Cincinnatus (Anti-Nuker) Now I would solicit the particular attention of those numerous people who imagine that money is everything in this world, and that rank and ability are inseparable from wealth: let them observe that Cincinnatus, the one man in whom Rome reposed all her hope of survival, was at that moment working a little three-acre farm (now known as Quinctian meadows) west of the Tiber, just opposite the spot where the shipyards are today. Titus Livius on Cincinnatus, Ab Urbe Condita
As the great defender of the Roman Republic, you have been called out of retirement to serve your country once more. You may destroy any incoming nuke instantaneously by typing ##Anti-Nuke in-thread. You have two anti-nukes.
You may not use this power if you are leading in the vote-count.
Anyway, the mafiateam already know so I'll just say it. Marv made a mason group on D1 with me and Palmar in it. Unless you think marv mafia recruiting mason invited a mafia teammate into the group in Palmar, then marv is pretty much lock-clear town. That doesn't make me town or anything, but I can assure you I'm town and I /think/ marv would vouch for me.
Marv is like confirmed town, or should be imo.
Marv is not confirmed town.
I literally JUST lost a game because people went on about suboptimal masoning in regards to masoning two mafia together, when for all we know a mason link doesn't even exist.
Ugh, I didn't actually think that Blazinghand was mafia any more.
I think that marvellosity is almost certainly town if VisceraEyes is town. I'm inclined to go town on both of them, but they are very capable of tricking me. I expect this to resolve itself in the near future.
I actually kind of liked Onegu's recent posts on LightningStrike. Though I still feel that he's being extremely inconsistent about when he decides to play seriously and when he decides to joke around (the timing feels more oriented on survival than scumhunting to me). I don't think he is a bad lynch.
okay to be more clear why oneg is giving me the icks includes not just a similar take on his tone that marv got but also a couple things that naturally mean more to me than other people -_-
- the overexplained everything...he's more the fuck you i'm gonna do what i want type, at least in most of the games i've played with him, though the one newbie game he was more serious which is why i'm trying to get hts' input (i pay less attention than i should when i'm scum lol)
- secondly, i recently asked him why he always scumreads me every game. which actually isn't true; it just felt like it recently because of guardians where the twit fake-claimed mason with scum rayn while flaming me all game lol >< couple that with the "obligatory" and it almost seems like he's doing it just to ascribe to "meta" that actually isn't really true anyway, just me being sensitive xP
- third, he genuinely believes i'm one of the best people at reading him, yet that's not part of his scumread. it was like the central point of his read when i was scum in student VII (and why he had so much trouble getting people to actually pay attention, i might add). not seeing the OMGUS you always get my alignment right but you're WRONG and therefore SCUM response here. if anything it should be stronger cause i actually did flip scum
this is obviously pretty stale now...but all he really seemed to want to talk about last night was two reads and he hasn't been around today at all since the phase started...i dunnae, i'm kinda in a...i suck at life sorta mood so lol >< i think i need to filter-dive him again at some point just to make sure i'm not insane
On May 14 2015 15:04 Trfel wrote: I think that marvellosity is almost certainly town if VisceraEyes is town. I'm inclined to go town on both of them, but they are very capable of tricking me. I expect this to resolve itself in the near future.
I actually kind of liked Onegu's recent posts on LightningStrike. Though I still feel that he's being extremely inconsistent about when he decides to play seriously and when he decides to joke around (the timing feels more oriented on survival than scumhunting to me). I don't think he is a bad lynch.
On May 14 2015 15:04 Trfel wrote: I think that marvellosity is almost certainly town if VisceraEyes is town. I'm inclined to go town on both of them, but they are very capable of tricking me. I expect this to resolve itself in the near future.
I actually kind of liked Onegu's recent posts on LightningStrike. Though I still feel that he's being extremely inconsistent about when he decides to play seriously and when he decides to joke around (the timing feels more oriented on survival than scumhunting to me). I don't think he is a bad lynch.