On December 29 2006 12:36 AlexanderTheGreat wrote: sea.up does not deserve to be on this list. a couple wins is nothing special and should not merit a spot.
GGplay has been getting raped left right and centre and does not deserve a spot either.
in their stead should be Bisu for his ace match win vs anytime as well as his dismantling of iris on RT. Gorush should be there too because he is damn consistent and has been doing good in the osl so far
SeaUp is the coolest Terran in the OSL. I love that guy! Though I agree, he's new and hasn't shown us much yet. I also think there has been a minimization of GGplay's recent losses.
However, you're off on the other players you mentioned. Bisu won that ace match against Anytime right after anytime lost a pvp in that same series against pusan. Anytime was playing like crap, in fact, I hazard to guess that that proleague match was an even bigger factor than his OSL losses in dropping Anytime from the list. As far as iris goes, his tvp is utter shit. So basically, bisu beat up on two players that played terribly. He can't get a spot for that. He's non-existent in starleagues.
And gorush has been doing "good" in OSL? He won one game, again, against Iris the human punching bag. Other than that he's done nothing at all. Fact is, the guy hasn't even been playing many games because he's in only one SL (thanks a lot SKT1, morons) and his team blew it in PL.
I gotta say this DJ, I just caught your "no cigar" post (missed it til now for some reason) and it was friggin' hilarious!!!!!!
Easily my favourite part of PR. Don't you dare change the style you do it in. The more derisive the better.
Decent list, much better than the first one. Maybe the only thing I would consider is to put so much hated GF on that list. He is slowly going into owning mode, he is top 10 material.
(expecting to get 10xxx gf sucks replays) :flame shield on:
DJetterstyle: Are you korean (doubt it, considering your stated nationality), or do you know korean (again, I doubt it, because I've never seen you translate anything).
If you answered no to the two above questions, could you please tell me where you get your SC news? The same for people like Manifesto too. Vods?
On December 30 2006 06:52 -_- wrote: DJetterstyle: Are you korean (doubt it, considering your stated nationality), or do you know korean (again, I doubt it, because I've never seen you translate anything).
If you answered no to the two above questions, could you please tell me where you get your SC news? The same for people like Manifesto too. Vods?
I'm white, and I don't speak a word of Korean. I watch most games using the live streams. I download VODs of any games that I miss. I use HonestTea's posts and Google Translator (on OGN and MBCGame) to figure out when games are played.
On December 30 2006 07:06 MaGic~PhiL wrote: NaDa gets removed anytime gets removed savior stays at 1 ? - -v
rest is fine
Nada sucks he doesn`t have a win after he won OSL ? Anytime is even worse than him... he also lost in Proleague Playoffs and ruin his team after losing 2 games, one of it was the ace match . Savior lost only to hwasin and midas where his game vs midas was like top 1 zvt of the year.And He is still IN both leagues.And he will win at least one of the leagues or maybe both
I really can't understand people who think that Savior should not be #1. He lost one-two games. Did that people watch his games? As I can see in the game with Midas he was superior opponent but lost due to map. Go go Savior, own them all !!!
On December 31 2006 00:44 Plexa wrote: Actually, now that i think of it...
Goodfriend deserves to be on the list.. not pusan ;; imo best tvp in the world atm
Midas, until he shows some decline, has the best TvP in the world; he's had it for, well, a couple years now. Beyond that, I'd take absolutely every player on this list in a BO5 against GoodFriend. There's a reason Iris and GF are high on KeSPA and not here: they're always warm, never hot.
On December 29 2006 16:56 gg_hertzz wrote: ^^I'm a fan of light's TvZ, but I think 3rd is a bit high. Light is better than Casy by 5 spots? And Hwasin is a bit confusing. On the one hand, he's on something of a hotstreak. On the other, he does suck. Between him and Casy, I'd pick Casy everytime. I can't help but think a lot of the players are on the list because no one knows who else should be on there. But that doesn't mean they deserve to be there.
light is very good tvp, casy cant win a tvp to save his life. light's tvz is also very strong, maybe not the same level as casy's but pretty damn close. and light's 'weak' mu is tvt, where he just totally outperformed xellos. hwasins a bit more questionable, but light really isnt.
Just want to give some nice data here... The data in this power rank is based in...what a Korean Progamer does and if that thing he does is considered valuable...hes going to be in the rank... On the other hand... The data in Kespa Ranking is based in...accumulation of points from matchups...Korean style...as always...I love it...
On December 29 2006 11:24 Guybrush wrote: Hwasin..
I cant help but think about JJu yelling at him after their 2v2 back in proleague when I see his nick. And when July destroyed him on Rush Hour with his mutas. 5th is too high for a player losing to Silvers ZvT.
He is first in his groups in both OSL and MSL and you don't think he is hot atm?
Sure, but take Silver for example who got 2nd last MSL, yet he didnt get ranked in the previous ranking. Some players suck no matter how good results they produce, GF and Silver being prime examples. If you watch the VODs you'll understand this.