On August 16 2012 12:53 YourHarry wrote: FOS Golbat Jyhut Stutters and Archrun for lurking. Please do share your current reads.
This more than anything else is what I want to see next in this thread. I would also like to know what their reads were on the earlier cases in addition to their current read. If you are one of those players, you really need to contribute more to the discussion. You're town or you're scum, but either way you're creating more ambiguity and suspicion among the group by not posting.
Tbh, I didn't respond because you haven't given me anything worth responding to. I clearly explained my position on Solar. I even made a follow-up post on my thought process behind my early Solar impression. I'm not going back on anything. Never did I say Solar is "confirmed town." I have only said my read on him is that it's more likely he's town than scum.
And the "Sigh..." comment that you're embellishing has nothing to do with me thinking Solar was a "confirmed town." It had to do with frustration with the scenario of us wasting our entire day tunneling and lynching a bad town (which I still believe Solar to be). In said scenario, we go into day two without any information. It's a terrible situation, because it makes day two into another day one with fewer town.
So how could I conclude that Solar is probably town? It's called intuition and wit.
I strongly encourage you to use some in your future arguments.
Now onto my read on you. You've already mentioned you like to tunnel other people, and change your vote on short notice.:
On August 15 2012 11:48 YourHarry wrote: My meta: -snip- To summarize my meta, in the first 2.5 games, I am quick to make accusations and switch my vote players with little explanation. I decided to change my meta in game 3 where I drew vanilla townie. I played more conservative to avoid suspicion.
This is your fourth game, so my mind is a bit blown trying to conceive how you could think that quickly vote switching between players is strong pro-town play. From how I look at it, you've specifically given us this summary of your own meta to justify doing whoever you want without the transparency the town needs to understand your motivation.
You're entitled to your own opinion, and you're more than entitled to vote for me. But tunneling with such a weak case and comments such as the one above are actions that could easily be scum-motivated.:
##FoS: YourHarry
I look forward to your reply, but right now... I need to review everyone's filters and make my cases on top scum suspects as promised. Darthpunk is excited to hear them, and I'm not going to let him down
@goodkarma, so what was going through your mind when I responded you with "is this good enough explanation for you" or answered Shady with "until GK or someone accuses me, I standby my decision"?
Were you not suspicious of me because of those posts?
On August 16 2012 13:15 goodkarma wrote: And the "Sigh..." comment that you're embellishing has nothing to do with me thinking Solar was a "confirmed town." It had to do with frustration with the scenario of us wasting our entire day tunneling and lynching a bad town (which I still believe Solar to be). In said scenario, we go into day two without any information. It's a terrible situation, because it makes day two into another day one with fewer town.
But there were cases that were made, including a few that have been made by Shady, that outlined why Solar was scummy. It was not just that Solar seemed to be trolling that I (and others) thought that Solar was suspicious. But instead of evaluating points of these cases, you simply dismissed them. Giving him an advice to Solar to respond in a coherent manner is one thing and I would have been fine with it. But outright dismissing cases against Solar, simply because Solar seemed to be trolling and hyper-aggressive ... I have hard time understand how a town not knowing Solar's alignment would act in the way you did.
On August 16 2012 12:53 YourHarry wrote: @Mkfuba What about my "story" that seems fabricated to you?
FOS Golbat Jyhut Stutters and Archrun for lurking. Please do share your current reads. In particular, I would like your comments on what you think of my case against GK. If you do not have time to participate in the future, do try to contribute today as much as today and request replacement.
I've said this multiple times. I didn't find the original GK post, the one that you use as the entire basis of your argument, in any way suspicious. I think it's a huge stretch to come to the conclusion you did. Then to use it to try to prove Solar's townie-ness and then GK's scumminess... I definitely feel that a townie would be more cautious when declaring someone else an obvious townie (unless you are a mason, which is unlikely seeing as how you supposedly believed two others to be masons). While the follow-up explanation can make sense, it only does so if you believe the assumption that you built the entire case on: that "Sigh..." implied greater knowledge than GK would have as anyone except mason or scum. I don't believe that, so I don't believe you.
