So what information did we gain from that flip VE?
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United States16628 Posts
May 14 2015 06:58 GMT
So what information did we gain from that flip VE? nothing. | ||
United States9695 Posts
May 14 2015 07:02 GMT
On May 14 2015 15:15 Trfel wrote: Show nested quote + Tonally, this sounds really, really bad to me.On May 14 2015 15:11 Onegu wrote: On May 14 2015 14:37 yamato77 wrote: On May 14 2015 14:35 GlowingBear wrote: ARGH I should have yoloed I don't even want to read people in the obs qt calling me bad I feel horrible just because he wasn't mafia doesn't mean it was bad I mean, yes, it could have been someone else, but whatever now we can move past BH and actually have a good lynch I think it should be onegu everyone talk about onegu Onegu town. LS scum. LS didnt even respond to me. And he still isnt having reads. Everyone vote him! Onegu, what do you think about: GlowingBear executing Blazinghand The mason circle yamato77 justanothertownie I thought bh was town. Meh about the mason circle cant be confirmed. Yamato is like 70% scum to me he hasnt done much except scream kill BH. JaT no idea. | ||
11589 Posts
May 14 2015 07:34 GMT
this is a great game | ||
United Kingdom10443 Posts
May 14 2015 11:02 GMT
basically VE needs to step up here because we got so much information from that shot right? on a more serious note. I'd lynch any of these right now, roughly in this order. TD,RoL,Xat,LS there is argument for yamato but I isn't exactly hard to trace his intentions so i wouldn't lynch him. | ||
United Kingdom10443 Posts
May 14 2015 11:27 GMT
Here is the initial read I had on him, I would implore you to check his filter and our interaction. + Show Spoiler + On May 11 2015 13:11 KelsierSC wrote: not sure why TD won't answer my initial questions, pretty sure he is mafia. - did things I didn't like early game, the yamato as top town, the town-town business. - very contradictory big list post, talks about GB like he is mafia then says it's town-town between dam and gb - calls me town with "terrible reads" but he shared the majority of my reads, wouldn't explain this - generally obstructive - when he does explain it felt like an over explanation and he was twisting quotes to fit his narrative , too much information gleaned is what it felt like - wants us to talk about other people without giving his own opinion of them. Here he makes his vote on vivax, this vote is made a good time about 12 hours before EOD with no real vivax wagon formed. On May 13 2015 00:58 TalkingDead wrote: I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to place my vote on Vivax. Palmer told me he was a 1.5 of the sexy scale and I've heard that he's nailed at least 1 scum team solely based on that. He also told me that if he weren't straight, that he would totally let me get in his pants. I don't think I believe him about that. He's never even had sex so I don't think he even knows what he would like. If you contrast this read to all the reads he made on BH. On May 12 2015 08:55 TalkingDead wrote: The best lynch right now is the BM policy lynch. I disagree with yamato about GlowingBear's read on Blazinghand. It was something I was thinking at the time and reaffirms my townread on GlowingBear. It's less about how Blazinghand is using his role than it is about Blazinghand's approach to the game that's telling to me. I can imagine scenarios where Blazinghand instantly negates the nuke on Trfel (empathy/sympathy/whatever) and I can imagine scenarios where Blazinghand tries to engage Palmer regarding shooting down the marvellosity Nuke (trying to get separate reads on a player who can be difficult to read). However, it's the contrasting approach which is quite interesting and relevant. Blazinghand while relatively insane is not stupid; he has far more to gain (as town) from interacting with Trfel to get a read on him. Trfel as I recall had a handful of posts at the time and, while I and many if I recall were soft townreading him, I don't think there's any strong definitive read to be made at that point. Rather, when the marvellosity (who was obviously town at that point) nuke is confirmed seeks approval. Blazinghand is the type of player who will literally march to the beat of his own drum to his own detriment. So the fact that he's seeking approval for doing something that's quite obviously townie is exceptionally out of character. The closest thing to being semi-productive that Blazinghand has done this game is this post: Show nested quote + On May 11 2015 08:37 Blazinghand wrote: So it seems like things should be prety straightforward in terms of hunting scum. I didn't mention this earlier because I needed people to be posting without knowing about this. Basically, right now people only have PMs revealing alignment, right? What this