O.O indeed. Let's see what t_co has to say for himself.
Mafia VII - GG - Page 43
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Netherlands476 Posts
O.O indeed. Let's see what t_co has to say for himself. | ||
Australia4040 Posts
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United States702 Posts
On May 03 2009 16:45 Camlito wrote: From: t_co Subject: CK Date: 5/1/09 09:08 Hi Camlito, Are you CK or Mafia? I'm CK. If you are mafia, please let other mafia know since I am not going with the town/Qatol. Best, t_co Reply ??? Ok guys, now that Camlito has fired the trigger it's time for me to make my case. WE SHOULD LYNCH QATOL . Here are the PMs I am referring to: Original Message: The problem is that with the list I gave you, I'm willing to bet that most of them aren't red. BC wouldn't make the game that imbalanced. I'll bet that only 1 or 2 of them are red. So you are trying to weed the mafiosos out of that list. The medic list is designed to keep the innocent members of that list alive (since all of them are extremely dangerous players). If we lose all of the innocent members of that list by letting the mafia kill them, the town is in really bad shape (even though it lets us kill the guilty ones). Am I making sense? If you can figure out a better list + reasoning, please let me know. ----------------------------------------- Original Message: Why did you add those same people to the medic list tonight? That's pretty weird if you're suspicious of them. ----------------------------------------- Original Message: Oh sorry. I totally misunderstood you. Hmm other players that you might want to contact. Ver, Camlito, showtime!, mikeymoo, caller, malongo. I think that takes care of most of the super-active/good players that aren't under heavy suspicion yet but are acting a little goofy. ----------------------------------------- Original Message: Well I'm sending this request out to most actives at this point, so it's not that I think you have anything. You don't need to really "have" anything, I just need more than just 1 name to investigate at once or else the whole process kinda falls flat because 1) I *want* mafia to be talking about these PMs amongst each other and its easier if multiple members recieve it. 2) I want these PMs to reach the different families simultaneously. There are good strategic reasons for both of these (namely, they align with what a real CK would want to get out of these letters). Thanks and I hope that clears it up. Best, t_co Qatol asked me to fish for mafia in the same players he called for medic protection. The problem is, I assume he's not that retarded to think this is actually a method of fishing for mafia; namely, that he's trying to lend credibility to mafia by having them out me without *actually* killing me. By having an active come out with a message like this, then the mafia possibly gain a credible member. And by recommending these actives as recipients, he ensures that the plan can go through. In short, what Qatol is doing here is NOT WHAT A MAYOR SHOULD BE DOING. I intentionally structured my sample PM in such a way that he would think it was retarded and HE STILL LET IT THROUGH... to the same people on the medic list. He should be shot. I sent these to a lot of suspected mafia and now I'm going to go ahead and also point my finger at Camlito as suspected mafia, as only he came forward with the PM. The other thing I have against Qatol is clue analysis. This coming in a later post. | ||
Australia4040 Posts
Introduction I am sorry for my inactiveness, I really am, but for the past few games (not including me as mafia) I have died the first night, if not second (bad memory). This game I decided to do more inactivity than usual, and wait for 2-4 nights before I post my analyzation. I haven’t done it in so long because I was mafia/died early/game finished quick, but I hope I can help. I am also not familiar with BC’s clues, so yeh. Please don’t put down what I’ve done harshly. I tried to stay quiet, also because of work I had to do, but also so I could post a big summary off a nice clue set (3 days). I am new to BC’s style, as I mentioned so yeh. Here goes ;D Clue interpretation, character wise. Day 1 The town of Liquidia was once again under siege, and Scaramanga and Bloodyc0bblerhad taken up the job of fixing the problem - Could relate to an army vehicle, or siege tank icon. Probably red herring.(Under Siege) As he reached the top of the stairs, he heard a sound behind him, he turned, just in time to see a lunging figure bowl into him, flinging him down the stairs, leaving him broken on the floor. Bloodyc0bbler was left to die slowly, which happened a few hours later. - “Sound behind him.” Can relate to a secretive or cautious person, cowardly person, or just an easy way to kill. - “Lunging figure bowl into him.” Agile, strong or fast are words that can be used to describe this action. - “Flinging him down the stairs.” His attack left a recoil that was strong enough to move him fast down the stairs. Strong again. - “Bloodyc0bblerwas left to die slowly, which happened a few hours later. Slow death. Did what he had to and left BC to die slowly.” It’s as if BC wasn’t worth