Season of the Witch 2 - Page 44
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Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
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United States6051 Posts
I felt like the way LS defending himself early was decent, and most of the arguments against him were based in meta which he provided counter-examples to. My issue when reading his filter though is that it is almost all him defending and answering questions. LS has very few reads, and only really pushes Damdred. Maybe I missed some posts but all I got from his filter was that LS is scumreading Damdred > geript, and that he thinks Rayn is town, and likes BM. The werid thing about his reads that Rels was pointing out is how he says this about geript before pushing Damdred. On September 16 2015 03:15 LightningStrike wrote: Geript is my scumread. No it wont change unless he start doing some townie things. At the time I didn't read the OP very well so ofc I thought your role claim thing was stupid. Well I turned to be sounding like a idiot for not reading the OP very well >.> It now makes much more sense after rereading the OP for the Martyr claim plan you had setup. then On September 16 2015 03:50 LightningStrike wrote: Damdred he only made like 2-3 posts and 1 is him saying I could be mafia without any explanation at all which is so unlike him at all when he's town. Rels could be town but Ticktock null I need to reread his filter when I get home. Rayn I think your town I was just being a jackass earlier regarding you I'm sorry what can I do to make up for it? On September 17 2015 01:46 LightningStrike wrote: I honestly just want to lynch Damdred for the reasons why I scumreading him. Also I think Rayn should be the Grail holder since he is almost certainly town. I prob wont be around EoD because of class ends at Eo so Damdrd is my vote for today's lynch. ##Deadline Vote: Damdred ##Holy Grail Vote: Raynpelikoneet When pressured to read me LS only comes up with null like he has all game, and besides this post I can't find anytime that he's trying to read anyone else. On September 16 2015 05:02 LightningStrike wrote: Okay I just read Danel's filter and saw him claim Miller and I checked the op and there are no Miller's in the OP idk if he's trolling or mafia or both. Thoughts guys? But LS ignored Rel's case about Dandel when he was around earlier. It also seems pretty clear LS has no interest in the grail vote. Votes for rayn without bothering to consider anything about the grail (or that rayn is voting for geript to have it). Posts this On September 17 2015 05:53 LightningStrike wrote: I guess I can just be happy we got 25 hours till EoD so we still got plenty of time to still think about the Grail vote. But then has no opinion about the grail when I asked him. All in all I'm not liking what I see. Rayn is probably right here. | ||
Canada11355 Posts
On September 17 2015 22:00 Tictock wrote: This post makes me question giving FF the grail a bit. I'm thinking FF is town, but the way Damdred lists FF and Rels together as two obvious town is strange to me. I see a few posts in FF's filter that look pretty towny but I wouldn't group him with obviously town Rels. Plus ofc I'm scum reading Damdred so... @FF you are scumreading Damdred for similar reasons to me I think. How does him wanting to give you the grail affect your read on him? it does not lynchables: damdred LS BM Dandel fuck em all | ||
United States6051 Posts
I might be fine giving it to FF, but at some level he's doing the same thing Damdred did. However FF is at least showing he gives a few shits about this game. I'm not doing a good job managing me time, I think I'll have to cast my votes during my meal break at work. | ||
Canada11355 Posts
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Canada11355 Posts
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15669 Posts
Calling my change on shining a flip flop is totally bullshit at best. SHINING should agree with me that my meta read is correct on him in the regard I said it. He did things that fit with his town meta that he can't fake as scum so I read him town. So no its not a flip flop its a re evaluation so you calling it a flip flop is bullshit and just trying to influence people to look at me in a more negative light. | ||
15669 Posts
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10024 Posts
Otherwise. I really don't get the Damdred lynch. I really don't. It should say something that Rayn and I are on teh same train of thought even if I'm half removed from the game and he's getting on a cruise or something. I'll be back in ~hour or so after I relax with league for abit. | ||
Canada11355 Posts
On September 18 2015 02:54 Damdred wrote: Oh shove it up your ass ff. Calling my change on shining a flip flop is totally bullshit at best. SHINING should agree with me that my meta read is correct on him in the regard I said it. He did things that fit with his town meta that he can't fake as scum so I read him town. So no its not a flip flop its a re evaluation so you calling it a flip flop is bullshit and just trying to influence people to look at me in a more negative light. So am I scum for it? | ||
