I was very happy to roll mafia this time, since I haven't been playing it much lately. On day 1 we where kind of scared of OP town, there was a number of good scumhunters on town side, Syllo was being harassed on Skype by Sandroba, we learned of a number of roleclaims had happened already in PM's, and Sand hinted he had found a way to "break the game", getting listcheckers, immunity etc. There was a potential for a mass claim to him with the medic PM's, and on top of that he was already suspicious of me and kita.
Luckily there was next to no pressure on any of us in the thread. Pandain did his ban thing and 3 mafia votes him pretty much straight away, because it's just so obvious, but only one town thought it was worth a vote, haha. Kavdragon/aidnai made day 1 a breeze.
Night one our biggest headache was Sandroba. We actually decided to go for a suicide bomb on him straight away, Syllo was tired of keeping up the act in PM's, he was constantly dodging having to claim, and we felt Sand might have drawn some protection with his mass PM. Kudos to tnkted for realizing the risk of this in thread. Luckily incog tells of the roleblock option alternative. We decide to hit experienced players that will be dangerous if left alive, but are unlikely to have drawn medic protection at this point, and end up with Foolishness, meapak and lastly Chezinu on flamewheel's recommendation. Overall I think we got pretty lucky with those hits, learning that foolishness was already working with a circle and had pegged syllo. On top of that Meeple (wiggles) pulls off another mafia medic save
By day 2, we realized that town was playing very bad, and that we could actually afk our way to a win, which is a little boring, but town was all over the active people. Kav triggers my bomb with his first post (great baiting YM!), and noone questions that someone else than Bum killed Kav. Pandain does another ban on a townie, and gets even more town cred from it. At this point Pandain wanted to prove he could get away with protecting Bumatlarge in thread, while Syllogism was begging him not to. Long story short Pandain does it anyways, Syllo ragequit irc, and suddenly we have a mess to clear up. Luckily Palmar's amazing thread presence kicks in, and he forces a lynch on to Bum, who is painted red. We where very scared of a no lynch happening at this point, basicly there was no way Bum could be red by his actions in thread, and if we didn't get the red paint off on him, both Pandain and Palmar was exposed.
We got a bit greedy by hitting Mig the following night, Palmar is rng'ed to do the hit, and suddenly our thread presence and player with most town cred is gone. My original bombword ("obvious") gets turned down (curu would have blown up from this
I stayed up untill 4:30 AM discussing bombwords on IRC night 3 and getting them turned down by incognito, until settling with "marines". You have no idea how happy I got that the bait worked on first post red
Balance wise there is always a lot of rng in games with many roles, and mafia got very lucky a few times. The frame on death role is sick, but it didn't actually get us anything, since Palmar was lynched the day after anyways from a watcher check. Rolethief only worked out great because people claimed their roles publicly. My bombs where loads of fun and had great potential, but where highly unreliable - we really wanted curu dead. In the end town only lynched one mafia in 4 days, and that was due to a red check.
@scamp: I didn't expect you to say Leroy, I figured that we had almost won anyways, so I would just mine up you and myself, and then let myself get lynched, only to shout something stupid in thread just before lynch, wasting lynch and going out with a bang.
Sorry to the town that felt disheartened, I can see why posting restrictions and our passivity must have been very annoying.
GG everyone.