Hi guys! First I'd like to thank you for making those awesome hotkey setups.
I've got a few questions and I'm sorry if its been answered before.
I've started to use the core 4.0 without + for someone who holds the mouse in the right hand, US QWERTY and I play Terran in LOTV.
1. I don't know what to assign to each control groups. Witch one should I use for my CC, am I supposed to have all production buildings on the same control group and use the cycle to next sub group or have my Rax factories and starporst assigned to different control groups? Wich one to use for scouting, army, upgrades?
2. It seems with this version of the core I cannot ''add to control group'' because it's too hard to press alt+shift+control+control group is it intended to be that way? So what i'm doing is select the said control group I want to add stuff in, hold shift then click the stuff i want to add to the control group then while holding shift press the control group button. Is that the right way to do it?
3.I also had to disable the ''center on current selection'' hotkey as I could not create camera locations until I had built a structure or have a unit centered at the place where i wanted the new camera location since both creating a camera location an centering on current selection use alt. Am I missing something here?
4. just out of curiosity, do tournaments allow the use of softwares that change what keyboard keys do? Like those needed to use the Core 4.0+ ? I'm nowhere near being good enough to compete in a tournament I'm just curious to know.
Is there a version for use with the right hand? @omicron_prime, there is this one:
![[image loading]](https://s17.postimg.org/djvzrwayz/tmp.Iyo4_V2_KWxi.jpg) You need to look for "TheCore 4.0 Left" files
@AtomicBanana, welcome, please find some answers to your questions:
1. about group you can find some suggestions here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/140gNhKs_1VCG6JJ9ijvEblKI9UQcpUKDTPap5t_kBeU/edit#gid=821997949
2. Add/steal is far superior to Add/nosteal as it allows quick splitting, if you're interested in getting same units/buildings in 2 different groups consider using Create (mapped on shift)
3. not sure what the reason is there, cam centering is mainly at base cam creation, you use it for the main and keep the modifier pressed to declare all your bases: centering occurs at press, not during the full hold. For TheCore Lite there is a separated key for that
4. i don't know the answer here and would be quite interested
@bobo38 Thanks alot for the quick answers! Cheers
So I am using The Core for the right scandinavia (reason i don't use plus is because I can't) And I am supposed to add units to a control group by holding down ctrl+shift+alt? i can use my thumb to press down shift and ctrl but with alt too? idk how i am supposed to do that
@AtomicBanana @bobo38
4. They allow remapping of keys, but they don't allow macros. 1 input should correspond with 1 output so remapping shouldn't be a problem(rapid fire is based on giving a lot of inputs from the one key you're holding down, so rapid fire is allowed). I'm actually not sure about the software itself, but it should be no problem as long as you're not using it for macros.
Ever since i got Razer BlackWidow, i've used Razer Synapse, which allows remapping of keys and macros. I haven't used the macros in-game, but i have remapped the option/list/application-key(right next to CTRL on the right side of the keyboard) to Alt.
hi, I'm currently learning TheCore 4.0+ with German keyboard layout. How is Chrono Boosting multiple Nexus supposed to work? Currently I am switching Camera locations with Alt+P, Alt+O, ... but I have to let go of Alt and press the Chrono Boost key for every Nexus since I cannot switch cameras and additionaly hold the shift key. What am I doing wrong?
On January 15 2018 18:33 AtomicBanana wrote:
3.I also had to disable the ''center on current selection'' hotkey as I could not create camera locations until I had built a structure or have a unit centered at the place where i wanted the new camera location since both creating a camera location an centering on current selection use alt. Am I missing something here?
Yes you are missing something!
I am a total nooby myself. I dont really understand the spreadsheet and stuff, its all gibberish to me.
However I saw a video of jakatak explaining this!
After you make your first worker, you will locate your camera for ALL your bases (future bases) immediately. You click your command center, make scv, hold alt, make your camera location, continue holding alt, then click your next base on minimap and wiggle to correct spot, then save that spot, then do it to the next and the netx (and then I like to do my ramp last as rally point last).
