Sup doods , i took one of qxc's micro map and made a lot of modification to make it a blink stalkers micro map against zerg.
You start with 20 stalkers 0-0 upgrade and you choose against which zerg units you want to play against by typing some line of commands for exemple -hydra will spawn 16 hydras -roach1 8 roach -roach2 8 more roach etc. etc.
You can also choose the game speed if you want to practice very hard combos slower -faster -normal etc. All the options can be found by typing -info
A wave of the units you choose will spawn every 40 seconds , once all your stalkers are dead 20 more will spawn so its nice to experiment vs different combo of units and upgrades.
Im not a great map maker so it would be nice if some one good could take over the map and make like a level system where it gets harder and harder or a scoreboard.
here is the link to dl the map:
Very cool! Downloading now. Thanks!
requesting a zerg version (burrow roaches)
thanks man...DAY 9 THANKS YOU TOO!
United States2095 Posts
There are plenty of improvements to make on this. Also, keep in mind a lot of real game battles involving Blink are dependent on terrain. If someone were to improve this, please add high ground and obstacles.
Thank you. Also, do a show match. People keep saying you're awesome and I want to see it with my own eyes Kiwi.
So since this is a modification of qxc's map... Is this what you do to him?
Genious kaki, i'd most def use it if i was a P player. <3 jon
hey kiwi ,could you maybe add some stuff for pvp ? Like zealot/collosi etc? would be pretty awesome cuz i didnt found anything with the search... thanks