Mr. Brown called out to him as they ran towards his direction but BloodyC0bbler couldn't understand a word he was saying. BloodyC0bbler stopped to face them and tried to figure out what the ruckus was all about when he saw the looks on their faces. BloodyC0bbler decided it was best to run from them instead and started heading toward his car parked a couple blocks down. He almost already felt himself dying as he ran as hard as he could but Mr. Pink eventually caught up to him first and tackled him to the ground. Mr. Brown snagged a rather sharp stone from someones yard decoration and quickly caught up. Mr. Pink held BloodyC0bbler down as Mr. Brown smashed the stone several times into his skull.
Mr Brown can't be understood again. This is clearly a thematic point. He also calls out, not yelling this time. Mr Brown is again connected to a face being smashed in. Mr Brown viciously beats Fishball to death with Mr. Blonde in the previous clue. He bricks Cobbler in the face this time.
Mr. Pink is speedy, it seems, and tackles. From the original clues on Mr. Pink, he seems like a street fighter type character (not the game). Kinda quiet and reserved, but able to go all out in a brawl. He also seems to be bloodthirsty, which is shown by him and Mr. Brown literally smashing 2 people to death without any firearms or even classical weapons besides fists.
But something even more interesting: Mr. Pink and Mr. Brown are together as a pair twice. This is highly unlikely unless its done on purpose.
Images typically go unchecked because they haven't been put into lists, but after looking at the clues for today, I went over all of the current profile pictures, and came across this. I'm not going to point any fingers, but this reminds me of a certain mafia character on nearly all of his thematic levels.
No, actually, you told them who the jack was with this post:
Ok here's what we know about last night for sure - EXTREMELY IMPORTANT POST
Mafia Kill List for Night 4
1.)Hittegods 2.)xDark.Carnivalx 3.)Lenwe (protected once) - Medic #1 4.)Lenwe 5.)Caller 6.)Meta
All of these were legit - now here's something interesting.
7.) Plexa (protected) Medic2 8.)Plexa (protected) Medic3 9.) Plexa (protected again) Medic4 (not confirmed yet) 10.) Jack (I told him to put vet status on) took 1 hit 11.) Jack (protected) Medic 5
or 10 +11 is true. Either way something is wrong.
This is all based on the Night Kills + info I got from medics and the Jack. As you can see, something does NOT add up. How could Plexa be protected 3 times and the Jack get hit as a vet and saved?
Plexa how many hits were you informed about taking last night?
Mafia knew which hits failed. They knew Plexa and someone else failed, and then you went and called that person the jack. But way to go, yet another massive bumbling mistake to reveal another medic. I'll likely be dead tomorrow because of your spotty memory and poor play.
Edit: I didn't want to say anything before because that would have made it pretty clear for mafia, but I guess now that decaf's dead and you're trying to get another medic killed, I'm rather forced.
You realize that 5 hits didn't land last night, one of which was protected by me. Where did the rest go?
Edit: 2 vig hits (one on your orders on KH, which decaf pmed me about) + 3 normal kills.
Either mafia hit 5 veterans, or they probably put extra hits on decaf to assure that he couldn't vote check in the future.
And to add to that, if the Jack's ID was already known by the channel incident, why does it tie to me. Mafia already knew, and with the missing hits, (being over FIFTY PERCENT of their total hits), its incredibly easy to assume that they just tossed an extra hit or two on him to assure his death.
people don't get pms about getting hit unless they survive. Ask chuiu.
Also, to reply to amber:
Also, L, how do you know your medic save was necessarily guaranteed protection. We can't say for sure. We need to list who was actually hit. Lets also not forget it's possible that some mafia can be inactive? I don't know. I know i stopped one hit. The fact that there was more than one hit is assured, which still leaves 3 in the air. One medic protection wouldn't ever be guaranteed protection, and from mafia's hitting history, they seem to stack hits, or hit a LOT of veterans, none of which have died.
Honestly, it doesn't even matter now. Ace just got me killed by mafia hit tomorrow night unless he's trying to set me up to get protected.
Wow, so you get called on making up stuff, and now want to silence me in the same way you silenced wurm? This is a joke.
Ignoring that info look at the clues that point to L. People have said i'm 3 different mafia members. The latest 'clues' are just as bogus. People will attach clues to people if they look hard enough, see Ghar and MidnightGladius (sorry guys) for details.
And as for the list.
It was
Empyrean - On my own. Empyrean - You told me to stay on him. Empyrean - You told me to stay on him. I stopped a hit, but he still died. Plexa - I pmed Chuiu 3 minutes before my pm to you on the ninth of april. Mafia hit plexa twice, You put 3 medics on him. He survives Decaf - I prevented a hit. He dies.
But you knew all that.
Or they've protected someone who was mafia. Lenwe wasn't, so the medic on him is 100% confirmed, regardless of if he should or shouldn't have known. All the others, however, aren't. Unless all the saves are on people that are confirmed townie, you're making faulty judgements again.
Oh, nevermind then.
That leaves player error.
See god picture for more details.
