As for witchpowershiznit, I suggest we claim our votes only, 72 hours after. I've come up with an interesting idea as well. We will claim the votes in order, one at a time. I have an algorhithm based on certain actions in the game that make me very confident in the idea this will work. Fucking elaborate now!
On November 10 2013 04:16 raynpelikoneet wrote: Koshi you are weird in this gme. why? No real reason.
.... I never claimed it to be perfect, but it would have been great if people were willing to go along with it earlier. As well as the fact that losing so many town players this far. It's a two-edged sword, really.
Also rayn, I'm not going to engage into a raging you. It's pointless. You're just wasting your time if you're raging onto me for that, and I have no interest in wasting my time in calming you down when there's blizzcon going on.
You could...you know...explain the plan so we can go back to ignoring you as a pants-on-head kind of guy.
who is scum
rayn? sn0? vanesco or umi?
please tell me if ur town
sn0 man I gave you town reads all game and you've done nothing but buddy up to me
gosh. really cephiro...??? I won bitchcraft N1, got roleblokced.
Oh and i voted for wos, umasi and oo.
why didnt you claim rb at the start of d2
and i took cop and tried to cop wos, then i took tracker and tried to track wos, then i took the jailor who blocks scum hits and tried to jail wos. hi wos <3
because there is no reason to?
I approve of the fact WoS might be scum. I found him "strange" around the Onegu lynch.
nah I really really doubt that. rayn is probably mafia before WoS is and I really doubt that too
My secondary actions would have all been targeted on WoS as well during N1
Action #1: Track Syl Action #2: Roleblock WoS Action #3: Normal DT check WoS
My first one got picked.
I don't consider it possible for WoS to be the godfather if he is scum, he would not try to gain towncred so hard as he has the whole game otherwise.
If i die kill Cephiro. There is no reason to pick RB over Jailor.
On November 10 2013 06:50 raynpelikoneet wrote: If i die kill Cephiro. There is no reason to pick RB over Jailor.
Are you joking? Read the powers again. RB blocks NK, Jailor does not. Why would you pick jailor over RB if you are trying to target scum?
EBWOP: Yeah, it seems you noticed. :p
thrawn give me one good reason why i should have claimed roleblock?