Stupid autocorrect
Newbie Student Mafia IX - Page 93
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United States6851 Posts
Stupid autocorrect | ||
United States6851 Posts
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United States6051 Posts
However, claiming this read after the fact proves little as you never stated those reads untill late D2. Tone and phrasing make a world of differnce. I also like the VT throwaway notion, I'm not sold that it is a solid plan given that VT is still needed to win, but maybe in that situation it has some merit. Anyways, i still see you as town or at least my most towny scum, i just hate that you throw this " too towny to prove town" attitude at us. What do you think about my read on SL? | ||
985 Posts
VOTE COUNT: y0su (2) : The Shining, Half the Sky sicklucker (1) : Tictock Not voting (5) : -Celestial-, ritoky, sicklucker, Superbia, y0su The cycle will end at Sunday, May 10 11:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00), 27 hours from this post. remain as you are reading this. Remember, voting is mandatory! Place your votes in the voting thread. Currently, y0su is set to be lynched! If you see any vote out of place, holler at the hosting team so that we can correct it. | ||
United States6851 Posts
On May 10 2015 04:54 Tictock wrote: "Bullied prp into claim" reads alot differnt than saying " I read him as role or scum D1, and put the pressure on him D2" However, claiming this read after the fact proves little as you never stated those reads untill late D2. Tone and phrasing make a world of differnce. I also like the VT throwaway notion, I'm not sold that it is a solid plan given that VT is still needed to win, but maybe in that situation it has some merit. Anyways, i still see you as town or at least my most towny scum, i just hate that you throw this " too towny to prove town" attitude at us. What do you think about my read on SL? i get home in probably 4 hrs, so i will read it more thoroughly there. that said, my initial thoughts is that SL has been tunneled pretty hard on me for a lot of the game, which doesn't seem like a winning strat as the last mafia alive. he is high on the lynch list, tunneling me and me flipping town will only put him closer to the lynch so idk...doesn't seem like a winning line of play. TT statistically likely town -c- pretty much town superbia conf town y0su considered my claim so might be town. which leaves shining and after i read your SL read, i should probably read those 2 filters. | ||
United States6051 Posts
Until someone pokes holes in my read on SL or gives pretty solid case on y0su, my vote is staying where it is. Pondering what the last mafia would be thinking at this point. Hiding with the flow of opinion, and pushing on newbies seems like the most likely option for mafia atm. | ||
The Shining
United States2406 Posts
Cool. No one read that post or didn't find it worth even commenting on. So expect the rest of mine to be as effortless as this one. Boop beep boop bop. | ||
United States6051 Posts
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The Shining
United States2406 Posts
No discussion, thoughts, hashing it out. This is how town loses. | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
On May 10 2015 03:39 ritoky wrote: I am pretty much confirmed town. No you absolutely are not. And the fact you keep claiming this and saying how town you are is absolutely making me scumread you as trying way too hard to hammer into everyone's head "I'm town I'm town I'm town". As if repeating it over and over is actually going to start making people believe it blindly. She was whining about my read on her but neglected the post where I said I intentionally blew the read out of proportion to create an alternative wagon. An alternative wagon that, insofar as I could see at the time, was probably on another town, though I was not wanting to hard town read her at the time for reasons I gave back then. And which prpl enthusiastically (as far as he did ANYTHING enthusiastically this game) jumped on too. She also neglects the part where I was one of the only people pushing on stutters all game and where I bullied pro into a claim. A claim that, one might argue, simply outed a blue. Looking back prpl was in a horrible position. Hell a few posts below your attempt to force the claim was my gigantic post casing prplhz for the benefit of Superbia. Forcing him to make a claim you could CC probably wasn't necessary. Sure the claim and counter claim made it much easier for us to go "okay cool, that's a confirmed mafia kill then" but it probably wasn't needed to get him lynched that day. What it DID do was get a blue called out and killed due to having to counter-claim to guarantee the kill. Honestly if I want to go onto a tinfoil hat theory I'm not sure trying to "force" him to claim is town-motivated here. prp was probably dead anyway, his claim just drew out a blue CC which let mafia get a free blue kill (from someone who was already probably dead no less, bargain). Your actual post from then reads "prp is a role or mafia". This puts you in a position to claim towncredit from it (like you're doing now) whether or not prp got CCd and lynched. More to the point you're supposed to be looking for mafia, not to out roles; so saying "<either> role or mafia" looks horrible to me. As far as I'm concerned