I do second the request for Golbat, Jyhut, and Archrun to be more active. We need more information from all of you, or our reads will be based on very few (2, 2, and 3, respectively) posts. You don't even necessarily have to comment on every aspect of the day so far. Give us something to work with.
EBWOP: Also, Stutters has been absent for quite a while. Almost a full day, if I did my math correctly. I generally agree with what he's said, but he hasn't added to it for quite a while. Where are you Stutters?
@Mkfuba. OK. I guess it is a difference in our interpretation of GK's initial post.
And actually, upon re-evaluation, I can accept the possibility that GK was indeed not sure about Solar's alignment but was indeed worried that we may tunnel on a player that he somehow thought was a town. Still, the alternative is also possible. It could have been a scum slip that GK is now fabricating the explanations for. Either way, since this is WIFOM, I want to partially retract my case against GK.
But I still want to know why he didn't find me suspicious for keep bringing his name up, and why he decided to dismiss the points made in other people's case against Solar.
Sorry for being lurky, not intend just became last minute busy. As far as reads go I am going through the thread at will give my thoughts on the case against YH, thrawn, and GK as soon as I can, but right now I want to make a ##FoS: Jhuyt and Solar
Case: Jhuyt puts:
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there. then Solar puts: Secondly, the continued defence of me by Thrawn has no basis. I was clearly being anti-town. Some evidence:
"I am still of the opinion that solar's posts are somewhat likely to be emotional overreactions rather than scummy."
"Shady, can you explain your reasoning for initially jumping all over solar?"
"Most of the discussion right now is about solarsail. I don't think there's anything wrong with this because so far his posts haven't seemed very useful but we have still yet to hear from several players. He could easily be town and just reacting to everyone immediately jumping on his case as soon as the game starts."
"Suspicion of a soft accusation is hardly good evidence that he should be lynched especially when there has been so little discussion so far so I am not sold on your case against him."
There is little reason to defend me so much unless your motivation is to defend someone he knows to be town player for deflection reasons.
May main concern is two-fold: 1) Jhuyt claims Solar is just an emotional by his previous TL post history, which later Solar claims to be a deliberate act. Futhermore, skimming through Solar TL post history it doesn't seem that emotionally based. In fact, it is closer to his current professionalism. I believe Jhuyt defense of him is a blatant lie. 2) Solar questions why Thrawn is defending him, but not Jhuyt. Other people defend Solar has a bad townies, and to shape up his posting, while Jhuyt explained Solar behavior (falsely) as that is the type of person solar is.
This leads me wonder why would Solar question Thrawn's motives and not Jhuyt?
This plays out four ways:
If Jhuyt is townie and Solar is townie then Solar should of suspected his motives like he did with thrawn or both of them are mason and there is no need to question each others motives. I believe them being Masons is possible.
If Jhuyt is townie and Solar is scum then why would jhuyt lie about Solar's posting? Futhermore, why wouldn't Solar call Jhuyt out like he did with Thrawn? The only why I can see is to put focus on one person. This seems dishonest. nor does it allievate Jhuyt roll. under those ground I reject this possibility.
If Jhuyt is scum and Solar is scum then either a bus play could happen(which didn't) or they could protect each other. They could directly protect each other by offering counter arguments against both of them, (which only Jhuyt did in that one line lie) or indirectly by not bringing attention to each other(which would be a play that Solar made. I believe them both being scum is possible.
Finally, if Jhuyt is scum and Solar is townie then by lying Jhuyt post (which occured before Solar) puts focus on Shady and potentially has some a townie on his side. Solar likewise either became a townie by his side(doubtful, because he didn't defend him against Shady's accusation) or Solar would of question his motive like he did with thrawn. I reject this possibility as stated above.
This leads me to believe Jhuyt and Solar are Scum or Masons.
Thoughts? Concerns? Did I miss something? I don't think Solar missed Jhuyt post because he was corresponding with Shady the entire page and part way through there correspondences Shady replied to Jhuyt. I want to emphasis I haven't look at the evidence agaisnt Thrawn thoroughly so I have no argument on him as scum or town at the moment.
