Canada5062 Posts
Looks like "SlayerS_`BoxeR" may soon be a name of the past. No, Lim Yo-hwan isn't suddenly foregoing his earthly riches for a life in a Buddhist temple. He is, however, said to be trying out a new ID since his much publicized transfer to TongYang Confectionery.
The new id is reportedly "[orion]Jung Terran" in reference to one of TY's most popular brands. "Orion" is a company under TY, and "Jung" refers to the Korean-Chinese character for "emotion/heart/feeling/compassion" which is stamped prominently on the package of TY's all-time best-selling cake, Orion Choco-Pie.
There's just one glitch. The fool forgot to register the name on Bnet before making it public and now not only has some anonymous newbie taken it for him/herself, but there are like a dozen copycat Bnet ids which all read very similar. TY is said to be trying to contact the registered "owner" of the "[orion]Jung Terran" id in the hopes of persuading the person to a friendly exchange. GL. What a fiasco. 
The original article (In Korean!) may be found here.
Netherlands1301 Posts
hm lol that guy could sell his account to boxer uuhm orion:-O or ask 20 games vs him for it or something, would be cool
Daaman forgot to make his Liquid name as well
Norway10161 Posts
Ok I know progaming is cool and all but ... a whole article about boxer changing his ID? It wont matter much, he will still be boxer to everyone, or his other nick .. GOD
Is anybody knows what happen to replays.net/sc/ site???
4492 Posts
I also think that a name change will not result in a change of reference in the foreseeable future. Maybe in a few years, hehe. But now he's just BoxeR. (No matter how much the gamers in OGN change their nicks [LOTS] - who is J[NC]? We still remember The Marine tho.)
well afaik its been a while since boxer since boxer played with his real nick... it doesnt matter much to me if his in-game nick is Limh or LimTerran or the name of some korean choco-pie ~~
ID doesnt matter if only people nows how he is!!! And in about one week or somthing the whole sc world will now he has a new nick 
GL HF to the newb how curently has the account!! GET GAMES
the guy whom has his name should hold it "ransom" . do all them phony calls. Boxer would get the FBI and it would be a story.
how low can you go? naming yourself after "choco-pie" of all things. actually i kinda think its funny