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Catastrophe Mafia - Page 211
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United States5878 Posts
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United States639 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Catastrophe Mafia Notes: (4-8-14 at 9:30am PDT) Format = [name] - [intial gut read] - (reasons that make me lean town, scum, or null) - [final read] 2. Djodref(replaced by geript) - Gut Null - (modkill soon?) (checked to be town by VisceraEyes > town) (claims to be town, but have an anti-town role > null) (being uncooperative and saying a lot of things that don't like up > null) (based on meta this looks like geript town play > town) - Town read 3. Holyflare - Gut Scum - (his day 1 start is weak. he is asking a lot of questions, but it doesn't seem to have a town agenda behind it. > scum) (middle of day 1. he seems to be trying to figure out things more > null) (end of day 1. seems to be a bit more carefree in his posting. trying to fish out a lot of peoples roles that are on the chopping block. doesn't feel very invested in actually killing scum > scum) (asking tons of stupid questions and saying pointless things > scum) (Sandroba is saying he is town > town) (recents posts look a lot better for being town > town) - Town read 5. Koshi - Gut Town - (somewhat forthcoming about his "cult" > null) (seemed to be carefree about the lynches during day 1, didn't mind sheeping "town heroes" > null) (staying active and generally good vibes > town) - Leaning Town read 8. Dandel Ion - Gut Null - (i dont know how to read this guy. most posts dont strike me as either scum or town, was all about sheeping sandroba, which is cool with me > null) - Null read 12. Oatsmaster - Gut Scum - (intial scum read based off him being abrasive and asking too many useless questions > scum) (him tunneling on me makes it harder to read > null) (just don't like his style of play so far this game, don't see any scum hunting or towny mindset > scum) - Leaning Scum read 13. strongandbig - Gut Town - (claims to have one shot docced Sandroba > town) (overall I just like his filter, generally pro town posts, provides good analysis behind his reads > town) - Town read 14. VisceraEyes - Gut Town - (has been in the background most of the game > null) (a lot of friendly bro posts and sticking up for others, white knighting > null) (claims to have checked Djo as town > town) (good vibes from PMing with him > town) - Leaning town 15. austinmcc - Gut Null - (mostly trolly/filler posts > null) (seems like he doesn't really care about the game, this makes me think he is 3p or apathetic town > null) - Null read 16. Amiko - Gut Scum - (claims he is 3rd party > null) - Leaning 3rd party 17. Hopeless1der - Gut Null - (just sheeped votes and went with majority lynches, didn't put any effort scum hunting > null) - Null read 18. justanothertownie - Gut Town - (baaaahhhhhhhhhhhh > null) (probably town, doesn't seem to be pushing a mafia agenda > town) (people I think are town like JAT as town, so I defer to them for the moment > town) (claims his win con is to kill Sandroba, if this doesn't happen he will help town > scum) (some sort of 3rd party lyncher role??) - Leaning 3rd party 19. WaveofShadow - Gut Town - (His "soon-to-receive item list" seems a bit contrived to do as 3rd party or scum > town) (decent reads and analysis behind them > town) - Leaning Town read 20. LSB - Gut Scum - (complete lack of actual scum hunting > scum) (there is no real interest in the game from him, his posts seem to be there just to skate by > scum) - Leaning Scum read 22. Killing - Gut Town - (I agree with his reads, sort of in his pocket for defending me, but this aligns more with his town meta than scum > town) (he has claimed his role to me, I think he is telling the truth about it > town) (some hesitations about whether his role could be mafia or 3p after further discussion > null) (used his ability to reduce chaos to zero > town) (Pmed a bunch with Killing, feel good about him > town) - Town read 24. VayneAuthority - Gut Null - (lurker city > null) (people saying that his lack of trying is his town meta? > null) - Leaning Scum read 25. Palmar - Gut Null - (was checked* to be a creature of this world > null) *(implications behind this speak to fantasy creature roles could be bad, possibly these creatures will have flavour text when they kill like in Apeture mafia) (a lot of people I am beginning to trust think he is town > town) (Palmar's lack of trying to control the game doesn't line up with mafia meta > town) - Leaning Town read 27. IAmRobik - Gut Town - (little kid screaming his head off with profanity galore > town) (reprimanding us for lynching but doing nothing to prevent it > null) - Leaning Town read 28. sandroba - Gut Town - (in this guys pocket, the way he posts just feel right. his analysis is spot on in my opinion. doesn't seem to be pushing any mafia agenda > town) (have PMed a bunch with sandroba and get good vibes > town) - Town read Day 1 Deaths 29. gumshoe - Dead(town) - Gut Town 6. raynpelikoneet - Dead(town, modkilled) - Gut Null Night 1 Deaths 23. Foolishness - Dead(town) - Gut Town 1. Keirathi - Dead(town) - Gut Town 11. kitaman27 - Dead(town) - Gut Town 7. marvellosity - Dead(town) - Gut Town Day 2 Deaths 30. Blazinghand - Dead(town) - Gut Scum - (claims he is going to explode in 24 hours, i really hope this happens haha) (his play is all over the place, i don't believe his role claim > scum) (his play strikes me as not caring, so possible 3rd party?) - Scum read 9. syllogism - Dead(scum) - Gut Null - (not sure what to think of his posting so far, strikes me as trying to be town, but can't tell if genuine or not > null) (claimed mafia > scum) - Scum read 10. iamperfection - Dead(scum) - Gut Scum - (So we have Foolishness calling iamp scum and marv swearing he is town > null) (his beginning of day 1 is filled with a lot of filler > scum) (he lightly pushes and pokes at some of the scummier players in the thread, but doesn't really back anything up or pursue actual scum reads > scum) (just seems to be sliding under the radar and not trying to acutally scum hunt > scum) - Scum read 26. yamato77 - Dead(town) - Gut Town - (seems to actually care about who is getting lynched and finding scum > town) (seems to be putting pieces together and asking the right questions > town) - Leaning Town read 4. Tehpoofter - Dead(town) - Gut Scum - (quirky and sarcastic remarks > scum) (implied he is town with VE in an indirect way > scum) (asking a ton of questions, but not really trying to get mafia lynched > scum) (case