enough of his time to finish him off there. “Across town, Scaramanga handed some parcels to a courier, and closing his door, walked to his living room, and began throwing stacks of paper into his fireplace, burning as much as he could. Once he had the last pile safely in the fire, he gazed up to look at his tv, only too see an uncomprehensable phrase before the tv exploded, killing Scaramanga in the blast.” - This paragraph confuses me… he gave parcels to a courier, threw stacks of paper in his fireplace, then looked up and died…. Oh well. - “Scaramanga handed some parcels to a courier. “ Unusual to interpretate. More scaramanga] than anything else. - “walked to his living room, and began throwing stacks of paper into his fireplace, burning as much as he could. Once he had the last pile safely in the fire.” As I said before, I don’t know how to interpret this. If I had to take a huge guess, it seemed that there was a bad smell in the room that Scaramanga wanted to cover, or something along those lines. Probably nothing. - “He gazed up to look at his tv, only to see an uncomprehensable phrase before the tv exploded.” Something to do with an unusual name? A word? Some unusual, hard to understand word that is somehow linked to explosions of some sort. Sum up on day 1 killers The man who killed BC was a strong man, with great technique. He may be a sports person, possibly NFL/Rugby etc. The man who killed Scaramanga confuses me. The TV exploded, meaning something electronical, and the phrase means the persons name or something in there profile is hard to understand. They may go together, as the word has a hidden meaning for explosions. Day 2 “The town had left the lynching in small groups, figuring that they would be safer that way. Out of these groups, two members of the town, returned to the crime scenes from the night before, hoping to find clues leading back to the brutal slayings of the night before.” - Red herring “Pyrrhuloxia and Fusionsdf poked around the mayor’s office before making their way to the scaramanga’s ruined house. Pyrrhuloxia nodded to fusionsdf and they split, one to the front of the house, one to the back. Pyrrhuloxia moved through the front door, silently moving into the living room where scaramanga had died.” - Red herring, probably. Key words include “poked” “ruined” and going to different sides. “What he found was someone kneeling over the body of Fusionsdf, pressing something into his eyes” - Kneelings may indicate he is very tall. - Pressing “something” can mean: - A lethal Injection maybe. A martial art hold. A weapon being pressed and inserting into his brain. “Pyrrhuloxia opened his mouth in shock and pulling his gun he saw a knife fly by his head, whipping into the wall beside him, he turned and saw a figure with another knife in his hand rushing towards him.” - A hunch, but it could be like the circus knive throwers or whatever, which narrowly miss the person on the spinning board. - Uses knives - ‘Rushing’ can indicate speed, or that he isn’t slow or very tall/fat. - He uses 2 knives. “Pyrrhuloxia fired, just as his opponent tripped forward just under the bullets path before stumbling into, and stabbing pyrrhuloxia “ - The killer is obviously clumsy. - Stumbling goes along with the story. - Actually could mean he is larger (he was going so fast for a big man, he fell. “Across town, Nemy and Bockit were sitting at a bar for drinks. Nemy was gazing down at a brown envelope before looking up and ordering another round for him and bockit.” - Red herring I think. God BC confuses me, I gotta read the thread for peoples take on this. “When the drinks arrived, the two smiled then cheered and tossed their drinks back.” - Red herring. Can’t be bothered looking into it too far. “Bockit got up and walked over to a juke box and slid a quarter in, and an upbeat song started to play before he switched it to something else. Before he could turn around bockit head was slammed into the juke box over and over till he died.” - Very aggressive killing. - Killer uses no owned weapons - Maybe something to do with music? He liked the upbeat music? “. Nemy turned to the commotion and got up to save his friend, only to take a few steps and collapse, with a burning sensation in his lungs, he lay on the ground watching his friend die as the world slowly went black, all he could hear was footsteps walk past him, stop and snicker before continuing on, then he was dead.” - Only took a few steps collapse. Could mean the toxic or chemical or whatever used has a large radius/range. - Burning sensation – people mentioned carbon monoxide, but monoxide died and was innocent… so gotta look into this in a later section. - Went black may mean smoke/smog etc, or blindness. I think blindless. - Sadistic men who laugh at what he did. - Slow, painful death. Sum up of the killers of Day 2 The person who killed Fusionsdf was a tall man from my point of view. He used a quick death action that involved the eyes/that region of the head… will look into it in a later section. The person who killed Pyrruloxhia was great with knives, possibly spinning board thrower, and he was clumsy at moving. I believe he is fat, stupid or rather tall