Also makes sense now that yamato defended grush at that timing.
So, yamato knew that Toad (unsure, I think) and grush were masons when he wrote this:
On January 22 2013 09:21 yamato77 wrote: Also for the record I have it on good authority that there are a lot of masons, scum and town
Hey, FT. Since you seem to be lurking constantly:
Why didn't you try to expand on that clash of opinions? You and yamato said opposite things about Axle.
Actually, I'm derping.
Yamato did indeed contradict himself in that post (For stuttershttp://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=393344¤tpage=134#2664):
He isn't overly involved in the conversation town is having, he comes in with his own take on something and basically ignores everything else. I don't see much reason to have a mafia read on him at this point in the game.
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I'm not sure if town Axle would be involved in the game enough to vote for a mayor in a manner which is indicative about his alignment.
His activity dropping off is also consistent with his town game, tbh, so I'm not worried about him. It's like you guys' read on Chezinu, there's really not much to say either way.
Marshall Islands1474 Posts
Where's the contradiction?
I've just been spending some time in Axle's filter this evening, and it was unsurprisingly inconclusive. He apparently voted for gonzaw on day 1, not because he thought he was town, but because he thought he would get a read on him in future days because he was 'wordy'. When asked by bugs about gonzaw, he did say his reaction to the NKs was possibly a scumslip, although he never pursued it (although I don't know if I would expect him to anyway).
I think I need to look elsewhere, someone I'm leaning town on must be mafia.
What do you think about austin and Mocsta?
Marshall Islands1474 Posts
I don't think they're likely to be mafia right now.
Hey medic bros:
Given that Toad cannot sheriff-jail me again you should consider medic protting me. I'm pretty sure scum will try to hit me this time.
I'll be back before deadline with a customary "oh shit if I die this is what I want you neebs to do" post. It'll be drafted with use of my trademarked WBG Group Scum Annihilation software (patent pending, available soon in the USA and allied territories)
On January 26 2013 09:04 FiveTouch wrote: I don't think they're likely to be mafia right now. I am also unlikely to be mafia at any other point this game.
Hey medic bros
Think about the gonzaw lynch, and think about another lynch like that happening cause I make awesome checks.
Forget Bugs.
On January 26 2013 09:32 Vivax wrote: Hey medic bros
Think about the gonzaw lynch, and think about another lynch like that happening cause I make awesome checks.
Forget Bugs.
Noone listen to this guy. I'm the sheriff. You listen to me. End of discussion.
Don't even dare roleblocking me, Toad.
actually no one should protect vivax cause I don't think anyone gives a fuck if he dies
On January 26 2013 09:47 DearestSnot wrote: actually no one should protect vivax cause I don't think anyone gives a fuck if he dies the thing is that IF someone wastes protection on Vivax it should be at least the guy who ends up roleblocking him as well because he'll get roleblocked anyways.
And to make sure noone else thinks about protecting him :3
WIFOMY bastards, you're working against our medics by leaving these insecurities in the field.
If they waste a protection on me, then it's only Toad's and Bugs fault.
On January 26 2013 09:51 Vivax wrote: WIFOMY bastards, you're working against our medics by leaving these insecurities in the field.
If they waste a protection on me, then it's only Toad's and Bugs fault. no it's the medics fault for not listening to me.
Gents, popped in before shooting off because I had a brainwave.
(1) To all doubters of BKE... compare him to Annul and the activity difference when questioned about lurking.. Annul has been helpful since Day2 IMHO - even if its focussed only on his areas of interest... BKE completely different
(2) To all doubters of Chez being town due to PM because he may have convinced the masons he was town... before that post, everyone was saying Chez is unreadable, hence its VERY unlikely he convinced anyone he was town... so considering that, it doesnt make sense to me for the mafia to have kept the two masons alive (or at least one of them instead of JX) when they had two masons that most likely thought NULL of Chez
(3) Axle, Im OK leaving him for the next day.. though his activity level dropped it actulaly COULD be because we are at 135 pages (and the newbies would be 50 pages) its a big difference in commitment. But he really needs this Day3 to prove himself
(4) Someone mentioned AustinMCC I think, I agree with this, hes null on the verge of either side for me. Somethigns he says are helpful, but IIRC its all setup speculation (and we all know what DjoDref did with setup speculation).. he needs to be questioned regardless of whether you think he is town/scum.
Peace out and best of luck. Wont be back for like 12hrs (if I am alive)
WBG's Scum Annihilation List
Scum, prepare yourselves to be penetrated.
Alright, you fuckers better simply win this with brute force if I die.
There are very limited possibilities for who can be scum now. They're like rats in a research facility. Either they're hiding for their lives, or they're waiting for us to perform gruesome experiments on them, their lives in imminent danger.
Virtually 100% scum: Chezinu BKE
Pretty fucking likely: mkfuba
null(ish) in order of likelihood: coinflip if the above 3 are not scum: yamato mocsta
lean town:
grush annul debears
virtually cannot be scum: everyone else
Trust me on this, I'm fairly sure if you all simply lynch straight down this list mafia will be fucked.
There's the possibility that you may have to do some slight changes or whatever supposing that one or two town flip in the process, but that should be straightforward as you go.
He would have cannibalized gonzaw's day 1 votes; they would not run together