Ok as promised, here are the Tarot cards I drew for everyone! + Show Spoiler [Method] +For those that care, I shuffle the cards while looking over that players filter. Since I wasn't very concerned about alignments I was moreso focused on roles and general reads on the player themselves.
Therefor I'd say these cards reflect the personalities of the player that they put into their play for this game. It's not a read purely on your role, not a read on you personally, just what part of you that is being represented in the game.
1) Palmar + Show Spoiler [10 of Cups: Satiety] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3ZYUlil.jpg) This card represents the contradiction inherent in having too much happiness; eventually it will all seem fake, and having everything you want makes life boring, and will lead to unhappiness and discontent. This card represents the rich man (weather materially or spiritually) who has all he desires, and so feels as if an integral part of himself is missing. He has missed out on some part of life. This is also the stomachache one experiences after having eaten too much. One grows tired of having all that they want; their life is not truly complete. What someone thought they wanted more than anything in the world turns out to not be their true heart’s desire. And from this sense of incompletion can arise something new; a drive that can lead one to find what one is missing from their lives, and so return back to Kether and the Aces. In a reading, this card indicates that you might have too much; more than you know what to do with, and more than you are comfortable with. It asks you to re-examine your desire – are they really what you wanted? Are you truly content with what you have? Are you missing something? Kindof a weird card to me, maybe it makes more sense to Palmar? An attmept: Palmar was kinda playing separated from the game and handing his reads out without any attempt to put reason (explanation) behind them. Sorta like a King handing out his demands from an ivory tower. I kinda imagine Palmar sitting in his chair picking which reads he might share with the game secretly plotting his next steps, but exiled from the game before he got the change to really put forth all he knew. 2) Shapelog + Show Spoiler [The Emperor] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Y2jzSon.jpg) The Emperor himself is a bringer of justice, using his power to order the universe so that all get what they deserve, in a way paralleling the creative acts of God. The Emperor is also strong and confident, with a clear sense of identity that he expresses through his power and actions; he is the center of the universe. In a reading, this card asks you to examine the role of authority and the law in your life. Has the law been just to you? It also requests that you examine your own sense of identity and your power relationships with others, as well as what your legacy will be once you are gone. This card represents Law and Order... obv the Cop. I drew this card before Shape claimed, it along with the cards for GB and Rsoul are what made me think I didn't want to share these cards with the game. 3)Ticktock + Show Spoiler [5 of Wands: Strife] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Rzv6pdJ.jpg) Yep I drew a card for myself too, I needed to be impartial. Also why not see what the cards might hint at for my role in the game? In particular, the Five of Wands represents a form of chaos in the form of conflict and disagreement; the opposite in many ways of “order.” In a reading, the Five of Wands asks you to review your current situation with regards to opposing, negative relationships with others; are the causes of your frustrations the actions of others? Is there discord in your group of acquaintances or coworkers? How is competition playing a role in your life? The idea of competition here is the least negative; sometimes from competition and strife, stronger individuals emerge. But sometimes not. Fits pretty well imo. Both with my own modivation to push out what I needed to do to help my team win, and the fighting the eventual lynch that awaited me after GB's flip. I feel like I fought off the scumreads against me well enough, and even used it to my advantage in getting scott and Bre associated with me. 4) Tumblewood + Show Spoiler [Ace of Cups] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ND3DU2J.jpg) Just copying what I said in my last day. I actually told you all the legit meaning of the card and what my read of it was ^.^ The Ace of Cups represents the beginning of love, fertility and creativity. It is a card to inspire confidence and happiness. When it turns up a reading of an everyday nature it can indicate the start of a loving relationship (of either the romantic or friendship variety); it can represent the beginning of a project in which a great deal of loving energy is invested (rather like the beginning of angelpaths); or sometimes it can reveal conception - the beginning of a new life. This actually suggests Tumble is town, his first game on this site was as scum so the "new beginning" here would suggest his first town game 5) Breshke + Show Spoiler [Death] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TeILGd0.jpg) Ah, everyone's fav Tarot card. It's not really about death though... In a reading, this card never (or at least, almost never) means actual, physical death. Rather, it asks you to examine transition or transformative stages in your life, and eras that might be ending. It asks you consider giving yourself a chance to be reborn, to examine imperfections in your life, and warns you of powerful forces out of your control headed your way Especially as the game drew close to an end it was clear that Bre's role was to end the game, it may also carry some significance to whatever caused him to dissapear. 