in that regard, and he is good with knives when he is standing still. The person who killed Bockit was a brawler. He used no weapons and there is probably a music relation there with the jukebox. The person who killed nemy ofcourse has something to do with a chemical. He probably uses a chemical. The chemical blinded and collapsed Nemy by collapsing his lungs…. Interesting. Day 3 “The town dispersed once more, fleeing for the safety. Some went to their homes, others to places they believed to be safe. Everyone thought they were safe, the clock had struck 2, and no sounds were yet to be heard, all was clear this night.” - -_- “With that in mind, Rage and truthbringer left the bar they had been hiding in. Rage walked down the street, gun in hand, with truthbringer following closely behind” - Why do I copy paste this. Red herring 99% sure. "As rage turned onto the block in which he lived, he heard a grunt from behind him, he turned and leveling his gun, saw a garrote wire around Truthbringers neck, and a figure standing closely behind him." - My hunch on this clue is that the killer is very stalkerish. “Block he lived” “Standing close behind him” both indicate that fact. Also garrote wire can be involved, see below. - A grunt can mean aggression, an animal, or some other thing along those lines. - Leveling his gun means hes probably normal height - Garrote wire… maybe just a normal wire? Garrote wire is ment to be more silent, so it can go along with the silent stalker type of thing. He (rage) darted to the side to get a better shot, only to feel something slam into the back of his left leg, dropping him to the ground, as he turned his head to the side, he caught a quick glimpse of a man swinging a long object, caving rage head in. - Uses a large weapon - The weapon is pretty thick, as it “slammed” into the leg. - Left leg may indicate style, but probably not. Quickly thereafter truthbringer head rolled across the sidewalk. - Vicious killing… - Sharp wire used for the garrote style killing. Perhaps razor. "Across town, Fakesteve[tpr], amber[light], and infundibulum were staked out inside fakesteve’s house. The three had each taken up guard at different points in the house to prevent being hit. Fakesteve was in the living room, behind a couch, gun pointed at the largest window, waiting for mafia to attempt to enter. Amber[light] was at the top of the stairs with a rifle aimed at the front door, and Infundibulum had a shotgun aimed at the backdoor. The three waited in silence, for any sound of an attack." - Pasted for outline. "Amber[light] was the first to hear a sound, and slowly turning, he heard a creaking sound from a room down the hall." - Man is sneaky or just generally smart. Not much here to analyze. Cautiously he investigated, and slid into the room. He saw Fakesteve’s computer on, which he knew had been turned off hours earlier, so he moved around the room, looking for signs of entry. - Electronic devices used again. "As he passed the desk he noticed a weird phrase on the screen. As amber[light] looked down from the computer, he noticed a figure under the desk, and a metal glint in his hand. Two silent shots later, amber[light] collapsed to the ground, and the man fired another shot into the body’s head for good measure. " - Weird phrase and screen. The man who killed scaramanga is here again. - Hiding under the desk. Could mean he may be more related to the actual computer, not the monitor, or he’s just hiding. - Metal glint probably means a gun or some electronic weapon. - Silent shots mean the weapon is rare computer waapon, or it could be a silencer gun. - The word measure sticks out for me. "Infundibulum heard a thud from upstairs, and slowly started to back up, moving for the staircase to check on his friend. As he turned to the staircase, he noticed a man staring at him from the kitchen, he moved forward weapon in hand, and charged, and let a shot fire" - Used for outline of the killing "The cupboards splintered open, and the man ducked to the side, and flew his arm out to the side waving an object at Infundibulum, with a wicked smile on his face. As the man hit the floor, infundibulum reloaded, then moving forward again, slipped on the debris on the ground, and dropped his gun, which hit the ground and fired, shredding Infundibulum’s chest. " - The first line uses unusual wording. “Splintered open” probably means they are wood, - Ducked and waved something… reminds me of a matador, but ducking. Interesting. - Wicked smile probably means hes cunning or sadistic. - Debris on the ground is the main clue. He probably had that in his hand. Slippery and small would be the size of the debris. Fakesteve[tpr] never had a chance to retaliate; he turned towards the kitchen at the sound of shotgun fire, only to be enveloped in a black shroud. He felt an object glide through his shoulder and down to his heart, and something probe his jacket pockets before the void took him. - The Nemy killer returns. Black shroud is mentioned again, possibly the blindness thing. - This time an object is used. It pierced him easily, and got to his heart. - Probe his jackets… rob him? This guy confuses me now. "Three blocks away, Ace