Hey guys, I've been working on a build for awhile to help Bronze players work on their macro, build good habits, and get promoted. The build I came up with is for Terran - I'm sure similar builds could be created for Protoss and Zerg, but I haven't had time to do those yet.
Anyway I wanted to share it with any struggling Bronze players out there that don't really know how to improve and/or start winning more games.
In my experience, players who start to use this build see almost immediate results as far as win/loss goes, and also gain a better understanding of what mid to late game macro looks like.
The main purpose of this build is to focus ONLY on macro. There's no micro involved, no upgrades, and hardly any teching. At the same time I wanted it to be fun and able to win a lot of games on the ladder (instead of just practicing against the computer or something)
I've been playing on a bronze account quite a bit to test it out, and with no micro or anything I've been consistently beating Gold players with it.
That said, I would call this a training build that you can play on ladder, not an end-all, conquer everything build. So expect to lose games, but just know that every game you play your macro will be improving substantially, no matter if you win or lose. At this level it works against all races, no memorizing different builds for different matchups =)
So here's the strategy...
The main point of this build is to create ONLY SCVs, Marines, and Marauders the entire game. No Factory is built, and the only upgrade researched is Combat Shield (cause we like tough Marines)
We will expand at 7:30, 11:00, 15:00 and every 5 minutes after that. Attacks are sent out at scheduled times in the beginning, then just whenever you're close to maxing out as the game goes on. If you're following this build you're practicing MACRO, no micro allowed! Just attack-move your units to the enemy base and don't look at them.
We will be making a LOT of Barracks, half with Reactors and half with Tech Labs. Combat Shield is researched early so we have it when we make our first attack.
Here's the starting build order:
10 Supply Depot 12 Barracks 13 Refinery (3 in gas right when done) 15 Orbital Command + Marine 16 Barracks + Reactor (on 1st Rax) + SCV + Drop MULE 17 Supply Depot + SCV 18 SCV 19 Supply Depot + 2 Marines + Tech Lab (on 2nd Rax)
From here it’s up to you - Monitor your Command Center and Barracks so you always have units being produced (but not queued up!). Make Supply Depots 1 after the other with the 1 SCV.
Here’s how the rest of the strategy plays out:
@~5:40 research Combat Shield (it will be our only upgrade the entire game) @~7:00 Attack with your Marines & Marauders (if you execute perfectly you should have 15 Marines, 5 Marauders) Move your Supply Depot SCV to your expansion after the 7th Depot – Halt Supply Depot production @~7:30 Build a Command Center at your expansion @~8:00 Build 2 Barracks (1 Reactor/1 Tech Lab) Start building Supply Depots again 1 at a time @~10:30 Build a Command Center @~11:00 Attack with all units @~12:00 Build 4 Barracks (2 Reactors/2 Tech Labs) Build Supply Depots 2 at a time until you hit max supply
(all times are estimates and just benchmarks to try to keep you on track as you play)
After you complete the build, expand every 5 minutes starting at 15 – 15, 20, 25, 30. Send all your units to attack (remember no micro!) every time you get around 180-190 food. Turn all your CCs into Orbital Commands so you can keep dropping MULES.
Keep adding Barracks on when you find it hard to spend your money. Be sure not to add them on too soon. A good rule to follow is if you can queue up 2 rounds of units in every Barracks & CC and still have money left over, use it to build Barracks. Don’t be afraid to make a lot of Barracks! You’re going to have a TON of money to spend.
That's pretty much it, I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. Like I said before, you WILL lose games - that's just part of getting better. But if you focus on the build you will automatically be building habits that stick with you as you get promoted and start incorporating more strategies into your games.
Here's a video of the build - I do make a few mistakes but still get a solid win over a Gold player + Show Spoiler +
If you guys have any ways to improve the build, or questions or comments I'd love to hear em!
I really laughed when I saw the title of the thread (by definition if one had any macro at all one wouldn't be in bronze)...but when I read it I liked it heaps! It takes ideas like Destiny and Day9 have stated and actually put it into a single consolidated idea.
This should get some feedback and a sticky (and I've never suggested a sticky before for anything).
Suggestions: 1) If you can get combat shield you can get concussive shell. Sure you can make use of concussive optimally with micro, but it's a decent buff to the marauder as an a-move unit for 50/50, especially against small numbers of zealots. It should be in the build.
2) Provide instructions for the bronzie to see the build in-game, so they're practicing their mechanics without having to try to memorise the build too. Either print the build and put it beside the monitor, or put it on a second monitor, or put Starcraft into windowed mode and alt tab to it frequently.
3) There needs to be an eng bay timing or you will die to banshees and DTs, which are the normal way to get out of bronze without macro.
4) Need a wall-off guide or you will die to 6 pools, the 3rd most common bronze escape.
EDIT: I realised that I'm basing that off an optimal 7-7:30 DT or banshee rush which a bronze player shouldn't be able to do. So disregard 3). You will have numerous orbitals before he comes with your build.
EDIT2: Your video was FANTASTIC. I especially love the scrubby opponent BM, proving the point about incorrect low-league mindset.
