"World's best vayne". Where's this fan so I can beat him up.
On February 17 2014 07:28 zulu_nation8 wrote: cruzer has seriously laning issues, he dies to dives too much, doesn't know how to control waves. Dig once again picks a comp that has no waveclear with a low range AD, and a useless underfed top. I can still remember cruzer telling us lowly solo queuers how much "the gap" is between amateurs and pros, he's certainly proving it. Sivir and veigar have pretty decent waveclear honestly.You pretty much couldnt dive them but dig overextended.
What evidence is there in the past year that Doublelift is better than turtle at all?
I understand if he gets the spot because of his fanbase but I honestly think Turtle is a better ADC right now. When TSM was at worlds last year Turtle and Xpecial were their best lane by far and Turtle was the only one who even gave them a fighting chance against the asian teams.
They will play later today and maybe doublelift will end up with ten more CS but I bet you Turtle ends up with the win/better team play.
On February 17 2014 07:25 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Dunno, if Liftlift and Aphro will make AllStars, NA will be top-2. But i guess, neither of them will make it because TSM fanbase is too huge.
Monte predicted Balls, Meteos, Bjergsen, Doublelift and LemonNation, it's ok too. And Doublelift-Xpecial worked well last time as well, so we'll see.
Like honestly. Liftlift is head above every other adc in NA and EU. Or half-head with some guys. I am not quite sure if this is is a serious post, I fear it is though.
On February 17 2014 07:28 Yezzus wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:26 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:25 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:24 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:21 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 17 2014 07:06 Swagasaurus wrote: Cruzer isn't that heavy, he's just mediocre, only plays one champ, and Balls is really good.
Balls without a doubt most underrated player NA, if he isn't on the all star squad i don't even know I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close. That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Skill and you put Krepo over XSpecial? and what is Wildturtle doing there Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Skill and you put Krepo over Xspecial? and what is Turtle doing there lol Nah wasn't meant to be taken in that order. Meant it to be Krepo or Xpecial, not Krepo > Xpecial. Turtle has been arguably best adc for a while now. He's had the results. He's had the team I don't want to try arguing wildturtle vs doublelift because it's mostly subjective but you cannot argue that wildturtle is up there with doublelift for best adc. Dunno why you are surprised wildturtle is up for considerations for all-star. I think WT is great. But i finmd it strange people think he will make Allstars. You can argue that hes better...but he has nowhere near the fanbase which this comes down too Prelim allstar votes showed him only a little bit behind DL. And if Xpecial takes a commanding lead in the support voting (as is likely) Turtle has a chance. However, since TSM can only have three people in allstars, and since Bjergsen, Xpecial, and Dyrus are probably going to have blowouts, it's incredibly that wildturtle gets in even if he beats out DL. So I guess I'm both agreeing and disagreeing with you.
On February 17 2014 07:28 zulu_nation8 wrote: cruzer has seriously laning issues, he dies to dives too much, doesn't know how to control waves. Dig once again picks a comp that has no waveclear with a low range AD, and a useless underfed top. I can still remember cruzer telling us lowly solo queuers how much "the gap" is between amateurs and pros, he's certainly proving it.
Cruzer didn't play well that game, but the loss is more on Qtpie than anyone, and I'm a big Qt fan.
He just played terribly. I wonder if he didn't want to play Sivir or something, there was a long discussion between him and Scarra during pick phase and whatever they were arguing about Scarra had the final say.
Still, if he positioned like that on any champ he'd get demolished, he had a spell shield and was still getting crushed.
On February 17 2014 07:30 Swagasaurus wrote: What evidence is there in the past year that Doublelift is better than turtle at all?
I understand if he gets the spot because of his fanbase but I honestly think Turtle is a better ADC right now. When TSM was at worlds last year Turtle and Xpecial were their best lane by far and Turtle was the only one who even gave them a fighting chance against the asian teams.
They will play later today and maybe doublelift will end up with ten more CS but I bet you Turtle ends up with the win/better team play.