means is scum do not know who their scumbuddies are. Since they don't want ot accidentally push scumbuddies, for the first 24 hours of the game you can expect scum to not want to give scumreads. They don't want to be forced to backtrack later. So who's giving scumreads and who isn't? People who haven't given solid scumreads, or have given only joke scumreads: Marv Onegu Trfel Sandroba Xat bats rso oastmaster LS (I assume, it's kinda hard to read this dude's post) RoL Bill Murray Palm VE JAT Vivax Stutters People who have made scumreads, or said they want to lynch someone, which would be risky for scum to do: GB HtS (some) Yamato OWS Damdred KSC TD so GB HtS Yam OWS Damd KSC TD are town, the rest of you are scum ez Normally, BH would have some crazy insane convoluted plan to find scum. He usually uses RNG to decide the day 1 lynch (more often as town than as mafia in my experience). Yet this game the closest thing to insane that he's done is the Trfel anti-nuke. His play is out of character even for him. Yes, the action usage is marginally useless, but the reasons (or more appropriately lack of reasons) behind his actions point towards him not being town. The read he makes on BH is a lot more thought out and serious. He even makes this comment how he thought that BH was the better lynch. On May 13 2015 08:56 TalkingDead wrote: Show nested quote + On May 13 2015 08:53 rsoultin wrote: 73/76 what i find remarkable is the batshit crazy people screaming about how quickly the lynch dissolved and reformed on blazinghand, seem perfectly fine with this sudden mass-switch to vivax lol at hts' bidding no less. i have a townread on her that i may have to revisit, but since when has she been the town rally player? I'm not. I preferred the Blazinghand lynch. They're both good for entirely different reasons. Blazinghand is definitely more fun to lynch though. he thought BH was the better lynch but decides to stick where he is and lynch vivax? despite his BH read being a lot more serious. To me it feels like he knew both people were town and didn't care who get lynched, but he didn't want to get heat for switching. The fact he "voted on vivax , which would be suicidal if both are town" is totally irrelevant because he voted on vivax way before EOD and didn't move, he had no idea that this wagon would even be formed. After the lynch has happened he returns to his original target with another long, serious read on BH, who he decided to lynch vivax over. On May 14 2015 04:20 TalkingDead wrote: A few important things. Rsoultin's large posts are really, really off. When I have more time to write up a whole thing I'll do so, but there's very little sense being made in them and she's flat out lying about a few things. More importantly, I want to address Blazinghand's recent scumclaim here. Blazinghand is an experienced player. Show nested quote + On May 14 2015 02:50 Blazinghand wrote: I'm tentatively going to say I think she's (rsoultin) scum. This is the most absolutely passive way I've ever seen BH talk about someone as scum. Blazinghand as a player and as a person is exceptionally cocky. Not confident, cocky. He is not unknown for screaming that someone's scum. He will out-talk, speak over other players, bully players, wiggle and litigate arguments, etc. just to get his point across. Blazinghand as town in no fucking way is he ever passive. Occaisionally, he will not play as town or not play as scum. But he's not a player to beat around the bush. As town, he's not going to mince his words. As town, BH will flat out call people scum; scream it from the heavens repeating and readjusting his argument just to convince people to vote with him. THIS IS NOT TOWN BH!!!! Town BH doesn't loosely be willing to agree to talk about how BH thinks a person is scum. Second... Show nested quote + On May 14 2015 02:50 Blazinghand wrote: Hey Batsnacks, hope you're doing well. I'd like to chat with you about your (link) scumread on Sandro. As far as I can tell, this is your only scumread this game, and in fact that post represents the entirety of your contribution. That, plus the weird poem thing makes me think you've got some kind of Blue role, but nothing actually FITS you knowing Sandro is town or scum during D1. During N0 blue roles get the pm "town" so there's no actions. During D1, msot roles, especially inbestigative ones, don't have actions. For example, I could see you being a Coronor, who can "Can check the alignment and/or roles of unflipped players." according to the OP, but again, it's D1. When I was scumreading Sandro, I didn't think much of it, but since Sandro came through and actually did research about my meta, I don't really think it's possible that Sandro can be scum. He's gotta be town. So now I'm concerned about your read. What's the deal, man?' Town!BH does not