was gathering his things, and then lifting a hood over his head, he left his house, in search of clues towards the mafia hidden in the town. As he left his house, he saw a man, eyes wide open, shakily level a machine gun. Moment’s later ace was dead." - Eyes wide open, Shakily level…. - This means caffeine filled, alert, or just drugged up man "Showtime! and laxercannon headed for the gunshots, hoping to be able to save whomever they could." - Nope :As they ran, they saw a man hiccupping and swaying moving towards them. : - Probably indicates a sick man. :Showtime moved to see if he was ok, and moved his hands to steady him, the next thing Showtime! knew, he had a knife stuck in his chest: - The man either lured him, or was just genuinely sick/drowsy. I believe the latter is true. - Uses weapons. "Laxercannon turned, and drawing a knife of his own he moved to attack the man, only to stop dead, as an arrow pierced his neck. As laxercannon fell, he saw a man stepping out of a nearby alley." - Sharpshooter kind of guy. Longshot from a hidden spot. - Uses arrows ofcourse. - Used an alley, which is not much of a clue. Sum up of the killers from Day 3 The man who killed truthbringer was a very stalkerish person, or genuinely quiet. He used garrote wire, an assassination type wire in this case, and he left off a grunt, which is unusual. The man who killed rage relied on his weapon. It was a huge weapon and it ‘slammed’ his leg, probably meaning it was overly large, or should I say oversized compared to the leg. The man who killed Amber was the same one that killed scaramanga. He is computeristic, with a gadget or silent gun to kill now, and the phrase is mentioned again. The man who killed infundibulum was pretty agile, and taunting. He let off a wicked smile and lured infund into a false sense of security sort of. He finished him with debris that was on the ground that let to a stabbing of a defenceless infundibulum. Very recourseful person. The man who killed fakesteve was the chemical person who killed nemy. This time there was a piercing to the heart through the shoulder, and “probing” of his jacket, possibly for stealing. This man gets more unusual aswell, along with the robot. The man who killed Ace is high on something. Either caffeine, sleeping tablets (stay awake I should say) or is just a nervous/twitchy person. The man who killed Showtime! Fooled him with his illness even though he was ill in a way. He was hiccupping and dizzy, indicating he was drunk or something along those lines, then just stabbed him. He may be a large man. The man who killed laxercannon was a sharpshooter. He used an arrow, ofcourse leading to archery, and stayed quiet and in the dark in an alleyway as he got off a longshot. Very precise man. Next part of the analyzation post: Clues and Characters - what links to what? Bare with me as this took me a while to do, and I obviously skipped some things as it would have taken me years to do EVERYONE thoroughly. Killings so far – short version. Bloodyc0bbler (game mod) by a hard “lunging” striking man. Scaramanga (game mod) by an electronic explosion accompanied by an uncomprehensible phrase Fusionsdf was killed by a kneeling person (tall) who “pressed” something into his eyes Pyrrhuloxia was killed by a clumsy killer who was very good with knives Nemy was killed by a chemical substance which blinded him and left a burning sensation in his lungs Rage was killed by a large weapon strike Bockit was killed by being rammed ruthlessly into a jute box. Truthbringer was killed by a garrote wire in an assassination type kill. Amber[light] was killed by a person with a “metal glint”. Phrase and computers also involved again. Infundibulum was killed by a Fast, ‘wicked’ man who used debris to slip his opponent, before finishing him off. Fakesteve was killed by “black shroud”, and then an object piercing through his shoulder and then the killer “voided” his jacket pocket. Ace was killed by an either nervous, caffeinated or someone on drugs. Showtime was killed by a man who was “hiccupping” and “swaying”. He was lured over there and killed with a knife. Laxercannon was killed by a marksman who stayed in an alley and shot with an arrow. Certain overlapping links: Scaramanga & Amber[light]’s killer Possible overlapping links: Nemy and Fakesteve’s killer Pyrruloxia and Infundibulums killer Non overlapped: BloodyC0bbler Laxercannon Showtime Bockit Rage Truthbringer Fusionsdf - 3 Days - 13 Killings - Bockit may or may not have been used in a clue day 1. - Unable to tell how many mafia there are right now. - Suspected 2 families. - My opinion: I think bockit wasn’t used, but looking bockits profile picture, it sort of matches “bowling” in the way it - spins, and the killer “bowled” into Bloodyc0bbler. Profile Matching Killing One (BloodyC0bblers Killer) Suspected killings so far: 1 As he reached the top of the stairs, he heard a sound behind him, he turned, just in time to see a lunging figure bowl into him, flinging him down the stairs, leaving him broken on the floor. Bloodyc0bbler was left to die slowly, which happened a few hours later. Matches: Bockit – Picture (spinning circle) – Relates to “bowl into him” Incognito - Name - Relates to the lunging strike (Richie incognito is an NFL player) - Chuiu like clue. (Weak) Killer of two (Scaramanga and Ambers’ killer) he gazed up to look at his tv, only too see an uncomprehensable phrase before the tv exploded, killing Scaramanga in the blast. He saw Fakesteve’s computer on, which he knew had been turned off hours earlier, so he moved around the room, looking for signs of entry. As he passed the desk he noticed a weird phrase on the screen. As amber[light] looked down from the computer, he noticed a figure under the desk, and a metal glint in his hand. Two silent shots later, amber[light] collapsed to the ground, and the man fired another shot into the body’s head for good measure. Matches: 3clipse is mafia Using some of my computer knowledge on coding (my brother), i found out: A project involving open source IDE and java = eclipse which is a hard to understand computer language (or phrase/phrases) Across town, Scaramanga handed some parcels to a courier, and closing his door, walked to his living room, and began throwing stacks of paper into his fireplace, burning as much as he could. Once he had the last pile safely in the fire, he gazed up to look at his tv, only too see an uncomprehensable phrase before the tv exploded, killing Scaramanga in the blast. He saw Fakesteve’s computer on, which he knew had been turned off hours earlier, so he moved around the room, looking for signs of entry. As he passed the desk he noticed a weird phrase on the screen. As amber[light] looked down from the computer, he noticed a figure under the desk, and a metal glint in his hand. Two silent shots later, amber[light] collapsed to the ground, and the man fired another shot into the body’s head for good measure. Google this: Project involving open source IDE and java Killing Three(Fusionsdfs’ killer) What he found was someone kneeling over the body of Fusionsdf, pressing something into his eyes. Matches BWDero – Picture (Superhero? With electricity) – Tall guy with electricity. LTT – Someone mentioned earlier (weak) Killing Four (Pyrruloxhias’ killer) Pyrrhuloxia opened his mouth in shock and pulling his gun he saw a knife fly by his head, whipping into the wall beside him, he turned and saw a figure with another knife in his hand rushing towards him. Pyrrhuloxia fired, just as his opponent tripped forward just under the bullets path before stumbling into, and stabbing pyrrhuloxia Matches Qatol – Quote – “Oops” in another language Killing Five (Bockits Killer), Maybe infundibulums killer Bockit got up and walked over to a juke box and slid a quarter in, and an upbeat song started to play before he switched it to something else. Before he could turn around bockit head was slammed into the juke box over and over till he died. Matches Fishball - Quote – Soul Symphony (Hitting his head into a musical object) Killing Six (Nemys’ Killer),maybe fakesteves killer Nemy turned to the commotion and got up to save his friend, only to take a few steps and collapse, with a burning sensation in his lungs, he lay on the ground watching his friend die as the world slowly went black, all he could hear was footsteps walk past him, stop and snicker before continuing on, then he was dead. Matches Also i think we should think outside the box with the burning lungs feeling. I personally believe [HeavOnEarth may be mafia. His name can be stretched to Heaven On Earth, and to go along with burning lungs, if you were in heaven (allegedly in the clouds) the pressure would be immense on your lungs, no? The Earth part also indicates your on earth when it happens. Just a thought. Killing Seven (Rage) He darted to the side to get a better shot, only to feel something slam into the back of his left leg, dropping him to the ground, as he turned his head to the side, he caught a quick glimpse of a man swinging a long object, caving rage head in. Matches Mikeymoo – Profile – Objects which could “slam” (are large) CompX – Quote – Referring to Tiny (the stone giant) Killing Eight (Truthbringer) he heard a grunt from behind him, he turned and leveling his gun, saw a garrote wire around Truthbringers neck, and a figure standing closely behind him. Quickly thereafter truthbringer head rolled across the sidewalk. Matches Chaoser – Profile – Ninjas (Assassination) Killing Nine (Infundibulum) As he turned to the staircase, he noticed a man staring at him from the kitchen, he moved forward weapon in hand, and charged, and let a shot fire. The cupboards splintered open, and the man ducked to the side, and flew his arm out to the side waving an object at Infundibulum, with a wicked smile on his face. As the man hit the floor, infundibulum reloaded, then moving forward again, slipped on the debris on the ground, and dropped his gun, which hit the ground and fired, shredding Infundibulum’s chest. Matches Chuiu – Picture (The brain from pinky and the brain) – Wicked smile, hand extended to the left, smart (also pinky is stupid which can mean the accidents) – STRONG Ver - Profile - "One bad general is better than two good ones." - Causing accidents yet gets more gain. Killer Ten (Fakesteve) Fakesteve[tpr] never had a chance to retaliate; he turned