On July 04 2011 18:47 iGrok wrote:
Thanks Ace for that writeup. Its much more fleshed out than mine.
This game was going to be somewhat difficult for Mafia, I knew that from the start. This game went through over a dozen different setups while it was in queue, including a 9 vigilante last-man-standing closed setup - maybe Paranoid Mafia was just destined to be a bastard game from the start. When the time came though, I thought I had a reasonably balanced setup. A simple and stupid mistake completely fucked up this game, and I didn't even catch it until the fucking postgame chat with Qatol.
I'm not going to really go into why it turned out the way it did unless I'm asked specific questions - this is the probably going to be the low point of my mafia experience. Don't judge me too harshly, I'll come back with more fun setups like Sleeper Cell and mine & GMarshal's Resurrection Mafia.
Thanks Ace for that writeup. Its much more fleshed out than mine.
This game was going to be somewhat difficult for Mafia, I knew that from the start. This game went through over a dozen different setups while it was in queue, including a 9 vigilante last-man-standing closed setup - maybe Paranoid Mafia was just destined to be a bastard game from the start. When the time came though, I thought I had a reasonably balanced setup. A simple and stupid mistake completely fucked up this game, and I didn't even catch it until the fucking postgame chat with Qatol.
I'm not going to really go into why it turned out the way it did unless I'm asked specific questions - this is the probably going to be the low point of my mafia experience. Don't judge me too harshly, I'll come back with more fun setups like Sleeper Cell and mine & GMarshal's Resurrection Mafia.
If you want to keep everything almost the same you can make the Vigilante suicidal: If he shoots Town aligned players he commits suicide.
This way he can't ever claim unless investigated the Night before. If he calls his shot for the next Night and Mafia knows he will hit Town, they just shoot a different Townsperson and now thats 4 dead town players by Day 2. 3 Town vs 2 Mafia to start the day. If the Town lynched someone on Day 1 then it's 2 vs 2 and the game is over as Mafia wins.
If you want to have the Mafia help a bit more as in assuming the Town gets it right and does hit a Scum on Night 1, then you can also hide the count of Sane/Paranoid Detectives. This will make it much harder for the Town to win even though they still have an advantage.
The first suggestion is far more brutal though as that one pretty much means the town can't blatantly be public about what they are doing with the Scum being powerless to stop it.