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Day 2
Running down the street, KH1031 is hot on the trail of sinister men. He sees one of them enter a fishy looking building and disappear. Quickly, KH1031 runs in after him.
Bursting through the door and doing a hunter roll, KH1031 looks around quickly but doesn't see anyone. Suddenly he hears the creak of some steps and runs to check. Peeking around the wall he sees something dangling behind the suspect and shoots.
The bullet hits the step and the suspect is running up the stairs and onto an outdoor landing.
KH1031 gives chase and steps outside. He feels as if though he is being watched...
KH1031: ahhhhhhh!
As he yelps in pain and opens his eyes, his eyes widen in terror...at the site of a flying man with a beak and birdlike eyes.
KH1031: what are you!?
Pyrrrhuloxia: hmmm, I'll be asking the questions from now on...why are you here?
KH1031: I...I..
Pyyrhuloxia: useless.
Pyrrrhuloxia springs forward and plucks both of his eyes out with his beak. KH1031 starts bleeding to death from his eyes.
Pyrrrhuloxia: That'll teach you to invade my space. Now back to findin-guhhhhhhh!
A large spear goes through Pyrrrhuloxia's wing!
Myr: hello little birdie!
Pyrrrhuloxia: you...lucky...
Myr: I should thank Mr.Detective here for helping me! You Yamagumi-guchi are finished!
Pyrrrhuloxia is barely conscious from all the blood loss and can hardly speak.
Pyrrrhuloxia: wha...do..do..you...mean...
Myr: You won't be the only one to die tonight. Goodbye my prey.
Pyrrrhuloxia the Capo is dead.
nemy is busy in his workshop when he hears the door open and looks around to see a man in with a compass in his hand looking directly at him.
nemy: no way...get the fuck out!
blue_arrow: sorry dude, it's about that time.
blue_arrow pulls out a pointy looking metal object and throws it at nemy's skull.
As he goes to pull the weapon out of nemy's lifeless head he looks through the window and sees something jump off the building flying towards him.
blue_arrow: what the fuck...this guy is reckless...
Ryu: Merry Christmas motherfucker!
A huge fireball erupts through the glass engulfing the entire workshop, nemy's lifeless body and blue_arrow as well.
Ryu lands hard on the concrete and hits his head. Confusing as always, he walks around a while dazed before realizing where to go off to next.
As the oil stains line his wake, Roll reverses over the crushed body of Versatile.
As the metallic voice trails off, Mynock goes to the now lifeless body and pulls out his wakizashi.
Just as he does so, he sees something in Versatile's pocket and pulls it out.
Thinking to himself how it's odd she would have one of these in the latter part of the year, he feels a gnawing sensation in his leg and drops to the floor.
The drooling Ebb stands there, shedding light on to the mystery of exactly why Versatile had that in her pocket.
Mynock attemps to stab Ebb, only to hit get his sword stuck in the little wooden container Ebb is carrying.
Knowing it's over, Mynock clutches his family memento, a pendant with his grandmother's picture and readies himself for death.
Mynock: All these years I have been one of the best and have killed countless people. I knew this day would come.
Just as Ebb strikes, Mynock pulls a string and self detonates. Chunks of himself and Versatile's body fill the streets as a surprising smell fills the air. Ebb who managed to barely avoid the blast just gets up and runs away before the authorities show up.
randombum walks into a burlesque house late at night and asks the head lady for some "service".
The Madam asks him a few questions about his tastes and briefly recognizing his desires, gives him a few photos.
randombum: this one right here...he'll do.
The Madam rings a bell and a door directly across the hall opens up.
randombum steps in, not surprised in the least to see Showtime!
randombum: what's a whore like you doing in a nice place like this?
Showtime!: spreading my goods for people that pay! get the fuck out!
randombum: certainly!
randombum lunges at Showtime! and catches his neck!
showtime!: ugh......
As randombum chokes the life out of Showtime! he looks in the mirror and sees someone sitting there, watching him.
Nelson starts to clap, mockingly.
Nelson: Bravo! But let me show you how it's really done...
Nelson pulls out a revolver and flashes it.
randombum looks terrified, as all he's holding is a piece of rope.