@Archrun: While this definitely seems like it could be possible, I just can't wrap my head around the reason for Jhuyt to lie. Assuming Solar is telling the truth, which in looking at his past posts in general seems to be the case, and he was able to contact Jhuyt wouldn't he have told Jhuyt what he was doing. This entire theory is based off of the idea that they are working together without actually communicating at all. And while this is possible it seems like that would be rather stupid play which doesn't really fit into how Solar has played so far. On top of that, as has been mentioned by a few other people, Solar's play post-troll has been pro-town and there really doesn't seem to be any reason that his original play would have been scummy in light of the information on his acting. So if you do happen to be right, which seems unlikely to me, the two of them are anything my guess would be masons.
Now this could just be my earlier suspicions talking as there is no real concrete evidence behind this, but it does seem that this was rather deflective, and if you did have suspicions as scum that those two were masons it would benefit you to try and get them lynched. I do encourage you however to prove me wrong, because as I said before I am not sure about this, its really more a feeling than anything.
On August 16 2012 14:17 Ochrow wrote: I just can't wrap my head around the reason for Jhuyt to lie.
After seeing Archrun's post I also did a check on solar's post history, and the impression I got was the exact opposite of Jhuyt's. (sorry solar, I think we will all be going through your post history now) It does appear that Jhuyt lied about solar's post history. Does anyone think this is important?
Jhuyt, why did you say that solar was acting 'normal' according to his post history if he wasn't?
Hey guys. been at uni since I last posted. When I get home I'l read through and post.
I will be back in four hours with a full post but I want to address two things
1. I wasn't suspicious of Jhuyt because there was so little to work with. I have him down as a near-lurker and hence '?' for now.
2. Jhuyt and I have a specific history in a specific thread involving some deleted posts. It's understandable him and him alone would say that.
Okay, my long promised "case post." I'm sorry for the hype, as this is going to be short and possibly a bit disappointing for those that were anticipating it + Show Spoiler +(like latest Batman movie disappointing  ) .
But here's my case. It's going to be short and sweet.:
A big part of day one is establishing a good future town atmosphere. To that end, there are several people that are not participating as they should. The guiltiest of these are: Jhuyt and Golbat.
Jhuyt: Jhuyt is especially suspicious to me right now. I have read the recent case presented against him by Archrun above. I tend to agree heavily with his first point: about Jhuyt's experience with Solar's post history on TL being consistent with his posting. I'm not ready to call Jhuyt a liar, but claiming Solar is troll/emotional generally on TL requires further explanation. Upon looking through some of his posts, I haven't seen this to be the case. If he is lying, this is enough reason to lynch him.
Now the other part of Jhuyt that is scummy is how wishy-washy he is in the limited amount of content he has posted. Let's look at his latest post. In bold are his current "reads" on certain people. Notice how hesitant he is to take a stance on anyone.:
On August 15 2012 20:18 Jhuyt wrote: Hmm, you're right, I should try to be more helpful.
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there.
On Shady: Shady tries to control the game, which is an act that I don't often see in normal townies, I've most often encountered it when a scum tries to make everybody think he's the sheriff. It is, however, a game of high risk and relies heavily on the actual sheriff being useless. He might be the sheriff as well, and this is why I think the first day is kinda silly, I don't know what to think solely based on his posts, they seem consistent.
I still think that YourHarry is something scummy simply because his posting behavior is strange, on everybody else, I need more evidence before making up my mind.
Also, he is currently the winner of the "lurker prize." It is clear from what he has contributed that he has little interest in scum hunting. Therefore:
##Vote: Jyuht
Consider it both a vote based on scum behavior and on "lurker policy." In the absence of a stronger scum read my vote goes on him.
Golbat: I expected more from you. I know that it really sucks being mislynched day 1, and I haven't ruled out your lurkiness as being from over-reacting to your poor play in XXII by playing almost the exact opposite of how you played then. But you have to step up and continue posting your reads. What got you in trouble then was vote-swapping without giving much explanation. As long as you give an explanation for your reads, don't be afraid to FoS and vote. What you're doing now makes you look just as scummy as how you looked in XXII.
##FoS: Golbat
YourHarry: I haven't forgotten about you. However poorly I feel you'd be playing as town by playing the way you are right now, I can't say it would be inconsistent with what I'd expect based on your previous play. I'm not un-FoS-ing you but I'm not ready to vote you as my top scum read right now either.
