[M][N] Presidential Election Mini Mafia - Page 8
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It was hard for us all to stay motivated. Though my motivation is kind of at a low point right now, whoops. But on a different note jealous kind of looks bad tbh keeps hedging a bit but just keeps his read static. Kind of weird. As for that game you are remembering the wrong game tt, the game you claimed wanderer with a red check you were gunsmith and got instantly lynched that day because onegu claimed a red check on you as scum. Anyway any questions I'm around for a bit. | ||
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On June 27 2016 04:59 Jealous wrote: Tumblewood: + Show Spoiler + Pretty weak play so far. Has only posted one or two substantiated reads. This quote from him sums it up: "like, there's playing the game, and then there's trying to solve the game. most of us are just playing the game right now..." Don't like him so far, but not enough to say he's scum. GlowingBear: + Show Spoiler + Some decent posts questioning people. A lot of fluff otherwise. Asking to be mayor over and over without giving any reasoning as to why he should be one. Somehow has garnered a lot of support despite not being wholly convincing to me. Only one real good post explaining his reads. If he wasn't pushing so hard to be mayor without any real foundation, I would townlean on him. Jealous: + Show Spoiler + I'm VT. emperorchampion: + Show Spoiler + Very weak start to the game but made a goost post @Jean, which I liked. Overall I'm not very impressed with his play so far, but he hasn't said anything that seemed outright scummy, so I have him as null for now. Damdred: + Show Spoiler + Weak reads, hasn't contributed much of anything at all. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/510385-presidential-election-mini-mafia?page=23#459 This post is suspect because he gets on the defensive while saying that there is "no real reason" for him being scumpushed, but has done nothing in the game up to that point, which to me is reason enough. Later on he gets pressured more, and again says there is no reason to scumread him even though yet again he hasn't contribute much of anything. Gives detailed reads under pressure and they do not impress. Does reads based on "tone" and stuff like that. Tries to jump on me for a policy lynch, then posts this: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/510385-presidential-election-mini-mafia?page=41#807 Trying to be objective about it, I think is a horrible post. I answered a question directly to the best of my ability and he disqualifies it because I have no experience playing with Artanis? Also uses this as an opportunity to further support his QT town read that he has been pushing from the start. A few posts later, he is convinced that I am scum and not just inactive as I said I would be, all based off of one post. Although, apparently moves me to "lower null" just a few minutes ago. Makes a late push for pardoner? On what basis? -_- Definite scum lean. MoosyDoosy: + Show Spoiler + Super trolly as always, which I hate that he can get away with every game (according to what some veterans have said so far). Impossible to read and thus not a benefit to town so far. Chezinu: + Show Spoiler + Has contributed the least of all besides MoosyDoosy. Hard to read off of that, but necessitates a mild scum lean from me. Artanis[Xp]: + Show Spoiler + A few jokey posts at the start of the game, with some weak/fake reads. I don't personally like that style of play but I wouldn't send him to the gallows for it (if I were to do so, Moosy would go first). I can actually understand his push on QT, as QT himself said he plays "oddly" and that seems to get him into trouble D1. I wish QT would play less "odd." It wouldn't cause situations like this one. QT's case was pretty weak in my opinion but because he isn't the type to let it go, Artanis was forced into a defensive position (seems like he doesn't like giving up either, even though he eventually did). Overall I'd have to say Artanis reacted pretty normally to the situation. After that, I feel that he has been active and trying to push the game forward, albeit using too much meta, history, and "tone" for my liking. His play vs. Jean and @TT, I can't entirely agree with, but he's trying. He's town to me. More to come. Kinda interesting that pretty neutral on both scum here though. Like not much opinion at this point | ||
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But sk is strange to, though the attitude of righteousness (this isn't meant as an insult) I'd have a hard time seeing coming from a newb. He's pretty aggro really all I'm all not sure if I believe he could be scum here. But he does have a couple weird progressions like the one super pointed out, inability see me coming from town. I thinknive been pretty Towny this game, activity has been good. Idk I think I could of solo carried scum team but would of had to hard bus moose and ec, especially ec. I've been wrong at points but that's what mafia is about, I made a couple good choices and two-three bad ones. Alas. | ||