intentially try to out people during the night phase. Generally, outing blues in the night phase is pretty terrible play and BH has scolded people before for doing so. However, this type of play is one that's often seen on video mafia. There are a few potential options that BH is trying to do here: 1. BH is traitor and is trying to get mafia to consider an NK for blue snipe on Batsnacks 2. BH is mafia and is trying to setup a blue claim for his partner Batsnacks 3. BH is town and is trying to get mafia to kill lynchbait Batsnacks Here's the thing though, BH scolded GlowingBear here for not knowing about no N0 NKs. He knows that roles didn't go out until the end of N0. So BH is in part trying to establish a blue argument on a player based on the 13th post in the game. BH is clearly not trying or thinking critically here because that argument is the dumbfuckfest central. Then he goes on to point out the Batsnacks soft claim. As town, why would BH ever point this out during the night phase? Maybe it's Batsnacks trying to take a bullet. Maybe it's actually a soft. I don't know. But there's literally no point for BH to direct the soft to the thread's attention as town. The potential loss is almost always greater than the potential gain. BH is a player who is will to take risks as any alignment, but this one is that I don't think I've ever seen him take before as town while at least once arguing against such play. So it's pretty easy to eliminate option 3. I don't care if it's 1 or 2, either way he's not town for it. Marv made an exceptionally sexy post about BH that I want to highlight. When I was looking at BH before and after the lynch, there was at least one exceptionally interesting thing about him. BH deflects from pressure. I don't mean that he pushes it on to other people. Rather, he takes the weakest point of anyone's argument and straw mans the argument so that he looks better. Instead of ever engaging or responding to good arguments (like the one I made that yamato responds to or the extended case the Marv wrote), never once does he address them. In the early case, he engages GlowingBear's weaker argument, never responds to mine and allows thread sentiment to just shift into BillMurray in the silence. In the case of Marv's argument, he interacts with everyone else around Marv's argument. He gets into a shitflinging fest with yamato. He explains how he'll be at dinner for 23 straight hours. He never actually bothers to respond to the main points because it lends credence to the points themselves. While this avoidance is reasonable to good play to avoid being lynched, it is rather telling that BH has continued to play this way. Building upon a point Marv had made earlier, BH clearly isn't thinking or reading critically in any sense. He tried to point out Batsnacks for being blue based on a post that batty wrote after alignments were handed out but before roles were. I ask you, do you really think that Blazinghand is the type of person or player to not think while he's playing? Does he have a tendency as town to show a pattern of not critically thinking about the game in any realistic sense? Do you not want to lynch the ever living fuck out of him? Then we look what happened around the execute business and he comes up with this. On May 14 2015 13:07 TalkingDead wrote: I'm a little less sure on Marv for a few reasons, but I still think he's town. Mostly tone, thought process, similar reads type of thing. BH I'm thinking might be town. Mostly because of the sheeping Palmer thing. However I think the best reasons not to shoot either of them is that both give significantly more information if you lynch them (or try to lynch them). Right now I'm looking into other people. It seems absolutely insane that BH is town now given that this is the person that TD has pushed the most and given case on. Note that he disclaims it saying they can get more information if you lynch him instead. He says he is looking into "other people" , who? scum motivation of not wanting BH to get shot here is that it does make him look bad when it is revealed BH is town , or RoL is town maybe and when he is shot they think they can lynch BH. I don't know but there is no logic behind his play. So that is what TD has so far, the final interesting point around palmar. Palmar hasn't actually read TD at all, just said he was smart for questioning sandro..who is town. In fact if you look at the sandro thing it is mostly being pushed on , in two different time spaces by TD and Palmar, when they realise he is displaying clear town they back off and just kill him in the night. | ||
Finland9673 Posts
May 14 2015 12:44 GMT