EDIT3: Your site is cool.
Thanks for the feedback! I've thought about a couple of these things, but I think you're right on some of them. Here was my reasoning...
1. You're right, concussive shell is cheap and can be helpful when a-moving. But it makes players want to micro more. I was trying to eliminate every temptation to look at your units =P Maybe I'll find a good spot to throw it in there.
2. Good idea! A little printable cheat sheet would be a great thing to have at your desk while playing.
3. I agree that an engy bay would be nice, but again I was trying to keep it as simple as possible. What I've found in the games I've been playing is that scans are usually enough, but I'm a little more experienced so I know how to use them. I think I can squeeze an engy bay in right after the first expo. I'll play around with that a little bit.
4. The problem I have with walling off is if they put a drone where you need to make your next building you won't be able to place it before Zerglings are in your base. What I've been doing is a simcity around my CC and rallying my units into my mineral line. Then if Zerglings come I just swarm with SCVs & 1-3 Marines. Maybe I'll make a little video to show this.
To be honest, Blizzard just needs to update their tutorials in game better to explain basic concepts of the multi player to new players. I have several friends in Bronze/Silver league and trying to teach them is a complete nightmare.
On February 26 2012 10:11 Taerix wrote: Thanks for the feedback! I've thought about a couple of these things, but I think you're right on some of them. Here was my reasoning...
1. You're right, concussive shell is cheap and can be helpful when a-moving. But it makes players want to micro more. I was trying to eliminate every temptation to look at your units =P Maybe I'll find a good spot to throw it in there.
2. Good idea! A little printable cheat sheet would be a great thing to have at your desk while playing.
3. I agree that an engy bay would be nice, but again I was trying to keep it as simple as possible. What I've found in the games I've been playing is that scans are usually enough, but I'm a little more experienced so I know how to use them. I think I can squeeze an engy bay in right after the first expo. I'll play around with that a little bit.
4. The problem I have with walling off is if they put a drone where you need to make your next building you won't be able to place it before Zerglings are in your base. What I've been doing is a simcity around my CC and rallying my units into my mineral line. Then if Zerglings come I just swarm with SCVs & 1-3 Marines. Maybe I'll make a little video to show this. You know what? You're right (if you saw my edits to last post). A flawless 6-pool that comes exactly on time is probably not something you're going to face, and if you survive with more than 2 scvs you'll be able to macro your way back into the game anyway vs bronze, doing what you're doing.
I think instead of complex anti-cheese stuff, skip it, and instead put a short "WHAT TO DO IF!" guide that says if you get owned, do your best, and if you're still alive at the end then just...continue calmly doing what you were doing. Maybe another vod of getting destroyed down to 2-3 workers and proceeding to do the same thing you just did anyway would really help get the idea across. There's no bronze player that will cheese you and then macro properly himself, so you will almost certainly be in great shape.
My comments about walls and eng bays were more appropriate for a gold level.
This is exactly the kind of game plan that I had back when I was still playing Terran. I started with just building nothing but marines and SCVs and worked on having all the critical upgrades by the time I decided to push. Small tweaks here and there made for a really good timing push back in the lower level and it sort of opened up my mind to other possible strategies.
Good job.
On February 26 2012 10:16 ODKStevez wrote: To be honest, Blizzard just needs to update their tutorials in game better to explain basic concepts of the multi player to new players. I have several friends in Bronze/Silver league and trying to teach them is a complete nightmare.
So true...
When I play 2vs2 out of the custom games list, you'd be surprised how many people just copy the Very Hard A.I., or just build an engineering bay, take both geysers, get a planetary, then build marauders tanks and turrets for 20 minutes.
Blizzard already gave the most important pieces of information you need to get out bronze in their loading screen tips (Constantly build workers to increase your production, 3 workers fill a mineral patch, expanding early is good if risky, etc.) so I don't think it would violate the whole spirit of "It's a strategy game, make your own thing up" if they were to give a small multiplayer tutorial that taught those things.
Great stuff! Kinda embarassing how much it helped me. People tend to quit soon after I get my 3rd expansion down so playing against the very hard AI lets you practice longer. Same build works, just add 2 bunkers at the start cause the comp loves its 2 racks/roach/fast colo 6/7min attack builds which will barely kill you if you're off a bit.
Encourages people to experiement too. Adding a second gas to your bases and subbing a tech factory or a tec starport for 2 barracks allows for the same constant production and do upgrades. MM to MMMedicvac to MMM Thor. etc. Never thought I'd be able to tech to thor and win..
Alright guys, seriously...
If you want out of bronze, here's how to do it:
1- pick a race. You can't choose korean (besides, it's korean culture that's beating us, not race. Race is dumb!) I've played all 3 and I personally feel that protoss is the easiest to begin with. Don't worry about why, they're just the simplest to start with and have the most intuitive units.
2- pick one or two low tier units that you enjoy using. As a zerg, recently I've been using zerglings, but i use roaches in ZvZ. We'll call this The Unit. some decent choices
-zerg: roach -protoss: stalker -terran: marine
3- expand quickly. If you're zerg, do a 15 hatch every game; if you're protoss, do a forge fast expand.