Honestly comparing ADC's is kind of silly, TSM has been a much better team in the last year and Xpecial is a hundred times better than Chauster at the end of his career.
On February 17 2014 07:30 Swagasaurus wrote: What evidence is there in the past year that Doublelift is better than turtle at all?
I understand if he gets the spot because of his fanbase but I honestly think Turtle is a better ADC right now. When TSM was at worlds last year Turtle and Xpecial were their best lane by far and Turtle was the only one who even gave them a fighting chance against the asian teams.
They will play later today and maybe doublelift will end up with ten more CS but I bet you Turtle ends up with the win/better team play.
I honestly feel like Doublelift gets a lot of shit from people who find any excuse to discredit him, but not give him credit when he does do well. His cockiness makes it so that his mistakes are highlighted much more critically.
I'm not saying he is better than WildTurtle, but for as big of a fan base as he has, he also gets A LOT of shit and criticism for his play.
Also WildTurtle hasn't really done much this season. He hasn't carried his team... it's been Bjergsen and Dyrus for the most part. Sure he does pretty well along with his team, and I still do think he might arguably be the best in NA, but at the same time he hasn't blown me away.
CLG vs TSM should be fun to watch for that reason though, but even if DL or WT do particularly well, it's still just one game.
On February 17 2014 07:31 GhandiEAGLE wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:28 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:26 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:25 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:24 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:21 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 17 2014 07:06 Swagasaurus wrote: Cruzer isn't that heavy, he's just mediocre, only plays one champ, and Balls is really good.
Balls without a doubt most underrated player NA, if he isn't on the all star squad i don't even know I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close. That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Skill and you put Krepo over XSpecial? and what is Wildturtle doing there Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Skill and you put Krepo over Xspecial? and what is Turtle doing there lol Nah wasn't meant to be taken in that order. Meant it to be Krepo or Xpecial, not Krepo > Xpecial. Turtle has been arguably best adc for a while now. He's had the results. He's had the team I don't want to try arguing wildturtle vs doublelift because it's mostly subjective but you cannot argue that wildturtle is up there with doublelift for best adc. Dunno why you are surprised wildturtle is up for considerations for all-star. I think WT is great. But i finmd it strange people think he will make Allstars. You can argue that hes better...but he has nowhere near the fanbase which this comes down too Prelim allstar votes showed him only a little bit behind DL. And if Xpecial takes a commanding lead in the support voting (as is likely) Turtle has a chance. However, since TSM can only have three people in allstars, and since Bjergsen, Xpecial, and Dyrus are probably going to have blowouts, it's incredibly that wildturtle gets in even if he beats out DL. So I guess I'm both agreeing and disagreeing with you. Dyrus vs balls should be pretty even as well imo.
On February 17 2014 07:31 GhandiEAGLE wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:28 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:26 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:25 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:24 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:21 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 17 2014 07:06 Swagasaurus wrote: Cruzer isn't that heavy, he's just mediocre, only plays one champ, and Balls is really good.
Balls without a doubt most underrated player NA, if he isn't on the all star squad i don't even know I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close. That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Skill and you put Krepo over XSpecial? and what is Wildturtle doing there Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Skill and you put Krepo over Xspecial? and what is Turtle doing there lol Nah wasn't meant to be taken in that order. Meant it to be Krepo or Xpecial, not Krepo > Xpecial. Turtle has been arguably best adc for a while now. He's had the results. He's had the team I don't want to try arguing wildturtle vs doublelift because it's mostly subjective but you cannot argue that wildturtle is up there with doublelift for best adc. Dunno why you are surprised wildturtle is up for considerations for all-star. I think WT is great. But i finmd it strange people think he will make Allstars. You can argue that hes better...but he has nowhere near the fanbase which this comes down too Prelim allstar votes showed him only a little bit behind DL. And if Xpecial takes a commanding lead in the support voting (as is likely) Turtle has a chance. However, since TSM can only have three people in allstars, and since Bjergsen, Xpecial, and Dyrus are probably going to have blowouts, it's incredibly that wildturtle gets in even if he beats out DL. So I guess I'm both agreeing and disagreeing with you. Even though I think wildturtle is better, it probably isn't going to make much of a difference at all stars. Both are pretty even, and doublelift will have a completely changed playstyle by then to better fit teams not built around him. Doublelift will also be better for hype.