15669 Posts
The big thing that makes me doubt him is the way he's handling the situation with me saying id be ok with deadline voting ls and never doing so btw. The problem is that he is totally leaving context out of what he's saying in that I never called him scum but he was heavily hinting he could be martyr and my comment followed after rayns comment about pressuring him near start of the game. I find it a pretty crappy reason overall, and I'm effectively a lurker this game so I'm a bit surprised that he doesn't have a stronger scum read at this juncture. However one of the first things he does that make me go wow this is probably town ls is when he shows that vs meta to show how I go after him as scum. While its worth noting totally different concept and doesn't look the same at all I don't think I can see scum ls trying to call me out and help a lynch on me when I could ub afk and nail him to the wall. Plus he's been a bit more active then he normally would and seems pretty honest at this juncture. I think he has a decent shot at being town here so I really don't want to vote him. I'll read some more give more impressions. | ||
France13467 Posts
So starting now if someone is against damdred being checked say it now, cause after the lynch it will be a silent night. If you need to know why damdred is a good check or why we ned to direct the check, read rayn s filter today. Once this is done we need to consolidate on one lynch and on one grail. So lets talk about that please. Personally, I've explained why dandel should be the lynch in my case. I also think a bm lynch is OK. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
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15669 Posts
Your only real pushes or reads seem to be me+grail for yourself. And tour push seems to be the one who jumps on it while saying that I could be town or scum. So would be towards the bottom of null | ||
Canada11355 Posts
On September 18 2015 04:02 Damdred wrote: No clue poopyfeast. Your filter is sorta devoid of a lot of things that I would normally town or scum read you on. Your only real pushes or reads seem to be me+grail for yourself. And tour push seems to be the one who jumps on it while saying that I could be town or scum. So would be towards the bottom of null That's... not bad actually. What do you think of BM and/or dandel | ||
15669 Posts
can you link me to your case so I can read it and give thoughts | ||
France13467 Posts
On September 17 2015 22:00 Rels wrote: Why is Dandel Ion mafia: an easy catch 1. Dandel Ion actively lurked the whole D1 Actively lurking, IE reading the thread but not posting anything interesting or answering questions, is scum indicative. There are no benefits for a townie to do that. The benefits for a mafia to do that are: posting to appear active, not sharing reads mean you cannot be judged on your positions, not answering questions means people cannot understand you. Plus, here is a geript quote regarding Dandel's scum meta: So Dandel is playing his scum meta this game. 2. Dandel Ion said The Shining was scum for not scumreading Damdred, which is false Dandel said: That is not true. Shining is not "trying hard to soft" attack Damdred. He is currently voting Damdred and said his vote won't move until deadline: 3. Dandel doesn't answer my questions but attacks me as a person Not talking about his trolling, but about that bit right there: I didn't push Dandel the whole day. D1 I put him in a useful list of useless people to warn him and others they should not be useless in this game. D2 I voted him and specifically said I would re evaluate when he starts playing. Only now I truly believe he is scum. So Dandel Ion is lying about me attacking him the whole day. BUT the reverse is true. D1 when I posted the first version of the useful list, Dandel's reaction was: And when he continues being here while still being useless, I put him into the "maybe scum category", his reaction was: So Dandel is accusing me of something I didn't do, but he has actually done to me. Conclusion Dandel is mafia for actively lurking, not helping others to understand him, having one of his two reads based on something false, attacking me as a person. There is a small chance he is Grandier, intentionally playing shitty to get reactions, then sacrificing himself to decide the lynch at the end of the day. I don't believe it as it would be sub optimal play. And even if he is, lynching him is what he wants. | ||
France13467 Posts
On September 18 2015 04:06 Damdred wrote: Honestly sand is someone who I could lynch today just because of the hard town read on me without any real reason to be town read. ++ | ||
The Shining
United States2406 Posts
Yes. Rels post was easy to make. I get angsty when people add me to scum or useless list before I started playing. But I was typing that post as I was catching up. As I got to more of his posts, I got a townread off of his efforts and questioning, which was more than the easy post he had made. | ||
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