towards the kitchen at the sound of shotgun fire, only to be enveloped in a black shroud. He felt an object glide through his shoulder and down to his heart, and something probe his jacket pockets before the void took him. Matches Monoxide – Name – Carbon Monoxide Chaoser – Profile – Ninjas (Smokescreen and a ninja star) Killing Eleven (Aces’) – Vigi maybeThree blocks away, Ace was gathering his things, and then lifting a hood over his head, he left his house, in search of clues towards the mafia hidden in the town. As he left his house, he saw a man, eyes wide open, shakily level a machine gun. Moment’s later ace was dead. Matches Caller - Quote - Lurker - Shaky until Aces head was hidden - Confirmed (vigi) Killing Twelve (Showtime! Killer) As they ran, they saw a man hiccupping and swaying moving towards them. Showtime moved to see if he was ok, and moved his hands to steady him, the next thing Showtime! knew, he had a knife stuck in his chest. Matches Ver is Mafia. He killed Showtime! "No one ever rises so high as he who knows not where is he going." - Oliver Cromwell As they ran, they saw a man hiccupping and swaying moving towards them. Showtime moved to see if he was ok, and moved his hands to steady him, the next thing Showtime! knew, he had a knife stuck in his chest. The man was hiccuping and swaying, then suddenly rised to the occasion and striked showtime! Killing Thirteen (Laxercannons Killer) Laxercannon turned, and drawing a knife of his own he moved to attack the man, only to stop dead, as an arrow pierced his neck. As laxercannon fell, he saw a man stepping out of a nearby alley. Matches Blue_Arrow – Name – Arrow So No Fek – Quote – “ I lurk TL.net” – Relates to being in an alley (weak) Will keep updating the last part. I'm mafia now, t_co? | ||
Poland8075 Posts
i didnt get any message like that -_- | ||
United States702 Posts
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4492 Posts
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Canada7170 Posts
I'm enjoying the clue towards Chuiu, but my vote stays on Qatol for obvious reasons. If/when he flips red, keep in mind that the people he sought to lynch can still be mafia from the other family. Camlito, is there a reason Caller's name is not under the suspects for Ace's killer? He DID admit to it. | ||
Australia4040 Posts
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Canada5652 Posts
On May 03 2009 18:47 Mynock wrote: To Qatol's counter-accusations: I'm not even going to post much anything here. Once you're lynched, if you're Town, it's ff from me. If you're Mafia, we'll look into your supporters (Vivi57, JeeJee...) and will have something to go on. I think it's pretty obvious why I'm accusing you (doesn't matter if you're Town or Mafia, you hurt the Town), and your defense of accusing me instead won't change any of that. hahahahahahahaha have you been keeping up with this thread, like at all? | ||
United States564 Posts
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Canada149 Posts
Speaking of the Mayor, in this game, there's no way to positively validate the mayor's innocence. Yes he won't die from mafias until all his bodyguards are dead, but what good is that when he can be a mafia himself, and from what I have observed, this mayor in particular is now the no.1 suspect. What's worse is that he's using his 3 votes privilege to get help himself by voting the next lynch candidate, Quickstriker. Now, Quickstirker is also a strong suspect imo. And it won't surprise me if he turns out red because a) a mafia mayor is much more valuable than a mafia henchman b) Qatol can gain some trust this way c) it was already a two-way contest between Qatol and Quickstriker by the time Qatol first responded, it was his best bet to save himself. Let's not forget all the other clues (especially behavior-wise, how he has never been able to nail a mafia and that Ace and Ver were highly suspicious of him). By lynching Qatol, we will have more information gained than from lynching any other suspects. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
what good is that when he can be a mafia himself, What good is the role in general? I was under the impression that we need him to double lynch, but according to the main page there's no such requirement. Mayor is basically a townie with 3 votes who picks the first day lynch. We don't really lose anything by killing him.By lynching Qatol, we will have more information gained than from lynching any other suspects. Well, what exactly does it tell us. I keep hearing people saying "we'll know more when we kill XYZ", but then no one actually explains that information. | ||
4492 Posts