Just read SolarSail's point on Jhuyt, so he's not a liar. But the remainder of what I said of him still remains, and is enough for my vote to stay on him.
EBWOP#2: (mis-spelling): ##Vote: Jhuyt
On August 16 2012 15:11 Solarsail wrote: I will be back in four hours with a full post but I want to address two things
1. I wasn't suspicious of Jhuyt because there was so little to work with. I have him down as a near-lurker and hence '?' for now.
2. Jhuyt and I have a specific history in a specific thread involving some deleted posts. It's understandable him and him alone would say that.
Point 1: You were suspicious of me defending you, but not of jhuyt for defending you? Looking back on what Jhuyt and i said about you, I was the one who expressed more suspicion of you. Yes, I did say that your behavior could be explained by you being town but playing extremely, extremely poorly. What you said is that your first few posts were troll posts, and that is correct if you are town or scum. Both what I said and what you claimed are both along the lines of "solar's first posts are town posts, but they are very unorthodox town posts." This is not dissimilar to things many others said. I also said that because of your posting style I was definitely most suspicious of you at that point in time, just for the reason of it being an odd posting style. Yet you claim that I was a target for being more defensive of you when I clearly said I was suspicious of you while jhyut did not? When you came clean about your troll posts, I as well as the majority vocal opinion at that time believed you. Now that I think back on it, I am not convinced that your early game facade is pro-town behavior. You say you wanted to get discussion going and to get reactions from players, and while that did happen, everyone became sidetracked on the argument between you and shady. That eventually gave way to a few other arguments that were either decided to be weak reads, or the outcome is still very ambiguous.
1: Why would a town player troll his first few posts? You say it is to generate discussion and make reads on people, but these are reads that (if you are town) only you will be able to make unless you can convince everyone else to believe you.
2: Why would a scum troll his first few posts? The answer to that has been made clearly obvious by the first 24 hrs worth of posts in this thread. What you did, regardless of it being pro town or anti town, in my opinion ended up having an anti town effect. If something has an anti-town effect, the easiest and simplest solution is that it was directed by someone who has anti-town motives.
Point 2: That would be an acceptable answer, except that there is absolutely a 0% chance of anyone being able to fact check it. I'm still trying to figure out if there is any reasonable way for me to decide whether or not you're telling the truth about you and jhuyt's past.
I am not yet suspicious of you being scum, mostly because of the strong pro-town vibe I initially got from reading your post-troll posts, but I do think that there are some holes in your arguments which I would like you to explain.
On August 16 2012 11:24 Shady Sands wrote: EBWOP: Lead with a shortlist, and end with a single candidate.
I keep refreshing hoping to see your list has been posted... I think that we are very quickly coming upon the end of D1 and it's time to seriously start discussing lynch candidates. As for my read, I'm still in discussion with solar over what I think are holes in his latest posts, so as soon as he gives a response to my concerns I will present my lynch candidate. If solar responds in the next hour or so I will be able to post afterwards, but if that doesnt happen I will post first thing after I wake up.
Possibly going to sleep for the night, but I will keep an eye on this thread for about an hour. My lynch candidate post might come within that time, but expect it after I wake up in 8 or so hours.
It may just be me, but I just don't get that read on Jhuyt. As Solar said, they have a history together that would justify his comment, but the fact that his comment was just a one-liner saying that solar's posting was consistent with what he'd seen in the past also needs to be taken into account. What keeps getting brought up as his "defense" of Solar was really more of a don't read too much into this sorta thing, or at least that's how it appeared to me. As it currently stands I am most suspicious of Arch for his lurking earlier, and the fact that as soon as he was called out on it his first reaction was an ooooh look this guy is scum post. And even with that post I felt that he was off the mark so until Arch or somebody else points out some reason or evidence that makes him look like a townie
##Vote: Archrun
I did some fact checking, and I was able to find the posts between solar and jhuyt that solar mentioned earlier. They happened in the My Little Pony thread on April 4th 2012.
