There is ONE thing which I cannot comprehend... Blinding cloud only affecting biological units means this ability will be entirely useless against protoss (no ranged bio units)... unless it still prevents spellcasting too in which case it can be used against the high templar... and that's it... kinda limited efficiency all in all In the same way lockdown was meh in broodwar design wise because it was useless against zerg (still an awesome spell in other matchups, and it has the advantage of being an upgrade so it's a choice to get it) I doubt blinding cloud is a viper upgrade though
On June 09 2012 06:52 speknek wrote: The Protoss stuff sounds really bad, some weird gimmicky unbalancable things again. They should fix the core of the race first and after that add fancy options. Terran things sound decent. Don't know what to think of the Zerg stuff, have to see them in action first.
I think you're crazy, the ability to use the oracle for cloaking is actually insanely good for space control to force detection if they want to attack outside bases, it fixes one of the big problems I had with the oracle in the initial version was that it could harass but could not swing around to defend, it now does so in a really unique way.
The recall that's only on a single nexus (the mothership core) fixes the fact that every protoss attack was a one way trip, just really hard to retreat from, without making it broken like putting recall on the nexus would have been.
Tempest I'll agree looks gimmicky as hell and I see no reason for it to have the range that it has except maybe to avoid getting pulled into range too quickly.
Seems interesting, I'm excited to see where it goes because they've simplified their initial plans in a really nice way.
i dont understand the warhound? its anti mech so its useless vs zerg right? And is it still replacing the thor? I remember hearing the thor was going to be a 1 thor only mothership style unit. Is that still true?
On June 09 2012 07:56 IndridCold wrote: i dont understand the warhound? its anti mech so its useless vs zerg right? And is it still replacing the thor? I remember hearing the thor was going to be a 1 thor only mothership style unit. Is that still true?
Thors are in the current build and you can make more than one.
Hmm, well, here is my take on all of this, I'm not going to bother with discussing balance since that will change.
What I like - The new design direction of the Warhound, it looks interesting. - The "Spider Mine", since it is timed it encourages micro, I would definately like to see it being affected by friendly fire. - The Oracle, it'll be interesting to see how this unit works out. (although I think they need to reduce the hit points on those Mineral Shields, but that is a balance thing so meh) - The new abilites for the Mothership, Stasis sounds interesting and I'm happy that Vortex only affects ground units now. - I'm happy that they kept the Overseer.
What I Don't Like - The design of the Tempest, it's ugly as fuck (imo), I'd much rather they kept the Carrier and slapt a long range low-dps attack on it and use it's Interceptors at close range targets, or something. - The new design of the Queen, I REALLY don't like it, it's a lot darker which makes it harder too see, especially with the new Creep design. But maybe it'll grow on me, we'll see. - The design of the Locust, I'm not entirely sure why, but I just don't like it... - The design of the Mothership Core, it looks... weird, having that slapt onto the Nexus, I really hope they change how it looks.
Unsure - The new design of Creep, I still don't know if I like or dislike it. - I couldn't find any information about the Thor but I really hope they keep it in it's current form instead of making it into some Mothership-like you-can-only-have-one kinda unit.
That's about it, the other changes I either don't really care that much about or didn't feel the need to comment on.
On June 09 2012 07:53 Ophiophilius wrote: Pretty neat stuff overall but...
There is ONE thing which I cannot comprehend... Blinding cloud only affecting biological units means this ability will be entirely useless against protoss (no ranged bio units)... unless it still prevents spellcasting too in which case it can be used against the high templar... and that's it... kinda limited efficiency all in all In the same way lockdown was meh in broodwar design wise because it was useless against zerg (still an awesome spell in other matchups, and it has the advantage of being an upgrade so it's a choice to get it) I doubt blinding cloud is a viper upgrade though
Just because you brought up lockdown, I gotta say in BW because they were not able to be used vs. zerg it raised the value or the awesomeness of that spell by that much. All avid BW fans will recall Boxer using lock down on arbiters and killing it with turrets. That was pure epic-ness.
So... early game, spider Widow mines run and set up near the opponents base as a very very light contain.
Warhounds - useless versus zerg (anti-mech missile? so they shoot Colossus, Immortal, Probes, stalker(?) + terran mech units), useless versus air. (Goliwhat?) On second thought, not bad anti-toss.
Hellions - More than meets the eye...
Reapers - It's not that they're squishy, Dustin, it's that they take forever to build, require an upgrade to move fast, and their cost/benefit sucks. Still won't be used much, probably.
Oracles say take your third. You just can't mine there. Tempest (assuming you make one) spends most of its time looking for something to shoot, then has an enhanced tickle beam. Original stated use? Gone. Long range siege - DPS is too low unless you get lots of them, and that won't work. How about we cut some of that range and augment the DPS?
Mothership/Mothership core - stasis? Is that the answer to broodlords? Stasis them (and every other flying unit) after vortexing the ground army then blink under and start shooting? And just how many of these units are just to get protoss to build a Stargate, really?
The zerg now says "Get Over HERE!", then "haha you can't see", and Ultralisks jump out of nowhere to say high. Lurkers lurk, but with excellent timing (or excellent timed burrows) I can see them being mildly annoying to "Cheebus, kill that damn thing!" Seems to go well with Widow mine. (The terran may have mines... better send broodlings that way to ferret out the mines.)
Huh. Not sure. Will hope to get in beta to assist in determining what needs to get nerfed back into next week, or out entirely.
Best part to me are 2 changes. A "play" ladder and a "srs" ladder.
On June 09 2012 07:53 Ophiophilius wrote: Pretty neat stuff overall but...
There is ONE thing which I cannot comprehend... Blinding cloud only affecting biological units means this ability will be entirely useless against protoss (no ranged bio units)... unless it still prevents spellcasting too in which case it can be used against the high templar... and that's it... kinda limited efficiency all in all In the same way lockdown was meh in broodwar design wise because it was useless against zerg (still an awesome spell in other matchups, and it has the advantage of being an upgrade so it's a choice to get it) I doubt blinding cloud is a viper upgrade though