KSC: I think that case is a bit WIFOMy, especially that part about BH getting shot. What do you mean with "generally obstructive" and how does that make him scum? How does wanting BH to be a lynch candidate instead of being shot contradict the possibility that he might be town? The way I see it, he just meant that having a wagon on him would be informative no matter his alignment. I'm still thinking we should probably lynch LS today and wait a bit more on Onegu. I've agreed heavily with his posts about LS so that's the main reason. | ||
Finland9673 Posts
May 14 2015 12:48 GMT
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United Kingdom10443 Posts
May 14 2015 12:52 GMT
On May 14 2015 21:44 Xatalos wrote: Well I don't think that was the most terrible shot... Even if I was having doubts about BH being scum. At least he still had a fair chance of being scum and we now know that the lynch yesterday was between 2 town in the end. KSC: I think that case is a bit WIFOMy, especially that part about BH getting shot. What do you mean with "generally obstructive" and how does that make him scum? How does wanting BH to be a lynch candidate instead of being shot contradict the possibility that he might be town? The way I see it, he just meant that having a wagon on him would be informative no matter his alignment. I'm still thinking we should probably lynch LS today and wait a bit more on Onegu. I've agreed heavily with his posts about LS so that's the main reason. I clearly said you should read through his filter and interactions he had and then make up your mind on him being obstructive. it's anti town making him scum. The point about BH is that he was the top scum read of TD for the entire d1 and n1 , it is the most serious case he makes but now he doesn't want him to get shot and is callinhg him town.. but he wants him to get lynched, it is inconsistent and looks like he wants to keep options open to , maybe, kill a town with the shot maybe and also have a town as a lynch option. On May 14 2015 21:48 Xatalos wrote: HtS thinking about my voting behaviour is a point against her reads being static though. Probably shouldn't lynch her for the time being. no one was going to | ||
United States14276 Posts
May 14 2015 13:41 GMT
On May 13 2015 09:55 LightningStrike wrote: Just got home and for some reason Vivax ended up getting lynched over Xata or BH............ Well it seems like shenanigans happened when I was gone and HTS hammered Vivax. Also to answer Yamato there was a better case by KSC and others on Xata over BH at least in my mind but next Day Phase I can go for either a Xata or a BH lynch. Also thanks for your response and hopefully you can talk more later if someone gives you more posts. I didn't expect Vivax to get lynched my vote was on someone who I thought a wagon would happen on (Xata). | ||
Finland9673 Posts
May 14 2015 13:43 GMT
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United States21170 Posts
May 14 2015 13:46 GMT
On May 13 2015 09:00 Hapahauli wrote: Final Day 1 Vote Count: Vivax (8) - BlazingHand, Marvellosity, Xatalos, Half The Sky, KelsierSC, TalkingDead, Justanothertownie, Oatsmaster, Xatalos (2) - Vivax, LightningStrike Rsoultin (1) - Onegu Palmar (1) - RebirthOfLegend Sandroba (2) - Palmar, Batsnacks BlazingHand (7) - rsoultin, Sandroba, Yamato77, ObiWanShinobi, Damdred, Trfel, GlowingBear, Just for informational purposes. | ||
United States14276 Posts
May 14 2015 13:47 GMT
On May 14 2015 22:46 VisceraEyes wrote: Show nested quote + On May 13 2015 09:00 Hapahauli wrote: Final Day 1 Vote Count: Vivax (8) - BlazingHand, Marvellosity, Xatalos, Half The Sky, KelsierSC, TalkingDead, Justanothertownie, Oatsmaster, Xatalos (2) - Vivax, LightningStrike Rsoultin (1) - Onegu Palmar (1) - RebirthOfLegend Sandroba (2) - Palmar, Batsnacks BlazingHand (7) - rsoultin, Sandroba, Yamato77, ObiWanShinobi, Damdred, Trfel, GlowingBear, Just for informational purposes. Hello VE thoughts so far on everyone? | ||
United States21170 Posts
May 14 2015 13:52 GMT
On May 13 2015 23:47 VisceraEyes wrote: TOWN 21. VisceraEyes 1. marvellosity 3. GlowingBear 4. Trfel 5. sandroba 6. Half the Sky 8. yamato77 11. rsoultin 18. KelsierSC 19. TalkingDead 14. Blazinghand 17. Damdred 23. Vivax 24. Stutters695 MAFIA 2. Onegu 7. Xatalos 9. batsnacks 12. Oatsmaster 15. RebirthOfLeGenD 20. Palmar IDONTKNOW 10. ObiWanShinobi 13. LightningStrike 16. Bill Murray 22. justanothertownie This is where I'm at currently. As for my mafia list, Onegu and Xata are pretty much either/or...if one of them is mafia, the other probably is not. They've both done things I would classify as scummy, but Xata was going on and on about Onegu being the Traitor and voted for him (uselessy) D1. I...don't think they do that as mafia/mafia. Batsnacks is pretty straight-forward. I mentioned earlier how he came into the game early on spouting nonsense, and then when he came back he pretended to have contributions (Sandroba is mafia, but I can't tell you why because