This clears up the problem I had with solar's most recent post, as it confirms that jhuyt would have a good motivation for saying what he said about solar's past behaivor, and it gives an explanation as why solar would suspect someone else (myself) instead of jhuyt for defending him. Still, I do not think that solar's opening posts were effectively pro-town, even if he had good intentions.
A few posts ago I was targeting Archrun because of his low post count (3 at the time, now 4) and worthless posts. Myself and a few others all asked for Archrun, as well as the other lurkers to come in and give their case reads on the established cases. Afterwards, Archrun made a post where the entirety of his argument is based on his assertion that Jhuyt lied about solar's post history. I did a quick search of solar's posts but wasnt able to find anything to suggest that he is usually overly emotional, and so I also started to be suspicious of solar. However, as you can see from my opening statement, I have found additional information that supports Jhuyt's statement.
Archrun, I have given a good explanation as to why your case against solar and jhuyt is bad, are there reasons other than Jhuyt's "lie" that cause you to be suspicious of them?
If not, then who would be your lynch candidate instead?
Also, we still havent heard enough from gobalt or stutters .
On August 16 2012 13:58 Archrun wrote:Sorry for being lurky, not intend just became last minute busy. As far as reads go I am going through the thread at will give my thoughts on the case against YH, thrawn, and GK as soon as I can, but right now I want to make a ##FoS: Jhuyt and SolarCase: Jhuyt puts: Show nested quote +On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there. then Solar puts: Show nested quote +Secondly, the continued defence of me by Thrawn has no basis. I was clearly being anti-town. Some evidence:
"I am still of the opinion that solar's posts are somewhat likely to be emotional overreactions rather than scummy."
"Shady, can you explain your reasoning for initially jumping all over solar?"
"Most of the discussion right now is about solarsail. I don't think there's anything wrong with this because so far his posts haven't seemed very useful but we have still yet to hear from several players. He could easily be town and just reacting to everyone immediately jumping on his case as soon as the game starts."
"Suspicion of a soft accusation is hardly good evidence that he should be lynched especially when there has been so little discussion so far so I am not sold on your case against him."
There is little reason to defend me so much unless your motivation is to defend someone he knows to be town player for deflection reasons.
May main concern is two-fold: 1) Jhuyt claims Solar is just an emotional by his previous TL post history, which later Solar claims to be a deliberate act. Futhermore, skimming through Solar TL post history it doesn't seem that emotionally based. In fact, it is closer to his current professionalism. I believe Jhuyt defense of him is a blatant lie. 2) Solar questions why Thrawn is defending him, but not Jhuyt. Other people defend Solar has a bad townies, and to shape up his posting, while Jhuyt explained Solar behavior (falsely) as that is the type of person solar is. This leads me wonder why would Solar question Thrawn's motives and not Jhuyt? This plays out four ways: If Jhuyt is townie and Solar is townie then Solar should of suspected his motives like he did with thrawn or both of them are mason and there is no need to question each others motives. I believe them being Masons is possible. If Jhuyt is townie and Solar is scum then why would jhuyt lie about Solar's posting? Futhermore, why wouldn't Solar call Jhuyt out like he did with Thrawn? The only why I can see is to put focus on one person. This seems dishonest. nor does it allievate Jhuyt roll. under those ground I reject this possibility. If Jhuyt is scum and Solar is scum then either a bus play could happen(which didn't) or they could protect each other. They could directly protect each other by offering counter arguments against both of them, (which only Jhuyt did in that one line lie) or indirectly by not bringing attention to each other(which would be a play that Solar made. I believe them both being scum is possible. Finally, if Jhuyt is scum and Solar is townie then by lying Jhuyt post (which occured before Solar) puts focus on Shady and potentially has some a townie on his side. Solar likewise either became a townie by his side(doubtful, because he didn't defend him against Shady's accusation) or Solar would of question his motive like he did with thrawn. I reject this possibility as stated above. This leads me to believe Jhuyt and Solar are Scum or Masons. Thoughts? Concerns? Did I miss something? I don't think Solar missed Jhuyt post because he was corresponding with Shady the entire page and part way through there correspondences Shady replied to Jhuyt. I want to emphasis I haven't look at the evidence agaisnt Thrawn thoroughly so I have no argument on him as scum or town at the moment.