Wait, no, it doesn't matter if mafia can't hit mafia, because the fake medic and the mafia target don't actually need a hit to say it happened. they can just use a hit that's unaccounted for.
I did protect decaf :/. We've been over this. Moreover, who did 'everyone else' protect? Mafia already know who they hit + failed to kill, so their target might as well speak up. If he can't, then you're clearly bullshitting. Account for 5 missing hits. I know you can't because I'm blue.
I'll be waiting.
Do I even need to?
The only possible way you could be blue is if everyone else is lying. Yeah, you kinda do. Because you're saying that 3 medics defended hits tonight, and mafia already knows that. Why would you keep information from the town.
More than that, only 1 medic needs to be lying, for the reasons i showed earlier.
If you think he's suspect the least you would do is actually make some sense of your accusations, right? Well, if people are suspecting me, i'd rather they evaluate the clues based on the clue's merits, and not my "coolness" in the thread.
If Medic G saved someone, have the person who they saved post, otherwise they could easily be the mafia/medic pair. Mafia already know the hit failed.
When i turn up blue, i suggest everyone take a good hard look at what happened here.
If they post what good will that do? Edit: When i turn up blue, it'll be the name of a mafia, or someone who screwed up. It also proves you aren't full of shit, because you're pretending you know where 5 hits went, and i'm 100% positive you don't, because I stopped one.
Go ahead and show proof that you know where all 5 came from. You can't.
I'll publicly say that tonight we are only putting YOU on a target, a target like...Plexa.
If Plexa dies or you don't die we'd know your Mafia for sure and then lynch you tomorrow.
Deal? I'm going to die tonight to mafia regardless, but that's fine. At least you don't waste a lynch, and the person i'm protecting is assured 2+ hits if he wants to die.
Either way, I protected decaf, so I know you're doing something wrong to account for all other 5 hits.
He doesn't need to pick plexa. Nor would I advise he does. \
Edit: He can also lie and put extra medics to prevent 2-3 hits from registering, and just make sure that I'm the first one to send my PM to chuiu so that I'm first on the list to save the target. Either way, mafia sending 2 hits on a target that the town knows is going to get hit is risky for them.
Is the medic still informed if he blocked a hit, even if the person hit isn't? (I know he isn't if he's killed, but is the medic still informed in that situation?) We're informed regardless of if the target survives or not, but only if our save was the one that stopped the hit.
- As well as many other specific physical references to his creation here. I found it funny that:
1) You linked to the letter L, which has nothing to do with the interpretation.
2) Upon reading the wikipedia article, there's a massive amount of contraindicatory information.
Ohba said that he left "everything" about L's character design to Obata. Obata asked Ohba if L could be "unattractive." Afterwards Ohba included ideas in his thumbnails, including L's manner of sitting, "he's English," and "he's listless." Ohba said that he added details regarding L's mannerisms and his "sweet tooth." Ohba credits Obata for the character designs.[5] Basically you misquoted the paragraph that said that L developed into a very quirky character and used it so say he was ugly.
Obata said that, during the development of the early manga chapters, he feared that L would appear to be "so suspicious that Light would know instantly it was L if they ever met." When Obata's editor told him that he wanted L to have a face "looking cool based on the angle," Obata added black "bags" under L's eyes. Obata cited Devilman's Akira Fudou when stating that he believed that black bags "looked cool." In addition, Obata thought of a "dead eyes" concept involving L having "mostly no eyebrows" and "all-black eyes." Obata believes that having black eyes usually makes a character "goofier," but the bags "sharpen the character's gaze." Obata believes that the design evokes "a feeling of mystery" and that the reader cannot determine L's true thoughts. In addition Obata said that the bags under L's eyes attracts speculation about L's lifestyle and past. He described the bags as "useful." Obata designed L with a "simple" white, long-sleeved shirt and jeans outfit to convey the idea that L does not put thought into choosing his clothing. In Death Note: How to Read 13, Obata presented an initial rough draft of L. Obata said that, with a "cool expression" and without the "bags" under his eyes the rough draft L looks like "a totally different person."[4] Clearly looking cool and being ugly are the same, right? GJ taking someone and fitting clues to him as opposed to taking clues and fitting them thematically to people.
Anyways, that's the preliminary design of L. Read further down into what he actually does in the anime, and you'll see that none of it remotely describes me.
I'd argue harder, but i'll be mafia'd in the face tonight. Suffice it to say, a sweet tooth, odd posture, looking sleepy, only fighting using kicks or any number of odd but L-centric quirks could have described me, and not only does enigma not have these characteristics, but no other mafia member does either. What else would clues about me be made on? We've been over the letter itself, we've been over the ell sound. we've been over nearly everything. Similarly, the traits enigma has (running hand through hair for instance), don't match up.
Either way, when I die and come up blue, lynching spoinka because of a single pokemon reference to an animal who bounces (as opposed to falls down).
This will be the third time people try to pin me to a name, and do so poorly. I'd tell people who I think enigma is, but the town wouldn't believe me until I died anyways, so what's the point?
The name "pangolin" derives from the Malay word pengguling ("something that rolls up").