Nelson: nahhhhh! Just kidding, don't feel like cleaning up the blood.
Immediately he throws the gun at randombum and it hits him square in the face.
Nelson is on top of him and starts choking him.
Nelson: see..doing it like this is less messy. No blood, nothing to clean up.
Minutes later Nelson is calmly walking out the room and sees The Madam.
The Madam: Everything alright Mr.Floyd?
Nelson: of course...
He winks at her and slips her a kiss on the cheek and walks out.
The Madam(blushing): sigh....he's so...hmmmm what a handsome young man
wurm is sitting in a bar listening to the radio when he is surprised to see Amber[light] rigidly sit down next to him.
Amber[light] is trying to say something but wurm can't hear him as the music is too loud.
Amber[light], not even seeming to notice keeps talking.
wurm looks at his eyes and notice how puppet-like he is looking.
He quickly gets up and shakes Amber[light] furiously!
Amber[light] doesn't respond.
wurm: hey! whats wrong!
Out of nowhere, amber[light] snaps to - "He...in...my...head"....
wurm: who!
As the blood spills from wurm's body he looks in the corner and notices someone staring intently at Amber[light].
Suddenly he looks over to Amber[light] and notices his head quivering, dangerously as if it's about to explode.
Out of no where Amber[light] pulls out the same knife he used on wurm and slits his own throat.
wurm collapses shortly after.
Cookie walks out the bar thinking to himself how ironic it is that wurm tried to help Amber[light], not even knowing he was mafia.
In the hospital, malongo is visiting his brother bumatlarge . As he opens the door to get some medicine, a massive force pushes it in and mauls malongo and destroys everything he crashes into.
malongo looks at the hulking figure and notices a name tag for one of the doctors that work in the hospital.
malongo: BB!
BB gives malongo a menacing glare, and then brutally snaps each of bumatlarge's limbs slowly, taking pleasure in the bone cracking pain of the torture.
BB throws the now lifeless body at malongo and walks out. As malongo looks at his brother, he feels as if his spirit is broken and also dies too.
The final scene of the night shifts to the movie theatres where a couple of guys are watching a popular movie.
As the figure on the screen swims at the beach, BloodyC0bbler throws glass at the screen screaming about how the movie sucks.
Just then Reign hops through the projector stunning everyone. He throws a weird round see through looking object that cracks BloodyC0bbler in the skull killing him. Ocz3c is stunned and stops moving long enough for a giant, scaly looking being to come at him and bite his chest off. Rex spits the pieces of flesh into the projector and breaks it, stopping the movie.
With the entire theatre in a panic renegade_zerg decides it's his time to escape and runs for the exit only to be confronted by Link.
Link: oh yeah! showtime!
renegade_zerg: for the swarm!
as renegade_zerg lunges at Link, he sidesteps him and watches him crash on the floor.
Link: oh man you suck!
As Link goes for the kill, Kweezy runs into him knocking him down.
Little does Kweezy know that little bump would cost him his life. Smith elbows Kweezy in the rib and tells to Link to hurry up and kill them both.
Link: sweet!!! 2 for 1!
Smith starts through the door and Link looks over to him.
Link: yo wait! How will I find you?
Smith: Look at the end of the hallway. Go past about 2 dozen doors. you won't be halfway there but you'll be close.
And with that, Smith leaves, locking the door behind him to make sure no one else goes in or out.
inertinept is running down the hall for his life, and sees Smith but runs right past him. Likewise, Rourk is chasing him somewhat drunkenly. He looks at Smith and the locked door and smirks. Laughing to himself and mumbling something about Ms.Vetra he cracks the bottle, turning it into sharp weapon and goes to finish off inertinept.
Serge is at the juice fountain drinking something and eating some extremely hard candy while looking at Xcetron squirming in pain. as the acid eats away at his stomach, Serge walks away satisfied at this turn of events.
The final act of the night belongs to none other than Sephiroth himself. As the wax hardens, he looks Bockit in his eyes and just stares. He sees the outcome of the night and hopes to things don't get worse. As he bashes Bockit's head in, he leaves the office door quielty and plots for tomorrow night.
Day 2
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