This actually makes quite a bit of sense. I'm thinking JHuyt is likely scum based on the above and his inactivity, but not our top lynch candidate.
Right now, my shortlist is as follows:
--YH: Inconsistent posting, swingy analysis. This doesn't necessarily mean he's scum, but it means he is not someone I want in town if town hits MYLO/LYLO. Action: warning, 1 scum point, shape up your posting.
The mason read theory makes sense, but again, it's hugely swingy and not something many people will want to follow--and hence of limited use to town, since it's not likely it will ever gain enough popularity to submit it to the acid test of a lynch.
--Thrawn: My suspicion on Thrawn has gone way up since his posting last night. Why?
Thrawn feigns activity but in reality is only actively sheeping people. Thrawn hasn't come up with a single independent read on anyone from the very first case (me on Solar) onwards. Indeed, when the activity gets slow, he feels the best way to do something is to ask people what their reads are:
On August 15 2012 13:52 thrawn2112 wrote: YourHarry, who do you find most scummy at this exact point in time?
Why would he be asking YH this question instead of sharing his own point of view? (Which he still hasn't done)
In addition, his posting is actively trying to slow things down and muddle the scumhunt:
+ Show Spoiler [super long post] +On August 16 2012 05:27 thrawn2112 wrote: Policy?
A few people started talking about policy at the beginning and we never actually came to an agreement on that because of solar's trolling. Can we say whether or not we are going to FOS lurkers? Of course this doesnt not mean an automatic lynching, but it will help to keep everyone posting so that we can all get better reads. My vote is that yes, this policy should be put in effect, even though we have almost wasted the opportunity to do so.
Concerning the YH topic:
3 possibilities immediately come to mind:
One, that YH is being honest about him thinking that solar and gk are masons. That will explain basically all of his scummy sounding posting earlier in the game. Two, that he and solar are masons. This would explain his strong conviction that solar is town, and could also explain why he posted like he had information to hide. Three, YH and solar, or maybe just YH is scum. This would also account for the cryptic way he was posting. The only part that I'm having trouble with, is that 4 minutes after voting for me for being suspicious of shady, he unvoted me and changed his vote to solar. 21 minutes later is when according to him, he came up with his 'solar as mason' theory and unvoted again. So if YH is scum and solar is scum, why would YH ever vote for solar in the first place? It could be a sneaky manipulation but i doubt that is the case. This makes me believe that no, YH and solar cannot BOTH be scum. YH's quick changing of votes is what I'm currently looking at to see if I can make any reads as far as YH is concerned.
At this point I think YH's alliance hinges on whether or not you believe his story about suspecting solar and gk of being masons. At one point in the game I was willing to indulge the thought that YH and solar were masons based off a weak read I was making, (the extra information YH was hinting at) so it is easy for me to believe that YH did the same. YH, for now I believe your story and do not think either you or solar are scum.
Just to confirm what I'm thinking, do we all trust solarsail's account of his first few posts, that he was trolling to get responses? I'm assuming we all do? Myself, I believe him. I don't think a player who posts like he initially posted would be able to post how he is posting now unless they were trolling. Initially he was the most scummy player, but at that point in the game less than half the players had even posted. As time went on I began to think that no he's not scum, but he's a town player who just doesn't understand what the tone of this game is supposed to be. Honestly solar you were posting like you had just come in from a sc2 tournament thread, it was very hard to know what to make of that. IMO you actually caused more harm than if you would have allowed the discussion to remain on policy talk. The first few pages of posting were very chaotic and full of people making baseless accusations set by the tone of how you chose to play the game. Yes, I do think that myself and maybe some other people are able to make reads off the situation you created, but I think that those reads could have come regardless of your trolling.
mkfuba07, after reading my post do you agree with my claim that YH is town? If not, why not?
So after he makes this post, he does the "slam dunk FoS on Archrun" for not posting.
