I think most townies (me at least) had kinda conceded at that point. Like I don't mean to harp on it too much but mocsta modkill really did stop any momentum town had.
Actually acro if I go back to my d1 notes there's two points that point to you being scum, but I never really revisited my notes 
onegu strongly against sharing house lists onegu quick to defend and call people town, is he scum?
dandel super pressure on koshi makes him look town, dunno about koshi though, titanic makes me uncertain about him
kush is kush. If he ends up being right about stuff he's probably scum.
snb pressures me but then backs off when he notices there's nothing more to say and concludes it's not enough to say I'm scum, totes town. oats is town for pm reasons
Risen mega posts with bad reads. DI calls it out, iamp soft defends
still no scumreads from onegu
acro calls out vivax for soft defense on oats
solstice wall of defense is MASSIVE, weird scum(?)read on johnny townread on DI but didnt wanna vote him for lord cause... DL would out himself as scum?
decent defense from johnny, null
acro hard defense on johnny
rayn and acro shit up the thread with pm stuff, rayn looks pretty town but illogical oberyn votes acro for "stealing" his plan, acro says he wasnt aware that obe posted it in thread acro doesnt look scummy in this exchange though, johnny pointed out the same oberyn starts pressuring acro, definitely looks like he wants him lynched
iamp calls out lurkers, xata says they should use kp on lurkers pre d1 flip
xata points out that acro and oberyn can't both be scum, I agree He seems friendly and helpful to my ideas but his conclusion everytime is "could be, could not be, dunno"
Acro unvotes solstice after "a good night sleep and the urging of iamp and johnny"
I also thought snb was totes town d1, dunno when that changed.
On August 20 2013 18:20 Dandel Ion wrote: I'm very easy to read. People just refuse to do it. Both you and Risen were easily called town and then completely ignored in the rest of the game. That's not a good thing. You were calling me scum from somewhere halfway in D1 until endgame, yet nobody ever followed you. Nobody followed me on Rayn, because I didn't want them to. But as a townie you should want to convince other townies, not just be content looking townie.
Risen tried to push, but he was all over the place, and combined with his conviction that Sharrant was scum made it really easy to just discredit all his other reads as well.
Risen's opening post really was too crazy to be scum though. I've never seen a scum give 6 scumreads, 4 of which were clear town and 2 of which were null.
LOL Koshi was *so* close to claiming scum because of Oberyn's fakeclaim..... Ughhhh... Damn it :D And Acro even encouraged him! Luckily for Koshi he endured the heat...
@hosts: thanks for hosting! I think you did an excellent job in a game with some complicated situations. I felt shitty that Ace basically needed to get modkilled for a simple misunderstanding where he really tried to help the hosts, but he would have been confirmed town because of the way he broke the rules. The Mocsta modkill was a bit harsh on town. It handed scum the possibility to control the lynch completely, but anything else wouldn't have really worked either. That one is entirely on Mocsta, and he should be banned for it.
I really enjoyed the PM mechanic. I think forcing the use of TL PMs only was a good idea, despite TL PMs being really cumbersome. Skype is too town-favoured: instant messaging is really really hard to work around as scum, and it was already pretty hard to keep my story straight in all different channels. QTs would have removed the asymmetry of information, which makes PM games so interesting.
Town was basically too trusting of the PMs and didn't use it to set up traps, except for the Oberyn/Onegu roleclaim, which I 100% believed and Koshi is a master ninja for sniffing that out and not giving in to all the pressure in the scumQT. This made it somewhat "safe" for scum to be rather active in PMs.
I tried really hard to get scum to shoot solstice btw, why did that not work?
Wait, did Ace post something else before being modkilled? Because all I noticed was "hosts kill me please trolololol"?
On August 20 2013 21:44 Clarity_nl wrote:I tried really hard to get scum to shoot solstice btw, why did that not work? 
Because Chrom was scum and so they knew he was a tank...
On August 20 2013 21:45 Xatalos wrote: Wait, did Ace post something else before being modkilled? Because all I noticed was "hosts kill me please trolololol"?
Basically he thought what I thought for a brief second when reading vivax flip. I thought instead of houselist the role pm gave away the scumteam. I guess ace just reacted to that, which modconfirmed him town.
I really don't think ace and mocsta should be punished in the same way, I do believe ace just made a dumb mistake.
On August 20 2013 21:44 Clarity_nl wrote:I tried really hard to get scum to shoot solstice btw, why did that not work?  Because of what i said in scum QT. "As long as he is not a threat to us keep him shooting townies". :D
How much did solstice tell chrom. Just that he was a vigi or the fact that he gains hp equal to the damage he deals?
Congrats to the mafia team! Well played.
Thanks to thrawn, Prom, Wave and Marv for hosting. Interesting setup.
Excellent job by the mafia team with the Lord elections. Town players giving up the Lord vote to another player simply because they are more experienced is definitely a mistake.
On August 20 2013 14:50 DrParnassus wrote: -House checks. Town didn't seem to put mch thought into what should be done with them. Ideally they should have all been burnt D1 by townies who keep the results to themselves. They could also be used sorta like a watcher role to try and get a fix on who might be soaking up scum kp. Either of these options would have greatly benefited town
I disagree on this one. The HP count is so much more important to mafia than town d1. We probably should have elected a different Lord d2 in most houses and then policy lynched anyone who didn't have their check remaining. Also, the fact that the mafia knew gumshoe only had 1 HP remaining was terrible.
Excellent job by Onegu showing that he was town in PMs. Mocsta also did a great job catching up with the thread and putting in the effort from a very bad position. Unfortunately, the modkill ruined everything and was incredibly disrespectful to the hosts and players.
Several people fell for the PM game trap of not posting in the game thread, myself included. I had about 250 PMs and about half as many actual posts. I shouldn't have responded to every question as I was often forced to give opinions on players that I didn't want to spend the time to look into. I also wish that I had been more assertive when it came to the day one lynch/shot.
I'm still absolutely terrible with lurker lynches. FT, gumshoe, kush (and nearly johnnywup/jrkirby) were all policy kills and they all flipped town. It's such a challenge to face an active mafia team when there are so many town players who simply don't care.
Well played by koshi to ignore his entire mafia team and not fall for the watcher claim.
On August 20 2013 17:17 Ace wrote:dont fake claim in the future please
Ignore this guy. He clearly doesn't know what he is talking about.
Acrofales wrote: I am willing to surrender right now. I see no way of winning this setup.
lolol Acro such a scrub.
It's truly sad when the scumteam is more active and pro-town than 50+% of the town :/ Such is life I guess... But should we have left all the nullish lurkers just live peacefully then? Lord KP on them seemed like a good idea. And still seems, to some extent.
subject:am i scum?
Original Message From Acrofales: No, Im loyal
Why you lie?
I still don't get gumshoe. He was very townish during N0. Then just went full AFK during D1....
On August 20 2013 22:52 Xatalos wrote: I still don't get gumshoe. He was very townish during N0. Then just went full AFK during D1.... and then voted on the mislynch and proceeded to afk again
But oh well. I agree with Ace that the scumteam is as strong as their strongest members, while town is as strong as their weakest members. Scum had many really strong players (rayn, Acro, Koshi, Chromatically) while town had mostly lurkers. I'd like some more strict activity requirements actually. At least for themed/big games. It's too much luck between killing bad town or bad scum.
Or I guess players like Kush or johnnywup weren't necessarily lurkers. Just anti-town. Gumshoe was a true lurker.