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It's probably just jealous Idk the policy I keep with moosey might of gotten me in trouble but I use it every game. Meh | ||
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Meh brb | ||
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Ec actually gave a thought I really liked didn't want to Lynch him, it's clearly documented, so I break policy and kill moose. Wifom as it is in that situation I know I'm probably going to solo it so why not kill the person who gives the most cred. In any case the reasoning against me is pretty light. I can excuse sk he's new never played with me, but some of you others tsk. Espevially after last game Tumblewood. Tsk indeed. Feel my ire of soft words and loving caresses. In any case I think the games over with a jealous Lynch. | ||
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No real mafia motivation to try to decide that tt and super are both town. Or super is making a play, just let that shit ride out and Lynch tt then super and I only need two mislynches to win after that. The way I went about it was so suboptimal I'd never do that as scum. Which mind you that's not a good reason not to Lynch me as I'm self aware anyway. Wrong doesn't meN scum though. | ||
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On June 29 2016 01:59 Tictock wrote: Nope you're thinking of Outlaw (I think?) I'm pretty sure the game I'm referring to was Nutcracker. Also I think I got lynched less because of the redcheck and more because of my bad reaction to it... you fake CC'ing my gunsmith claim may have also contributed. + Show Spoiler + ![]() Anyways, regarding this game... I'd still like to understand your thought process better around EoD. You said you wouldn't support GB or Super as mayor, explained it was because you didn't trust GB's ability to lynch scum and that his claim didn't matter to you. So why did you end up voting him before you switched to Jean right before deadline? I'm also still a bit curious what made you think I was maybe town for the span of a post then went back to scum reading me, but I'm more interested in the GB stuff. Maybe, so I give it to you at least you didn't claim wanderer this time so progress. Eh GB promised to listen to people and pleaded with people. At the time I was OK with an ec Lynch because he hadn't given what I still consider to be a decent thought. Which was with GB really claiming a role that can't be cc is dangerous to put in an uncheckable position. So in short GB promised to listen to people even though he left near EOD so couldn't keep that promise meh. I said why I switched to jean shortly after EOD. Mostly didn't want to Lynch ec at that time and thought Jean would do the right thing. It was your aggro moment towards me that made me want to tr you, it sort of felt like t v t at that point. But it just wasn't enough for me. During the night when we were having our exchanges I thought you looked more town as well to how you were responding and taking into account what I was saying. Which was why I was going through thr possibilities of a super fake claim in thread. | ||
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On June 29 2016 02:14 Tictock wrote: This is over simplifying things a bit imo. For me it's that your EoD didn't track in a lot of ways and your involvement in picking a mayor was basically nothing but a couple posts saying it should be you for one of the positions. There is the switch in your stance on Moosy from, "lets ignore him D1" to "I think he flips town, plz lynch TT" It also felt a lot like Emp was trying to defend you from my pressure during the night. Your townread on him formed basically right after GB started pressuring him, and that quote I posted earlier was weird phrasing that mighta been a scum slip + Show Spoiler + It's at least as likely to be a scum slip as the thing you were on about from Skynx None of these by themselves are terribly conclusive, but that's associative stuff with both flipped scum and just a general sense that your game is off and reads aren't tracking very well. It's a pretty solid pile of stuff that is hard to overlook. There is no associative with moosey though. I just did my normal policy with him and his suicidal nature made me think someone who admitted cares about winning as scum wouldn't let himself die like that. Jean thought he would flip town as well to a small degree. He was a coinflippy I've had decent reads besides the EOD with ec. Which is kinda meh but everyone is wrong at points. I've just talked about other things in previous post. And if ec was trying to defend me from pressure coming up null in that situation is totally horrid. | ||