After that he moves to a "soft chainsaw" on Z-Boson for criticizing Ochrow (while again not offering his own reads): + Show Spoiler [The Soft Chainsaw] +On August 16 2012 08:29 thrawn2112 wrote:Z-Boson, are you thinking that Ochrow has a read on NH that he isn't explaining? Show nested quote +On August 16 2012 05:27 Ochrow wrote: On YH: So far I haven't really been able to get much of a read on him. While he was posting one-liners at the beginning, as he said he was actually able to get his point across in them, granted that his point wasn't always a great one to get across (ie Oh I have a secret read but I'm not sharing it). But since his explanation, which to me seems to be entirely understandable, he too is giving off a town feel.
What I got from that quote is that ochrow thinks NH could be town. The opening statement of that quote you referenced was "So far I haven't really been able to get much of a read on him" followed by "he too is giving off a town feel." I don't understand if you are saying Ochrow has a town or scum read on NH. On August 16 2012 09:04 thrawn2112 wrote: Yes, NH = YH, my bad.
So to clarify since you didnt actually answer the question, were you saying that ochrow had a town or a scum read on yourharry?
The "as to any motives behind that I can't yet speak" quote is a little ambiguous but I understood it as ochrow being suspicious of shady for shady focusing on solar's first post, but having nothing else to go on he was just leaving it at that, suspicion. What you have accused him of implying is a stretch. I have gone through ochrow's filter and can't a case of him keeping secrets about his read on solar. Could you find/quote/explain that one too?
I do not think your case against Ochrow is very convincing and I believe that you are reading too much into his posts.
On August 16 2012 09:42 thrawn2112 wrote:I don't think there's evidence of Ochrow hiding information in the "(ie Oh I have a secret read but I'm not sharing it)" post. Show nested quote +On August 16 2012 05:27 Ochrow wrote:
On YH: So far I haven't really been able to get much of a read on him. While he was posting one-liners at the beginning, as he said he was actually able to get his point across in them, granted that his point wasn't always a great one to get across (ie Oh I have a secret read but I'm not sharing it). But since his explanation, which to me seems to be entirely understandable, he too is giving off a town feel. Ochrow wasn't saying that he had a secret read, he was saying that yourharry claimed to have a secret read on solar, which is here: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 12:24 YourHarry wrote: Never mind. I am confident Solarsail is town. Move on.
##Unvote and here: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 13:20 YourHarry wrote: Shady. I guess there is a small chance that I could be wrong. But if I am right, it is not a good idea to reveal this information. Let's move on for now. I think you misquoted Ochrow, that "secret read" statement wasn't about himself.
Then finally settles on tunneling Archrun. This is where it gets a little interesting. Why Archrun for lurkerish behavior, when Golbat has only made 2 posts, and JHuyt 2 posts of terrible quality?
This is where we tie something else in: Golbat early in D1 accuses Thrawn, who claims drunkenness and laughs off the post. Golbat never brings up the post again. Thrawn ignores Golbat. Both players almost deliberately made accusations against each other without following up on each other. This smells fishy, as a townie Golbat in XXII would have immediately jumped on something like that, and a townie Thrawn would have tried to lynch Golbat AND JHuyt for lurkerish behavior. But why are they playing nice with each other?
My top read right now is Thrawn, and as such, I'm giving him my vote.
## Vote Thrawn2112
--Solarsail: This post by him makes me very suspicious:
On August 16 2012 15:11 Solarsail wrote: I will be back in four hours with a full post but I want to address two things
1. I wasn't suspicious of Jhuyt because there was so little to work with. I have him down as a near-lurker and hence '?' for now.
2. Jhuyt and I have a specific history in a specific thread involving some deleted posts. It's understandable him and him alone would say that.
There's essentially no way to verify the truth of this statement if only him and Solar can attest to it. I want to hear a clearer read between Solar and JHuyt, specifically why Solar believes JHuyt to be innocent and not worth a lurker lynch.
--JHuyt: Still haven't responded, so my original case on him still stands. Strong FoS, and if he continues to lurk I may consider changing my vote to him to guarantee a no-lynch.
Right now though, my top lynch target is Thrawn. From the first massively WIFOM Serial Killer post, to the WIFOM on Policy, YH, and Solarsail, to his soft defense of Ochrow against Z-Boson--all of this smells extremely scummy. Scum have to look like they're active, scum have to stay alive, and scum have to help each other. Thrawn's posting behavior fits all three motives to a T.
Lynch Thrawn.