United States25550 Posts
So.... Well. Look at those townie and mafiosos counts. What a great time to join my first game!
This is how I feel: + Show Spoiler +
On December 02 2011 13:56 vaderseven wrote: Is there any player on any side of the table that wants to play this out or can we do a mass vote for draw lol.
There aren't many of us we can trust. But you can trust me. I am Blazinghand. I am new. I am bonifaceviii the 2nd, bonifacieix, if you would.
I've read the whole thread. Yes, the whole thread. Assuming we popped all our vigis, lurker vigis, and mad hatters, we have very little breathing room. Apparently, we may even have 0 breathing room.
Even so, we must press on, for Justice demands it, in all of her glory and all of her horror.
On December 02 2011 13:17 BloodyC0bbler wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 13:15 Erandorr wrote: We got 2 confirmed scum each day for quite a bit. That can get us some breething room at least. Breathing room only if they shoot blocked targets or we have kp still. We are down what? 5 kp roles now? and 1 apparently shot so 5 killed without using power 1 still alive and bulletless. How much more could we have =\
On December 02 2011 13:02 wherebugsgo wrote: I'm leaving this thread until I have a good reason to come back, since there's nothing left I can say that will change the pace of the game right now. We gain no new information by lynching Ciryandor and Kenpachi, or any two of the more-or-less confirmed scum at this point. 3 days with no real information, 3 days where the scum we haven't yet caught can slip by looking more town-like. We mess up once and this game is over. Yet, we can't actually do anything anymore to ensure that we don't slip.
I'd like to play toward my win con but even mathematically this is nearly impossible.
Nearly impossible isn't the same as impossible-- we still have an opportunity for luck via a Mad Hatter or something similar.
We lost 1x DT, 2x Lurk Vig, 1x Vet, 1x BG, but we also got rid of a Miller-- this may mean there's only one left, or zero left?? Given that two died in the first day No Hatters have died, and we have enough solid scum leads that we're unlikely to mess up in the next day or two, assuming most Town players vote together.
At the very least, we should try to find out what we can about who's mafia and who's not. Rather notably, there's a lot of room for us to be lucky. We've still got n medic/rolebockers, so even though we lack KP, we may be able to mitigate some of theirs.
Also, WBG, we need you. If there's any way out of this, it's via excellent analysis and argumentation. I've seen you pull rabbits out of glass hats. Your withdrawal means either you're Towne affiliated and have resigned yourself to a day of bandwagon without legitimate discussion, or your Mafia affiliated and are trying to step out of the spotlight.
First Order of Business: Voteswitchers need to die. This is our best bet to catch mafia, and it would be a travesty not to vote for them. Non-voteswitch Mafia will be bussing, and those who are already caught will just try to cause mischief. Don't listen to them. Actions speak louder than words, and these people have spoken via their vote, speaking "i am a mafia please kill me". Accurately.
##Vote: Kenpachi ##Vote: Ciryandor
Obvious scum is obvious.
Second Order of Business: WBG is a solid analyst. Medics should be on him like white on rice, because our Sheriff can't prot him twice in a row. Ideally, we want to force the Mafia to burn every bullet they have for the night on him, or not attack him at all. WBG has been remarkably consistent, and despite his occasional mistakes, has been trying to help the discussion and generally acting Town. We need him. Failing that, we can "get lucky" with several medic prots on him cancelling some mafia shots and adding to the number of turns we have alive, even if he falls.
P.S.: Soap wtf are you doing. Please explain your votes that aren't Ken/Ciry.
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 15:43 Blazinghand wrote: So.... Well. Look at those townie and mafiosos counts. What a great time to join my first game! SNIP P.S.: Soap wtf are you doing. Please explain your votes that aren't Ken/Ciry.
EBWOP: nvm, Soap is obvious scum. currently working off of this list:
On December 02 2011 11:44 wherebugsgo wrote:Kill These Please
Serejai Sprungjeezy Kenpachi vaderseven Ciryandor prplhz Coagulation (meta) Erandorr Mattchew Steveling Soap AmericanUmlaut deconduo bumatlarge
gg nore goodbye Lemon, you will not be missed. Bastard.
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 15:48 intrigue wrote: you read the entire thread in what, 4 hours? wtf why are you so responsible and dedicated?
Check out the the game queue-- i've been reading this game, and going through previous games for some time, since the queue's been blocked.
United States25550 Posts
United States25550 Posts
Yeah that's right come at me bro what now I'm a tryhard
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:26 Blazinghand wrote: Yeah that's right come at me bro what now I'm a tryhard
And by this I mean, Intrigue, It seems you're voting for V7 and Ciry right now. Why V7 and not Kenpachi? Granted, V7 is certainly skum, but I'd rather we consolidate our votes to reduce the liability of someone else getting lynched. We can do V7 tmr imo
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:27 wherebugsgo wrote: are you the one who said he read Mini X?
I think this guy's legit. Good first post btw.
Sorry that I'm completely demoralized. But playing LoL helps my heart hurt less ^^
Yeah. Man WBG you're smooth as butter. I'm glad you're playing hella towne. WE NEED YOU MAN.