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I had to dig it up myself because I was curious so sort of bad but meh I forget things all the time. Why wouldn't it be a good thing mass claim with a tracker that claimed to track you to the kp. It's totally logical, if super is lying and knows you are wanderer in that situation it's ear with claims we 100% have a super scum. If you flip wanderer hebcould just sail by which btw is a play super would make. Which when I got clarification action from host found out impossible which is why I quit on the train of thought. Don't understand why you have highlighted about me being vindicated. You always Lynch the red check unless you have a cc obviously. | ||
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Also if I wasn't considering it why did I write long posts talking to you specifically talk to you during the night backed off of the aggro and try to figure things out while we were both here? Kind of weak just saying I only did it when jealous said it, I went way above and beyond the call for hashing out possibilities | ||
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Anyway jealous case is actually bad. 1) Early weak reads as he calls it is a staple of my game, I'm a huge tone and gut reader early usually these takes some form of semblance as the game progresses. You can see an example of this in almost any of the 50 games I've played in the database. Like this is just super easy to defend against. It's just something I do and something I'm really successful with. And generally besides with ec I've been right this game 2) I think 3/4 of the game made a baseless push for mayor this is really a non point. Really there as 6-7 people who wanted it. Doesn't make anyone scum. 3) Art and I butt heads wanted to head that off he works better without pressure as town. I generally catch him n1 as scum anyway. As for chez he was just really Towny for him, and idk why an alliance with chez would be good anyway? I just enjoy he guy. Really doesn't make anyone scum and is a narrative you are trying to force. 4) As for hypocrisy you would have to point them out tbh, me and tt went back and forth about hypocrisy which ended in my mind pretty amicably during the night and a funny gif during d1. Though flip flopping doesn't make anyone scum, generally only town flip flop super fast and care free. It's part of the problem with no information vs all info. 5)Don't think I defended moose as I said before just gave him a d1 pass as is the general policy I use and a few others use on him as well. As for ec well I ended up making a bad read because I read to much into paranoia. It happens it sucks we all are wrong sooner or later. Honestly the case is just a myriad of my posts that are plastered together to fill a narrative that I m scum, many are missing direct context of the thread and lacks clear responses by players that could influence the discussion. A lot of it also is painting me in a scummy light just to do so a lot of it also doesn't make anyone scum. Overall the case is poor and I see it coming from scum more than town. | ||
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On June 29 2016 04:33 Tictock wrote: I was going to leave this alone and do other stuff for a bit but accidentally put this quote in another window and just ran across it. This is a very interesting opinion of my play given you've been calling me scum all game. I forget which game it was, had you and three mafia in my Poe. You were a power role. You act scummier when you are a pr I believe which is unfortunate I o as well sometimes. Either way I always think that I watch pr more than scum meh | ||
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Tt is just tunneled town ir think. I'd go jealous-sk then re evaluate if game is not over. It's not super, art, GB. I guess tumble is possible but doubtful I think... Not even sure if it's sk honestly, kind of clouded on that front. Im going to go back on that one Just Lynch jealous then weigh tumble sk. Lynch chez by the third if he hasn't contributes. Then you are in mylo, hopefully GB is alive to pardon to force a 2 v 1 that's the only time to ever really go for Jean. | ||
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On June 29 2016 04:44 Superbia wrote: Wait you're conceding? Or am I reading your post wrong? If I was scum I'd concede even if I escaped today's Lynch no way over tommorow. | ||
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On June 29 2016 04:43 GlowingBear wrote: Damdy, if you get lynched, who should be the next one to be lynched? Jealous I had a list in another post but I'd reevaluate people's motives after that. | ||
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There are super strong meta reads in this game, mostly between myself and art. Partially towards gb before the claim. Besides that meta has been used pretty sparingly besides super as well. As for what's your play mafia wouldn't try that hard would come to the for front. Do I think your lock scum. Nit really I have some paranoia about someone else as well but meh. | ||
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