
The last guy who tried 3 hatch before pool vs. this was on habitation station.. he took the gold... he still lost though.
Fair enough. In my thinking, the zealots aren't ending the game versus a decent player. Protoss has delayed their tech, income, and most importantly, sentry count to what end? If the zealots get some work done or the Zerg reacts wrong then everything is GREAT! If not I don't see how the Protoss player isn't very far behind.
Although I'm way way out of practice, I'd be more than willing to mess around with a few games vs the build. Would help me learn to defend and maybe, if I play "ok", might help refine the build order for the OP.
EDIT: upload the replay man!! I messed around with Toss before making even my 1st post and with a 14g/17g I wasn't able to finish 5 zealots anywhere near that early.
actually judging from my screen shot looks like sc2gears is real time.. since my stargate is warping in at 7min mark in game.
On November 14 2014 04:13 11B wrote:Fair enough.  In my thinking, the zealots aren't ending the game versus a decent player. Protoss has delayed their tech, income, and most importantly, sentry count to what end? If the zealots get some work done or the Zerg reacts wrong then everything is GREAT! If not I don't see how the Protoss player isn't very far behind. Although I'm way way out of practice, I'd be more than willing to mess around with a few games vs the build. Would help me learn to defend and maybe, if I play "ok", might help refine the build order for the OP. EDIT: upload the replay man!! I messed around with Toss before making even my 1st post and with a 14g/17g I wasn't able to finish 5 zealots anywhere near that early.
absolutely, the zealots rarely win the game outright.. sometimes they do but most zergs have no problem stopping the initial assault. I cut sentries with this build.. if you're a big sentry user this is not for you..you will probably feel naked. BUT cutting the sentries means you don't delay your tech as much as you'd think. If I'd have to guess I'd say I go collo about 75% of the time off this build.. and they come out in time for hydra/roach attacks. I usually keep the void production going aswell.. so it goes nicely into voidray/collosus
Okay, cool ^^. I was freaking out man. I even left early with 4 zealots because IMO that is actually a better timing. I think it's a better timing because 15H/16pool injected larvae finishes at 5:25-27ish, while 14/15 Pool into Hatch finish injected larvae pop at 5:30 - 5:37ish. So with 4 zealots I was able to hit right around 5:45 with has more potential to damage before lings hatch yea?
But even then I'm still dubious when reacting right ^^. You wanna play a few? Although I am rusty, for real!
Edit: If ya wanna refine the build or own me up a bit just send me a PM
On November 14 2014 04:22 11B wrote:Okay, cool ^^. I was freaking out man. I even left early with 4 zealots because IMO that is actually a better timing. I think it's a better timing because 15H/16pool injected larvae finishes at 5:25-27ish, while 14/15 Pool into Hatch finish injected larvae pop at 5:30 - 5:37ish. So with 4 zealots I was able to hit right around 5:45 with has more potential to damage before lings hatch yea? But even then I'm still dubious when reacting right ^^. You wanna play a few? Although I am rusty, for real! Edit: If ya wanna refine the build or own me up a bit just send me a PM 
nice I might just do that.
4 could work, I've just always just sent 5. It could come down to the map when you send them. If you can get them there with those inject timings ironed out per map I bet you could refine it pretty nicely.
this is so weird, ive been messing around with a very similiar opener on ladder... i offrace toss at like a high plat/low dia level and i mostly do troll builds/weird experimental stuff. only difference is i make 3 zealots and then go nexus, double gas, core, sentry/MSC and always transition into a quick 2gate DT with the twilight and dark shrine proxied off the third pylon, then straight into a blink allin with 2 base saturation. it's obviously 100% a meta/misdirection build that's better against middling players who aren't sure how to react, but it's a lot of fun :D it's surprising how much you can do with zealot micro when there isn't a spine or more than one queen
Definitely looks like that kind of build that works because it confuses opponents to death - until a certain level. I wouldn't advice it at masters level or above.
I don't see this working well vs hatch first economy or mass roach or mass zergling build (the latter two being unlikely).
If going against a hatch first and you wait for 5 zealots before attacking, that's giving the hatch first zerg plenty of time to react while maintaining a lead. Against an aggressive roach or zergling build (not that they are common that I know of) it could be difficult or impossible to expand before teching more which could also result in being behind.
On November 14 2014 07:15 Xapti wrote: I don't see this working well vs hatch first economy or mass roach or mass zergling build (the latter two being unlikely).
If going against a hatch first and you wait for 5 zealots before attacking, that's giving the hatch first zerg plenty of time to react while maintaining a lead. Against an aggressive roach or zergling build (not that they are common that I know of) it could be difficult or impossible to expand before teching more which could also result in being behind.
I do see hatch first quite a bit. But the 9 scout on 2 player maps almost always triggers pool first since they assume my probe will block their hatch.. and they usually don't know if I have a forge that early.
have a counter you have in mind? an example of an "aggressive" ling/roach attack? I don't lose in the early game with this build pretty much ever.. usually it's a specific timing off of 3+ base zerg that catches me.. but I can't think of a game where I didn't get my natural up. The voidray stops most of the roach counters... and adding in more cannons is always an option depending on the size of their army.. just as it would be for an FFE
I mean.. even 10pools get shut down hard. then again I haven't faced a 7 roach rush in a couple years lol I would hope I'd catch that with my 9 scout