6)nooniansoong + Show Spoiler [The Herophant] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0ulgfSC.jpg) The emphasis is very appropriate for the Hierophant, for he represents the bonds of the community that tie everyone together. He is responsible for the induction of others into society, and for the rituals that bind the community and make it one. He represents also the powerful force of formalized religion, such as the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages, with provided legitimacy, education, and unity. The Hierophant is also the gateway and key to acceptance; he is the spiritual leader who decides how a society should be, and controls all of the formalities, initiation, and education of others in the society. It's true that this card has a connection with God, but it's more to do with spiritual (divine/perfect) knowlege and the connotations with community. This is a really powerful and apt card for Kush. His play was very much so insightful beyond what was put into words and he helped bring town together for both of their successful lynches. 7) Trfel + Show Spoiler [8 of Cups: Indolence] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Kf3zBML.jpg) the Eight of Cups represents a more “grounded” aspect of the energy of cups, but instead of the degenerate weakness of Debauch, responds with a more intellectual weakness; a weakness of the mind as opposed to the spirit. In a reading, this card asks you to examine the role that surrender, loss of will, disrespect, and weariness have played in your life. It asks you to consider whether or not the time has come for you to move on and surrender; or maybe it encourages you not to do this. Have you been slothful? Lazy? Disrespectful? Are others looking down on you for this? Do you look down on others? No offense to Trfel, but I knew after seeing this card that we never needed to worry about him >.< I'd kinda rather let Trfel read into this however he wants to, I thought he played well overall but this card def fits with his play. It was good, but something was missing. Like I even thought for a min that maybe he would put things together on the final day when he voted no-lynch. Kinda like you just need to believe in yourself a bit more Trfel... idk something like that. 8) The Shining + Show Spoiler [Knight of Disks] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/I3e61nD.jpg) This is the outspoken, stubborn individual concerned with succeeding in the world. In the traditional “breadwinning” family, this card represents the breadwinner and Father Figure, who provides for his family and sustains it. In a reading, this card asks you to examine the roles that people with personality may play in your life. Do you know anyone who works hard, plans out their every move carefully, and only takes carefully-calculated risks? This card feels a little off to me and I'm still not really sure how to read it properly. I suppose the "stubborn individual concerned with succeeding in the world" fits well with the shot TS took, but other than that I'm not sure what significance there is here. Didn't suggest a role to me when I first got it, was quite surprised when I realized he was the Vig (which was when he was questioning shape d2) 9) Scott31337 + Show Spoiler [Queen of Swords] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/k76XIqt.jpg) The Queen of Swords is Perceptive, able to see to the heart of the matter quickly, and is Just. She is Swift and she is also Independent and an Individualist. She is Confident and Balanced, as well asGraceful and Concerned over the treatment of others. She is Beautiful and people are drawn to her for that as well as her Wisdom. She is Articulate and to the point, able to come up with Clever and Fair solutions to any problem put before her. She is the perfect Diplomat, and one of the vehicles through which the ideals of the Suit of Swords will be brought to Earth. She is very Knowledgeable in the ways of the the human mind. She can be Cruel and Superficial sometimes, as well as Unreliable and sometimes outright Deceitful. She is Focused and will do whatever it takes to bring Peace, Truth, Order, and Justice to the world. King Solomon of Judean fame was a Queen of Swords; an empath whose feelings for others were driven by inspiration from a higher plane; in his case, God. In a reading, this card asks you to examine the role that this personality may play in your life. Do you know anyone who acts as an intermediary between others? Who always comes up with compromises and fair solutions to conflict? Do you know any individualists who others gather around to admire both their beauty and intellect? Do you know anyone who seems to just be good at everything? I have no clue, Scott you get anything from this? I thought you were the Vig kus of this at first >.