Hi my name is Micromancer, and this is my first post on TL!, I've been an avid reader for about 2 years since i started in scbw, i was D+ to C- on iccup and now i am a masters player on the NA server, last season i was ranked 8 in my division with around 1700 points. This season i haven't had much time to practice due to school and work and i am around 30th in my division at the moment.
I wanted to write up this TvP build I've been doing for a few seasons now, I think its a great well rounded build order that allows you to expand, attack, harass, and make use of one of the coolest units in the game!
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-fast expansion
-early harass options
-upgrades started early
-powerful timing attack to punish unprepared/ greedy players
-transition into a standard midgame!
-early harass options
-upgrades started early
-powerful timing attack to punish unprepared/ greedy players
-transition into a standard midgame!
The Reaper
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I wanted to do a quick section on my thoughts on the reaper, because i feel it is a very underused unit that many people don't quite understand.
-Harassing- most people are aware that reapers can be used for this, that it takes 3 shots to kill a probe and they can jump over small cliffs. I would just like to add that with +1 reapers can kill probes int 2 shots....
-Scouting- make sure that if your doing multiple reaper harasses over the course of the game that you send them down different routs to and through your opponent's base, just by setting a few extra way points you can check likely proxy locations that would otherwise be hard to scout, and once in the base you can get a great look at your opponents build order.
-As combat units- Reapers can kill a sentry 1 on 1, a great trade early on, if your opponent opts to go sentry first instead of stalker, you can kill the sentry and sometimes even get a few probes on top of it! Against zealots you can out micro them but they take a long time to kill, it is usually best to kite past them and then start targeting the probe line. 3 reapers can kill a single stalker if they only leave one behind to defend a mineral line, however it is usually best to just take the hits and target probes, as you will be 1 shoting them.
-As an economic tool- what i find the most interesting about reapers is their economic function, because they have very low resource costs coupled with a very long build time you have alot of excess minerals to spend on other things. I use this early on in my build to get a fair amount of infrastructure up a lot quicker than you would normally be able to but this can also have late game applications: feeling safe for a min and want to expand? Make a round of reapers! Will let you save up the needed money very quickly and give you an excellent harass unit. Need to get a bunch more barracks up because you just expanded? Make another round of reapers!
-Harassing- most people are aware that reapers can be used for this, that it takes 3 shots to kill a probe and they can jump over small cliffs. I would just like to add that with +1 reapers can kill probes int 2 shots....
-Scouting- make sure that if your doing multiple reaper harasses over the course of the game that you send them down different routs to and through your opponent's base, just by setting a few extra way points you can check likely proxy locations that would otherwise be hard to scout, and once in the base you can get a great look at your opponents build order.
-As combat units- Reapers can kill a sentry 1 on 1, a great trade early on, if your opponent opts to go sentry first instead of stalker, you can kill the sentry and sometimes even get a few probes on top of it! Against zealots you can out micro them but they take a long time to kill, it is usually best to kite past them and then start targeting the probe line. 3 reapers can kill a single stalker if they only leave one behind to defend a mineral line, however it is usually best to just take the hits and target probes, as you will be 1 shoting them.
-As an economic tool- what i find the most interesting about reapers is their economic function, because they have very low resource costs coupled with a very long build time you have alot of excess minerals to spend on other things. I use this early on in my build to get a fair amount of infrastructure up a lot quicker than you would normally be able to but this can also have late game applications: feeling safe for a min and want to expand? Make a round of reapers! Will let you save up the needed money very quickly and give you an excellent harass unit. Need to get a bunch more barracks up because you just expanded? Make another round of reapers!
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This is a variation on a two racks expand however you will notice that you get your expansion and following structures up a lot quicker because of the reaper instead of marauder production.
-supply at your ramp –send scv to scout after
-supply also at your ramp (after this just don't get supply blocked, i don't remember the supply timings)
-marine/orbital command at the same time
-tech lab on racks
-2nd racks
-you are going to start making the first of 4 consecutive reapers from your first barracks you will send your first one to scout/ harass and hide your next 3
-reactor on 2nd racks
At this point there is a bit of a deviation, depending on what you scout, it is going to determine how fast you can squeeze out your expansion. You are looking for his gateway production and chrono boost usage, If he either sends his first zealot at your base immediately, or uses any chrono on his gateway, you need to build a bunker walling off between the supply depots at your ramp immediately. For the very early part of the game you will only have 1 marine and if he pushes with his first few units and you don't have the wall off and bunker ready you are in for a world of hurt. If he does not spend any chrono on his gateway and either chases your scv with his zealot or sends it to his ramp you can build your cc alot faster.
