On June 06 2008 12:37 menewb wrote: Ehh, What about Backho, the guy put Bisu, Jaedong and Casy out of OSL... He should deserve some credits despite what people might say about him... I hope this guy is joking. Anyway, nice PR; although it pains me to see Mind so low, I understand why you put him there.
It's amazing to see the amount of people that are now saying Mind should surely be up there and higher even, considering the shitstorm of derogatory comments there was about him when he took the MSL.  Not that I don't agree, the guy is like an atomic clock when it comes to timing and I certainly like watching his games. Especially since he gets pitted against the cream of the crop all the time. Nice PR on the whole, also nice to see Much up there - if anything, his performance against Mr. Pelvic Thrust yesterday justifies this.
39489 Posts
I'm confused over your clan tag convention!
On June 06 2008 19:22 Fwmeh wrote:+ Show Spoiler + And just like that, Nada is gone.
Thanks a lot you imbecile! You couldn't possibly mention what you're spoiling? Please say that it's the Tiebreakers you're talking about next time.
Now I'm pissed, not at the result but the fact that the games are ruined.
I agree with the most of it, but Kal definately poses a threat to hwasin. maybe not jaedong and flash though..
Damn can someone stop Flash already! He's way too good right now =/ JD fighting! oh PS can someone tell me what game made FBH cry? -_-
On June 06 2008 23:54 tre2ettsexsju wrote: Damn can someone stop Flash already! He's way too good right now =/ JD fighting! oh PS can someone tell me what game made FBH cry? -_-
Shinhan PL grand finals 2007 vs lecaf.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Hiya destroyed FBH and made him cry. Boohoo
Jangbi not being on CBNC even before his most recent games is a joke. In my opinion, Hwasin too high, Much too high, Pure should not be ranked, Mind too low. Everything else seems pretty decent.
Russian Federation4333 Posts
This power rank sucks. Nada 7'th? Hwasin 4'th. Both of them over Mind? Where the fuck is Jangbi?
I'm not even going to argue, this PR is just bad.
Russian Federation4333 Posts
Nada is out of the MSL, gets knocked out of the OSL by Jangbi and is on a five game loosing streak but somehow gets 7'th place over Mind and Luxury while Jangbi gets CNBC.
With all due respect, this rank is BS.
Valhalla18444 Posts
wow buddy read the thread
Valhalla18444 Posts
On June 07 2008 03:49 TheTyranid wrote: Nada is out of the MSL, gets knocked out of the OSL by Jangbi and is on a five game loosing streak but somehow gets 7'th place over Mind and Luxury while Jangbi gets CNBC.
With all due respect, this rank is BS.
I shouldn't have to warn someone who's been here as long as you, but here goes:
You do not fucking come into the power rank comments and just post 'this pr is bullshit'. If you want to contribute to the discussion, that's all well and good. You do not just come in here and shit the place up.
Russian Federation4333 Posts
Ok I'll contribute. Nada is too high. How can you give 7'th to someone who is on a 5 game loosing streak? Nada is 7-8 for the month of May with wins over GF, Shark, Jaehoon, Boxer, Jangbi, Piano, and Hwasin. Only 2 of those players, Jangbi and Hwasin are high caliber at this period. His 8 losses all came from high caliber players including Lucifer and I am not convinced that Nada is one of those players. Anytime can noob bash in Proleague just as well as Nada however I do not see him on the 5'th spot for the PR nor have I seen him that high last PL season. Unlike him Nada has made both leagues but has failed in the ro16 of both. He qualified for them by beating Spear, Savior, Shark, and Jaehoon, NOT an overly difficult task. He dropped games to Best and Lucifer in the qualifiers. The bottom line for Nada is that he has surely been playing better than before and while he wins consistently, he is not good enough to compere with the best players at this moment. Why does someone who passed 2 SL qualifiers beating mediocre players get 7'th spot? Over Mind and Lux if I may add?
Russian Federation4333 Posts
What about much? What made him deserve 6'th place? Ok he did win where it counts as you said. He is 0-5 in proleague with his team in teh bottom ranks but he has advanced to the ro8 in both leagues with all his wins this month in individual leagues. I'd say this is a PR deserving accomplishment even considering his abysmal proleague preformance and overall slump from a couple months before. But 6'th place?
edit: the thing I am most concerned about is the placing of Much and Nada over Mind and Luxury. I understand that Nada and Much are on an upswing while Mind and Lux are on a bit of a downfall; well Luxury isn't anymore since he is on a 7 game win streak. You said you take into account the comparison of players' previous shapes to their current ones in deciding the PR but Mind and Lux are still playing better than Nada and Much.
Anyways this is how these players should be ranked.
6. Luxury. He has the advantage of being in the OSL and is on a 7 game win streak. His wins have note been against the cream of the crop, similarily to Nada, but since they have been his latest games I believe Luxury is starting to upswing and will have a great OSL run.
7. Much is playing worse than Mind, and I'd say that if Mind and Much faced off in PL or hypothetically met in a Starleague, Mind would be the heavy favourite. Much has though, and immense advantage over Mind since he is in both Starleagues and Mind is eliminated from both Starleagues. Much will play more games in June and thus will be able to show more potential. I do mot believe he will go far in either league but I cannot say for certain.
8. Mind is out of both leagues failing both ro16 (like Sea). He is 9-8 in May and has won 2 games over Jaedong. However he is 2-5 in his last 7 games and that coupled with the ro16 exit from both leagues is a big downfall for a player who was so hot just a while ago.