On May 04 2009 06:10 GoodWill wrote: I feel we have not stressed enough of the fact that somebody betrayed 2 detectives on day2. The only real possibility I see is that they gave up their identity to Qatol, the Mayor. Speaking of the Mayor, in this game, there's no way to positively validate the mayor's innocence. Yes he won't die from mafias until all his bodyguards are dead, but what good is that when he can be a mafia himself, and from what I have observed, this mayor in particular is now the no.1 suspect. What's worse is that he's using his 3 votes privilege to get help himself by voting the next lynch candidate, Quickstriker. Now, Quickstirker is also a strong suspect imo. And it won't surprise me if he turns out red because a) a mafia mayor is much more valuable than a mafia henchman b) Qatol can gain some trust this way c) it was already a two-way contest between Qatol and Quickstriker by the time Qatol first responded, it was his best bet to save himself. Let's not forget all the other clues (especially behavior-wise, how he has never been able to nail a mafia and that Ace and Ver were highly suspicious of him). By lynching Qatol, we will have more information gained than from lynching any other suspects. Wow a voice of reason in this Town! Btw, adding all things up, Ver is either a townie disheartened with Town, or is Mafia, hence the no-posts. I'm suspecting him as Mafia tho. | ||
Chile3469 Posts
On May 04 2009 08:20 Mynock wrote: Wow a voice of reason in this Town! Btw, adding all things up, Ver is either a townie disheartened with Town, or is Mafia, hence the no-posts. I'm suspecting him as Mafia tho. At least someone understands why viging VER makes sense. How many games have we seen VER make 1 post? | ||
Canada7170 Posts
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United States538 Posts
Don't vigi hit someone we have shit on. I want to get some mafia kills in here, not a "Oh no, we fucked up again" kill. We got nothing to gain from killing Ver yet, not even info! | ||
Canada7170 Posts
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United States538 Posts
I stand by my thoughts. We screwed up with wasting a hit on Ace and killing Versatile. The only people who even killed Mafia, was Mafia. Let's aim for more potential targets for our vigi's. We can use behavior analysis to help us, but right now we aren't using it to it's full potential. I think the mafia has a high k/p right now. They probably do to balance out the game, cause unless they some how by the slightest damn chance they find each other and some how confirm each other to be mafia (i highly doubt it) they are going to kill each other, so to balance it out, they probably have more a high k/p. (This will also probably help balance out the game so it doesn't take forever. So maybe at this rate with our help Right now, they got lucky and killed a lot of us (with the possible exception of caller who called out on vigi hitting Ace.) If any case, mafia probably are like screw it, if they kill each other they kill each other. But at this rate, they killed 7 of us! (ace is 8) so let's say when thye had bockit that could have been 8! Also we don't know if they doubled on someone, so maybe even 9 or 10 if they had bockit with them! So if we look at how many mafia there could be...maybe 6-8 mafia each side (Since mafia numbers are normally bigger then k/p right)? sharing 4 of 5 kp for each side? Let's just say they had 4k/p each, then that would = 8 and bockit dies = 7 right? There are 43 left of us in total so if they keep killing with 7kp, they can kill us in 6-7 days. That seems to long of a game even if you subtract 7 people, that only saves a day! there should be at least 13-15 mafia still. Which saves 2 days making it 4-5 days left until they clean house. If we keep fucking up and use our vigi hits and kill wrong people, also keep lynching wrong people, we can reduce that time to possibly 3-4 days with our big game! That is why we need to make more accurate and better choices in who to vigi hit and lynch! | ||
Chile3469 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + In the quiet and warm peace of his livingroom Malongo has been very upset by the turn of events. The bloody god over the sky had put a test over the town of liquidia: the test of number misinformation. With two bands of Mafia shooting everywhere, an uncertain number of random shooters with no alliance known and some proper town fucktards shooting as well there was little the town could do. Resistance was futile, and Malongo knew that. However Malongo knew that he wasnt alone. He knew that several others were at their own homes, in the same position as him, trying to figure what to do and ready to leave the town ala "Mynock". We cant do shit, said Malongo to himself, we are screwed. Looking at the towns citizen list he went sure that only a miracle could save them. Then taking a shot of fine wine Malongo prepared to the night, knowing that the game was almost over, the town had lost a lot of valuable citizens and not just that, they couldnt believe the town mayor anymore. The worst part: the town had failed to find at least one of the members of the mafia that desolated the town, the only red body they found was a rather strange death and the tow n was unable to find the real explanation about this death. While walking towards his room Malongo realized that this was the only time. He was a townie afterall, he wasnt going to be "inactive" because of some fuckers he was going to fight until death, and calmly Malongo took the town flag he had for special times and walked out, marching alone to the town main square in front of the city hall, where he could hear the shooting. There, with the only