So, if you see chrono on gateway or an aggressive zealot
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Passive zealot/ no zealot and no chrono on stalker
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around this point your first reaper should be getting to your opponent's base, if you can keep your initial scouting scv alive and hide it close by it is awesome to poke up the ramp and then run away to see if you can draw his units after it while you hop up into the back of his main to scout/harass.
After your harass you should have a wall off with a bunker. You should have 3 racks 1 reactor 2 tech labs, and 2ccs in your main. Your army at this point probably consists of either 1-3 marines and 2 reapers, depending on how long your harass lasted and when your reactor finishes. At this point your next move is going to be your 3 reaper harass. This is important however, only build 1 marauder out of your 2nd tech racks, it should finish about the same time as your last reaper. You should have ~ 1 marauder, 7 marines and 3 reapers. At this point you have some choices to make. In general there are around 3 different looks you will see from the protoss. I am not going to go too much into detail into the scouting because there are other guides out there that already go into that very well.
Protoss has expanded and is at his ramp
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add concusive shell and push out with your force while sending your reapers around the back. Move your cc down to your natural. DO NOT engage with your main army unless he pulls his forces way out of position or is playing very greedy, scan his army before you move in to make sure you know what he has, your main army is not strong and its only purpose is to try to get him to draw all of his forces to his natural while your 3 reapers pop into his main and start poping probes. As soon as he trys to engage your main force retreat it back to your base while you micro your reapers.
Protoss is one basing: 4 gate or void ray all in
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Protoss is containing you with sentries at the bottom of your ramp and expanding behind it.
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After the reaper harass is over you are going to gear up for a ghost, stim , combat shield +1 timing attack.
Besides the 1 marauder you made out of your third barracks, you dont want to make any more for awhile, just pump marines, you are going to spend your gas on upgrades.
After the orbital comand on your expansion is done you want to spend your minerals on an e-bay and a second refinery. Your gas should be spent on and in this order: stim, +1 attack, combat shield, ghost academy, make a round of marauders, make 2 ghosts.
Around the 10 min mark you should be ready to attack you should have around 3 marauders, 2 ghosts, and a tone of marines. People underestimate this attack and it has potential to do game ending damage around the 11 min mark. It should be timed so that his tech is either not out or just starting to come out. I personally like to send my ghosts back to my base after they emp, if you baby sit them those ghosts will last the whole game and that is worth way more than whatever damage they do in a fight. As you move out you are going to add a factory and 2 more racks, with the intent of getting a reactored starport up right away. You can also try expanding behind this push if you have the minerals.
At the time this push ends you should have 5 racks, a reactor starport, a ghost academy, and possible your third on the way. At this point you can play the game out according to your style and tendencies.
-supply at your ramp –send scv to scout after
-supply also at your ramp (after this just don't get supply blocked, i don't remember the supply timings)
-marine/orbital command at the same time
-tech lab on racks
-2nd racks
-you are going to start making the first of 4 consecutive reapers from your first barracks you will send your first one to scout/ harass and hide your next 3
-reactor on 2nd racks
At this point there is a bit of a deviation, depending on what you scout, it is going to determine how fast you can squeeze out your expansion. You are looking for his gateway production and chrono boost usage, If he either sends his first zealot at your base immediately, or uses any chrono on his gateway, you need to build a bunker walling off between the supply depots at your ramp immediately. For the very early part of the game you will only have 1 marine and if he pushes with his first few units and you don't have the wall off and bunker ready you are in for a world of hurt. If he does not spend any chrono on his gateway and either chases your scv with his zealot or sends it to his ramp you can build your cc alot faster.
So, if you see chrono on gateway or an aggressive zealot
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-cc in your main
-3rd racks
-tech lab on 3rd racks
-cc in your main
-3rd racks
-tech lab on 3rd racks
Passive zealot/ no zealot and no chrono on stalker
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-3rd racks
-tech lab on 3rd racks
-3rd racks
-tech lab on 3rd racks
around this point your first reaper should be getting to your opponent's base, if you can keep your initial scouting scv alive and hide it close by it is awesome to poke up the ramp and then run away to see if you can draw his units after it while you hop up into the back of his main to scout/harass.
After your harass you should have a wall off with a bunker. You should have 3 racks 1 reactor 2 tech labs, and 2ccs in your main. Your army at this point probably consists of either 1-3 marines and 2 reapers, depending on how long your harass lasted and when your reactor finishes. At this point your next move is going to be your 3 reaper harass. This is important however, only build 1 marauder out of your 2nd tech racks, it should finish about the same time as your last reaper. You should have ~ 1 marauder, 7 marines and 3 reapers. At this point you have some choices to make. In general there are around 3 different looks you will see from the protoss. I am not going to go too much into detail into the scouting because there are other guides out there that already go into that very well.
