On January 06 2015 16:45 sicklucker wrote: Sorry vivax you screwed up, now who wants to post their lynch list to make vivax's partners concede so we can end this game early?
On January 06 2015 16:45 sicklucker wrote: Sorry vivax you screwed up, now who wants to post their lynch list to make vivax's partners concede so we can end this game early?
concede so we can end this game early?
On January 02 2015 14:03 Alakaslam wrote: Batsnacks, as Felicity, CA Has been lynched!
On January 03 2015 14:24 Alakaslam wrote:Day 2 Koshi, as Highway115, has had flying spiders infest his thouroughfare!Eden1892, as Highway 78, has confused drivers and become unused!Deadline for votes is
On January 05 2015 14:16 Alakaslam wrote:Night 2 Geript, as Forrester Road, was lynched. [spoiler] You are Forrester Road!You are Vanilla Town
On January 06 2015 14:10 Alakaslam wrote: justanothertownie, as Highway SR86, has decided to fall under Riverside County Jurisdiction or State jurisdiction.
VisceraEyes, as Grimmway Farms, was ordered to pull all Imperial Valley operations and move north.
Actually I think I'll scumread you for saying something so fucking ridiculous. As if scum would ever concede in this situation. This reeks so bad of you putting up an act that I will probably lynch you right after Robik's flip. Then marv, then whoever else is scum and I still have to figure out. I'll give you 3 reads to lynch down, and you are in it for this amazing performace on the last few pages.
On January 06 2015 17:05 sicklucker wrote: Towns getting lynched is whatever. Look at mspaint where me dandred,slam,and chezinu were all mafia. We steam rolled them so hard and had a 50/50 shot that no one tried . We got overconfident lurked and didnt try then all got killed in quadriple lylo.
Ritoky, palmer, super are doing this basically probably your partners.
On January 06 2015 14:39 sicklucker wrote: So town has 7 lynches left this game. Everyone post your seven lynches in order and we can probably figure out a consenses auto win today.
Ritoky super lm vivax gb dand palmer
It's funny how suddenly Palmer is a partner you mention but the last you would lynch in your earlier post.
And lazer, who's third on the spot, doesn't appear in this post. You tend to forget the things you said when you made them up, right? Or is Lazer not lurking? Oh wait, let's check the timestamps of their last posts.
ritoky United States. January 05 2015 04:58. lurks Palmar Iceland. January 05 2015 17:43. lurks Damdred January 05 2015 19:29 doesn't lurk Superbia Netherlands. January 05 2015 22:35 lurks Lazermonkey Sweden. January 05 2015 23:47 doesn't lurk GlowingBear Brazil. January 06 2015 05:15 doesn't lurk
So why aren't Damdred and LM lurking but Super does?
On January 06 2015 16:43 sicklucker wrote: Anyone who read the christmas carol game knows me and vivax came together and made consensus mafia lists that were a major part in solving the game and got all 4 mafia to concede at once. This is what im trying to do here and hes not helping. Vivax is not town.
On January 06 2015 17:03 Vivax wrote: Actually I think I'll scumread you for saying something so fucking ridiculous. As if scum would ever concede in this situation. This reeks so bad of you putting up an act that I will probably lynch you right after Robik's flip. Then marv, then whoever else is scum and I still have to figure out. I'll give you 3 reads to lynch down, and you are in it for this amazing performace on the last few pages.
On January 06 2015 17:08 sicklucker wrote: Like im trolling you about the conceding part but it is something that does happen if you guys are all aligning which seems to be the case.
Ok so never lynch robik check Never lynch marv check Never lynch me double check
ahhahahahahaaa ahahahahahahahahahahah the cold feet, I smeel them from Europe
Bud you really had me with your acting until you started pushing all this bullshit on me and this is your reward for it, you ooze scum, fear and lies in the majority of your posts and I see it as clear as day.
On January 06 2015 17:45 sicklucker wrote: wtf are you talking about. I leave palmer for last because hes the best and most likely to get night killed if im wrong. Also hes more poe and I scum read him more after you claimed mafia
He can't be your PoE and at the same time you have a reason to scumread him.
ritoky United States. January 05 2015 04:58. lurks Palmar Iceland. January 05 2015 17:43. lurks Damdred January 05 2015 19:29 doesn't lurk Superbia Netherlands. January 05 2015 22:35 lurks Lazermonkey Sweden. January 05 2015 23:47 doesn't lurk GlowingBear Brazil. January 06 2015 05:15 doesn't lurk
So why aren't Damdred and LM lurking but Super does?
You're dodging this which makes you look pretty bad.
On January 06 2015 17:44 KelsierSC wrote: Sl are you claiming cop again?
What is your check?