you shouldn't be calling people out if you think there's a chance they're a role, you should be pressuring them for more tells to work it out. Blues are perfectly capable of claiming if they're in real danger of dying all by themselves; without you pre-emptively calling them for it. He'll even the play I made during the night phase was 100% but indicative. The play you made during the night phase was absurd and had a reasonable chance of reducing this entire day to a discussion of whether you're lying or whether disformation was lying. Given that disformation had zero reason to believe that you were trying to eat a bullet for him, and the fact that there are no PMs this game so you can't possibly have arranged it, there were basically three outcomes. None of them good for town. 1. You get shot and flip VT or Doc. We then spend a bunch of time debating whether or not disformation is the other alignment or is lying. Potentially mislynching him that day. 2. disformation gets shot and flips VT or Doc. Same as above, except for you this time. Though I'm not sure lynching you would be a mislynch, personally. 3. Neither of you gets shot. We then spend the entire daytime arguing which of the two of you to lynch. Potentially deciding on neither and mislynching someone else. This opens up the game entirely for mafia to have some fun running everyone in circles and screwing with everyone's reads. As it is we got kind of lucky that Superbia managed to pick off Stutters. Which makes the roundabout on nobody being able to work out your alignment now less dangerous. If mafia had managed to make someone look bad enough to dodge the Vigi shot themselves and had been a little cleverer about how they played things the best play might well have been to shoot some other random town. That means town wastes the entire day arguing over which of the two of you to kill and getting reads all confused. Not to even bring up how i am a mason with the vig. He's literally just denied that himself so... Plus nothing I have done fits my scum meta. Go grab my self meta post and check for yourself. I'm not a gigantic fan of looking at the meta of people who I haven't played with before. Your play at several points in this game has been very, very dirty looking. So yeah at this point I'm still fairly okay with either a y0su or ritoky lynch and taking the other one out the next day. Still want to take a look at everyone (been busy today and out for a friend's birthday this evening) before I put up a vote though. Shining your case looks good honestly I'm really not sure what else to add. His read on Stutters there (in comparison with prpl, who was being heavily scumread, and sicklucker) looks particularly nasty in light of the flip. And the questioning was It almost seemed like a token gesture to look like he was pressuring Stutters. | ||
United States6851 Posts
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United States6851 Posts
On May 10 2015 04:54 Tictock wrote: What do you think about my read on SL? I don't really see the big deal in it? Your point is that he is disengaged, has weak reads, not reading the thread, and lackluster? Meh. More interested in the fact that your read on me was so much longer, clear, and developed yet SL is the one who gets scummed...feel like the time devotion should have been the other way around? Let me go try shining's read on for size maybe his is better. | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
On May 10 2015 10:23 ritoky wrote: -c-, everything you said there, was just absolutely wrong from an objective pov. i think you're a donkey. Prove it; everything I said there was logical and direct. All YOU'VE got going for you is you repeatedly stating things without proving or explaining why and then stating you're confirmed town. Scummy as hell. If you're not scum then you're playing a horrible town game. Nice ad hominem by the way, go much further with the insults and I'm just going to report you. I'm not here to get into a personal pissing match with someone. | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll case him tomorrow because his dismissive and evasive attitude and repeated attempts to claim he's confirmed town are all giving me seriously bad vibes. | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
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United States6851 Posts
On May 10 2015 10:37 -Celestial- wrote: Prove it; everything I said there was logical and direct. All YOU'VE got going for you is you repeatedly stating things without proving or explaining why and then stating you're confirmed town. Scummy as hell. If you're not scum then you're playing a horrible town game. Nice ad hominem by the way, go much further with the insults and I'm just going to report you. I'm not here to get into a personal pissing match with someone. You just don't like me because I am being an egotistical asshole, not because of my play. That is the entirety of your case. You don't like me calling myself confirmed town and being antagonistic. 1) You have an afk player who you have a role or scum read on what do you do as town: force them to claim via pressure/lynch pressure. What does ritoky do: force him to claim via pressure/lynch pressure, then lynch him. 2) Your doctor cc's a doctor claim, and you are VT, what do you do? You try and take his role and fake claim it to obfuscate the shot and potentially save the doctor. These are town plays 101. They are always beneficial to the town. The scenarios you outlined are implausible. With a claimed doctor, the mafia is not going to shoot a non-doctor so your scenarios are just plain garbage. I am sorry, but you are the one playing a horrible town game if you can't see how clearly VT I am. And donkey is not an insult it is actually a term in mafia; like wifom, or ebwop; it means a town who is very wrong and stubborn. Have I invalidated everything for you yet? Good, now time to find us the last mafia. | ||