Protoss has expanded and is at his ramp
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add concusive shell and push out with your force while sending your reapers around the back. Move your cc down to your natural. DO NOT engage with your main army unless he pulls his forces way out of position or is playing very greedy, scan his army before you move in to make sure you know what he has, your main army is not strong and its only purpose is to try to get him to draw all of his forces to his natural while your 3 reapers pop into his main and start poping probes. As soon as he trys to engage your main force retreat it back to your base while you micro your reapers.
Protoss is one basing: 4 gate or void ray all in
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wait at the top of your ramp for him to engage, you've had your 2nd cc for along time, if you can survive you have a large lead, pull some scvs to your bunker. Keep your reapers close to his base and once he attacks you pop into the back and start killing probes, this will affect the reinforcement of his attack greatly and can cause him to turn around giving you more time. Once you defend it move down to your natural
Protoss is containing you with sentries at the bottom of your ramp and expanding behind it.
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Most of his army is at your base your reaper harass should do great damage, wait for gohsts or medivacs to try and break the contain. If you feel risky you can also try to run down the ramp and engage will he is looking at his base trying to deal with the reapers. You want to secure your natural as fast as you can safely. It is worthwhile to sac a marine or scv to run down the ramp now and then just to check if he is still there, especially in the higher leagues where your opponent will know medivac timings very well, they often pull back on their own so they don't get caught with their pants down with a drop. There's nothing worse than waiting for medivacs, setting up a beautiful flank and then realizing he's not even there and you could have been mining from your natural for minuets already.
After the reaper harass is over you are going to gear up for a ghost, stim , combat shield +1 timing attack.
Besides the 1 marauder you made out of your third barracks, you dont want to make any more for awhile, just pump marines, you are going to spend your gas on upgrades.
After the orbital comand on your expansion is done you want to spend your minerals on an e-bay and a second refinery. Your gas should be spent on and in this order: stim, +1 attack, combat shield, ghost academy, make a round of marauders, make 2 ghosts.
Around the 10 min mark you should be ready to attack you should have around 3 marauders, 2 ghosts, and a tone of marines. People underestimate this attack and it has potential to do game ending damage around the 11 min mark. It should be timed so that his tech is either not out or just starting to come out. I personally like to send my ghosts back to my base after they emp, if you baby sit them those ghosts will last the whole game and that is worth way more than whatever damage they do in a fight. As you move out you are going to add a factory and 2 more racks, with the intent of getting a reactored starport up right away. You can also try expanding behind this push if you have the minerals.
At the time this push ends you should have 5 racks, a reactor starport, a ghost academy, and possible your third on the way. At this point you can play the game out according to your style and tendencies.
Nifty things to try
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As you can probably tell I'm a big fan of drawing thier army out of position with an scv or your own army, then popping reapers or a drop in the back!
As a follow up, if you do a lot of army damage, aka he won't be able to attack for a bit, make another round of 4-6 reapers, get them reaper speed and and poke at him while you expand! Be light with their harass, don't be scared to run away, you can find a hole later and do more damage with them!
Have some late game reapers? drop a ghost in his base with cloak, nuke his ramp to prevent his army from coming back up into his main and go to town on his buildings with your reapers!
I mentioned I like to babysit my ghosts, if they end up getting caught in front after they emp and your up for a bit of micro, pick them up in a medivac and take them to the back of the army where they belong.
Like early aggression? If your initial scouting scv doesn't see a zealot being made out of the gateway and they don't chrono boost their stalker send your first marine straight into their base, coupled with your scouting scv you can usually get somewhere between 1-3 probe kills and you always disrupt their mining. If you want to try this you have to send your first marine immediately, and then keep an eye on their gateway, if you see him start a zealot, or throw down any chrono just turn your marine right back around. If you wait to see if he starts a zealot it will be too late to send your marine. Also if you do get your marine into his base it is good to build another marine out of your second barracks before starting your reactor, so you have something to put in your bunker if he pushes right back with his stalker.
I have been practicing gasless expanding for awhile just for a change but now i have returned to my roots and will be uploading replays from the current patch. So far still a very viable build.
Just a quick note i have also started experimenting with kinda maka-racksing my first racks, you delay your gas a little longer and it really looks like you are going cc first or 2 proxy racks. Your reapers do come out a little later though. I've made a few other changes as well in the time since i posted the OP and will get around to adding them in soon. So if my play looks a little different from what is described dont be surprised. All of the main points are still covered in the replays.
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More to come soon
Pre Patch Replays
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Here is a game where i kind of fumbled through the opening, I was thrown off by his nexus first. But if you want to see how I like to approach the late game vs zealot archon, high templar style I thought this was a really good example.
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And if your a T player who wants a bit of a laugh check this one out!
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Like I said this is my first post, If you have any suggestions or anything you would like clarified please just let me know