4- Make enough workers to support constant Unit production. Notice that unit is capaitalized: you're making the unit you chose in step 2. Whenever you hit that point- if zerglings, 30 drones seems plenty- just pump out those units and attack any openings you see.
5- Instead of watching the battles, just a-click and go back to training units.
Some notes:
-if you detect a passive opponent (90% likely), play aggressively. Do so by expanding a lot, or by attacking a lot. -if you detect an aggressive opponent, play defensively. In bronze, at best your opponent will be good at one thing. When that one thing doesn't work, he'll fall apart- then start playing aggressively. -if you detect that you're "safe," or in the "lead," expand. -If ever any enemy base seems poorly defended, send a handful of units to attack it. Read as: zergling runby, zealot harass, or marine stim-attack. -sometimes you might feel that your Unit is not working well in the situation. Well let me tell you then: zerglings SUCK HARD against thors, and I still beat thor armies with zerglings. Just make a lot of whatever you chose. Mutalisks? You can still base race with zerglings and win almost every time. -ok, but for the sake of realism, let your mind wander a bit and think: what might work better if he goes ____. I usually include banes or mutas if lings obviously wont work. However, that's platinum stuff.
Seriously... you might not believe me, but this will get you into gold or platinum comfortably as you get good at this simple simple simple strategy.
for protoss they need 2 do 3 gate expo into 3 gate robo and just macro from there
@Darjir - great to hear it helped! Your totally right too, this is just a base to teach the habits of building units constantly and expanding. Once you feel like you can do more, then adding more gases and teching to higher units can be a great way to make it more fun and more deadly =)
9 "rally worker to make depot" 10 depot "set rally back" 12 rax 13 or 14 "depot to make a wall. good. rally those scvs that are working back to minerals" 15 Orbital "Hotkey your shit, including scout."
Add rax every time you have 150 as quickly as you can, and rally back to minerals and add to hotkey group, and set a rally point for the updated barracks group.
These are the functions you have to get very fast at. It only gets more complicated. Bronze players often can't make 3 barracks perfectly without cutting scvs/marines. Midgame transitions like the add 3 barracks here will often involve swapping addons, making multiple structures, addons, tech items and upgrades. You need to get very good at this. This is macroing.
This is the kinda shit that a bronze player should take seriously. So make your 20 marines and go kill him. If not expand and try and make way way way way more bio units than him. This will get you to gold. You can now probs execute somewhat a build order and anything kinda sensible will propel you further.
Very nice OP.
I actually went with a way different strategy for improving; Cheeze.
I would 6-rax into gold league, then started getting Marauders, Medivacs, and expanding. It did pretty well for me. I learned to Macro, Micro, and build Depots constantly. It was also fun. :D
Though this strategy is probably much better, doing a mass-marine cheeze can also be a good way to improve.
Thanks for posting. Working great at gold league, although I'm a bit embarrassed that I did better with this build tonight (11-2) than my typical Protoss macro play. Who knew that hurling marines and marauders at enemies was so successful?
So, I've been playing as Random and Terran is my weakest race. I've been doing crazy big Mech against Z and trying to do reaper damage against Protoss, otherwise I get owned. Against Terran, I've been having these massively long 30 minute games because I just never attack into Terran.
I watched your video and started doing this build and have won every time I've done it. Pretty surprised. It's only been about 6 times or so, but I like it. As I get better with Terran (with the help of using this build), I'm sure I'll have even more fun with it as I branch into maybe those elusive +1 upgrades, or even one day a Siege Tank !!! Thanks for the build .
On February 27 2012 16:03 Kaitlin wrote:So, I've been playing as Random and Terran is my weakest race. I've been doing crazy big Mech against Z and trying to do reaper damage against Protoss, otherwise I get owned. Against Terran, I've been having these massively long 30 minute games because I just never attack into Terran. I watched your video and started doing this build and have won every time I've done it. Pretty surprised. It's only been about 6 times or so, but I like it. As I get better with Terran (with the help of using this build), I'm sure I'll have even more fun with it as I branch into maybe those elusive +1 upgrades, or even one day a Siege Tank !!! Thanks for the build  . your problem was that your gameplan was way too complicated for bronze.
"build units" and "a-move with units" is the furthest lengths you ever need to go to too win in bronze and if your plan is too complicated that will make it overly difficult to focus on any one thing.
your video reminds me of Bob Ross.
I've started playing terran to try it out. This build works surprisingly well against protoss and terran but i have a hard time against zerg. They just make banelings and without tank support i get crushed. Its just supposed to be like that i guess?
On February 27 2012 20:04 tiaz wrote: I've started playing terran to try it out. This build works surprisingly well against protoss and terran but i have a hard time against zerg. They just make banelings and without tank support i get crushed. Its just supposed to be like that i guess? Depends what league you're in. nI bronze I figure this should work fine against zerg too. But yeah, infantry vs ling/bling is pretty hard in higher leagues. At which point you might want to start improving your multitasking to improve micro as well as macro, and possibly incorporating other units/builds.