EDIT: looks like that's all. Also keep in mind that you will almost always see the pro players (especially korean players) as the slowest to change in terms of what is efficient for hotkeys. This is because it takes a significant amount of investment from a pro to make that kind of a switch, and pros are only just starting to talk to us.
[G] TheCore - Advanced Keyboard Layout - Page 298
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United States2787 Posts
EDIT: looks like that's all. Also keep in mind that you will almost always see the pro players (especially korean players) as the slowest to change in terms of what is efficient for hotkeys. This is because it takes a significant amount of investment from a pro to make that kind of a switch, and pros are only just starting to talk to us. | ||
97 Posts
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United States2787 Posts
![]() btw, love that Day9 quote in your signature ![]() | ||
160 Posts
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=341878¤tpage=297#5935 | ||
United States2787 Posts
I can't say that I 100% understand the camera creep spread thing personally (as I don't play much zerg). But it was the consensus of the zergs at the time we were releasing 1.0 that this method works better with rapid fire. Since then there's been a lot of complaints about it and we're looking at a rework for 1.1. So: What do you think is the best possible setup to spread creep with cameras and rapidfire for TheCore 1.1? | ||
South Africa139 Posts
On November 06 2013 04:42 Borskey wrote: Not true- you never need to look at the screen, and you can always get to your robo or stargate with one "tab". I dunno the priority for Protoss buildings, but for Terran it goes Barracks->Factory->Starport, meaning when you have a CG with all three, pressing the CG selects the barracks, then next subgroup (tab by default) gives you factory, and pressing tab again gives you starports. Pressing tab again loops you back to the barracks. But, regardless of whether or not you have a factory or barracks in the CG, pressing "previous subgroup" (which is NOT tab- it's shift+tab) gives you the starport, since it's always last in priority. Regardless of whether or not you have a starport, "next subgroup" gives you the factory, since it's second after barracks. The only case where getting to the factory messes up is when you have a factory and starport but no rax, in which case you just press the button. Hi Borskey I understand your point, but where Terran requires a factory before you can go starport, you can go either robo or stargate with Protoss. Going one subgroup back sounds like a nice idea, but then getting to the other building takes two actions: Rax -> Shift Tab = Starport Rax -> Tab = Factory If you need to go from Starport to Factory you now need two tabs or shift tabs While this is workable for some people (and I think it depends on style a lot), I prefer pressing a specific button to get to my production facility: 1 - Orbital 2 - Rax 3 - Factory 4 - Starport That way I can immediately build a unit with just two keys, ie CG + build. With tabbed production, I now have to insert an action and go for CG, Tab (once or maybe twice) + build. A good point you made is that your unit production will be completely messed up if you decide to play mech and your rax gets killed since you will probably be building the wrong units because of muscle memory. Though how often will that actually happen? While The Core is all about optimizing actions to be the most efficient possible, it is slightly less efficient in terms of macro/production in favor of better unit control. It is up to the individual to decide where they want to place the most focus. | ||
160 Posts
On November 06 2013 06:07 JaKaTaK wrote: Thanks Borskey :D So much to read, sometimes I miss stuffs. I can't say that I 100% understand the camera creep spread thing personally (as I don't play much zerg). But it was the consensus of the zergs at the time we were releasing 1.0 that this method works better with rapid fire. Since then there's been a lot of complaints about it and we're looking at a rework for 1.1. So: What do you think is the best possible setup to spread creep with cameras and rapidfire for TheCore 1.1? Well, it's hard for me to say anything right now, because I haven't kept up to date with what's been changed and the reasoning behind it. I'll have to take a closer look and re-learn TheCore as it is now. I remember the last time I started mucking around with things (back when we started to implement the creepcam and rapid fire for the first time) there were a lot of times where I'd change one thing and it would accidentally screw up some other thing. One thing I'm quite sure of- whatever the method is, it