ROOOOLLEEEE). Oatsmaster is more of a tone read. As town I feel like Oats gives fewer fucks what people say and think, and in this game he seems to care a great deal what people think. RoL is probably mafia because of his repeated promises to contribute and then lack of following through. I think he does this as either alignment, but as town he actually has content in his few bouts of activity. This game we get ZERO content. It reminds me very much of his play in Storm, where he was AFK mafia. Palmar is just fun to lynch, but I also think he's probably mafia here too. His case on sandroba is laughably bad (in that it ignores the fact that sandroba is capable of everything Palmar is accusing him of as town, and meta-wise sandroba is like never mafia this game) and his responses to people calling it bad are bad (marv is mafia?!?!?!). Everyone on my town list is there because they're active in the game and seem to be obviously trying to figure it out. My order isn't important (I think most of it is in order of the playerlist) but I moved myself to the top for obvious reasons. ![]() If you're in my IDONTKNOW list then you should probably do something about that before tomorrow. I still wanna follow my lynch list to a degree. Aside from some of my I-Don't-Knows being moved up to town, not much has changed for me based on both what's been said AND the general state of the game. | ||
United States4466 Posts
May 14 2015 13:53 GMT
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United States14276 Posts
May 14 2015 13:54 GMT
On May 14 2015 22:52 VisceraEyes wrote: Show nested quote + On May 13 2015 23:47 VisceraEyes wrote: TOWN 21. VisceraEyes 1. marvellosity 3. GlowingBear 4. Trfel 5. sandroba 6. Half the Sky 8. yamato77 11. rsoultin 18. KelsierSC 19. TalkingDead 14. Blazinghand 17. Damdred 23. Vivax 24. Stutters695 MAFIA 2. Onegu 7. Xatalos 9. batsnacks 12. Oatsmaster 15. RebirthOfLeGenD 20. Palmar IDONTKNOW 10. ObiWanShinobi 13. LightningStrike 16. Bill Murray 22. justanothertownie This is where I'm at currently. As for my mafia list, Onegu and Xata are pretty much either/or...if one of them is mafia, the other probably is not. They've both done things I would classify as scummy, but Xata was going on and on about Onegu being the Traitor and voted for him (uselessy) D1. I...don't think they do that as mafia/mafia. Batsnacks is pretty straight-forward. I mentioned earlier how he came into the game early on spouting nonsense, and then when he came back he pretended to have contributions (Sandroba is mafia, but I can't tell you why because ROOOOLLEEEE). Oatsmaster is more of a tone read. As town I feel like Oats gives fewer fucks what people say and think, and in this game he seems to care a great deal what people think. RoL is probably mafia because of his repeated promises to contribute and then lack of following through. I think he does this as either alignment, but as town he actually has content in his few bouts of activity. This game we get ZERO content. It reminds me very much of his play in Storm, where he was AFK mafia. Palmar is just fun to lynch, but I also think he's probably mafia here too. His case on sandroba is laughably bad (in that it ignores the fact that sandroba is capable of everything Palmar is accusing him of as town, and meta-wise sandroba is like never mafia this game) and his responses to people calling it bad are bad (marv is mafia?!?!?!). Everyone on my town list is there because they're active in the game and seem to be obviously trying to figure it out. My order isn't important (I think most of it is in order of the playerlist) but I moved myself to the top for obvious reasons. ![]() If you're in my IDONTKNOW list then you should probably do something about that before tomorrow. I still wanna follow my lynch list to a degree. Aside from some of my I-Don't-Knows being moved up to town, not much has changed for me based on both what's been said AND the general state of the game. Just wanted to see if any progressed for your reads since EoN that was all. | ||
United States21170 Posts
May 14 2015 13:54 GMT
On May 14 2015 22:53 batsnacks wrote: VE why aren't you pushing for my lynch? Did you forget I was scummy? You're just forgettable in general. We can lynch you if you want though. ^^ | ||
16316 Posts
May 14 2015 13:55 GMT