< 10) Eden1892 + Show Spoiler [6 of Disks: Success] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Rw3GkU1.jpg) This card represents also a sort of Quiet Triumph; success can certainly be considered a triumph, but is rarely celebrated like a military victory would be. The kind of triumph this card represents is the more common form of triumph in the real world; that of living comfortably after hard work. In a reading, this card suggests that you examine the role of success, respect, justly earned reward, power, knowledge, and wealth in your life. It asks you to look at your life and think about why you have been successful (or not successful). It advises you to work hard to obtain your reward; lounging around won’t get you anywhere. Are you respected? Do you have any power? Knowledge? Another one I'm not really sure of. Makes me pretty glad Eden got Vig'd N1 though kus he might have been a force to be reckoned with based on his play D1 and what this card suggests. 11) Rsoultin + Show Spoiler [The Magus] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XGTbx7D.jpg) Aka The Magician Honestly I wonder if you guys need this one explained in detail, the magician is the master of his art. He knows all the tricks and will make you gap at his skill while he preforms them. In Tarot he represents one who has mastered everything. Definitly a fitting card for Rsoul and her ability to blend in (also fits perfectly with her role as Lucifer, lol, and the GF) + Show Spoiler +The Magus is an active manipulator, using his intelligence and knowledge to actively manipulate the world around him. The Magus’ chosen tool is the Wand, associating him with Fire – yet at the same time, he is also the epitome of the intellectual, and so is associated also with Air. In his function as the representative of the divine on Earth, he also represents the grounding of divine logic, and so is associated with Earth. In a reading, this card asks you to examine the role that activity, conscious manipulation, and words of wisdom play in your life. It suggests that you think about how messengers have influenced your life, and of how you influence the world around you and project an external image of yourself. Reversed, this card’s energies are blocked, hidden, or twisted somehow; the Magus in your life is hidden, or you do not hear their magic. Maybe you are unconsciously changing the world around you to a far greater extent than you mean to. 12GlowingBear + Show Spoiler [Art] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FIUJw1b.jpg) More Commonly known as Temperance In the Rider-Waite tradition, this idea of moderation comes to the forefront, as the card is called Temperance. The card shows an angel, one foot in and one foot out of the water, pouring liquid in between two vessels, balancing it out. The idea of balance then comes into play, but on a different level than seen in Adjustment; this is not the divine balance of the universe, but rather the need to have a stable equilibrium in one’s own being and existence. The Thoth art shows a two-headed figure – representing two parts of a personality in balance (reinforced by the lion and eagle) – mixing an alchemical brew. Alchemy is the perfect example of the kind of personal balance this card alludes to, and also has an element of crafting something, and of art – the very name of the card! In a reading, this card asks you to examine the role of self-regulation and inner balance in your life. It asks you to think about your relationship to the rest of the world, and to those you care about most. Is your life full? Are your relationships full? Pretty fitting for GB's RB role. It also represents his play pretty well this game. He was both chaotic and ordered in his posting somehow trying to balance out the chaos near EoD enough to get the lynch off him. It kinda worked once... 13) sicklucker + Show Spoiler [Queen of Disks] +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/E6cN45n.jpg) This card represents the personality that arises from the Watery part of Earth; the passive, intuitive, emotional part of the practical and down-to-earth individual. She is a people-person, who enjoys life and the company of others. She is pleasant to be around, and works hard to get what she needs, and then does not hesitate in enjoying what she has. She has a great knowledge of the practical side of human emotions and feelings, and is able to and often willing to help people with their problems. In a reading, this card asks you to examine the role that people with this personality play in your life. Do you know anybody who seems stuck in his or her life, but does all they can to help others move forward? Anyone who longs of doing better things but seems stuck in a rut? Who others ignore and count as part of the background, yet depend on him or her absolutely? Another not easy to read card. I kinda feel it's fitting for SL though. He's kinda around to hang out, is usually pretty laid back in his approach to games. He'll make good points and do useful things, but on his own time when he feels like it.