On February 17 2014 07:28 Yezzus wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:26 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:25 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:24 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:21 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 17 2014 07:06 Swagasaurus wrote: Cruzer isn't that heavy, he's just mediocre, only plays one champ, and Balls is really good.
Balls without a doubt most underrated player NA, if he isn't on the all star squad i don't even know I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close. That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Skill and you put Krepo over XSpecial? and what is Wildturtle doing there Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Skill and you put Krepo over Xspecial? and what is Turtle doing there lol Nah wasn't meant to be taken in that order. Meant it to be Krepo or Xpecial, not Krepo > Xpecial. Turtle has been arguably best adc for a while now. He's had the results. He's had the team I don't want to try arguing wildturtle vs doublelift because it's mostly subjective but you cannot argue that wildturtle is up there with doublelift for best adc. Dunno why you are surprised wildturtle is up for considerations for all-star. I think WT is great. But i finmd it strange people think he will make Allstars. You can argue that hes better...but he has nowhere near the fanbase which this comes down too
Yeah Saint has a WAY bigger fanbase than TheOddOne.
United States23745 Posts
On February 17 2014 07:33 krndandaman wrote: Damn, pobelter 10 different champions over 11 games? Did not know that. Good to see he has a super wide champ pool. The Mushi of League.
On February 17 2014 07:34 Chicane wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:28 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:26 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:25 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:24 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:21 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 17 2014 07:06 Swagasaurus wrote: Cruzer isn't that heavy, he's just mediocre, only plays one champ, and Balls is really good.
Balls without a doubt most underrated player NA, if he isn't on the all star squad i don't even know I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close. That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Skill and you put Krepo over XSpecial? and what is Wildturtle doing there Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Skill and you put Krepo over Xspecial? and what is Turtle doing there lol Nah wasn't meant to be taken in that order. Meant it to be Krepo or Xpecial, not Krepo > Xpecial. Turtle has been arguably best adc for a while now. He's had the results. He's had the team I don't want to try arguing wildturtle vs doublelift because it's mostly subjective but you cannot argue that wildturtle is up there with doublelift for best adc. Dunno why you are surprised wildturtle is up for considerations for all-star. I think WT is great. But i finmd it strange people think he will make Allstars. You can argue that hes better...but he has nowhere near the fanbase which this comes down too Yeah Saint has a WAY bigger fanbase than TheOddOne.
What? Oddone is probably the biggest LoL streamer in terms of viewer amount and consistency.
On February 17 2014 07:32 Chicane wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:30 Swagasaurus wrote: What evidence is there in the past year that Doublelift is better than turtle at all?
I understand if he gets the spot because of his fanbase but I honestly think Turtle is a better ADC right now. When TSM was at worlds last year Turtle and Xpecial were their best lane by far and Turtle was the only one who even gave them a fighting chance against the asian teams.
They will play later today and maybe doublelift will end up with ten more CS but I bet you Turtle ends up with the win/better team play. I honestly feel like Doublelift gets a lot of shit from people who find any excuse to discredit him, but not give him credit when he does do well. His cockiness makes it so that his mistakes are highlighted much more critically. I'm not saying he is better than WildTurtle, but for as big of a fan base as he has, he also gets A LOT of shit and criticism for his play. Also WildTurtle hasn't really done much this season. He hasn't carried his team... it's been Bjergsen and Dyrus for the most part. Sure he does pretty well along with his team, and I still do think he might arguably be the best in NA, but at the same time he hasn't blown me away. CLG vs TSM should be fun to watch for that reason though, but even if DL or WT do particularly well, it's still just one game. Because he's overhyped... He hasn't done anything this past year to be able to make the claims he does like best ADC behind Uzi. He's playing in the weakest region of the big 4 and he's only been on mediocre teams where he absolutely deserves the criticism he gets because he plays poorly, and he certainly has been responsible for CLG's poor mid-late game play in the past. Really, there aren't many players in the world who can talk as much as he does about himself and not get criticized. There's even people who don't think faker is the best and criticize games where he does poorly.