should involve holding ctrl down the entire time and not use the shift-key at all. We experimented with that and only using ctrl was by far the best. The smooth finger roll action we had before made it really easy to learn, but I don't think including finger-rolling is necessary- so long as we can avoid finger repetition and thumb movement. I can say that what we had back when I last played I used rapid fire creep spread with an alternate binding on U. Right now I don't know how you've implemented rapid-fire for the rest of the stuff, but I saw you mentioned about it being possible to get extra alternate bindings (more than the 1 alternate you can set through the SC2 options menus) by directly editing the hotkey files, so I assume that should be easy to incorporate rapid-fire creep even if you thought previously that it conflicted with something else more important (injects?). Quick question- I remember being a little bummed out about how you can't use modifiers (like ctrl, shift, alt) on command card abilities, because it just doesn't work in the menu. For example, putting attack-move or "hold fire" on a key like ctrl+J. Do you think this might work if you edit the hotkey file directly? Right now I can't think of a practical use for this, but at one point I wanted to do it for some reason. | ||
United States13 Posts
Before: 1 - P 2 - Shift-P 3 - ; 4 - L 5 - 9 6 - 0 7 - - 8 - [ 9 - ' 0 - = After: 1 - P 2 - Shift-P 3 - 9 4 - 0 5 - - 6 - = 7 - [ 8 - ' 9 - ; 0 - L For me, this made it a bit more logical. P is your Primary and Secondary Hotkeys (Hatcheries and Queens) which is good since it's the resting place for your index finger. Then simply move up to 9, and then next 4 (3-6) are all on the top row for you, Move down 1 row for Control Group 7 to [, and down one more row to Hotkey 8 ', continue to the left for Control Groups 9 and 10. If you think about it like a Reversed Zerg Logo, it makes it pretty easy to see. One other change I added was changing the Alternative Keybind for Base Camera from Shift-' to the Spacebar, which was unused until now... If you would like, you should be able to download my profile from my SkyDrive... If the Link doesn't work, let me know and I'll attempt to fix it. | ||
Romania2 Posts
This might end up being a pretty long and boring post, so i won't blame you if you just skip it ![]() First of all, a little about be, so you know my position. I only recently started playing SC2, about a month ago. I was never really good at SC1, the game did not interest me enough to play it on a higher level, but i had my share of hours spent in it, mostly with friends. This is not what i can say about SC2, this game managed to get my interest, i started to follow the pro scene, instead of watching a movie when i get home from work i prefer to watch a tournament (and you can imagine how happy i was to be able to catch most of the WCS). That being said, you can imagine it didn’t take me long to grab the game and start playing it. And i love it ![]() So, i decided to start investing time in SC2 since i love it so much (i'm not going to get into the details of why i like the game so much, i will only mention that i was always interested in the RTS genre but was never really good at it, it always felt “uncomfortable”, i was never able to find a game that would keep me long enough to get past this point. I always thought "oh man, i have to macro / micro / harass / scout / tech switch / expand constantly and faster than humanly possible while attacking and defending against drops, everything in the same time?” The answer was “no”, i always decided to take the easy way out and play something else (let me puck mid and i'l have the same fun for 5 years). But not this time; now that i got a taste of SC2 i feel that i finally found a game that would keep my interest just long enough for me to get in a comfort zone, where i am not focusing all of my attention on HOW i execute my actions (finding a comfortable command group key, remembering to store a camera location, pressing the right buttons, not looking at the command card more than i am looking at the actual map) but on WHAT strategies i'm executing. In time, i hope to train my muscle memory at least as much as i can start enjoying the game at it's full. That being said, i started to switch my keys around, slowly reaching a comfortable setup (i really can't imagine who ever pressed "i" to spawn an immortal). While doing this, i also looked around for custom key-binds, hoping that the older SC players would know better than me. And they did, it feels like every path leads here, to "the core" ![]() ![]() ![]() What i find to be the most interesting thing about "the core" is that I feel it forced me to play better than I would normally have on the default