9. Nada is out of both leagues as well failing both ro16 (like Sea). He has a worse record in may than Mind, he has played and won against weaker opponents than Mind. Overall I believe Nada does not have the same potential as Mind. The only thing that he did better than Mind is his play in the round of 16 however the 5 game loosing streak has me concerned. He was leading 1-0 against Hwasin and was 1-1 in the OSL. He dropped 2 games t Hwasin and has gone 0-3 in his last 3 OSL games. I believe his gameplay is starting to drop again and that he does not have as much potential as Mind in the future.
On June 06 2008 20:17 Juicyfruit wrote:Show nested quote +On June 06 2008 19:22 Mortality wrote:On June 06 2008 16:16 Juicyfruit wrote: I agree with IdrA, but I also want to add that it might be too early to tell.
A style like Lucifer's generally becomes a slippery slope because once you've started winning through creativity rather than sheer skills you can sometimes lose the drive to improve your mechanics, or worse, feel obliged to continue playing that way in order to meet the expectations of the audience. I would loooove to see Lucifer all-round massively buff up his game sense and macro and combine that with his creativity to become a boxeresque type of player. Until then, I will continue to cheer for him because he's fun to watch both during his matches and after he wins. The power rank though, is certainly not about the player who can dish out the most entertainment.
What evidence is that based on? Y'know, back in the day, Nal_ra had like 140 apm and wasn't particularly known for micro. I actually thought his control was somewhat sloppy the first time I ever saw him play (was it 2001? 2002? It was reps of Ra vs Boxer on Snowbound I think). Definitely if you made a comparison, Kingdom and Reach had better mechanics. Yet, Ra became the most accomplished of those 3. Is Lucifer Ra? No, and I don't think he'll climb all the way to the top like Best. However, I think we can expect good things out of him, possibly as far as Ro4 (probably NEXT season since I doubt JD will lose). 32 man tournaments just do not favor gimmicky type players, who need to display a few too many of their tricks early on. In the past, creative Protoss players have done just as well as mechanically driven Protoss players. Regarding Best, a prediction: he will win OSL. I was already thinking this last PR, that he would win it and I should have made my "bold prediction" then, but I chickened out because he did not look quite so unbeatable and he still has not truly proven himself vs Zerg. Replace the word "generally" with the word "potentially". It was badly put, I admit. Actually, I just don't have evidence on hand due to my lack of knowledge of old players, but there are probably some. What I said wasn't that insensible. I think that's what you were on about, since the rest was just my opinion. Also, I'm not sure but doesn't the evolution of starcraft ultimately disfavor creativity? Mechanics build upon itself from one generation to another, and therefore players in general have better mechanics than before simply more efficient methods of micro/macro/BO etc have been discovered over the years. Creativity, on the other hand, doesn't benefit from the same progression. Creativity makes your playstyle unpredictable. Plus, if you are well-known for being creative, it might make your opponents paranoid and thus give you an extra edge. However, you still need the proper mechanics to 1) carry out your creative play properly 2) to actually be able to take down your opponent after acquiring whatever advantage gained from your creative play. Afaik, Lucifer's mechanics aren't horrible, they just aren't stellar. Therefore, his creativity can help him win consistently against opponents of similar mechanics because he gains that edge over them. I do agree with you that creativity is as much a part of a player's strength as their mechanics. Creativity can translate into results, and I would hate it to be shrugged off completely in such that players are ranked entirely based on their mechanics only.
True and not true.
Creative players go in and out of success depending on who they play. Ra did well against Nada, but his butt was sore after almost every single encounter with Oov. Gimmicks work better against players who are more predictable. Nada's mechanics and sense of star are better than Oov's, I think, but Oov's sense of builds and his ability to get in his opponent's head were better.
-At this level, everyone has such great mechanics that being a gimmicky player is BETTER against mechanical players than strategic ones. If you don't do as good a job seeing the gimmicks coming, you lose to them more surely.
-There are gimmicky players who have created entirely new builds and they will run ideas. There are also gimmicky players who are great at recycling old ideas and so long as they keep their choices unpredictable, the opponent still won't know what's coming.
-The key that defines a gimmicky player as successful is his sense for how his opponent will respond to the gimmick. He doesn't need a great sense of star so long as he can make his opponent fall for a gimmick. Lucifer seems good at that, though comparing him to Ra as Phradamon was doing a couple days ago is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too premature.
Regardless of how Lucifer turns out, I predict that he won't fair well against Flash if they ever face in an important bo3 or bo5 event. But while most of you will go "no shit Sherlock" and think something like "he's Flash you fucking retard," the reason why is nothing like that. It's because Flash, like Oov and Savior in their primes, excels at mind games. Boxer, Nada, Bisu, Ra,... none of them were really like that. They had great strategies and nice gimmicks, but Oov was in your head before the match had even begun (using his interviews). Flash has proven to be like that too.
as a hwasin fan, im glad to see him at 4th but i dont think he deserved that spot. sea.pure is an interesting choice, but i think i would have put jangbi up there jangbi is looking very strong nowadays
Luxury is not playing that well -- 9th place is the highest I would conceive of giving him. It's easy to look good when you're playing Stats and Rumble and Memory instead of Best and Jaedong and Flash.
o wow so many people calling this PR bs 0_0 i just disagree with 4 players on PR thats it, but im not calling this PR bs
On June 06 2008 23:45 Barbarne wrote:Thanks a lot you imbecile! You couldn't possibly mention what you're spoiling? Please say that it's the Tiebreakers you're talking about next time. Now I'm pissed, not at the result but the fact that the games are ruined. Are you fucking stupid? Dont look at the fucking spoiler if your not prepared to have something spoiled. God damn idiot.