I'm pretty sure this post is gonna have all the answers, but with so many pages I don't know how anyone could traverse it all lol. Is there a way to put this in one single doc like, book form? haha
@online: I asked your question on TheCore Discord channel¹, it seems that the "all nexus chronoboost" felt out of optimization scope due to the pre-4.0 LoTV chronoboost mechanism
You can consider minimap chronoboost (click nexi on the minimap). You can try to make it work comfortably
Or you can try to make it work comfortably modifying your local copy: – mimick the zerg inject sequence, reassigning the Chronoboost to J (be careful J is RapidFire key) – use Shift for "recall cam" like some previous TheCore version or TheCore Lite is working; currently shift is used to be able to overwrite group after having shift clicking out one unit (so called "cloning")
If you have some smart modification, or want to talk/share with other persons, speak up on Discord channel
_____________________________________ ¹ invite to TheCore Discord channel: https://discord.gg/X89zpE
I'm running into this problem: Ctrl + shift + 9 does not work. The others work *very consistently* in-game, but are very difficult to work in hotkey editor mode (was trying to change 9 to [)usually turning into shift+control and Ctrl + shift + 9 never works, along with some of the others I try and replace it with.
Do I need a better keyboard?
Edit: I was plugging my keyboard into a laptop. Bought a new desktop yesterday and problem solved.
@bobo38 thx, just wanted to make sure i'm not missing something. RapidFire is not really an option since it wastes ChronoBoost. I guess I'll try to get used to clicking on the minimap or if it does not work out use the "Base Camera" button.
Hi, i just started using TheCore Right(no plus) and is loving the idea! But i'm having some trouble getting the camera keys to work as intended, because everytime i press ALT+P to create a location, the act of pressing ALT centers the camera on my current selection, and thus creates at the wrong location.
either you get used to press Alt before defining the location, or you unbind the camera centering on Alt
The basic idea is you press this key one time, to center on main base and then define your camera base without releasing Alt. If you have only one camera for a rally point, there is one cam to be defined with something else than Alt without autocentering:
CameraSave3=Control+P I hope this helps
I got a hankering to finished the LOTV campaign. I am using The Core Left 4.0+ and started poking into how that might be done.
Q1: Do you have scripts that can go from the spreadsheets that you have on Google to the keymap files? Or... I guess perhaps a better way to ask is how are the keymap files created? Can I get to the source?
Q2: Does anyone have a way to get the full list of strings that are allowed in the keymap files? What I did was I started the campaign, ignored the warnings, played some, and then quit. I then looked at my keymap file and it has a lot of entries that are empty. (183 or so). That may or may not be the full list though. A post back on page 98 circa 2012 has a list but he has entries I don't have and vice versa. He was looking at WOL. I'm looking at LOTV. That's probably the difference but I'm still worried about getting the entire set of strings.
The idea I have is to use some type of pattern matching and then have an ordered list of keys for each pattern. I think this would not take too much time to create (half a day or so).
Then for each unset key that matches a pattern, assign the next key in the list. This would create a keymap that has a value in each slot. Then start the game and see what conflicts are there and why. Tweak and repeat.
The other IP you guys have that I have no clue about is the various keyboard layouts. I have a US QWERTY keyboard but somehow you create keymap files for about 12 different keyboard layouts. Down the road, that is likely something I would like to add in.
I may have an answer to my Q2 question. I got into the campaign and went through and undefined every key binding I could find. Curiously, there are bindings in the game that were not unbound so I went through and unbound all of those too. There is still 20 settings that were bound. The list is below.
I then created a Github gist with this file: https://gist.github.com/pedz/3ab6b1aa7fb4f41b354a7a82f5ba522b
The list of 20 keys that appear to have no UI to unbind them:
+ Show Spoiler +Aggressive/LurkerMPBurrowed= CancelCocoon= CancelMutateMorph= CancelUpgradeMorph= CreepTumor/Queen= CycloneResearchLockOnDamageUpgrade/FactoryTechLab= FungalGrowth/InfestorBurrowed= HellfireThrusters/StarportTechLab= IgniteAfterburner/Medivac= MorphtoRoach/Larva= MuscularAugments/HydraliskDen= ProtossBuildAdvanced/Harvester= ResearchBarrelStabilizers/BarracksTechLab= ResearchPiercingRockets/StarportTechLab= ResearchPunisherGrenades/BarracksTechReactor= ResearchTransformationServos/FactoryTechLab= StopGenerateCreep/Overlord= Summon2ScoutHallucinations/Sentry= SupplyDepotDrop/SCV=
Most of the bindings that were in the game but were not in the campaign appeared to be things that have been added since LOTV was released (but not all). Some were somewhat curious.
That list is here (and includes the previous list and also the settings which I presume came from The Core 4.0 Left Plus.SC2Hotkeys but the game might have jumped up and added them or something.