keys. For example, I would have never used the “set camera location” keys, not in the beginning anyway. I always preferred to control group my nexus (let’s say ctr+5) and whenever i ever needed to go there, i would just simply double tap the “5” button. But now that i see how accessible “shift+p” is, I find myself tempted to use it, this way learning more mechanics than I would normally have in the learning stage. I could go into more detail about my experience with this but I prefer to mention them in the next section, where I would also like to ask a few questions. There are a few aspects that are not clear to me and I would like to both understand the logic behind several decisions when making the core and to receive some tips from higher level players than me, with greater experience. I really appreciate if someone takes the time to look over this and maybe even help me out in any way possible, so thank you very much ![]() For an easier reference, I will make all examples below from the perspective of the Protoss race, but they are not limited to it (I just prefer to say “Zealot” instead of “tier 1 unit” and “Stargate” instead of “the building that creates ships”) 1. Add to control group. This is something i could not understand and was unable to find any reason for. Why is the create control group set to ctrl+shift+X and “add to group” set to ctrl+x? I have a feeling there’s something I don’t get, let me tell you how I do things and please let me know if I’m doing it all wrong. Let’s say I have a Gateway with a rally point set to the centre of the map, a zealot is waiting there and another one just finished being produced and is heading to the same point. I have my 1st zealot on “P” and I want to add the second one to that control group, this is how I do it: I press “P” once, I click on the minimap so I can see the second zealot (that is running to join his brother in arms), I hold down the shift key and click+drag in order to select him and press CTRL+P. Also, the 1st zealot that was initially in the “P” group was not added there by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+P but via CTRL+P. Now, is there I am missing? Because if in the above example I would have “add to control group” unbind and “create control group” set to CTRL+P, I would have the exact same results….. right? I am thinking of making this modification to the core keybinds, (remove “add to group” and set create group to “CTRL+X” but I wanted to hear an opinion on this first. I also have a really terrible time pressing the CTRL+SHIFT buttons with my thumb, but I guess this can only come with practice. 2. Control groups. Bare with me please on this one, this question is both related to the core and the SC2 game. Like I said, I started to learn these keybinds almost the same time I started learning the game ![]() Was the core designed to have a particular unit composition / building(s) on certain keys? I noticed that protoss / zerg / terran layouts are different from each other, maybe these differences are because they were created having specific units / buildings on certain keys in mind… if this is the case, I would like to know more about it ![]() I can figure out that having my main army on CTRL+”P” makes things a lot easier than if I would have it on CTRL+”.” (at least for me), but I would like to know if it was designed with a certain pattern in mind, like having the nexus set on [KEY_A] makes it easier to select the building and create a probe via the “I” key than it would if the nexus was set on [KEY_B]. Another question would be: How do you have your control groups set up and why? I’ve seen players assign multiple buildings on the same control group, would you consider this is better than to assign a single building type to a key and why? Here is how I feel comfortable playing: In the early stage of the game, I set my 1st nexus to “0” and my scouting probe to “;”. As soon as I have the first gateway I set it to “9”, if I start producing zealots I assign them to P. The mother ship core goes to “O” and any stalkers will go to “[“. If I end up with a robotics I add it to “=“ and stargate will go on “-”. As far as the army goes, I will have something like P = zealots / sentry / archons / void rays (if I am not using them to harass early game), ; = scout / harass units (probe early game, and mostly phoenix later, I love those guys), [ = stalkers…. Just stalkers, i don’t like to mix them with anything (I have a feeling this is bad) O = mothership core / high templars L = reserved slot, I sometimes find myself with two scouting harassing units, I like to put dark templars here, warp prism, if I have 100 stalkers and want to split them up, one group will go here… you get the idea ![]() “.” = nothing… I quit trying to reach