against Robik was very nit picky and grasping at straws > scum) (went from not trusting marv to agreeing with him in a very short time, seemed unnatural > scum) (claims to have red check on Syllo, Syllo has claimed scum at this point > town) - Town read People that should die in no particular order: LSB JAT (3p) VA Amiko (3p) Oats People I can't really get a read on(so I don't care if they die or not): Dandelion Austin Hopeless Personal note: I think killing geript tonight is unnecessary, but will yield us some information if he is killed. If geript is killed and flips non-town, then VE is confirmed scum as well. The way geript and HF were fighting is a bit odd. Not sure what to make of that interaction as of yet. geript's flip would tell us more about this. Speculation: Probability and past experience says that I am at least leaning town on 1-2 scum/3p roles. This list and the list HF has posted seems "too easy" if we have everything pegged correctly. Right now the scum team is IamP, syllo, LSB, VA, Oats 3rd parties are JAT and Amiko With a setup this big, a scum team of 5 seems much too small. If I had to guess, one of the "more town" viewed players is likely mafia. Reasoning behind this is that syllo and iamp didn't even try to defend themselves. It would make sense that the scum team don't feel threatened then and iamp/syllo could afford to just roll over. Possible mis-reads: HF's play has become much better as of recent, but his day 1 wasn't so great. HF is a possible town read I have wrong. Sandroba likes HF for town. Palmar is a wild card. Some people I trust say he is town. I can't pretend to read him though. IamRobik has fallen off the grid and isn't doing much these days to project that he is town. WoS had strong start, but has also fallen a bit on the townscale. | ||
Belgium38797 Posts
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Belgium38797 Posts
On April 09 2014 01:23 sandroba wrote: @koshi is your group still shooting who I think you are shooting? If so I'll aim my shot at someone different, otherwise I'll shoot who you were planning on shooting. I do not know who we are shooting. I guess my groupmembers know it but I don't. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
24. VayneAuthority - Gut Null - (lurker city > null) (people saying that his lack of trying is his town meta? > null) - Leaning Scum read null tell -> null tell -> scum read? can you explain that one | ||
United States639 Posts
On April 09 2014 02:31 Dandel Ion wrote: null tell -> null tell -> scum read? can you explain that one Out of the 4 horsemen, he is the most likely to be bad from talking with others and just general vibes. i.e. I think VE and geript are more town than VA right meow. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
Why do you scumread him? | ||
United States639 Posts
On April 09 2014 02:41 Dandel Ion wrote: eh, that is not what I'm asking. Why do you scumread him? VA really hasn't done anything productive. He has ranted and yelled that he is being super town, but I just see a lurker throwing a tantrum when people call him out. He says he is voting correctly and doesn't bus as scum, but that is meta I don't know about or even trust at this point. So I lean scum on him until proven otherwise. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
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United States639 Posts
On April 09 2014 03:20 geript wrote: Explain the meta read on me Daniel. From video mafia, your town meta is to be very self-centered in your reads. You read people based on if they reading your correctly or not. i.e. anyone who doesn't immediately call you town is mafia, haha. You are more disruptive as town than as scum, because you don't care if you are lynched. You will try to argue about minor details and derail the flow of conversation to suit your own purposes. Disclaimer: There is very small sample size of data to back this up. I haven't played a ton of games with geript. | ||
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On April 09 2014 03:38 geript wrote: @Sandroba. Why in gods green earth do you want to kill me? Like HF has beef or something and generally does stupid stuff as town so I can understand his thing from any alignment. But I don't get why you want me to die. Because you have been quite categorically shit. | ||
10024 Posts
On April 09 2014 03:39 Paperscraps wrote: From video mafia, your town meta is to be very self-centered in your reads. You read people based on if they reading your correctly or not. i.e. anyone who doesn't immediately call you town is mafia, haha. You are more disruptive as town than as scum, because you don't care if you are lynched. You will try to argue about minor details and derail the flow of conversation to suit your own purposes. Disclaimer: There is very small sample size of data to back this up. I haven't played a ton of games with geript. The self-centered part is true. As far as reading people based on how they read me, that's partially true but only true for specific players. Like if certain people scumread me then that's effectively a scumclaim in many games. Disruptive... meh. I don't really see how I've been disruptive this game but whatevs. Maybe you're not full of bullshit I don't know. | ||
10024 Posts
On April 09 2014 03:40 Holyflare wrote: Because you have been quite categorically shit. Says the person who says I'm going to live or die based on whether or not I claim my role. | ||
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On April 09 2014 03:48 geript wrote: Says the person who says I'm going to live or die based on whether or not I claim my role. And you still will | ||
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On April 08 2014 20:33 Holyflare wrote: Tick tock Geript. ![]() | ||
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Canada4998 Posts
On April 09 2014 03:48 geript wrote: Says the person who says I'm going to live or die based on whether or not I claim my role. Well geript we have just moved from a very busy day with enabled pms where we cleared a whole bunch of people and you are one of the few left that could be scum. It doesn't help your cause that your LSB town read is totally illogical and based on way less evidence than the reasons you said for him to be scum. Also the fact that you refuse to claim when we are close to figuring out the game is really telling. But as of now town people are shooting other more important targets, so I wouldn't mind telling the sk to shoot you so it speeds up the process if he decides to do it. | ||
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