+ Show Spoiler +AdeptResearchPiercingUpgrade/TwilightCouncil=S Aggressive/LurkerMPBurrowed=F BansheeSpeed/StarportTechLab=H BlindingCloud/Viper=G,A BuildCyclone/Factory=2 CancelCocoon=Z CancelMutateMorph=Z CancelUpgradeMorph=Z CausticSpray/Corruptor=S ChannelSnipe/Ghost=S ChronoBoostEnergyCost/Nexus=Q Corruptor/Larva=V CreepTumor/Queen=A CycloneResearchLockOnDamageUpgrade/FactoryTechLab=H DarkTemplarBlink/DarkTemplar=G DisableBuildingAttack/Baneling=2 EvolveDiggingClaws/LurkerDenMP=W EvolveMuscularAugments/HydraliskDen=W ExplosiveMode=S FungalGrowth/InfestorBurrowed=G,B GreaterSpire/Spire=S Hallucination/Sentry=Z,Q HellfireThrusters/StarportTechLab=G HellionTank/Factory=Q IgniteAfterburner/Medivac=F KD8Charge/Reaper=G,S Liberator/Starport=S LurkerMP/Hydralisk=G MassRecall/Mothership=S MorphtoObserver/Observer=S MorphtoObserverSiege/Observer=G MorphtoOverlordTransport/Overlord=2 MorphtoOverseerNormal/Overseer=S MorphtoOverseerSiege/Overseer=G MorphtoRoach/Larva=S MuscularAugments/HydraliskDen=G MutateintoLurkerDen/Drone=H NeuralParasite/Infestor=Q,A NeuralParasite/InfestorBurrowed=Q,A NexusMassRecall/Nexus=S Oracle/Stargate=G OracleAttack=W ParasiticBomb/Viper=S ProtossBuildAdvanced/Harvester=Z Ravager/Roach=G RavagerCorrosiveBile/Ravager=S,G RavenRepairDrone/Raven=S RavenRepairDroneHeal/RavenRepairDrone=G RavenResearchEnhancedMunitions/StarportTechLab=Q RavenScramblerMissile/Raven=2 RavenShredderMissile/Raven=G,H ResearchBallisticRange/StarportTechLab=S ResearchBarrelStabilizers/BarracksTechLab=G ResearchBurrow=Tab ResearchCycloneRapidFireLaunchers/FactoryTechLab=2 ResearchDarkTemplarBlink/DarkShrine=G ResearchDrillClaws/FactoryTechLab=G ResearchHighCapacityFuelTanks/StarportTechLab=G ResearchPiercingRockets/StarportTechLab=F ResearchPunisherGrenades/BarracksTechReactor=S ResearchTransformationServos/FactoryTechLab=S Spray=A StopGenerateCreep/Overlord=H Summon2ScoutHallucinations/Sentry=G SupplyDepotDrop/SCV=V Tempest/Stargate=2 TerranShipWeaponsLevel1/Armory=S TerranVehicleWeaponsLevel1/Armory=W Transfusion/Queen=Q,2 TwilightCouncil/Probe=S Viper/Larva=1 ViperConsume/Viper=H VoidRaySwarmDamageBoost/VoidRay=G VoidSwarmHostSpawnLocust/SwarmHostBurrowedMP=G VoidSwarmHostSpawnLocust/SwarmHostMP=G WarpInAdept/Gateway=S WarpInAdept/WarpGate=S WarpPrism/RoboticsFacility=G WarpinDisruptor/RoboticsFacility=2 WidowMine/Factory=G
Russian Federation23 Posts
Ok I use The Core for about 2 years. 2.0 where pinky and index finger are for CG's and middle, ring finger for abilities.
I always used for the "next subroup" side button on my mouse (G9X).
But... i've tried to play without mouse shell and it feels much more comfortable.
But the question is - now there is no way to use side buttons.
And I don't know where to bind "next subroup" hotkey.
Which is kind of important.
What can you recommend?
P.s. For camera set-up i use Alt+J, +P +O +I +:. For creating CG Shift+J +P +: +- and so on. Ctrl for adding to CG
Hi guys,
I'm coming from core 2, up to core 4. I take it the cycle camera key has gone? The one used by zerg for queen injects. Should I be using the camera locations to cycle hatches?
Thank you.
Hi I am having a strange problem with suto hot key where I bund my options key I guess it is on to my RShift and so on and for some reason in game when I press the options and the shift key four times in a row it stops excepting key board inputs until I press them again. I tried simulating it outside of game using just control and shift and I does not happen unless auto hot key is active. her's my script for auto hotkey. If i do it five times it goes into all shift so I think maybe auto hotkey has some kind of internal sticky keys maybe I have made sure to completely disable my sticky keys in windows.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #IfWinActive ahk_exe SC2_x64.exe RShift::RCtrl RCtrl::Alt AppsKey::RShift