background of his flag he started his declamation. - The town is fucked: We are screwed number wise and activity wise. Take a look at todays voting: there are at most 25 voters. Wich means several people dont care about the town and the game anymore. Look at the deaths list. Several blues, some greens. Only one red bastard. Look at the town killing power and compare to the mafia KP. At best its a 6/1 ratio. Worst than that: we are just running around like mindless ants trying to hit a mafia. We cant trust our neighboor anymore, we have nothing but our votes. - I propose a simple list of procedures to at least try to end this game with our best chances. The only way we can achieve the miracle this time is: IF there are two mafias this game (something we cant be sure because of bloodygod), then to win we need that they shoot eachother somehow. Thats the only way. If theres only one mafia (and Bockits death was just a diversion) then we are screwed anyways. Procedures list (all this im asking for is supposed to happen next lynch. Theres almost nothing to do today): 1- I demand that the town Mayor abstains from using his 3 voting power. Three times Qatol as failed to make a red lynch. Even in the case that Quickstriker is lynched and turns red we cant trust him, because he had protected the same Quickstriker 3 times now, and he is lynching Quickstriker because the other option is himself. We cant trust him because his activity has been 100% inconsistant and his voting pattern only shows that its him the one deciding the lynchs. If the Mayor fails to adhere this rule we lynch him next day. At this point I assume theres nothing else to do for todays voting. If theres a small chance that Qatol is townie sided he will for sure make 1 vote like everyone else. 2- We start Lynching inactives and clue pointed players: If we need that mafia hit eachother, and looking at the mafia hitlists we can be sure of something: They dont hit inactives. They dont hit nonvoters. Thats why lynching Lordweird was better in my opinion this time however ive failed to convince you. We force mafia to come out. I wont lose a game because some fuckers like to post nothing while shooting at me. Period. At the end you will find my proposed list of inactives. 3-Townies: DONT change your vote. Again if there are 2 mafias chances are they are the ones trying to sway the voting. -DONT - EVER - change your vote. If we caught a player changing the voting we lynch him next day. If we fail a lynch, whatever, we can fail. However we dont have second opinions. Im sure no green will ever disagree this. 4- We start using DL NOW: We dont have time. We are screwed. Tomorrow 6 more will fall. Please as i asked before to save them because they were our last resource: this is the last time to use them. Vote for DL. In the worst case we are using DL on Lordweird and Qatol tomorrow (assuming that Quickstriker is lynched today). If we have a 10% chance of winning lets take it. Double LYNCH tomorrow. 5-I will propose a small madic list before the night comes: As we cant trust Qatol we have to trust someone, i will try my best to come with a list that makes sense and it will be small enough to protect some players. Note that i cant voice for theyr inocence but at least i will propose players that look active at clue analisis and prove to be valuable for the town. 6- Vigilantes: If there are any of you still alive with shots, go pick an inactive that has clue related to him. Viging Ace last time was idiot (I already posted why when I asked to not do it). Force mafia to come out. 7- DTs: again if any, dont trust anyone. Do your job. Rolecheck 3 times and then post your results. We dont have time to wait for clues more than 3 nights, you are in the shooting gallery as well. 8- Veterans and townies: I know this game is a pain at this stage and almost nothing can be done to assure a win. However stay as active as you can and vote. Thats all im asking for. Dont give up yet, i dont ask for clue analisis or to do stupids infiltrations: that only creates more chaos where we are. Post your opinion shortly and vote, nothing more nothing less. If you want to clue analize: you are welcome but make it spoilered and at the end make a summary of WHO and WHY is mafia clue wise. Nothing can be more auto devastating that a clue analisis that says: "this can be related to this other thing but i dont know who is related to this." This type of clue analisis is trash, State clearly who and why in the end (ouside the spoilers). Summary: 1- Qatol starts voting as a single townie. 2- We lynch inactives clue wise. 3- We dont change our votes ever 4- We start using Double Lynch until the number of mafia gets down significally 5- Medic list is no longer managed by Qatol. 6- Vigilantes: send hits tonight to inactives clue wise. 7- DTs: work alone until you made your investigations 8- Townies and veterans: vote and put your opinions. If you make clue analisis use the procedure. Please as a proof of your town allignment make a post saying: I sign Malongos declaration. This way at least we will know if its worthly to keep the game going. Thanks. | ||
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