I don't know what you're reading, I don't see a cop claim anywhere. Right now I'm mostly wondering why you aren't already convinced he's scum after the last few pages. Looking through your filter you were so sure about him being scum until the moment he claimed cop, when it turned out it was fake you sort of put him on the backburner. There's also a point in the game where you agree on some reasoning from Eden for why he's supposed to be town. Kinda weird really, but you were the only guy to question people piling up on me D2 and you scumread SL when basically nobody else did so you're probably town, just...weird.
Now he's spamming fake reads and backtracking from his reasoning when I call him mafia for it, plus he ignored why I'm town and focused on getting the 7 reads out of me. If his agenda was figuring me out, then all he had to do was look at my scum standard but instead he had to keep the act up when I refused to give him the reads (since he said he would scumread me if I didn't) and proved that figuring me out isn't in his interest. He's just trying hard to stay consistent with what he said earlier and not really succeeding at it as I point out on multiple occasions.
On January 06 2015 18:49 sicklucker wrote: Palmer always directs the vote away from you. Thats why hes mafia by poe. He pushes gerit day 1. Day 2 he votes you as a test. You are hard alligned
6 People pushed geript D1. Somewhat the similar amount voted me D2 before moving away. What makes Palmar unique among them?
Not even going to answer to marv as he's one of the guys who know my meta best. Similar to Palmar's weird read on him during the night, if he doesn't already have a firm read on me and asks me such questions that imply he's starting to suspect me, he's mafia.
On January 06 2015 18:52 KelsierSC wrote: Sl said he was going to reclaim cop today so that is why I asked
Cool but you still ignore everything else.
Waiting for marv's reply that he didn't want to imply that etc., let's preemptively call it discrediting then.
On January 06 2015 07:10 VisceraEyes wrote:Show nested quote +On January 06 2015 07:09 justanothertownie wrote: Hmm, it is not as exciting as I hoped. It's fine. When I die tonight remember how pretty Robik looked on that silver platter before you threw it in the garbage.
Ok I take back that VE played badly.
On January 06 2015 19:22 marvellosity wrote: tbh vivax can wait
let's kill the mafia in front of us
##Vote: ritoky
Usually you enjoy lynching me when you're town, even moreso when I call you scum and you're town so this makes you mafia too.
But it's alright marv, you played decently, after you got all your kills it's time your team gets trashed a bit too, so just sit back and watch things happen. I still gotta figure out two of your buddies.
Not claiming you'd be scared of me, but I usually get flamed and lynched when I call you scum and you're not.
On January 06 2015 19:33 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On January 06 2015 16:12 Vivax wrote:And if you want to know one example of how I play scum, here's the scum qt from Titanic mafia [some number]. http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/8tECwNmGtaf7Palmar: Sure, then we shoot koshi or something. Or we might just shoot Holyflare, I don't really care.
Also Austin and Vivax I'm bussing the fuck out of you. You're fired from my mafia team.
I literally want to lynch you for failing to produce 40 posts vivax. It was a simple request from Koshi. On March 04 2014 07:27 [UoN]Sentinel wrote:+ Show Spoiler [Flips] +Coagulation the Art Student (vanilla town) was modkilled on Day 1 Vivax the Edouard Manet (roleblocker) was lynched Day 1 Holyflare the Art Student (vanilla town) died Night 1 Giggletummy the Vincent van Gogh (godfather) died Night 1 djodref the Art Student (Vanilla Town) was lynched Day 2 thrawn2112 the Art Student (Vanilla Town) died Night 2
Yes, I am THIS bad and unmotivated at playing scum and I have a really hard time producing a lot of content when I'm scum. And when you say I'm scum this game after reading my scum games then you need to get your brain checked. There are worlds apart between my scum play and my town play. haaaaaahahahahahahahahaaaa earlier in the thread you argued with me, at length, about an example of yours where you were mafia and had a shit-tonne of posts and led the town astray with great aplomb now you try to use this argument that you're shit and unmotivated as mafia? my, aren't these arguments convenient?!
I might have talked about the game where I came back D3 after afking after D1 and led the lynch to Damdred, and Koshi was like "ok but if he flips town we lynch you" so I doubt it was as majestic as you claim I described it like.
Can't remember a game I've survived as mafia until endgame except for LVIII.
like 200 pages of game and I had 6 pages of filter.
On January 06 2015 19:59 marvellosity wrote: you literally gave it as your prime example to counter my argument that the largest filter pushing things at EoD was never mafia. So you must have felt it was pretty worthy. Now you downplay yourself.
It doesn't matter as I was talking about my general level of scum play to SL, overall I always have low activity and in that particular case I had a surge of activity when I saved Obi from getting lynched over another townie for obvious benefits. I never had the largest filter as mafia and I only made it once to endgame, that's a fact.