I mean, I get why you're demoralized. I guess the big thing is, what should we do now? Try to engage scum and force slipups? Run some filters on specific people? Point me at someone plz.
United States25550 Posts
mcht (becomes marserblood) verdict: terrible townie He makes three posts total.
On November 24 2011 23:05 mcht wrote:hey guys, first game of mafia ever  i think palmar is right about us having to do the first step/taking the first risk, if we just wait or dont trust anyone scum will win for sure, ignoring all posts he is 80% town, so if our chances of winning with palmar as town and everbody trusting him are better than 5:3 we're ok even if he wins everytime he is mafia, would that be realistic ? especially in the beginning i think you can never be 100% sure about someone but the worst thing for town is to get stuck in only accusations flying around because someone could be mafia. yeah everybody could be, that's the essence of this game but at some points in the game a rational portion of trust is required for town to win in my opinion, i read some games and saw a lot of townies ripping each other apart over semantics etc  so im voting palmar, he seems to be pretty active and operates on logic, not spouting too much nonsense :D you should probably not rely on my analysis since it could be majorly flawed xD First post is wishwash, dodging, noncommmital, claiming on analysis is flawed.
On November 24 2011 23:25 mcht wrote:if you have a fear of making a mistake, you're probably scum right ? 
On November 24 2011 23:29 mcht wrote:if you would be elected and you are scum, how would you say are towns chances of winning ?  Second and third Posts are both utterly worthless one-liners.
Normally, I'd say this is scum. However, it was his first game, and he literally posted all his game posts in the span of 20 minutes before leaving, never to be seen again. He's just terrible and never played before. When he comes back as MarserBlood he makes this post:
On December 02 2011 12:59 MarserBlood wrote: Hello everyone, First time I play this game online and I replace one at a moment it's tough to win. Will be reading up the last bit now.
Stalling for a lurk excuse, or typical noob? looks like typical noob to me.
Terrible Townie
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:36 Cyber_Cheese wrote: I think we can assume all the replacements are townie, a balanced game would have modkilled at least one scum if it were possible.
Why do you have a vote on Steveling? move it somewhere more sueful plz
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:36 Cyber_Cheese wrote: I think we can assume all the replacements are townie, a balanced game would have modkilled at least one scum if it were possible.
Why do you have a vote on Steveling? move it somewhere more sueful plz EBWOP: USEFUL
plz reply
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:50 intrigue wrote: why would mafia offer a draw, if town seems so fucked? maybe our lists are just perfect
I agree. This is blood in the water.
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:52 Cyber_Cheese wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 16:50 Blazinghand wrote:On December 02 2011 16:36 Cyber_Cheese wrote: I think we can assume all the replacements are townie, a balanced game would have modkilled at least one scum if it were possible. Why do you have a vote on Steveling? move it somewhere more sueful plz EBWOP: USEFUL plz reply Go through my filter, I believe he's one of the best lynch choices.
So Do I, and yet you don't see me giving the mafia a goddamn chance by taking votes away form the two frontrunners who are obvious scum. get in line-- we'll get to steveling, but not today. Don't risk it all.
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:57 Cyber_Cheese wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 16:54 Blazinghand wrote:On December 02 2011 16:52 Cyber_Cheese wrote:On December 02 2011 16:50 Blazinghand wrote:On December 02 2011 16:36 Cyber_Cheese wrote: I think we can assume all the replacements are townie, a balanced game would have modkilled at least one scum if it were possible. Why do you have a vote on Steveling? move it somewhere more sueful plz EBWOP: USEFUL plz reply Go through my filter, I believe he's one of the best lynch choices. So Do I, and yet you don't see me giving the mafia a goddamn chance by taking votes away form the two frontrunners who are obvious scum. get in line-- we'll get to steveling, but not today. Don't risk it all. There is half of the game on each candidate, it's not like we are scrounging around for volunteers.
So your reasoning for your Steveling vote is "well, we're not gonna lynch him today, but i just want my vote to have no chance of being useful"?
Obviously not. i am putting words in your mouth. I'd rather YOU put words in your mouth. please explain how your steveling vote is helpful (not correct, btu helpful)
United States25550 Posts
On December 02 2011 16:46 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: The mafia has offered a draw. The town will vote on whether to accept their offer. Please PM your vote to the hosts, make the title either "Accept" or "Decline." If a majority accept then this game will be declared a draw.
Majority who vote, or majority in general?
United States25550 Posts
Steveling you're not even a townie how can you vote no to the draw
United States25550 Posts
WBG: I see you're voting for V7 and K-pac. Consider moving your V7 vote to Ciry so we can consolidate onto unassailable lynches. In fact, please do so. V7 won't be lynched today so let's focus on K-pac and Ciry
United States25550 Posts
Do not vote to accept the draw. If the mafia are offering it, it's because they're worried. Otherwise they'd wait until we lynch a townie and crush us.
United States25550 Posts
just FYI definitely vote V7 tmr. God he's annoying.
United States25550 Posts
My votes are cast; I'm off to bed, and I'll be checking in at lunch. Play nice, gentlehombres.
