I have been reviewing the hotkeys (I just downloaded it and have been looking everything over before beginning the JaKaTaK method), and I am wondering why ping minimap is on '.' (period) while one of the free cameras is on '7'.
I find reaching over to 7 with my ring finger to be relatively disruptive compared to hitting period. For players who stick to 1v1, there isn't really a need to ping the minimap. I'm curious about this decision. My feeling is that minimap ping would be better on the harder to reach key, while keeping the free camera on the easier to reach key.
But as I said, I haven't actually started using TheCore yet, so what do I know. Figured I'd ask about it.
EDIT: Also, once I've tilted the keyboard as described in positioning, it feels much more natural to hit the 0 key with my index finger instead of my middle finger. Before the tilt, 0 is slightly closer to P, but not much. After the tilt, 0 is much closer to P than it is to O (just move index finger up and slightly left), while the middle finger has to move a good bit to the right, and bumps into my index finger (unless I remove my index finger from P) when trying to hit 0.
Any thoughts on that?
EDIT 2: nvm, just watched the JaKaTaK with LittleFoot episode from Sunday and saw there are a lot of changes in 0.3.4... now I guess I won't learn these hotkeys on my day off, but wait until I can grab 0.3.4 (I play zerg, and it looks like the way that hatcheries & queen hotkeys are set up got changed). I guess the above comments are probably no longer relevant.
We're not sure if we're going to make that change. Its very much in an alpha stage, we have 2 people testing right now. We will always do what needs to be done to improve this layout.
I don't understand how to use this. The video says make the Dummy Profile but when I do that it says Hotkey profiles are stored on battle.net to be accessed from any computer.. So no Hotkey folder with Dummy Profile is being created. So then I just made the Hotkey folder myself and put the file in there but it doesn't show up. Aren't the Hotkeys stored on B.net now instead of our computers so how do I do this?
b.net stores your active hotkey profile. Not all of them. Also, all of them are stored on your computer in the hotkey folder mentioned in the video. Make sure to follow all the instructions very specifically.
I find myself fat-fingering F3 and muting the sound a bunch. Suggest Alt-F3 to mute instead since no Alt-based commands take you anywhere near the F-keys, and I can't imagine any reason why you would ever want to mute the sound during a game.
When assigning control groups for army, should I just doubleclick on marines and assign to 0, doubleclick on a ghost to get all ghosts in area and assign to 9 etc. (i usually shift assign since I want to add to my control groups)? Is this the best (only) way?
I also find it deeply frustrating that I have to play out a macro game to practice micro since arcade. All the micro tournaments are gone, arent they?
Ive started using all the cameras and its quite good but shift+ctrl is a bit out of reach for my thumb on my keyboard at any rate. So its not as convenient as could be...
I think there might be something wrong with either the nordic or the standard version of TheCorePRM 0.3.3. The hold position command is bound to M in the standard version of the file and H in the Nordic one. I also think that hold position was bound to H in TheCorePRM 0.3.2. I couldn't find anything about this change this in the changelog, so i wanted to let you know about it. I am using a norwegian keyboard, but i don't think that makes any difference. H and M should be in the same position as on a US-QWERTY keyboard. Edit: The keys for building assimilator and gateway also seem to be changed. In the nordic version assimilator is I, and in the standard version assimilator is K. For gateways it is K in the nordic layout, and I in the standard layout. Is this intentional?
@bisl keep in mind F3 is not mute, but toggle sound. If for some reason your sound is off and you need it on quickly, pressing F3 will enable it. If that kind of a change goes through it will likely be shift+F3 (much easier)
@snu I ctrl+click instead of double clicking, (I find it to be more accurate) but do what you want. The only real annoyance in having multiple control groups IMO is setting them, once you have them its so great :D
@jajbax Hold position should be M on a Protoss or Terran layout. Hold position should be H on a Random layout. Hold position should be K on a Zerg layout.
when i press zerg, then right, then no 4th or 5th mouse buttons, in that order, i don't get a photo showing the layout. all i see is the download link and title... same for all other options. can somone give me an ss of this specific photo as it is the one that fits me. thanks
Layouts with extended detail are not available for the beta. To do all the iterations of the Darkgrid layout, it easily took me 40 hours of work. I don't want to do that again until I don't have to redo it every week. The development documents, and the in game hotkey viewer (plus the Show Command Hotkey Text option) give you all you need to know. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have a problem regarding the suggested controll group "O" for injecting queens:
Whenevery I select a queen and try to put her in a controll group, she`s gonna inject some larva instead of going into the control group, as "O" is exactly this, injecting. At the moment i have all my queens on "[" (the key right to "P"). The suggested unit for "[" would be infestors, though.
I am a little confussed, pls help me out:D 2nd game, liking it so far, injecting flows really well!
sometimes when I ctrl+shift o for my second commandcenter it seems to interpret it as shift+o and all of a sudden whatever building I currently centered is added to my raxes etc.
On August 15 2012 19:52 Snusmumriken wrote: sometimes when I ctrl+shift o for my second commandcenter it seems to interpret it as shift+o and all of a sudden whatever building I currently centered is added to my raxes etc.
Kinda annoying.
You don't even know the meaning of annoyance... Injects are hell when you accidentally let go of shift or ctrl. Queens ruining the hatchery control group, Queens attacking hatcheries, etc. It's madness.
@GTo7_Panda You are likely not looking at the ZRM suggested control groups, but the RRM suggested control groups. Look at the bottom left portion of your screen, there should be tabs, make sure you click on the Zerg tab. Also, if you scroll to the top of the screen, make sure the column you are looking at is title ZRM and not RRM
@Snusmumriken I strongly suggest setting up all of your base cameras in the beginning of each match to avoid this problem, read the FAQ for details on how to do that.
On August 10 2012 22:53 meursault wrote: The other question that I am trying to answer is what should be on the side of the mouse. I am thinking of putting base camera positions in addition to nexus, next nexus and the production group. I need to go back and read the papers that exist on two handed interaction for various tasks and the cost of context switching. If I recall correctly you want to avoid context switching between different types of tasks on the same hand and if you do this you can perform operations faster than otherwise. I think the question here is what counts as a context switch and therefore what should be on which hand to minimize the more cognitively difficult context switches.
I would be very interested in reading about the stuff you are talking about here. Context switching and two handed interaction sounds like papers I'd want to read. Link me please!
EDIT: Also, could you please explain the exact button combination for the "hold position micro" you are talking about? You have to press "attack" and "hold position" in the combo i'm assuming by your wording here... right?
I'm not at my University right now so a lot of the recent papers are not available to me in full text. This video: provides a good overview of some of the very old research that was performed in this area. I'll provide a larger bibliography later. One of the issues is deciding how relevant these tasks are to Starcraft. I believe there is some military research into this also but I don't know how accessible it is.
When I talk about hold position micro I'm referring to the necessity of using hold position with some units and attack moving or targeted attacking with other units or switching back and forth between these on a specific set of units. For me this is usually when rushing as protoss or defending a 4-gate