this key a long time ago and cannot find a way to make it work… what are you using it for? As for buildings, I feel I am doing this horribly wrong: Like I said, I have: 9 = Gateways 0 = 1st nexus “-“ = Stargate “=” = Robotics I do not have research buildings on any key, instead I like to build them next to my 1st nexus, double tap the “0” key and just click on them. But I already feel this is slowing me down, I could sacrifice a few control groups for something better… what are your thoughts on this? I have seen a lot of protoss players use only two control groups for armies, something like “one button is for the main army and one is for the spellcasters”… this is beyond me, I feel the need to split my army, most of the times to leave something to defend the main base, I want a fast scouting / flying / harassing unit… and maybe I’m crazy, but I want all my stalkers on a single key. In any case, I feel the need for 4-5 control groups that I am constantly changing and switching. Also, I would like to know if you are using multiple production buildings on the same control group and why? I heard a lot of people have as much as : nexus / gateway / robotics / stargate on a single key… how on earth do you manage this? I never tried this multiple games, but I imagine it’s harder to get used to this since you can have a stargate without having a robotics facility. Oh, and do you keep the Nexuses (or nexi? Not sure what the plural is, English is no my native language ![]() ![]() 3. Switching subgroups. The “next” and “previous” subgroup are set to the side mouse buttons. I never used them before (I never even considered using the “previous” subgroup, I always felt right at home with the “tab” button”) and I find it really slow to swap subgroups with these buttons. Are they essential to the core? If not, what button would you suggest to assign the “next subgroup” function to? I was thinking of switching one of these buttons with a control group, let’s say “=” or “-“, put the control group “.” on the other side button and unbind “previous subgroup”. I would love to hear your thoughts on this and if someone has the “ next subgroup” assigned to a key, I would love to hear what keys you are using. 4. Do you lift your hand off the resting position? I find that the my hand is always on the same position, I never feel the need to lift it. But if I ever get my had away from the resting position, I need to look at the keyboard when placing it again. This never happened to me in another game (I hope I’m not doing a horrible mistake by talking about this here, so please excuse me ) like dota. I assume a few of you played it and know what I’m talking about: When playing it, I have a habit of constantly double tapping the F1 key. When doing this, I lift my hand form the resting position (shift, a,s,d), press the F1 key with my middle finger and quickly snap back to the initial position… and the resting position is actually more relaxed, I mostly keep the ring finger on the “A” key and the other fingers mostly just hover, I am able to press any button up to the 5,t,g,b line instantly without even thinking and my hand will go back in its position on its own. This is not the case with the core, I feel my hand is tense and in a really strange place… everything feels forced. The worse problem I have is when trying to press the “7” key, find it it’s a lot easier to cancel a production by clicking on it in the command card rather than pressing the respective key. This could also be related to another problem I am having, the pinky finger…. It’s terrible to press anything else rather than “J” with it, like “H” ot “M”… is this normal? Am I the only one having this problem in the beginning? 5. Why is the gravitation beam of the phoenix set to ‘ ? Why is the gravitation beam of the phoenix set to ‘ and not to “i” ? ![]() ![]() 6. Where should i practice? As mentioned above, I am planning to invest some time and effort in this, and in order to make it work (and to finally be able to enjoy the game and stop making it feel like a “job”) I would also need to practice. Could you please recommend a way to do this? I’ve seen several people mention “hotkey trainers”, “build order trainers” or “something something trainers” and I was wondering, are they arcade SC2 maps? Are they third party applications? If so, could you please recommend and share some links ![]() As you can tell, not only am I new to “the core”, I am also a newcomer to SC2 and, why not, to the RTS genre. I guess you could figure this out by some questions I asked and some issues I have. I would like to thank anyone who took the time to read this pretty chaotic post (sorry about that, I sometimes tend to throw lots and lots of words), to those who also took the time and had the patience to reply and help me out, and most importantly to all those who worked in creating the core, to whom took the initiative for it, to all those who added to it and helped to improve it over the time, you guys are incredible ![]() ![]() All the best, Red TLDR: I am a noob, started using the core the same time I started playing SC2, at first I was terrible and wanted to shoot myself in the hand but now I’m just bad (so, progress!), I have questions, please help me out by answering them, thank you all who worked on it, I think It’s brilliant, great evening, gl, hf ![]() | ||