United States6851 Posts
On May 10 2015 10:44 -Celestial- wrote: Also amused that ritoky is insulting me for calling him out considering how hard he was reading prpl near the start. X-D Once again, not an insult, donkey is a technical term in mafia. | ||
United States6851 Posts
where i run amuck with it is the part where y0su gives his reads. i get the whole part where he separates them in two and how he holds the 2 scum until his second post. there may be something to that, but then i look at the reads. as a new player he gives a full scum read and basically a null read to his 2 teammates? mind you prp probably encouraged bussing on himself in the QT at some point, but that....idk i feel like a newer player would be more apt to TR his other partner than null read them, especially since y0su doesn't seem like he has the capabilities to solo a game going forward. y0su's reads just leave me thinking those aren't his partners.... | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
On May 10 2015 10:47 ritoky wrote: You just don't like me because I am being an egotistical asshole, not because of my play. That is the entirety of your case. You don't like me calling myself confirmed town and being antagonistic. No. I don't like you calling yourself town because you are NOT proven town. And you repeatedly claiming yourself to be so, in my eyes, is YOU attempting to fool people into believing it without questioning it. It is a scummy as hell action and a shallow and blatant attempt at psychological manipulation. Now you're trying to misrepresent my case. That's scum motivation right there. 1) You have an afk player who you have a role or scum read on what do you do as town: force them to claim via pressure/lynch pressure. What does ritoky do: force him to claim via pressure/lynch pressure, then lynch him. Bollocks. You have an afk player who is already being scumread by increasing numbers of people and is actively being cased. If you suspect they're either role or mafia you do NOT need to force a claim out of this when they're already heading in the direction of a lynch. There is dick all reason to do so unless you think they're being overlooked. Best case scenario if they're blue is that they come back and breadcrumb and argue well enough to demonstrate they're a bad lynch. Worst case scenario is they have to out themselves anyway. They do not need your encouragement to do so. 2) Your doctor cc's a doctor claim, and you are VT, what do you do? You try and take his role and fake claim it to obfuscate the shot and potentially save the doctor. I have explained time after time after time why this argument doesn't hold up. It comes down simply to the fact that YOUR CLAIM WAS NEVER, EVER GOING TO WORK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Which we have discussed in detail if you'd actually read the goddamn thread. I don't think anyone at any point apart from y0su has thought that it was ever going to have a hope of achieving anything useful. In short, it was a horrible play that was never going anywhere good. These are town plays 101. They are always beneficial to the town. The scenarios you outlined are implausible. Wrong. Flat out wrong. For reasons listed above. With a claimed doctor, the mafia is not going to shoot a non-doctor so your scenarios are just plain garbage. And yet every single scenario involving you claiming that disfo claimed for you simply results in more confusion for town; because ultimately nobody else knows what the hell you're trying to pull. Regardless of which of you is the actual Doc and regardless of who mafia shoots. Which I detailed in full previously. The comical part here is that when you say "your scenarios"...those scenarios actually covered every possibility. X-D I am sorry, but you are the one playing a horrible town game if you can't see how clearly VT I am. And there we go again with the bullshit "OH LOOK EVERYONE I'M VT!" Dirty as hell. Only a scum would be this desperate to have everyone read them as VT. And donkey is not an insult it is actually a term in mafia; like wifom, or ebwop; it means a town who is very wrong and stubborn. I take it as an insult and a personal one. Sod off. Have I invalidated everything for you yet? Good, now time to find us the last mafia. Your play is horrible and your post here just reinforces my impression that you're getting panicky and talking total crap. Your logic is terrible and a blatant attempt at manipulating the facts. You're flat out misrepresenting things I say to make yourself look good. Therefore you're probably the last mafia. ##vote:ritoky | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
And then claiming that that all makes him town. X-D | ||
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