On May 14 2015 22:41 LightningStrike wrote: You know fuck it I was hiding my role but I am the Martyr I was protecting GlowingBear incase he was targeted by KP because I thought he would get shot was thinking of protect him or Sandroba but I felt like GlowingBear was the better shot for scum since he can push hard for lynches from my experience playing with him. Also I wasn't here at End of Day 1 at deadline I even admitted it here: Show nested quote + On May 13 2015 09:55 LightningStrike wrote: Just got home and for some reason Vivax ended up getting lynched over Xata or BH............ Well it seems like shenanigans happened when I was gone and HTS hammered Vivax. Also to answer Yamato there was a better case by KSC and others on Xata over BH at least in my mind but next Day Phase I can go for either a Xata or a BH lynch. Also thanks for your response and hopefully you can talk more later if someone gives you more posts. I didn't expect Vivax to get lynched my vote was on someone who I thought a wagon would happen on (Xata). Why would you claim.... if they have an assassin you are dead now. | ||
United States21170 Posts
May 14 2015 13:55 GMT
On May 14 2015 22:54 LightningStrike wrote: Show nested quote + On May 14 2015 22:52 VisceraEyes wrote: On May 13 2015 23:47 VisceraEyes wrote: TOWN 21. VisceraEyes 1. marvellosity 3. GlowingBear 4. Trfel 5. sandroba 6. Half the Sky 8. yamato77 11. rsoultin 18. KelsierSC 19. TalkingDead 14. Blazinghand 17. Damdred 23. Vivax 24. Stutters695 MAFIA 2. Onegu 7. Xatalos 9. batsnacks 12. Oatsmaster 15. RebirthOfLeGenD 20. Palmar IDONTKNOW 10. ObiWanShinobi 13. LightningStrike 16. Bill Murray 22. justanothertownie This is where I'm at currently. As for my mafia list, Onegu and Xata are pretty much either/or...if one of them is mafia, the other probably is not. They've both done things I would classify as scummy, but Xata was going on and on about Onegu being the Traitor and voted for him (uselessy) D1. I...don't think they do that as mafia/mafia. Batsnacks is pretty straight-forward. I mentioned earlier how he came into the game early on spouting nonsense, and then when he came back he pretended to have contributions (Sandroba is mafia, but I can't tell you why because ROOOOLLEEEE). Oatsmaster is more of a tone read. As town I feel like Oats gives fewer fucks what people say and think, and in this game he seems to care a great deal what people think. RoL is probably mafia because of his repeated promises to contribute and then lack of following through. I think he does this as either alignment, but as town he actually has content in his few bouts of activity. This game we get ZERO content. It reminds me very much of his play in Storm, where he was AFK mafia. Palmar is just fun to lynch, but I also think he's probably mafia here too. His case on sandroba is laughably bad (in that it ignores the fact that sandroba is capable of everything Palmar is accusing him of as town, and meta-wise sandroba is like never mafia this game) and his responses to people calling it bad are bad (marv is mafia?!?!?!). Everyone on my town list is there because they're active in the game and seem to be obviously trying to figure it out. My order isn't important (I think most of it is in order of the playerlist) but I moved myself to the top for obvious reasons. ![]() If you're in my IDONTKNOW list then you should probably do something about that before tomorrow. I still wanna follow my lynch list to a degree. Aside from some of my I-Don't-Knows being moved up to town, not much has changed for me based on both what's been said AND the general state of the game. Just wanted to see if any progressed for your reads since EoN that was all. Just the obvious stuff. Stutters is likely town based on the shot, marv is now confirmed town to me, I like GB more than I did before, Yamato too. | ||
16316 Posts
May 14 2015 13:56 GMT
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United States21170 Posts
May 14 2015 13:56 GMT
On May 14 2015 22:55 justanothertownie wrote: Show nested quote + On May 14 2015 22:41 LightningStrike wrote: You know fuck it I was hiding my role but I am the Martyr I was protecting GlowingBear incase he was targeted by KP because I thought he would get shot was thinking of protect him or Sandroba but I felt like GlowingBear was the better shot for scum since he can push hard for lynches from my experience playing with him. Also I wasn't here at End of Day 1 at deadline I even admitted it here: On May 13 2015 09:55 LightningStrike wrote: Just got home and for some reason Vivax ended up getting lynched over Xata or BH............ Well it seems like shenanigans happened when I was gone and HTS hammered Vivax. Also to answer Yamato there was a better case by KSC and others on Xata over BH at least in my mind but next Day Phase I can go for either a Xata or a BH lynch. Also thanks for your response and hopefully you can talk more later if someone gives you more posts. I didn't expect Vivax to get lynched my vote was on someone who I thought a wagon would happen on (Xata). Why would you claim.... if they have an assassin you are dead now. Ugh why do you always appear and say something as if you've been following along and just not posting? It makes it really hard to townread you JAT. | ||
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