United States13 Posts
1: I'm assuming most people do this the same way I do, as it makes more sense, and just easier. Once you have your Control Group set, it's easier to simply keep adding. It is a lot easier to press Ctrl+Key than it is Ctrl+Shift+Key. The only time I ever use "Create Control Group" is if I need to remove something from the group (Banelings from a group of Zerglings). Even when setting up a Control Group for the first time, I just use the add (it creates it in the process)... As far as your army control groups go, I find that using the Select All Army keybind (Enter), and then Control clicking (Control Clicking selects all of that specific unit/building type) and then while still holding Control selecting my desired Control Group hotkey is a good way to set up your army groups... 2: I play Zerg, so I'm not sure how the basic set-up differs between the races, have to wait for JaK on that one. 3: I know with the Zerg set-up that the Spacebar is not used. I have my spacebar set up for Base Camera, but if you don't you could use it for the Next Subgroup. It's pretty easy to hit with the little corner of your hand just below your pinky (If you're using "the tilt", which is essential to the success of 'TheCore' IMO. 4: The pinky can be a difficult finger to get used to using, but it gets easier as time goes by. This question is also the reason I am trying to answer your questions, because it got me thinking as to whether or not you are using the tilt method... The Tilt is the unique thing that makes TheCore really successful. Basically you have to tilt the left side of your keyboard away from you about a 40-50 degree angle, so that when you hand is in the resting position your wrist is straight. If you are not tilting your keyboard, it gets a bit harder to hit all of the hotkeys fluidly. The other thing I wanted to bring up is that most keyboards have a tiny groove on the F and J keys (At least every keyboard I've ever owned has) Since the default resting position for the Medium sized hand's pinky is the J key, it makes finding your place really easy. 5: I have no idea, like I said, I don't play Protoss... 6: If you copy and paste the links below into a chat in SC2, you can click on them and it will take you to the maps, then in the upper right hand corner, you can bookmark, and it will put them in your arcade bookmarks. HOTS Hotkey Trainer: starcraft://map/1/203953 Creep or Die!: starcraft://map/1/191595 edit: You can click on the link, and it will open StarCraft and take you directly to the map, you don't even have to copy/paste it into a chat channel in-game. I am just starting out with TheCore, so I've been using the Hotkey Trainer a lot. Before I play any game, I use the Hotkey Trainer to warm up. Select your Race, and then go through each of the modes: Buildings, Units, Upgrades, and Spells. The Regiment I use is this: I do this until I pass twice through every category. I consider a Pass when I have gotten a Correct Hotkey 100 times, with less than 10 mistakes (Anything more than 10 mistakes and I have to reset) Don't worry about the timer and your average time, the more you do this, the lower it will get. I refuse to look at the command card or my keyboard, get a feeling for where the buttons are and which buttons help. IOW For me, I want to have a 90% accuracy rate with all hotkeys (Buildings, Units, Upgrades, and Spells) without having to look at the command card or my keyboard, which means my eyes can be glued to the Minimap watching for drops and when the enemy starts to move out/take an expansion/etc... So each time I get on StarCraft II, before I start playing any games, whether it's Practice or Ladder, I will have done 800 Hotkeys with less than 80 mistakes. Edit: I forgot to mention, I don't use the mouse to click on anything, not even on targets. Use the Target (Rapid Fire) key to do everything, the only thing I use the mouse for in the Hotkey Trainer is to hover over the target... | ||
New Zealand51 Posts
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United States13 Posts
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Romania2 Posts