United States25550 Posts
Player: Soap Verdict: Scum
Soap is a first-time player. He opens with + Show Spoiler +On November 26 2011 10:44 Soap wrote: Ugh, there's so little information and scum are free to bury any tell under piles of nonsense and fingerpointing, as I'm sure it's being done. This will be most valuable in retrospective and I feel town should simulate a close vote to entice mafia to root for their candidate(s), but Palmer flew away in the popularity contest. So I'm protest voting for sinani206. On November 26 2011 12:17 Soap wrote:That is: use the [ date] tag Show nested quote +[ date]June 22 2010 12:00 GMT[ /date] Tuesday, Jun 22 9:00am BRT (GMT-03:00) Converts a date to the viewers timezone. On November 26 2011 12:15 Soap wrote: Use the [unparsable timestamp format] Tuesday, Jun 22 9:00am BRT (GMT-03:00) Converts a date to the viewers timezone.
Worthless posts. Note how he's trying to appear helpful without actually adding anything to the discussion. WBG and Palmer call him out for this. WBG mostly says he's a useless lurker. His responses: + Show Spoiler +On November 27 2011 11:52 Soap wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2011 11:05 wherebugsgo wrote:3. SoapOne game-relevant post. Two posts about timestamps. Useless. Again, an excellent lurker-bane shot. Sorry if I didn't make myself clear in my first post. As a newbie I know nothing metagame, which is about everything this early. If I go out of my way to catch up with the veterans, bad analysis would harm town and good analysis would make mafia drop me in ten seconds flat. Once we have actual hard data to put against what I'm witnessing first hand I can make myself useful. On November 27 2011 12:19 Soap wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2011 11:56 Palmar wrote:On November 27 2011 11:52 Soap wrote:On November 27 2011 11:05 wherebugsgo wrote:3. SoapOne game-relevant post. Two posts about timestamps. Useless. Again, an excellent lurker-bane shot. Sorry if I didn't make myself clear in my first post. As a newbie I know nothing metagame, which is about everything this early. If I go out of my way to catch up with the veterans, bad analysis would harm town and good analysis would make mafia drop me in ten seconds flat. Once we have actual hard data to put against what I'm witnessing first hand I can make myself useful. You say the bolded part as if it's a bad thing... Always, always, always be open and transparent. If you haven't noticed yet I'm being super lenient with newbies this game, I always give them the benefit of the doubt. I call their logic bad without calling them scum, so even if you do stupid shit, you're not fucked, as long as you're willing to improve. Uh, you mean I should volunteer to be sacrificial lamb? If I do stupid shit mafia would rather have me alive. Excuses, no commitment, and most of all, no real attempts to do anything useful.
And then, he's silent for a couple of days, before the "lol everyone swap votes at the last minute" debacle. He did not swap votes at the last minute, but he voted ahead of time, and this was he votes for Risen and WBG, 3 hours before deadline. He made no posts in the discussion thread at this point. In the aftermath of the voteswitch...
On December 01 2011 08:01 Soap wrote: Funny thing is I was intent on doing a last minute vote change to Palmar and BC, but my internet went out for the second night in a row like 2 hours before the deadline. Would be a totally different game.
How did the tie between BC and zeks was broken?
So let's think about this for a moment. Worthless, spam votes hidden in 3rd and 4th-placing people. Complete lack of any attempt at discussion. Explaining his "internet outage" as the reason for his voting pattern, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME ADMITTING HE WAS PLANNING ON A LAST MINUTE VOTE CHANGE...
One more thing. Soap's internet was not broken on the night of Wednesday, November the 30th. No, not at all. If it was, it must have been broken for a very narrow timeframe.
It was working the night before at 8 pm:
On November 30 2011 08:42 Soap wrote:I unvoted Hier, not wbg ##Unvote: Ace ##Vote: Risen And it was working on the December 1st at 3 am:
What this indicates to me is that Soap's internet was working just fine. Why's that? Look at his post. This isn't a "I literally just logged in and wrote this" post. This is a "I was doing something, found a link that was broken, and decided to write about it over here" post. Soap, my friends, was active and online that night. If, in fact, Soap's internet was broken, it was broken for an extremely short period of time-- starting sometime within a couple hours before the deadline and stretching until just after.
After being, well, characteristically helpful, Soap returns to the thread:
On December 02 2011 10:27 Soap wrote: Hai!
I first voted sandroba for mayor because Palmar pushed him and that would be stupid if he was scum, then I got fed up with the shallow campaigns and voted sinani for the lulz. Then wbg took over the thread with mostly lists and OMGUS (spammer = scum amirite?) but noone else seemed to bother so I grew disinterested in posting, but I've been following closely.
Pleask ask if there's something else I could fill.
On December 02 2011 10:30 Soap wrote: ##Vote: wherebugsgo ##Vote: BloodyC0bbler
Soap is either scum and trying to subvert our vote, or lying about having read the thread, or he'd be voting the way everyone else is. HE claims that he's been voting "for the lulz" and that he's lurking, and that those of us who contribute are scum and he is silent because he's not.
I don't buy it. My body is not a sturdy cardboard cylinder. My head is not made out of hard, sweetened candy.
I am not a sucker.
Soap is scum.