United States11390 Posts
On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 17 2014 07:06 Swagasaurus wrote: Cruzer isn't that heavy, he's just mediocre, only plays one champ, and Balls is really good.
Balls without a doubt most underrated player NA, if he isn't on the all star squad i don't even know I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close. That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Wouldn't mind doublelift instead of WT either. Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Lemonnation could work for support too if he gets Thresh, otherwise no.
On February 17 2014 07:35 Woony wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:34 Chicane wrote:On February 17 2014 07:28 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:26 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:25 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:24 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:21 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote: [quote] I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close.
That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Skill and you put Krepo over XSpecial? and what is Wildturtle doing there Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Skill and you put Krepo over Xspecial? and what is Turtle doing there lol Nah wasn't meant to be taken in that order. Meant it to be Krepo or Xpecial, not Krepo > Xpecial. Turtle has been arguably best adc for a while now. He's had the results. He's had the team I don't want to try arguing wildturtle vs doublelift because it's mostly subjective but you cannot argue that wildturtle is up there with doublelift for best adc. Dunno why you are surprised wildturtle is up for considerations for all-star. I think WT is great. But i finmd it strange people think he will make Allstars. You can argue that hes better...but he has nowhere near the fanbase which this comes down too Yeah Saint has a WAY bigger fanbase than TheOddOne. What? Oddone is probably the biggest LoL streamer in terms of viewer amount and consistency.
Yet Saint went to allstars. His point exactly.
On February 17 2014 07:35 Woony wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2014 07:34 Chicane wrote:On February 17 2014 07:28 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:26 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:25 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:24 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:21 Yezzus wrote:On February 17 2014 07:19 krndandaman wrote:On February 17 2014 07:11 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote:On February 17 2014 07:09 NeoIllusions wrote: [quote] I'm of the opinion that Balls is the best current Top in NA but unfortunately Balls doesn't have a fraction of Dyrus' fan base, so it votes aren't going to be close.
That said, Dyrus is doing very well this split. I won't be surprised if it finishes in Wickd-sOAZ style. But imo, Balls is way more diverse than Dyrus. Not getting anything from Dyrus. It can give NA enough power at AllStars with Bjergsen, Doublelift and Balls champions pool. I wouldn't be up in arms if Dyrus was picked but Balls is very deserving. My dream allstars roster for NA in terms of skill: Top: Balls Jungle: Meteos Mid: Bjergsen ADC: Wildturtle Support: Krepo/Xpecial (probably Xpecial cuz hes true NA and the synergy with WT) Skill and you put Krepo over XSpecial? and what is Wildturtle doing there Also fits the cap of 3 per team. Skill and you put Krepo over Xspecial? and what is Turtle doing there lol Nah wasn't meant to be taken in that order. Meant it to be Krepo or Xpecial, not Krepo > Xpecial. Turtle has been arguably best adc for a while now. He's had the results. He's had the team I don't want to try arguing wildturtle vs doublelift because it's mostly subjective but you cannot argue that wildturtle is up there with doublelift for best adc. Dunno why you are surprised wildturtle is up for considerations for all-star. I think WT is great. But i finmd it strange people think he will make Allstars. You can argue that hes better...but he has nowhere near the fanbase which this comes down too Yeah Saint has a WAY bigger fanbase than TheOddOne. What? Oddone is probably the biggest LoL streamer in terms of viewer amount and consistency.
Yeah it was sarcasm, which I used to point out that fanbase isn't the only deciding factor, though obviously it plays a role. Saint doesn't have a fanbase even close to TheOddOne yet people still picked him. I didn't even think Saint was better than TheOddOne then either, he just seemed to be overhyped.