On November 07 2013 12:00 KonungrJoe wrote: redman074.. I might have a couple answers for you. Hello KoungrJoe, thank you for the reply and for the answers, i am only going to comment on two of them, the rest are clear for me. I also understand why as a Zerg player you do not have the answers for some questions, it's best to wait for a reply from a protoss player or the creator of this thread. #1 I see, but i was also thinking of adding the "Create group" function to CTRL+X and completely unbind the "add to control group function", i just do not see the point of it. #4 I do use the tilt, just as described: i have my keyboard in a 45 degree angle; the main issue i think is the fact that my pinky finger is not as flexible, this may come only with practice i assume. I am using the Medium size layout and my J key has a small bump on it, but i still have trouble bringing my hand back to this position... there are some keys that feel very unnatural for me, for example the "cancel production" key is set to "7" and i'm having a really hard time reaching it with my pinky. As for the trainer links, thank you! ![]() Cheers | ||
United States2787 Posts
Control Groups are ordered from fastest to slowest to press. There's pretty much logic to every detail of TheCore. @redman Don't have time to read that whole post, but I skimmed through the questions and can answer them briefly. 1. Create CG is garbage. You almost never need to use it. Use add to Control Group to add units into the CG. No need for selecting the CG, or pressing shift or anything like that. Just click the zeal, press ctrl+CG and you're done. 2. This is in the FAQ 3. This is in the OP under the Getting Started Section. You should watch all of these videos. 4. You will learn how to get yourself back to the resting position in time. Don't worry about it. If you really want to go nuts, buy textured key caps from WASD Keyboards or the like. The reason you feel uncomfortable is likely because your hand is learning a new coordination. 5. Watch the rapid fire video in the OP 6. In the OP under Resources. "Programs and Methods to help make learning TheCore easier". Before taking the time to write out such a long post, I would suggest reading the OP. (or at least as much of it as you are planning on writing out) @SpoogeCoffer | ||
Germany29 Posts
i wonder how your APM is now, compared to before? do your APM increase, or do you start playing more efficient with roughly the same APM you had when you played standard? | ||
United States39 Posts
I been reading more about Deliberate Practice, and myself being a huge golf fan and long time player. I have often used this method to improve my Golf Game. Working deliberately for shorter periods of time, but more focused at a higher intensity level to improve smaller parts of my game. But my Question is, how can we implement this in SC2? How do we set aside an hour or two , to use deliberate practice to rapidly improve at this game? What are some examples, and some ways you know of that you can use deliberate practice to improve. I look forward to hearing from you about this, as always, thank you so much. | ||
South Africa109 Posts
On November 08 2013 06:08 hypnotoad.410 wrote: i´m just starting to use the core. i wonder how your APM is now, compared to before? do your APM increase, or do you start playing more efficient with roughly the same APM you had when you played standard? My APM went up by about 40%, without spamming. The core works well, you just need to make time to learn it, practice it and customize it to suit you where needed. | ||
United States2787 Posts
Develop Drills and use custom maps to practice specific parts of your play. I'll be coming out with more of these on Tutorial Central Sc2 so far there are 2: There are tons of custom maps out there. Darglein makes some good deliberate practice ones. I recently found a cool warp-in one by Buddhist. And there is one linked in the OP for learning hotkeys by Pibbingston. I also consider TheStaircase to be an exercise in deliberate practice. Fuck, we might want to make a post in its own just for deliberate practice discussion. Doing it! Will link ![]() | ||
United States60 Posts
Are you going to going to keep or throw away the layered cameras or bind them to separate keys? Is using the shift key even needed anymore because the new inject method avoids the queen wandering problem? Is anything else going to change because of editing the text file? | ||
United States2787 Posts
![]() TheCore 1.1 will have zerg rapid fire inject optimized for it. We are keeping the layered inject as we think the combination of these two methods is best. The shift key is only necessary for the layered inject. We are looking into improvements for multiple alternates but nothing concrete yet. | ||
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