Bolded numbers signifies an example of him contributing / his important posts.
#130 “Should we roleclaim or not?” – drops the matter pretty quickly lol.
#136 irrelevant
#141 meh
#155 meh
#157 suggests that Flamewheel the Cute might be a clue – this was disproven.
#240 supports me for mayor, reason – I am knowledgeable and got screwed last game.
#263 elaborates, explaining that I’m a good player (<3). Supports lynching inactives (as I do). Gives advice to DTs, medics, vigilante. To DTs: “Do not do what YellowInk is telling you. His action is very suspicious and those who are suspicious should not run for mayor before they are cleared. “ also advises early rolechecks (I approve). To Medic: protect active pro-townies. Vigi: standard “stay back.” Pretty solid advice. –note, suspicious of Yellow because of clues and running for mayor.
#266-68 disapproves of forcing the “DT linking scheme”. More bashing on YI. Disapproves of any clue-linked mayor candidates.
#273, 275, 277 Darth best candidate, Yellow no. Pwning Yellow, lol.
#296 unrelated
#298/299 saying it’s important to have town mayor, ok if pardoner is mafia.
#302/303 says there’s heat on the elected mayor/pardoner, because mafia are likely to get at least one elected.
#306 Pro Mafia Excel List
#312, 319 unrelated
#324 asserts that I’m not necessarily a good candidate, but I’m the best atm.
#330 advises Yellow to stay away from strongly-worded posts that make him look scummy.
#336 “INACTIVE please step up”
#348 stresses previous point about having a town mayor, even with a mafia pardoner. Suggests lynch pardoner day 2, assuming town mayor. A noncommittal/lazy suggestion, didn’t follow up / get responded to iirc.
#351 asking about modkilling inactives. Wants to lynch (day 1) clue-linked inactive (as did I)
#367, 369 says YI posts a lot. Thinks that he’s town based on his (Yellow’s) “Think about it; I post too much to be mafia” argument, which is legitimate (though I word it otherwise, it’s a long argument). Etc. etc., switches his vote to Yellow, advocates Yellow for mayor now.
#377 restates why he’s voting for Yellow.
#381 Thinks Yellow’s arguments suck, but that he is still protown based on attention-attracting. Emphasizes the importance of having a pro-town mayor again.
#383, 384 Follows up on me PMing the inactives to get in the game.
#403/404 expresses his confidence in me/YI being pro-town. Comfortable with me as pardoner and YI as mayor because of the nature of the roles and our styles.
#410/411 doesn’t think BB or zeks is mafia because they only got one vote, but they could be because the support for me/Yellow could have risen too quickly for the mafia to commit.
#417 hm, not much here – says that zeks doesn’t seem that stupid.
#419 unrelated
#423 notes that obvious clues are probably false.
#425 begs for medic protect, labels self as other huge poster (aside from me/YI)
#434 “Either Misder and BrownBear are mafia and Misder voted late.” …wondering why Misder voted for BB. More likely that BB is having bad luck.
#439 example (using self) of how inactivity >> clues for lynch target.
#445 asks AFJ if I PMed him (I didn’t)
#448 Wonders where Icy/LaXer are.
#468 advises me to look at the last minute bandwagoners (which I do ^^) + more begging for protection.
#469, 473 Sweet post tally chart.
#477, 482, 484, 486, 487, 489, 494 unimportant (after end of day 1 post)
#499 active posters are targets for mafia.
#501 more advice to the blues, tells DTs to hold off on letting information out and Vigis to hold off.
#514, 515 Mafia are generally less inactive than townies, or they spam. Brags a bit.

#540, 541 explains his method of judging inactivity.
#547, 549 disagrees with Yellow’s anti-inactivity plan, because mafia can satisfy it and sit back whereas real townies won’t necessarily follow it.
#569 unimportant
#586, 588 confirms onihunters’ math. More “protect me” lol.
#595 says that me/YI are unlikely to be mafia. Says we need to trust them (us? me and yellow, lol grammar)
#600 more about AFJ’s inactivity (an elaboration), backs off, but AFJ needs to step up.
#604/605, 607 uhh. His response to Night 1 results. Not much there. Realizes he wasn’t targeted (lol)
#610, 611 looks at ElyAs’s posts. Gives the important one.
#613, 623, 626 some clue stuff.
#631 calls the person who was hit to step out. Advice for dts to pm their confirmed townie.
#635 thinks DTs should come out, just because of the math. Mentions that he might be godfather =p. #640 calls the find on TGB and Twilight Fortress brilliant.
#642 unimportant
#644 wonders why barth was targeted as he was relatively inactive.
#646 uhh unimportant.
#661 suggest cluechecking TGB.
#665 unimportant
#682/683, 686 analyzes MTF’s posting.
#710 Calls out Deuce for posting in Kpop but not here. (This is after Deuce’s post)
#720 Calls pyro out on not spending enough time in the game, despite being active in TL.
#734, 736 some math, unimportant
#738 notes that Deuce’s outside post are “decent” unlike his post here.
#746 de-emphasizes clues.
#747, 752 Points out the voting-at-the-same-time between Deuce, LaXer, pyro, and CompX. Suggests they might be mafia together. Votes for Deuce based on this (and everything else).
#756 basically says TGB-clues are disproven/he has discarded them.
#761 comment about time zones.
#764 more about “TGB clues are weak”
#767, 772, 775 Deuce > TGB
#777, 780 Points out that LaXer had one of the worst ideas I’ve seen this game.
#782 unimportant
#800 MTF is prolly innocent.
#810 eh.
#815 advocates more for Deuce
#895 unrelated
#923 Favors keeping the active posters (this is during the intense period just before voting ended).
#928, 932 not much here.
#945, 953, 955 is tempted to switch, switches.
More stuff recently that I’m not going to analyze because I haven’t looked the thread since.