2)Information about CURRENT game: As a player, you can like...check stuff about the game. Who got lynched on D2? Which players voted for him? What was the votecount 10 minutes before deadline before the lynch swung to that guy? Did someone die in the middle of D3 by a day vig shot? Who did scum kill on N1?
You can get the answers to all these questions. Of course, you need to ask yourself these questions in the first place. If you don't, then the spreadsheet won't be much good for you yeah
3)Current votecount: The votcount is automatic, and changes with every single vote the host/cohost registers. In the real game, the host posts the votecount every certain X amount of time. But if too many votes occur there, the host won't pollute the game thread with votecounts. Yet, in the spreadsheet, you can see all these votes affect the votecount automatically.
4)Find out when the deadline is: Dunno about you, but I always have trouble figuring out if there is 1 or 2 hours before deadline, or if it was at another time, or whatever. You get that shit here as well.
Basically, it replaces the thread's OP as the "entry point" for any kind of info you want. Do you want to read D3 to see what a confirmed dead scum said? Well, right now you go to the OP, and hope the host updated it with the link to the D3 post. If he didn't, you have to filter the host until you find the D3 post. Oh wait, where is it? You can't find the D3 post? Then it must mean that the host was not available, and one of the 1000 cohosts was the one that made the D3 post. So now you have to find out who are the cohosts, get their filter (this is not as easy as filtering the host), and search the filters of every one of them. After 10 minutes, you find the link to the D3 post. You can do this in 10 seconds with the spreadsheet.