Hi Guys, I would like to kick off this game with a discussion question:
What do you guys think of a Lynch all Lurkers and a Lynch all Liars policy?
This is often a strategy employed in games to get scum to talk, and thus be able to separate them from the group. I strongly suggest such a policy, because in forum Mafia we naturally only have the posts of the Mafia to weed them out. If they aren't talking or are lying we will never be able to figure out the truth.
Sure, why not? But please let actual solid reads/cases take precedence over it. That said, I don't think real solid cases come up on Day 1, so I think for our first lynch we should employ this strategy.
Imo, lurkers should be lynched if we don't have any solid reads to go on and we need to pressure lurkers to step out of the shadows. About liars, I'm interested how lies usually manifests in these kind of games. I mean, how often can you really know for sure that someone has been lieing? If someone is obviously witholding information or lying, I guess they would likely be scum and I would probably support a lynch(obviously depending on the circumstances), but what is the chances of actually getting that sort of hard facts? I would imagine that catching somebody red handed in the act of lying is something that occurs very rarely in Mafia. So, basically, lynch liars if it's obvious that they are lying and that their lies are hurting town, but don't focus on trying to catch people red handed. I don't think the chances of doing that is very big.
And also, english isn't my native language as some of you reading this maybe already have figured out. I apologize for any typos and grammar errors.
GL HF everyone!
LaL seems to be a standard play. I'm all for lynching liars above all else. It sets a good tone that we won't allow scum to get away with it either.
As for lurkers, hopefully we'll get everyone talking soon. Solid cases will build as long as everyone speaks.
Let's not waste Day 1. Too many times I've seen people say it's not important. We can find out plenty as long as everyone posts. Please be active so we don't waste our first lynch on a bored townie. The sooner everyone posts, the sooner we can get to the real scumhunting.
So the thing I am still having problems is, how do we find a viable opening strategy that gets Day 1 discussion going but doesn't necessarily create huge chaos in the thread? In Aperture Mafia (the first game I watched), there was a dayvig shot 19 minutes into the game, it got claimed, and discussion started from there. The guy who shot and claimed ultimately got lynched. In Newbie Mini Mafia VI (the first game I played), Kohbee essentially put out a random vote on HiroPro to get discussion going, but it kinda backfired and Kohbee was almost lynched Day 1/lynched for good Day 2, wasting 2 days of town activity. (Spoiler: Kohbee was Cop in that game).
So what's the plan here? Has anyone got anything specific in mind?
EBWOP: Notice how both the openings I explained ended up in the guy doing it (a townie) getting lynched. When start discussion with something like this, we're gonna have to do it right.
@KharadBanar I found that in the game I played, Day 1 was actually the most decisive. Even though we killed a townie, the town had pretty much figured out 2/3 Mafia members. Odds are that Day 1 we will hit a townie, so why not get the scum to start talking and rather than having nothing to go off after the first day.
@Yomi and wiliz22912 You confirmed right before the start where are you??
I don't really think that we're meant to have a special plan to sort out scum from townies day 1. I think what we're doing now is good. Just keep the conversation flowing, force people to take stances and pressure them to talk.
About keeping people from freaking out and start killing each other, I think that's pretty much a part of the game. People make bad reads, and innocent people get lynched.
Let's just try to make sure no one is lurking and go from there. The most important thing is to have a ground for analysis.
BroodKingEXE: How did your Day 1 start? Was it an accusation that got the discussion flowing or was it just random strategy talk like we're doing here?
Alright people, start typing! We know you're out there. So far only a handful of us have posted.
On April 12 2012 08:32 vonKlaust wrote: /confirm
Imo, lurkers should be lynched if we don't have any solid reads to go on and we need to pressure lurkers to step out of the shadows. About liars, I'm interested how lies usually manifests in these kind of games. I mean, how often can you really know for sure that someone has been lieing? If someone is obviously witholding information or lying, I guess they would likely be scum and I would probably support a lynch(obviously depending on the circumstances), but what is the chances of actually getting that sort of hard facts? I would imagine that catching somebody red handed in the act of lying is something that occurs very rarely in Mafia. So, basically, lynch liars if it's obvious that they are lying and that their lies are hurting town, but don't focus on trying to catch people red handed. I don't think the chances of doing that is very big.
And also, english isn't my native language as some of you reading this maybe already have figured out. I apologize for any typos and grammar errors.
GL HF everyone!
Lies usually manifest when there is a heated argument between Mafia and Townie. If you see a lie call it out, it forces a response from the person in question and gives us a better sense of their alignment. Its not the lie that matters it's the response we want.
Just noticed that the game had been going for 50 minutes. Lol, maybe I should be a tad more patient.
[B]On April 12 2012 08:55 BroodKingEXE wrote:[/B Lies usually manifest when there is a heated argument between Mafia and Townie. If you see a lie call it out, it forces a response from the person in question and gives us a better sense of their alignment. Its not the lie that matters it's the response we want.
I see, I'll keep that in mind.
What if we all agree to a rng lynch... at least proposing someone to lynch via rng. Then we have something to take a stance on.
I hope our blues this game are as clever as you were that game, KB. You pretty much won the game for a clueless town, including a Cop who was way too vocal for Day 1.
But back to topic -- we'll have plenty to pick apart as soon as everyone posts. I'm already taking notes. You should be too.
Discussion is good. Idle chat is not. Keep it simple, keep it focused on scumhunting. From what I've seen, the radical plays like you've mentioned are easy ways for the Town to jump to conclusions and make a gut bandwagon lynch instead of analyzing the facts.
As you newer people confirm, please post shortly after with your thoughts on these policies as well. Our lynches should at least be rational and well-informed, if nothing else.
On April 12 2012 08:58 Dittert wrote: What if we all agree to a rng lynch... at least proposing someone to lynch via rng. Then we have something to take a stance on. Ah, finally a statement I can disagree on! You see, agreeing to lynch someone Day 1 on a random basis only leads to discussion on Day 2 and does not spark any Day 1 discussion at all... that is, if you really random-lynch someone. If you propose it, you can tell all sorts of things by the players' reactions to your proposal, which makes the proposal itself a good idea, at least.
I was playing LoL while waiting for this to start.
Let's not waste pointless discussion on useless stuff. The worst thing a town can have is inactivity(it's one of the reasons we lost in Newbie V), I'm making it a priority to push anyone who's lurking, a lurking town is as bad as a scum. Lynch all liars is dumb, don't dwell on that.
Proposing bad plays like a rng lynch is also pretty anti-town. You should always have a reason to lynch, if anything else it should be the person with the lowest productive posts by the end of voting.
On April 12 2012 08:58 Dittert wrote: What if we all agree to a rng lynch... at least proposing someone to lynch via rng. Then we have something to take a stance on. RNG lynch is the opposite of rational and well-informed. What's the purpose of it? If you think someone looks scummy, point them out, and take a stance that way. That'll get discussion rolling a lot more easily, and it will be much more directed.